


Subject: Tenting with Sammy (Adult/Youth Sammy was a few feet in front of me, with the rest of them a few yards ahead of that. They were shouting and yahooing, running here and there. The forest was sparse enough and the path wide enough that I could keep an eye on them and there was no real risk of anyone hurting themselves. Their loud, boisterous noise was all but drowning out any chance of bird song. Other than their chatter, the only sounds that remained were crickets and cicadas in the far distance. The trail had a very slight and unnoticeable incline, and so while the more energetic boys were still talking, others were slowly becoming much quieter, huffing and puffing, just trying to put one foot towards the other. Brody still seemed quite up to the challenge. His larger and fitter self was having no trouble leading the pack, still laughing and hollering even as the rest of the troop got more fatigued, trailing further and further behind him. I wasn’t too worried as I knew we were almost there; my focus was more interested in the thin, short-covered bum of Sammy directly in front of me. Not being part of the conversation, he seemed to be managing quite well, though I could just make out a slight huff and puff as he pushed himself onwards. The pockets on the pack of his shorts were like eyes looking back at me as I plodded along behind, his bum cheeks rubbing up and down against one another as he walked. I looked on ahead, past the strugglers, towards the front, where Brody was still striding out. While I had certainly sampled Sammy’s butt a few times already this weekend, I wondered what it might be like to take Brody as well. He might have been the alpha of the boys, but he was still just a boy compared to me. Most of the boys had little sweat stains under their various Pokemon and video game themed T-shirts, but he had none. Given his physique, he was probably finding all this fairly easy. He was the biggest and most confident, but he was still 10 years old like the rest of the boys. He was still a kid, but his body seemed well on the road to becoming a teen and eventually a man. There was no indication of sweat on him, either under his pits or down his back, and there was just the slightest of indentations down the middle of his shorts, indicating where his crack would be. We crunched through the leaves, finally heading towards a clearing I knew about not far ahead. Three long, thick logs lay amongst the brown and yellow leaves in a triangular shape. We could take a load off while I had a talk with them, a bit about boys and men, and a bit about the birds and bees. “Here we are, boys!” I announced as we approached the aforementioned clearing. The boys let out a chorus of groans of relief, knowing their journey was almost over. “We’ll have a break, and then we’ll head back.” “Why are we stopping here?” Brody asked, looking about him. “We are going to have a bit of a chit-chat, and then we’ll head back before it gets dark.” The boys sat down, tending to their aching muscles, some much more relieved to be resting than others. Each boy took a spot for themselves, organising themselves along the fallen trees. “I’m hungry,” one of the boys whined, finding his spot, a couple of the others agreeing with him. Sammy parked himself off on the far end of one of the logs, knowing his place was on the outskirts. “The quicker we get done here, the quicker we can return.” I explained. “Have a bit of a break, drink some water, and then we’ll talk.” “What are we going to talk about?” Brody asked, already sounding like he wanted to head back. “There’s nothing even here.” “Maybe we’re going to have to stay here for the night?” one of the boys mused. “Don’t be an egg,” Brody shot back. “He just said we were heading back. We’ve still got to have dinner first; they wouldn’t do that to us. ” “We’re just going to have a talk about a few things.” I explained. “Why couldn’t we just do that back at camp?” One of the boys complained, still recovering from the ordeal. “Most of what we will be talking about will only apply to you boys here. The others are having a different discussion back at camp. ” “I still don’t see why we had to come all the way into the middle of nowhere.” Ryan grumbled. “I don’t mind. The walk was nice. ” Sammy joined in softly. “No one asked you,” Brody shot back. ” The boys talked amongst themselves for a while. I figured 5 minutes or so would be enough time for them to recover from their hike. I went and took a leak without letting them out of earshot. This was going to be an awkward conversation, I just hoped none of them would make it more difficult than it had to be. That said, the conversation back with the young ones with the other masters probably won’t be all that much easier. I zipped back up and strode back, trying to act as if I had done all this before, whereas this was actually the first time I had had to have “the talk” out here with them on my own. “Okay boys, settle down. