



…………………………word count 174,575

Fiction (f�k”sh…n) n. Abbr. fict. 1.a. An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented. b

JCW. The act of inventing such a creation or pretense. 2. A lie. 3.a. A literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact. b. The category of literature comprising works of this kind, including novels and short stories. 4. Law. Something untrue that is intentionally represented as true by the narrator. –fic”tion�al adj. –fic”tion�al”i�ty (-sh…-n�l”�-t�) n. –fic”tion�al�ly adv.


.Gee I almost forgot to say, I don”t know anyone in the story below, and they never would say or do anything I put in their mouths to say.

……Ok I need to say something more here. First of all I may use some famous names. IT is not really them. I just use them to let you imagine what my people might look like.

See above for what FICTION means

Oh yes Dave of NIFTY has asked for us to bag you to donate a wee cash. payment to keep this fine place alive for us nuts to post our shit on. Please do it.

………………………………………..By: JCW

………………………………………..Story: Jon and his boys

…..Sex! I am oppressed with sex. I want it. I need It. I even like to write about it. Oh yes I also like to read it. Nifty stories are so fine. Some of the authors are real good. Oh yes send Dave some money. ACfan is good with his Clan Short Universe. Jimmie Haze stories are waited for with baited breath. Gee he is so good, but a wee bit slow. He is mad at me as I miss spoke in my notes to him. I was trying to say he had many thousands of well written words, and instead pointed out a miss spoken word like he instead of she. Can all of you send him a nice note telling him He is a fine writer.


Thank you. …………^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^

,,,,,Let me get my RANT out of the way: a kind gent did send my way, a virus of great strength.

,,,,,Breath in, Breath out, and so on. The reason I am bringing that fowl smelling thing up: is because I had a story already to post. I liked it! It is haunting me I might have to jump around to make any sense in here. as the story was a chapter in the middle of a great big story with many, many pages of ideas. Some of the ideas will be seen here. It will be just a peek at some of what is wondering around in my mind.



On with the story have fun.

…..A young man of fourteen was being run into a fit by the younger and even some of the older lads in this rather mixed family. Really it was all a lot of fun, not being mean. At last all were ready to head over to the ski lodge for a night at the theater. Yes Jon had a theater, a swimming pool, bowling alley and a few bars, and a small piano bar, oh yes a steak house, a full service salon to feed the masses. There were masses of people living together in this hidden underground home. It was one of many around the world. Jon had started out with a single place in El Paso Texas. It was hidden under the mountain in the center of town at the lower end of a long canceled tunnel.




Mean while at the lake

…..Jon had bought the whole mountain in a western state as a place his kids can play. He had many, kids mostly male. Jon had been collecting boys for quite a few years. He had some of the finest young men in the world at his beck, and call. He was satisfied with the lake, his underground home, the woods for them to play in. The boys weren”t. They looked at the small town, and country around them, and decided it needed to have a wake up call, like a ski lodge built high on the side of the mountain range Jon had bought for the kids. It would make plenty of money for Jon as well as for the whole area. Food, and lodging would be depending on the town. Jon grinned sadly as he excepted the lodge as he always hated anything to do with cold whether, and snow. He had left Pennsylvania in a hurry at the first snow of the year. He turned running of the place over to some of the older boys before making a run for it.

…..The high school had asked to use the theater for their school play as it was a large place built in vintage style. Jon”s mangers happily gave them the use of it as well as buying a batch of tickets for the boys. The whole town turned out for the show. They were doing the old, but good Arsenic and old lace. It was as always laugh after laugh as the actors laid out the story.

…..Paul was asked by some of his young brothers if he would take them backstage to thank the young actors for the good show. He told them to keep it short as they might be tired. Good luck on that as they were all high on doing the show. Teddy led the crew in asking if they can spend some time in the piano bar singing, and dancing. Maybe some drinking? Stan/Teddy laid out a good line of begging, and Paul told them drinking was out of the question, but the bar was open for soft drinks on him. He asked one of his older brothers to take the rest of his kin folks home. After all it was just a short ride on the trolley from the concealed tunnel in the ski lodge”s basement to the home on the lake near the bottom of the mountain.

