I work for a flooring company and it’s my job to check the finished floor once fitted. I enjoy my job and it’s a nice chance for me to give good customer service — there’s always room for improvement and better opportunities to stretch the company’s boundaries. On this particular day, I had a 4-hour …
A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 12
For the rest of Saturday, I mulled over what had happened at my blonde lover’s apartment. At times, I was angry at Jessi for being angry at me for nothing more than a dream. At other times, I was angry at myself for not being able to make a choice between Jessika and Jessi. I …
A Walk In The Woods
“Are you almost ready to go?” you ask impatient to be going. “I’ll be right there!” I answer. “I know you like to get there and help with the set-up. I promise we will be early.” It’s the annual Fourth of July picnic, one of your favorite things every year. But this year I am …
A Valentine’s Date Ch. 02
This is a continuation of my Valentine’s Day story. In this episode, the two ladies continue their voyage of love and fulfilment, finally realizing their lives have changed forever. A Valentine’s Date, Chapter Two As Sally and her boss settled into their private compartment on the high-speed train, they kissed and caressed but didn’t make …
A Little Quarantine Oops
“Mom! MOM! MOM! I need to go to the bathroom!” One of the kids was yelling, while further in the house the others were right at that edge where any second they would start fighting and scream for her to come solve their problems. Which would be they could both just stay in separate rooms …
A Creative Challenge Ch. 29
“Omigod, you two are SO much alike.” Mike and I were on our third beer when Amy arrived home. She stood in the doorway and stared at both of us in turn when she saw us sitting at the kitchen bench , then she pretended to rub her eyes with both her fists as if …
A Downtown Empty Lot
I had never been one for those online dating sites. Spam mail and pop-up add were the bane of my internet existence and they were the leading culprits. In addition, I’m still young, just twenty-two at the time and not in any hurry to get married or even necessarily enter a serious relationship. My roommate …
A Call to the Office
I had just turned 18 and it was my last year in prep school. I had started later than most boys my age so I was just a bit older. It was a very private exclusive boarding school, only boys which was a real pain. They didn’t allow and nudie magazines or pornography. It was …
The Education of Lisa Ch. 01
My first real sex was anal intercourse. I know that’s the sexual equivalent to running a marathon before you even know how to walk, but that’s what happened. I was eighteen and just out of high school. For the past two years, I had been seeing the same guy, Jerry. We both came from fairly …
Kindred Spirits
We live our lives one second at a time, moment to moment, not by years. Occasionally we encounter moments that lift us out of our ordinary lives, moments that make us believe in magic. The kind of magic that happens when kindred souls meet across time and space. The kind of moments that make life …