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go back and get something to eat. Some of the things I need to talk to you about might make you uncomfortable. Some things may make you nervous or challenge you. You are all free to ask whatever questions you want as we discuss, and as we are far away from camp, whatever happens out here, stays here. ” “I knew it. He’s going to murder us or something,” Ryan joked. Some of the boys laughed. I didn’t. And while I sat there in silence, letting their own nervous energy subside, they could see this was not going to be any ordinary talk. They certainly were starting to look uncomfortable now. They looked at each other as they were lined up across the tree trunk, looking to one another for support. Some of them whispered to one another, passing awkward glances. Sammy didn’t seem to care. “First question,” I eventually started. “What are we?” The group went quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. The hushed conversations were over, and it was time to break the ice. “Cub Scouts?” One of the boys finally asked. “Yes!” I confirmed. “And how old do you have to be to be a Cub Scout?” “Isn’t it like, eleven or something?” Brody replied. “Correct! You are all ten or soon to be eleven years old, which means you will be leaving us soon. Some of you might move on to become Eagle Scouts; some may not want to. You all have a few months left at cub scouts, whereas the others back at camp will soon be taking your place. ” The boys all looked at one another, their hushed conversations between one another starting up again. Amongst the hubbub, they all confirmed with one another that yes, all of them were in fact having birthdays fairly soon, putting them out of cub scout range. They compared each other’s birth months, quickly finding out that Brody was the eldest, though the others followed not long after. “Scout Master Joe.. is Sammy really turning eleven too?” Ryan replied with a look of doubt on his face. “Yes I am,” Sammy piped up. “Bullcrap.” Brody retorted. “When is your birthday then?” “August.” Sammy mumbled. Adding Sammy’s birthday into the mix, they found that Brody was still the oldest, but were all in disbelief that Sammy was actually second. I let them go about their conversation for a moment. I knew they would all become silent again soon enough. “Now,” I continued. “How old are Eagle Scouts?” “11-14?” “Right.” I confirmed. “And what else happens to boys between the ages of eleven and fourteen?” Silence again, that is, until Sammy raised his hand slightly. “Is it… puberty?” he asked. Some of the boys giggled, nervous about where this was all going. “Exactly. Some of you may still be a few years off of that yet, but you will find that if you go to Eagle Scouts, some of the boys there will already be in the middle of puberty. Some will have pimples and be going through all sorts of changes. Some might even have girlfriends and talk about some things with you that you have never escort heard of. Even those not going to Eagle Scouts will soon be going to Junior High and you too will find yourselves hearing and seeing those sorts of things too. ” “Girls go through that too, right?” Brody asked. “Will there be girls at Eagle Scouts?” “Yeah, and they will all have big boobs.” Ryan jested, putting his hands out in front to visually demonstrate their imagined size. “Not like you’ll ever get to touch any,” Brody laughed. “I have a better chance than Sammy does!” Ryan deflected. “Not at Eagle Scouts,” I explained, ignoring their bickering and attempting to maintain order. “Girls have their own group. But there could be girls like that depending on the high school you go to. Girls usually start puberty a little earlier than boys, whereas boys rarely start before 11. Have any of you started puberty yet? ” “Sammy definitely hasn’t. He probably still has a tiny baby dick! ” Ryan teased, the other boys howling with laughter. Sammy sat there, his typical glum self. “HEY! Enough of the jokes! ” I boomed, my temper boiling over, “Have YOU started puberty, Ryan?” “Um, I don’t think so.” Ryan replied, shrinking back