…..Stan/Teddy was having a good time singing songs with the piano player backing him up. He covered old and new songs. His begging went on to get drinks. At last Paul told them, drinks in the lodge”s hotel rooms yes, controlled drinking only. The ladies can state up front if they want a baby setter. A bar tender was found to control the drinks. Stan was one happy drunk. That was till Paul called out it was bed time, and told them their beds were waiting. He had already warned the rents that it was an overnighter, and they would be safe. Stan held on to the happy face till Paul was tucking his drunk ass into bed. Then he broke into tears as he complained about not sleeping along, he wanted to loose his virgin ass.

…..”I well sleep with you, but I don”t take advantage of drunks, so no sex.” It was a quiet night with just some loud snores to disturb Paul part of the night. He went to sleep after someone in their sleep hugged him tight. He though as he fell asleep, “hey he feels good doing that.” When they woke up Stan was all apologue about the attack as he called it. “No need kid it felt fine, you do good hugs. “damn it I”m not a kid, I want to get over being a virgin.” “Your a fine looking young man Stan, but I don”t just love them and leave them anymore. I”m looking for that one, and only now a days. Are you open for that?” A shocked look on the boy”s face as he stuttered out, “your asking me to marry you, and we still haven”t had sex?” “Nope lets get dressed so we can go see the doc.” “Why?” “We need to get tested for all that STDs junk that goes around?” “Hey I”m the virgin here.” “I”m not, but I”m clean. It is just that we both need to show our rents that we be good clean boys.” Shock as Stan started to tell Paul his parents were not on that short list that know he was gay.

…..Paul pushed the boy out the door as he told him about how his family was about not hiding junk like sex from each other. “I well get my dads to go to breakfast with your parents, and us as you tell them all your deep dark secrets.” “No, no way!” `Yes, yes I like you, and think I well keep you.” They were still arguing when the doctor left them into his office. Paul rolled up his sleeve as he set down, and Stan did the same. Doc Smith pulled out a pair of blood letting equipment. He drew enough blood to give a transfusion as Paul said as he thanked him. Stan nodded his head as he surrendered the fight. “Breakfast.”

…..”Hey we didn”t pay the doctor?” “I don”t need to he is my uncle. We never charge each other for doing stuff like this.” A call was made to Paul”s home to ask his dads for help at breakfast. A call to the restaurant, they were asked for a semiprivate table. Maybe someplace that the rents won”t be yelling too loud?

…..Stan was led to an unmarked door in the basement of the lodge to be shown a room full of clothes. “Lets get dressed for the folks.” Paul handed the boy what he thought would look the best on him, and toped it off with some fine looking studs for the sleeves, and last of all a bejeweled necklace. He didn”t tell him it was a slave collar . No I misspoke there Stan was going to be his master not the other way around, it was just some stuff Paul had played with, and kind of liked. “I made all of the jewels in that drawer so I can give them away if I want to.”

…..The fathers were waiting at the table for the two boys with one of their older sons as well. James was the first to ask if he was sure about this forever thing? “Yes sir.” “Okay, about time, I thought you would never settle down.” “Why drag Joseph along pop?” “He is going to be the happily married family member for them to meet, and love.” “Gee dad you could drag in the rest of the Shoemaker family, and have a convention.” “No way save that for when they get a case of nerves about their son doing everything in bed that they do.”

…..”Hey did you pick him because he is a red-head like the rest of the family?” Joseph asked with a grin. “Nope he picked me, and didn”t mind that I had red-hair, so there.”

…..About that time the two parents, with their younger daughter in arm came into the room. They were shown to their seats as a waiter rushed to get a high-chair for the little girl. James led the table into standing as he nodded at Stan to introduce his folks. “Okay the smallest one is Lucy, the lady is Terry, and her present husband is Brad Sterling. Paul will have to introduce his family as we just got here, and didn”t get around to the names yet.” ” Okay let the kids do all the hard work, This is James Shoemaker, his husband Tommie Shoemaker/Jones, and one of my many brothers Joseph. You might need to know that most of us pick our kids name out of the bible, and all, and I mean ALL of us are red-haired. Oh yes I”m Paul Shoemaker.”

