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At a Philadelphia all girl school, Ms Washington a really tall muscular black woman was preparing herself in class to present a new program this year. It was a sex education class. The students entered the class and got seated. At least 75% of the girls in the class were Black Students, the rest were all white students of age 21. It wasn’t the biggest school in Philadelphia it was more a public school in a place where people didn’t make lot of money. Ms Washington locked the door when everyone entered.
“My name is Ms Washington, welcome to the sex ed class. We are all adult; we all know the basic stuff about sex and I didn’t want to go through that this year because you won’t learn much from it. We know how to handle a dick even if most of you are probably lesbians and we sure know how to handle a pussy. Sex is so more than that! What I want to show you today is that we all have a role to play and being your true self will give you more excitation in your sex life,” Said Ms Washington looking at the students interested by what she’s saying.
Ms Washington writes on the board the words Dominants and Submissive. Ms Washington looked at the students after writing that and smiled.
“There are dominants and submissive people in this world. I’m 40 years old and all those lives were served to experiment things and research about those two thing. I’ve come to a huge discovery but before telling you what it is. Please, raise your escort etiler hand if you’re submissive,” Said Ms Washington.
Most of the people didn’t raise their hand, one girl raised it. It was a short fat black woman. She was probably around 275 pounds at 5’4. Ms Washington asked her names she replied it was Leyla. Ms Washington told her to stand up in front of the class and faced the board.
“Why do you think you are submissive Leyla,” said miss Washington?
“My brother always plays with me and I let them laugh at me. I don’t have many friends because I’m shy,” said Leyla.
“Ok, it’s mostly lack of confidence. Now who are dominants,” asked Ms Washington?
Some students raised their hands; a really beautiful white petite blonde girl raised her hands. Ms Washington quickly asked what her name was and she said Sophia.
“Why do you think you are Dominants Sophia,” asked Ms Washington?
“My mother said I have a strong character and I never let people around me have the last words,” replied Sophia.
Ms Washington asked Sophia to go in front of the class too but told her to kneel in front of Leyla. Sophia had Leyla big black butt in front of her. Some students started laughing about this.
“I’m a Teacher. What I’m saying or showing you will ONLY help you. I won’t force anything you will do it because you love it. You will reach bigger climax and you escort nişantaşı will always look forward doing those things in your life when you know what you’re role really is. All the black woman are natural dominants. They are good at giving orders and being treated like queen. All the white are submissive. They are great at giving and being loyal to the queen. Now Leyla said she was submissive but she’s not, she just lacked confidence. How are you feeling Sophia right now,” asked Ms Washington?
“I’m nervous I guess,” Replied Sophia.
“It’s excitation. You found your place. We need to understand that Sophia pussy is boiling right now she’d love to remove Leyla pants and licked her asshole,” Said Ms Washington.
“Whoa, I don’t want to lick her asshole,” said Sophia.
“Ok than, Leyla remove your jeans and panties,” Said Ms Washington.
Leyla removed her jeans and panties. Ms Washington told her to spread her ass with her hands. Sophia looked at Leyla Anus and started licked it after trying to resist for a few seconds. She kissed it and licked it. Rimmed it really good. Leyla was almost climaxing from that.
“See how much she loves that, I never forced her to lick Leyla anus. Its white people natural place. Why licking the ass? To show who’s the boss and the sub really love licking it cause it make them even more submissive and make the one getting licked even escort beşiktaş more dominants. Everyone loves the pussy but only a sub would lick an asshole without even touching at the pussy before or after. That’s why you never gave the black pussy early in the relations. They need to crave for it more and they will. Believe me every white people are like that and will do everything you ask them. Everyone WINS when you know you’re role and it’s going to be your lessons this week. I know it’s short but I want you to discover your role and experiment it in the real life. Sophia and Leyla already passed the test. They have 85% already but they could reach 100% if they still present me something next week. I will have no idea if it’s true or not but if I really think you’re lying believe me I will know it and you will have a bad grades. Now, I don’t want anyone to talk about what happened in class or what was said because it’s private matters. Now have fun and have a good day,” Said Ms Washington.
Everyone left the class except Sophia because Ms Washington wanted her to stay.
“How do you feel now,” asked Ms Washington?
“Great, I’m not even a lesbian too. I have a boyfriend. Is it normal I don’t even want to see him anymore,” said Sophia?
“Yes it is, you must be really into Leyla now right? You probably wish your face was 24/7 in her butt. Listen to me Sophia, go talk to her cause she’s shy and she needs you to build up her confidence. Go asked her if you can go to her home tonight. You’re going to do everything she says because you’re her property now ok,” said Ms Washington?
“Yes I will ms Washington, thank you,” replied Sophia.
Sophia left the room to go talk with Leyla, Ms Washington closed the door and smiled.