into himself. I was normally one of the “cool” cub masters, one of the ones who never blew their top. Seeing me go off at him like this made them all take notice. I wasn’t easily angered, and when I did, they knew I meant business. “Have YOU got any pubic hair, Ryan? Have you started masturbating? Ejactulating? ” I demanded, piling on him in defence of my dear Sammy. “No sir…” Ryan croaked, still squirming in his spot. “You’re probably still as bald as the day you were born, right?” I yelled. “Anyone else?” They all sat on their hands, save for Sammy, who was as attentive as ever, a little sly smile creeping across his adorable face. “Well then. The point of this discussion was to just say that, in the very near future, all your lives are going to change. Whether you want it to or not, and whether or not you think it’s a big joke. You are all children right now, living in a child’s world. In a few months, you’ll be entering the world of young adults. A world with teenagers, and hormones, sex, AND girls. Life is going to become very complex. Myself and the other scout masters are here to help prepare you, whether it be now or after you leave us. Tonight is your opportunity, amongst the safety of all your friends, to open up about anything that might be on your mind. Even after camp is over and you leave to do other things, you are always welcome if you ever need some advice. ” Brody surprised me by being the one to raise a hand. Normally he would have just blurted out what was on his mind, but it seemed there was something on his mind he was less keen to trumpet out. “Scout Master Joe, is there a way for guys to know when you have actually started puberty? Like, is there a definite sign? We don’t grow boobs, so is it when you first get a pimple or hair or something? ” “Excellent question, Brody. Does anyone here want to try answering that for him? The boys turned around, various blank looks and shrugs. That is, until Sammy piped up again. “What about wet dreams?” Sammy quietly asked. “Nah, that’s just when you pee yourself in bed!” Ryan sneered. I was about to verbally murder that damn kid, but this time it was Brody who put him in his place. “Shut your stupid mouth, dude. I want to know this.” he said with authority. “Sorry…” Ryan said, retreating into himself again. “Go on, Sammy.” I urged, “Tell us what a wet dream is.” I could see Brody paying close attention to Sammy this time. For the first time, he seemed to be taking a great interest in what the smaller boy had to say. “A wet dream is when a boy first starts producing sperms,” Sammy explained. “And if his sperms don’t get released, they can come out of his willy while sleeping.” “So then it is like peeing yourself?” another boy brought up. “No, not exactly.” Sammy replied. “A wet dream is different. It’s different… stuff. It’s not pee, and it doesn’t get on the sheets. ” The looks on all the boys appeared more confused than when he started explaining his rather simplistic answer. All the boys save for Brody, who looked like he just had a lightbulb go off over his head. “That’s good, Sammy.” I confirmed. “Wet dreams are certainly a sign of puberty. As a boy grows to become a man, he gains the ability to produce sperm. A wet dream is when a boy expels sperm as a result of a dream, outside of their control. You might wake up all sticky one morning, and that is a wet dream. After this happens the first few times, a boy might learn to play with themselves, which generally prevents any further accidents. Wet dreams are typically one of the first signs of growing up, but every boy is different. For others, it might be pimples or perhaps new hair growing somewhere. Has anyone noticed any of those? ” Again, I just got shrugs and blank stares, but I could tell there was still something on Brody’s mind. If there was anyone in our troop that might have started early, it would have likely been him. It was starting to get dark, and I think the message had gotten through. No one else seemed to want to ask questions, though Brody certainly seemed fully engaged. The subject might have still been a bit early for the others, but the most important thing was that with everything to come, they knew that we were here for them if they needed it. The group got up, and we all started heading back to camp. It would only take about 20 minutes back again, and the wide path should mean they shouldn’t get lost on the slow decline back to base. That said, the allure of food for them probably would have made them return a lot quicker than how long