…..Use of first names were demanded, and were used as the small talk started as they waited for the food. As most of the food was eaten Stan was elbowed to get on with the closet reveal. “Mom dad I”m gay, and Paul asked me to marry him. I haven`t said yes yet.” Tears from the mother as she said, “oh my we wondered when you would tell us.” The father spoke of going to the bankers son Jerry to get some books that they had read closely to get an idea about how to handle this day. James spoke up to tell them, “just tell him you love him, and fully support him in his life as long as he is happy. I know my son is commented to your son, and hope he is the same. I”m sure their first stop today was to the doctor to get tested. I would bet a call to the Pope will be as soon as my son can get him on the phone. Oh yes he has red-hair too. He is also a brother of mine. He was elected to the job at a very young age. I won”t say the old Pope was blackmailed into placing him in line to secede him, just that he wanted his church to be safeguarded from Jon. He had a great fear of the man.”

…..Paul saw that his lover was about to be told to take care of his sister, he asked to be excused from the table? He crabbed Stan”s hand as he rushed away from the table. James spoke about how he handled family care. “I set up a roster where each of the boys takes care of the rest of them for a day. I really don”t like the idea that one boy the oldest has to care for the youngest all the time.” “Does Stan resent having to watch his sister?” “If he doesn”t he soon well. Look our family is used to adoption. At a drop of a hat we just say hi brother. A quite, “If he owns a hat that is.” from Joseph. Lets take the day off to get acquainted. Come on lets go to the beach down on the lake. We can set there talking, drinking some wine, eating some grapes.”

…..After saying they can”t they said yes. James had around sixteen brothers, many sons and many more nephews, so a no can be turned to a yes in minutes. The first thing James did was wave over a group of younger boys to introduce Luce to them, and tell them she was the sister of Paul”s boyfriend. She was a part of their group at once, and before the parents know what was going on she had gone off with the group of boys. “That is how we take care of dividing up the care of the younger kids.” “But, she can”t swim!” “She will by the end of the day. That older boy is a swimming instructor. He will be with her all day, and every day till she swims like a fish.”

…..While James was talking to the parents the two boys are back in the clothing room, Paul is handing Stan a pair of shorts with so many holes in them that it is close to being gone. “No way can I be seen in theses.” “I thought it would be the least you would except. We”re going to the gym and it is naked as the newborn baby in there.” “Your kidding me?” Paul led his lover out the back door of the room to the trolley. “You have never seen this trolley, or heard of it. This is the start of what you can not speak of. You just have to never speak of anything past that hall door that is safest, till you learn our ways.”

…..After the two spent some time working out with the solerpex or the free weights they headed to the sauna to work some pain out of their arms. Stan had been persuaded to wear the collar that Paul had given him. One of the boys in the sauna started teasing him about it, “tell your slave to have sex with me Stan.” “Hey let him get to know me before you sink my ship.” Some of the other boys are harmonizing a new song. Paul asked if it was the new song Jerry had sent over? “Can I see if I can help you get it out first?” “Sure you have a perfect voice for the lead.” The group sang it again with Paul joining in. Stan called out loud as soon as Paul sang the first line, “your BLUE Boy, OMG!” “Opps you are a fan then?” “You bet I am. I would have never known if you had not sang that song. Why do all of you Virgins wear all that face paint?” “That is what the name is all about, no sex outside our group. The face paint is so we can remove it to become the boy next-door.” The songsters headed down the hall to a computer to post their request to have first shot at doing the song. They head to a rehearsal hall to get it ready to do. Each of the boys went off to the side to get their part down right. A couple of the boys did some of the harmony together, before they all got together to practice. Jerry the bankers son wondered in to see how they were doing with his song. He heard something he did not like, and started to scribble on some paper. He handed it to Paul and asked, “is that better?” Paul sang what was on the paper, and then ran some copies off to pass out to the other singers.

…..Over the afternoon changes of singers, words, or notes went on till someone called out, “okay good sound, but what are we going to do for a video?” Stan had been thinking all day about a camping trip he had been to on Jon”s mountain. He waved a hand at Paul to whisper in his ear. Paul grinned as he repeated it out loud, “scouts setting up camps trailing it to another camp area.” Someone else spoke of some boys and men ghosts from the past almost being seen. Max the computer was called on to fake up a video. He used the test sounds, and as called out by the singers filled in the video with the boys swimming, camping, on the trail. Anything that they might be doing was done. The ghosts were seen around the scouts as the song was sang to the end. Jerry was happy with the whole thing, and asked when they were going to record it? Stan asked why not use the one the computer made? “Because it is not people it is never the same as when a person does it. As smart as MAX is he does not yet have human feelings, that is the thing that sells the voice.”

…..A week later the group of scouts, the ghosts on horseback, the singers in costume were already to do it as one boy called out, “lets record this money maker.” Stan was right in the middle of everything. He run for stuff, rehearsed the people, checked the sound, the pictures taken, everything that had to be done.

…..Paul set down with his lover that night to tell him, “we have a hit on our hands here, we have to get out on the road with all the talking heads. I want you to come with us.” “Why me, I didn”t do anything?” “Hey MAX show him all the stuff he didn”t do.” MAX ran outtakes of the day they made the video showing the boy how much he had done. “You did about fifteen peoples job all in one day.”

…..Again with the meals, this time there is a great need to talk a group of parents into letting their sons go out on a road trip. Well it worked, the group of singers plus a boyfriend were soon on the road. The first stop was Nashville The Cash, and Price show was filled with girls FANS girls, and a few boys hid among the girls. One of the first questions was why have you guys dropped the paint on your faces for this video. “Jerry wrote a song that demanded it. Can you think a country song like this would have made it with the paint on us?” The next question was “do you have your paint kit with you?” A smile was the only answer as Stan jumped to his feet to run to the bus. All of the boys demonstrated how fast, and easy it was to hide a face. As they stood for the camera shots one of them asked the two hosts if they wanted to try out the paint job.

…..A commercial was shown, and when it was over the audience was talking among themselves as two of the artists were working on the two hosts with their paint kit. Miss Cash was done first, and turned around to be shown off . She had a red, pink, and some white highlights covering her face her hair was arranged around the bud as leaves with a fine green water color spray. The whole place was on their feet clapping and whistling. Then as Paul was waiting for the artist doing Mr. Price he spoke about his artist friend doing a new paint job from scratch, it is hard, and you have to be good. When the chair was slowly turned there set a tom cat, a ruffed up tom cat with damage to his hair to show he can fight. Maybe even win. He had a big smile on his face as he heard the cheers in the room. One of them asked Stan what his job was?

…..”Oh it is simple dear lady I”m a glorified Gofer, go for this, go for that.” Paul stood to start the required song for them. He dragged Stan to stand with them, “Sing GOFER sing the song.” The boy sang his best, and everyone in the theater know he was going somewhere with his voice. A pile of videos of the song was given out to all. then everyone had to sign them.

…..AS the boys boarded their bus they saw Miss Cash kick starting her bike, okay it was a real motor cycle. She slung her helmet off the handlebars so she would not disturb her hair before she got home to the family. “Onward, and forward people.”


The next stop was Jay on the Tonight Show.



But first


…..While all of the above was going on James Shoemaker was working with the boy”s parents getting them into jobs with the family. Stan”s father should have been introduced as Dr. Brad Sterling. He was a good doctor, very good just what was needed at the Ski lodge as there had been a large expansions nearby. A job that Jon had started a few years ago ran onto some rocks. Well it was a way to get some of Jon”s boys a family. Having a batch of gay boys wanting kids was kind of hard no matter how hard they worked at it. Handling a batch of pregnant females was not always easy either. Sort of like trying to herd a batch of cats. (pussies) Some of the ladies had got drunk, others high on drugs. It was hard to keep Jon from locking them in a small dark room till the birth. Okay it might be locking them up, but it was a lot nicer. Some of Jon”s people took over a section of the home that had just been built under the Ski Lodge. It had never been put to use yet, it was going to be where most of the Lodge personnel lived so they could use the elevator to get to work with dispatch. Well some more digging to replace the space lost to the ladies The matronly ward was luxurious living for some of the ladies after all they were being paid to have kids. Some of them did nothing else but get pregnant. Lady Terry was soon one of the lead nurses on the floor. It”s strange doctors seem to always marry nurses.