it took to head out. As everyone paired up and headed back with their chosen best buddy, I heard Brody call out to Sammy. I was concerned that my young lover could be in trouble, so I quickly dipped behind a tree and watched the two alone together. “Hey Sammy,” Brody called, “wait a sec.” “What is it?” Sammy asked warily. “I just wanted to say thanks for bringing up that wet dream stuff today. It was pretty cool that you said all that. ” “Uh yeah, that’s okay,” Sammy replied, still not trusting the bigger boy. “So, you’re really turning 11 in August?” Brody asked. “Yeah…” “You don’t look eleven, you’re so short. ” “My mom said that I was born earlier than I was meant to be and that is why I am smaller than everyone else.” “Oh okay. That’s cool. ” They stood opposite one another for a moment awkwardly. It was a cute bonding moment for the two of them. Brody, the alpha of the pack, had finally noticed Sammy and saw value in him now. He towered over the much smaller Sammy, and I smiled to myself as my little prince held strong against the larger boy, proving he really did have guts. “How do you know about all that stuff anyway?” Brody continued, “You haven’t started puberty yet, have you?” “No way. My mom taught me all about it. She is pretty good with that stuff. ” “That’s cool, man. My mom barely talks to me. Umm, can you keep a secret? ” “Yeah, sure.” “I think I’ve had one of those wet things. Last week, I woke up, and there was all this gooey stuff in my boxers. I didn’t tell anyone or know what was going on until you said it today. ” “Oh, so you had one?” “Yeah, I think so. I had one just before coming out to camp too. But, I’m only ten. Do you think something could be wrong with me?” I wanted to hear the rest of their discussion, but the others were getting a little too far ahead. I ran on a bit, then called for Sammy and Brody to catch up, ensuring the group stayed somewhat intact. By the time I got back to them, they were talking about other things, walking side by side on their way back to camp. — The rest of the evening was mostly uneventful. I don’t know what Sammy and Brody talked about on the way back, but Sammy actually got to sit with gebze escort the main group for dinner for the first time. It seemed Brody had welcomed him into the pack, actually in a spot right in the middle of the group. Sammy looked almost overwhelmed and out of his element surrounded by his peers. I was proud of young Sammy; he had come such a long way and seemed to have grown up on that little trek. Opening up during the meeting seems to have done wonders for his social status. He chatted freely amongst them, Brody at his side just in case any of the other boys tried to push him away again. It wasn’t long after dinner that the boys started turning themselves in. The scout masters’ plan of wearing out the boys during the day had worked a treat. Even some of the more enduring boys were looking pretty droopy-eyed by the end of dessert, and it was barely 8 o’clock. My very own Sammy had already crashed when I went to look for him, managing to slip away at some point. I found him soon after, already snuggled away in our tent, his head buried in his sleeping bag, sound asleep. It was still a little early for me yet, so I spent a few hours with my fellow leaders drinking and getting high before the sandman came to visit me as well. When I returned to the tent, I found Sammy still asleep from hours before, snoring softly. I didn’t want to wake him, but given the amount of space inside, and my large self suddenly burrowing inside with him, there was no chance of getting inside my bag without him stirring. “Mmmmm? Hey, Joe. What time is it? ” Sammy asked groggily. “Nearly midnight,” I whispered, turning on my LED light on the lowest setting. “It looked like you made some friends today.” “Yeah,” Sammy replied, pulling himself up. “Brody has been pretty nice to me.” “I’m so glad for you, Sammy.” I got undressed down to just my shirt and boxers to go to bed, but it seemed like Sammy had other ideas. He was wrestling himself out of his sleeping bag, shoving it away with his feet. With Sammy dressed in only a t-shirt and skimpy red briefs, I saw his little boy bone was already awake and excited. “Are we going to have sex tonight, Joe?” He asked hopefully, emerging from his warm caccoon. “Oh, I would very much like to, but you’ve all but worn me out over the last couple of days.” “Aww… but what if… Aren’t we all going to be going home tomorrow? What if we don’t get the chance again? ” I really didn’t