…..Doctor Sterling had a hard first day at the lodge. a young man wiped out spectacularly on the slope. Paul”s brother was just explaining how they handled the job when MAX interrupted, forget it Peter show him how. Load up the stretcher, and let me guide you. The two strapped into the two chairs on the sides of the machine and held on as the doors slid open to let them out for a ride from hell.

…..MAX had been busy, he had designed what he called a stretcher. It was more like an emergency doctor. The guys took to calling it (a doc in a box) The computer”s first thought was on wheels which lasted about five minutes with a half dozen boys hooting him down. Steps woods, water, and many other objections were spoke of. Kinder voices added good ideas as well. In the first model it had tracks like a tank with back up wheels. This survived with many modifications after the first test. Arms were added as MAX needed them if he wanted to act like a doctor. Some of the other items on board were cameras, a screen to display readings on, pills, shots, X-ray equipment. Oh yes Jon had taken an idea one of his men had invented, a raft that could use electricity to cause it to float, fly really. Jon pushed his men to make a flying suit. He ordered everyone to never say fly again, call it Suit of Lights. Next he wanted a car, and then a Piper Cub, that was built as well. All could fly, the Cub not only could fly it could get so high that they needed oxygen to survive. What is next? Okay folks think about queers running space. Enough said on that, for now.

…..The doctor called for MAX to rush the patent to the hospital at max speed. I don”t think he well say that again. They were rushed to cable car, and it was ran as fast as it would move. The young man was soon being operated on, Peter was handing instruments to the doctors as he called for them. He seemed to be right at home there. An uncle had been training him as a doctor for years even if he was too young to get a real job on the outside.



Back to Jay”s show


…..Meanwhile the bus pulled into the studio parking lot. They were met, and taken to the dressing room. The show opened with Jay doing some jokes as always, but he seemed to be in a hurry to get to the boys part in the show. He had another yawn on first, with an author that might be able to write, but couldn”t talk. Oh well they have to push the sale of her books. The song is played in the background as the boys were introduced. They slipped into singing along with it. Jay asked Stan why he had not joined in? “I”m not on the disk sir, I just did GOFER junk for them.” “I heard you sing in Nashville son your good.” “I may be good, but this is about the song, and the guys.” Jay waved at the seats, as the boys set down it was seen that they were going to be one short on the chairs. Paul pushed Stan into the first seat as he joined him. The interview went well, and Jay was called on to go to a commercial. He asked them to stay for the next part of the show, maybe sing for their supper? As the commercial started Jay off the top of his head asked, “are you two lovers?” Stan nodded his head yes as he said, we”re going to get married as soon as the rents admit we are really in love. It was kind of fast.”

…..Jay had a shocked look on his face when they came back. Most of the boys were giggling. “Boys would you mind if I asked you to repeat that?” A call from off stage said they had it on tape. Jay looked at the boys to see Paul nod his head. Jay called out, “play it again Sam.” The whole room cheered when they heard the boy answer Jay. Stan grinned as he added, “well that does it mom will have the Pope on call to tie the knot after that.” This had many giggling at his way of saying what he wants to. Jay asked, “anyone else want to say anything?” the boys looked at each other, and then one of them spoke up, “four gays and I”m looking for a girl to maybe marry someday.” Many a hand was waived at him as they screamed, “me”

…..After the show Jay was pushing for them to marry on his show, “we can do a whole show on just that.” Stan shook his head as he told him, “no way, I want to marry him, not have a circus.” Jay did not give up, he really wanted to do this show. The group of boys were soon on the road to the next show. It was hard to push the song, everyone wanted to talk about the lovers. The newsmen, and a few ladies were out in packs hounding them. A flight in the company plane was met by a whole batch of them screamed their questions at the two boys. Paul held up a hand demanding quiet. He got it at last to say, “okay all of you are acting like children. I well take a few inquires that are asked like grown ups, and the first out of line question stops this unplanned interview. A lady waved her hand, and asked Paul if he just throw Stan down to rape him the first time they had sex? A reporter stood up to thank the boys for the interview, and apologize for the female that was not a lady, and he wondered how she got out of the nut house. James was a gentleman in every sense of the word and when he spoke that was the end it for the rest of the crew of vultures.

…..Jay rushed a purchase thro the office for a score board that was posted behind his desk, in bold letters it listed, boys, and news people with a one for the boys zero for the news people. Over the next few weeks he changed the score often, and played most of the wins, and losers on the air. After some of the talking heads started to attack the boys he added another name to the board. It was simply Dope of the week. He often listed their names as haters of everything they can”t understand. “Love is beyond their understanding.”

…..The boys after the first interview had security at every stop. Their favorite newsman James Pierce was their waiting his turn. He didn”t ask softball questions, or nasty ones. The boys were always polite till one day the witch of the West snuck into the place again. She had been banned. This time she wanted to know how often and how they fucked. Stan pushed his way to the front of the stage. He said in a clear voice, “didn”t your mother teach you any manners, how did you get thru school without anyone slapping you till you learned how to speak? The door behind you has a sign above it EXIT. That means you can leave in case you can”t read either.” James thanked them for the interview again this time with a wide smile. Stan, and Paul”s phone were ringing as they boarded the bus. They looked at each other as they thought about letting it go to the answering machine, but shook their heads as they started speaking to their parents. It was chew out time on the bus. The rest of the boys grinned and giggled as they heard the two boys saying yes sir, no sir, and yes mother over, and over. The two boys wiped the sweat off their brews as Paul said, “at least he said the lover had stated his point without having any swear words sipping out, and never to do it again.”

…..At last they had to do Letterman”s show. Oh joy. The sick snide jokes. The disrespect. After the show was done, and the mikes were off one of the boys said it all, “you know your going to finally get to be featured on the Tonight show with Jay. Good luck. To bad you will never have the show.”

…..The return to the lake home was to enter a combat zone. Wedding plans. At last Stan had to tell his mother, “drop most of this junk that I said I didn”t want or we go to Las Vegas to get married on our own.” He finally got her attention, and they worked out what the boys would go along with. It was still a lot that was way over the top, but the boy won out in a lot of it. Paul got the Pope to do the deed himself. He said “it is family, just except it as something that I need to do.” He has been leading the holy church to be more excepting of gays, and now he is going to club them over their hard heads. It is time to get over it, or get out of his church.” Oh yes Jay won if you can say having a boy standing behind each camera with the power to order it to be shut down winning. Jay was back at the studio with the camera men feeding them the whole show. The camera men were tame. One of them got out of line when he started saying, “no snot noised little kid can tell me what to shoot. Get the fuck out of the way you little fool.” The little fool made a fast movement, and the man was frog marched to a guard to be thrown off the property. The guard was giggling as he said, “boy your a damn idiot, that kid could have killed you if you had put up a straggle. He has paperwork from about five of the Top three letter agencies that say if he killed the fool you deserved to die.” His camera was laying around loose till another cameraman picked it up, he pulled his belt out in the back, “hold on kid, and if you want me to shut down just jerk on it.”

…..Jay was in a tuxedo doing it up brown. (Or maybe Black) He had a crew of talking heads that had been told to treat the boys nice, or be black balled. There were many a guest on the lake shore to see one of their own get hitched by the Pope no less. The two boys were in highly shined shoes, black pants, white shirts with ruffles down the front, a red vest, and a tan coat. No top hat, just a well combed hair-do. Some of the well known were there to support Jon, and the boys. A few of the drag queens were there in full drag, you have all seen some of them on the TV some of Hollywood”s brightest stars, a group of three brothers were some of Jon”s boys for years. Some hid among the crowd, others flouted being there as support for the cause. The Pope had a dozen young red-headed priests helping with the service. They all including Jeremy had fancy gold coated staffs that the people around the Pope had taken to carrying. They were topped with a cross, and many holy symbols all over the staff.