want to disappoint the poor kid, especially in his aroused state, but I knew my libido just wasn’t up to par with fucking his hole a third time. I was certainly horny enough to get hard again with some effort, but knowing how tight his tiny hole was, there was no way I would have the fortitude to get back in his ass again tonight. “I’m sorry sammy, I just don’t have it in me to do you in the butt again right now. Would you like to suck my cock for a while instead? ” “Yeah, okay! We haven’t done that yet! ” I moved against the side of the tent, and sat with my back against the wall while Sammy moved over to my lap. Indicating he had free reign, his hands went to my boxers, pulling my partially erect penis through the gap with his hands. Without hesitation, Sammy went down on me, his head and fairy-soft hair bobbing in my lap. The rest of my body was cold and a little rigid, while the top half of my cock found itself in the warm, wet opening that is Sammy’s mouth. What a difference a day makes. I thought back to the car ride here, Sammy’s bouncing bum on my lap, my increasingly teased organ trapped under his buns all the way. Now the same boy was serving that same cock, the majority of it lodged in his mouth as he happily sucked and slurped on my meat. He wasn’t applying all that much suction. Just a young boy nursing on his adult friend’s cock like a milk bottle. The noises weren’t all that different either, as his lips and mouth sucked and made wet squelching noises as if my cock was a teet. I closed my eyes as his lips closed around my girth and ran my fingers through his soft hair. “Mmm, that feels great, Sammy,” I told him as I rubbed his back. He went up and down on me with renewed vigor. For such a young boy, he certainly liked to please. “Did you feel my cock getting hard underneath you when we travelled to camp the other day?” “Um, yeah.” Sammy admitted, freeing my cock from his moist prison. “I could feel it getting all boned up under me too.” “Did you know I wanted you even then? To fuck you?” “Um, not really. I thought you just had a really big one! I was trying to work out how big it was just by sitting on it. ” “It felt like you were teasing my dick the whole way! “I guess I kind of was. I had a stiffy too, and wanted to see if I could make it even bigger. ” “You little devil, haha. Well, now you’ve got it, get back to sucking it. ” “Hehe, yes sir.” He went down on me, sucking me back into his damp mouth. Immediately, the hot steaminess of his breath made my eyes roll back as I felt my cockhead nudge against the inside of his cheek. I returned my head to his back, massaging him slightly as my cock vibrated with joy in that tight little space. A sudden sound of movement outside interrupted our little session. Someone was out there trying to get into the tent. I quickly pushed Sammy off of me and tucked myself back into my boxers, just in time for the front fly of the tent to be drawn down. It was Brody, clambering his own way inside to join us. “What brings you here, Brody?” I asked, a bit of panic probably still showing on my face from almost being caught. “I couldn’t sleep and saw your light was on.” He replied, pointing to my still-luminated lamp. “What’s keeping you up? It’s past midnight. ” “I gotta talk to you about something.” Brody replied, making his own space at the far end of the tent. In the cramped tent, we had to move around a bit so we could all fit. I was at the opposite end of the door, with Sammy and Brody facing one another along the sides. “Sammy said I could ask you about it. He said he trusted you to keep my secret. ” “Oh? What sort of secret? ” Now I was intrigued. “You know that stuff about wet dreams we talked about? I think I might have had some, but I’m not sure. ” “Did you wake up wet and sticky? ” “I think so. Last week, I woke up with all this weird stuff in my boxers, but I ignored it. But it happened again the night before we came out to camp. But I’m only 10; you said you had to be 11 for puberty.” I could see worry in his face. He was growing up so fast and likely never had anyone to talk to about this stuff. Judging by his size I had seen down by the lake, there was certainly a good chance he had started, and the tiny peach fuzz on his legs indicated that as well. I peered down at his toned thighs. He was just in a pair of boxer briefs, and as he sat with his knees hugged to his chest, I had a great view all the way to the start of his ass. I couldn’t make out any hidden skin, but there was certainly a slight bulge pushing out