…..Jeremy had just reached the place where he was saying, “I now pronounce you joined in holy matrimony.” when the sound of three heavy lift helicopters was heard as they rushed to land on the beach beyond the barge the wedding was being preformed on. The rough looking crew came out firing some unregistered weapons. They had to be illegal as no one could legally fire into a crowd with army weapons. Jon had been worried about fools trying to take pictures from the air above the mountain side, so he had what looked like blimps teetered on the shore and quite always up the side of the mountain. There were enough steel cables hanging under them to make it hazardous to fly. He wanted to fly them over the lake, but it was registered as a landing zone, “He told the sheriff if any intruder lands here tomorrow we will push the burning craft into the lake.” The man shook his head as he wondered if Jon would do that. Jon had some of the better trained boys in cat bird seats for the show. Three on each floating rafts canceled under the blimp look-a-like, really a good projection. They were all wearing the Suit-of-lights, and two of them had rifles, the third boy had boxes of bullets. His job was to supply the other two boy. As soon as the first shot in the attack was fired a group of tracers were fired at the gas tanks of the three crafts. They burst into flame before the last people dismounted. They changed to less visible ammo as soon as the crafts were on fire. Then anyone that raised a weapon was fair game, one bullet one dead fool. A very few times two or more boys took out the same man. As they cleared the area Jon”s men were leading the audience to the small cabin. As they entered the door a group of his men were handing out weapons. Most of his men, or boys were well trained on the firing range, so they took a rife, and a revolver to exit back to the war, going on outside. One rather well known black drag queen hitched up her dress, kicked off her shoes, picked up a rife, Yes she had learned to use one in the service, she was heard swearing about probably never seeing the damn shoes again as she loaded the rife. The three well known brothers were handed some weapons without a word as they had all trained with the guards anytime they were visiting one of Jon”s homes. They had all three taken advantage of Jon”s bring me your sperm, and I will return it in the shape of a baby. Almost all of the babies were male each of them had one female for their mother to spoil. The queen mother as she was known to all the boys had always wanted some girls as grandkids. (HINT two of the brothers initials are J. L. and M. L. heck you should know them all now.)

…..The camera men were all led down into the safety of the living area. The boys that had been playing Shepard on them led them to the hospital. “You can film some human entertainment here. I”m sure we will have a few people with gunshot injuries.” “Some of your people?” “Maybe, but it will be dumb luck if any of them can wing any of our guys. They are well trained.” (He did not speak of clothes that were almost bullet proof, or the force fields scattered around the area) James Pierce one of the few newsman trusted to be loose around the place was taken along to the family home by Paul”s brother Peter. He left him and the cameraman film some of the place. James picked up a small white cup setting on a table in James room to say, “this looks like a piece that I”ve seen in a museum, it was made in China quite a few years ago?” “Nope I saw that display, and liked it so much that I did some research on how it was made. This was one of my better ones. I want a whole set when I get the time to make it.” “You know Chinese?” “Lord no, not to speak, the written language is bad enough, it is almost as bad as the old Egyptian script.” “You know that too?” “Sure I have quite a few languages that I can speak, We kind of like to travel a lot.” “I”d like to see your passport someday.” “Nope.”

…..James saw that the boy was getting dressed in what looked like armor, somewhat anyway. It was somewhat like a ninja costume as well. “What are you getting ready for?” “I am doctor on call for the clean up of the trash. Some of them might still be dangerous.” “Doctor? How much else do you do?” “Well I”m really supposed to be on duty as bar tender in about an hour. I”m what some call a genius. If I see it I can do it.” James wanted to know if they can go along to film some of the war? Peter called out for MAX to answer him. After MAX said yes Peter had to tell them, “you never heard our computer talking guys right?” A call of time to go to work had the three of them on the way back out to the combat area. There was a small pile of dead bodies, and a much larger batch of wounded tied up awaiting the doctors, and the law dogs as the police were called by some of the boys. Peter did a survey of the area before he went to work. He found Stan on the barge he had been marred on setting crying. He looked a mess his jacket was missing, his fine white shirt was dirty with some of the buttons missing. Peter called out for MAX to find the Pope for Stan stat. It took just a few minutes for Jeremy to rush to the boy. James had been holding him close till the holy man can be found. The camera man raised his camera for a shot then grounded it as his eyes teared up. As the three of them left them alone Peter heard the kind man telling the boy to buck up before his husband had to be called. “He has lots he has to be doing.” “Yes that is why I”m crying, I”m useless, and he is out there fighting.” “Okay young man, this time he has to do the job, get the training, and next time you can do the job as well along with your lover. There are always more of these evil people out there to be trained how to make car plates, or what ever they call them now!” At last the Pope called the camera man back so he can broadcast a statement. James introduced the statement, and turned it over to the Pope. Peter demanded that it be shot from the waist up as the Pope had pulled his robe up to get freedom for running, as he had ordered his priests to join him in sending the uncivilized heathens to hell. The priests were well trained with using the staffs as barriers to hold back people or to turn them into clubs that could drop a charging bull. The Pope blessed each man he clubbed with his staff, “may you go straight to hell for your sins.” The group of holy men were alone anywhere they went as the guards were afraid they would be killed by mistake. Yes they cleared out many of the heathers as he insisted on calling them as he cursed them to hell. Anyway he was not really dressed for television. He sadly spoke a blessing then spoke to the people who had violated all that was holy by attacking these fine boys in hate. “I will place gold in the hands of the person who names the person that has ordered this sin. It will be the same weight as the person that speaks the name. Now I want to tell you to run so you will be tried of running when I personally nail you to a cross.” He went on to say his church will pay for the best prosecutors to put the hell bound people away for as much time as they need to learn better manners.