between his thighs, which would have been his developing balls. Brody’s balls, which I would like to see more of. “I also said most. Some boys can start a little younger, and from what I have seen of you, you do have a lot of the signs. ” “So maybe I’ve started then? But what if I have one of those dreams out here and have that mess to clean up! ” “Well, we could check you to be sure,” I explained. “But it would mean having to take out your penis in front of us.” “I don’t care if I have to get my dick out.” Brody shrugged. “We’re all guys, right? But if Sammy is going to see mine, I should get to see his too. It’s only fair. ” “Well, that would be up to him. Sammy?” With Brody being here, I might have thought his answer was different, but I was glad to see Sammy just shrug and agree. I couldn’t believe my eyes when Brody, the pre-tween heartthrob, started stripping with no hesitation. Perhaps these boys were more up for sex than gölcük escort I originally thought? Perhaps the idea that these ten-year-old boys were all prudes was just in my head? Both boys were removing their few items of clothing right in front of me . Sammy didn’t have much to take off in just his T and undies, leading the way by sharing his naked body with the two of us. I was already fairly familiar with it after our time on the lake. His small erection was still standing up proudly, his little 3-incher curving just to the left slightly as it strained up towards his belly button. His creamy white skin was quite a contrast to Brody’s, who was still getting undressed. With a few more clothes on, Brody took a fraction longer but also had no hesitancy about getting naked. He too took his shirt off, followed by his bottoms and his boxer briefs. As his penis came into view, I could see he was far more developed than Sammy was. Where Sammy could be described as having a couple of small marbles in his tight little nut sack, Brody’s was more descended, his two balls closer to the size of grapes. Of course, both boys were still completely hairless, but where Sammy clearly had the body of a boy, Brody’s fully more muscular body was well on the way, the wheels turning to start pumping up his testosterone. “Joe, you should take yours out too!” Sammy said cheekily, his pink arrow tip wobbling slightly. I chuckled at his suggestion. Brody looked like a deer in headlights, hearing Sammy ask me such a seemingly inappropriate question. He had no idea what Sammy and I had been up to over the last 2 days, and was equally shocked when I joined in with the boys. His eyes were darting from Sammy’s nudity to the front of my boxers as I pulled my cock out, still mostly hard from Sammy’s quick job just moments before. “Cool,” Brody muttered, still a little in awe. “So, can you tell if I’m growing up? ” He kneeled, leaning on his arms behind him, proudly displaying his erect tool. He put Sammy to shame; his was at least 4 inches thicker and slightly darker in tone. His balls were still those of a boy, his foreskin, even though hard, nowhere near unsheathed from his cocklet, his glands only just peeking from the tip, where Sammys usually remained completely covered. “I think we should try to get you to cum.” I suggested. “What sorts of things get you excited?” “I dunno. Girls, I guess? ” Brody replied. “Well, we don’t have any of those around right now, but what is it about girls that you like?” “Um, their boobs? And that you can have sex with them. I think about how cool it would be to have sex with a hot sexy girl! ” I noticed Sammy had screwed his face up. Most boys that age hadn’t really noticed girls in the same way Brody did; thoughts like his were just another sign of his advanced maturity. Just talking about them seemed to make Brody’s cock twitch slightly, his slightly darker dick skin almost quivering with apprehension. His plumper balls certainly looked like they would be able to produce sperm even if he had started early. “Why don’t you have sex with Sammy then? You both have holes, one or the other could try. ” “But he isn’t a girl.” “No, but you both have buttholes that could be used for pleasure.” It took a few moments for Brody to put the mechanics together in his head, the eventual realisation causing his face to turn pale. “Uhh, would he stick his in me or would I stick mine in him? I don’t really want anything going in my butt. ” “You can put your thing in me if you want, Brody,” Sammy offered. He was still eager for it from when he asked me the question from before , spinning around on his hands and knees, presenting his slim waist and perky-shaped buttocks to his new friend. He gave his bum a little wag, probably trying to tempt the other boy with his ass. It was so cute to watch these two kids act towards one another. Only hours ago, they were barely talking to one another, but now the submissive boy was surrendering himself to the more dominant one, his ass once again up for offer. “Man, I dunno.” Brody pondered. “I never thought I would do something like this with another dude.” “What happens tonight stays between us.” I said. “And in just a few months, we will all be going our separate ways, so no one will ever know. Who knows if or when you could get another chance?” “But it’s his butthole.” Brody mused, staring at the tiny dimple-sized hole in the middle of Sammy’s cheeks. “You really think I can fit it in there?” “Joe has already had his inside me,” Sammy confessed. “Come on, please?” “You promise you won’t tell any of the others, Sammy?” “No way! I’ve been doing it with Joe already. I bet that you didn’t know that! ” “I guess not… ” Brody replied, trailing off. Brody got up on his knees behind his friend, and awkwardly aimed his stiff boycock towards the pint-sized hole in front of him. I noticed there was already a shiny damp patch at the end of Brody’s cock, a slip of precum already prepared. I watched as he prodded himself against Sammy’s smooth butt cheeks, a sticky string of clear precum connecting their intimate areas. Brody swallowed hard at what he was about to do. Once more, he took aim, before shoving his cock into the boy’s hole in front of him. “Ooof…” Sammy grunted as he was abruptly penetrated. “Are you okay, Sammy?” I asked. “Yeah, Brody isn’t as gentle as you, but it’s okay.” “Sorry bud.” Brody said from behind, removing his cock again. “I guess I just sort of pushed it in.” “It’s okay. Just take it easy. You can put it back in. ” Brody surveyed what he had just done. His shaft appeared wet now, smothered in Sammy’s boy juices. Shuffling up a little closer, he carefully plugged his cock back inside of the smaller boy. “Uhhh…yeah,” Brody groaned. Brody placed his hands on the small of Sammy’s back and more carefully pulling and pushing his penis into the tight space. My cock throbbed watching the two boys going at it, their adorable noises cooing with pleasure. Sammy’s tones were higher-pitched, as he felt the bigger boy penetrating him from behind. A boy who, until only recently, had barely noticed him. Brody’s noises were more gutteral, his cock being stroked by Sammy’s ass walls, experiencing feelings he had never felt before. His noises were lower, his personal cock being served by someone he had barely known existed only hours before. “How did his hole feel, Brody?” I asked, “Does it feel good?” “Heck yeah. I can feel everything inside of him. It’s like his hole is shaking and sucking me in. ” Wanting to get in on the action as well, I got up on my knees in front of Sammy and offered my cock to his lips. Sammy looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, closing his eyes as I fed my cock into his mouth. My cock becomes smothered in his hot, damp mouth once more. His body rocking forwards and back slightly from Brody’s fucking meant his soft lips were basically jerking my shaft. The three of us enjoyed our little session, both Brody and I getting off with Sammy happily pinned in the middle. Between Brody’s moans of satisfaction, my grunts, and Sammy’s slight whimpering sounds, all three of us were approaching orgasm. Yes, even Sammy’s young cocklett was buzzing with excitement, although he couldn’t yet produce a load. As he was not able to produce any boy honey yet, I was not sure if he came before, during, or after, but his little tool twitching and his body sweating told me he had climaxed at some point. Brody was the first to actually cum, sticking his cock in as hard as he could, his balls unloading his recent seed. I was second, feeding Sammy my cum directly from my cock. He guzzled down my man cum, tasting it before swallowing it down to his tummy. Moments later, the three of us were sweating with exertion on our backs. Sammy was lying on his side, his perky used butt facing towards me, a tiny trickle of white sperm dribbling out of his anus. “There you go, Brody,” I puffed, pointing at Sammy’s used hole. “Look, that’s your own cum leaking out.” “Oh true! I can see it! I CAN C-” “Shhh!” I laughed. “You don’t want the whole camp site to know! ” *** feedback always welcome to ail ***

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