…..James realized it was time to end this rant by one pissed off holy man. He ran a finger across his throat to tell the cameraman to cut it. “Thanks James I was getting a wee bit mad there. As always on your show you know when to end the report.” “Thank you sir I was not too sure if it was proper to cut you off like that.” “Oh my people have to do that all the time, thou they usually just cut to some holy music if I get too off the subject.” He noticed the camera man was wanting something, and realized he was a believer, and needed a blessing from him. He placed a kind hand on his shoulder as he spoke a few kind words to him, as well as thinking him for grounding the camera earlier on the raft. “Get Jon to bring you to the Vatican with James, and your camera.” Peter led the now larger group back to the guarded group of soon to be convicts. He was caring for a bullet wound when James tried to interview a man as his wrist ties were being replaced with handcuffs by a sheriff deputy. Peter was about to call him for messing with the mans rights. He never got it out before the man had a knife in his hand with blood on it, James blood. Peter stood up, and kicked the man in the face, and then the balls as he hollered at the deputy about being careful. He had James on the ground holding his guts with his hands as he demanded a stretcher at once, and a doctor.

…..Max detoured a stretcher to him as he know his voice. His uncle was there almost as fast. He asked Peter what happened, and wanted to know how James was doing. “He got stabbed in the lower chest with about a four inch knife, it looked like it had never been cleaned, and he lost a pile of blood before I took care of the nut that did it.” Mike the cameraman was shocked but when one of the boys stepped up to his side he did what he was ordered to do, and started to broadcast the operation live without thinking. The doctor ordered Peter to wash up, your getting your first on the air operation. Jay was having fits off to the side as his show was being seen world wide on almost every TV in the world as was being reported to him. He was told to let it run as long as the feeds were coming in “Fuck the advertisements till we get a break. “Just place the ads name on a scroll at the bottom of the screen,” Jay ordered. The talking heads were on stand by to jump in but Jay had it for now. Mike was worried about his boss but let his body do the job. He watched the two cutting him open, Peter had his hands doing almost as much as the older doctor. As they were sewing James up he called out, “stop uncle we missed a bleeder.” He lifted a piece of skin to show some blood that was spreading out. His uncle held up his hands as he said, “get in there I”m too blamed large to do it.” Peter never even though as he took the lead as his uncle handed him the clamps, and a threaded nettle. He placed three stitches by feel alone before they ordered MAX to take James to the hospital.

…..As MAX was moving James into recovery Mark the doctor asked If James had any relatives that needed notified? “Just James Jr. there is no need he always watches the show when his father is on it. “Call him, and tell him to get to the airport, one of our planes will pick him up as soon as it can get there Jon was almost too slow as the network boss was already on the phone telling his people to get James Jr. in the air stat. {Ok people (stat) means move it fast in doctor talk Its Latino} There was almost a fight who was going to fly the boy till he asked, who would turn down a freaking ride in a jet plane for a ride in a pokey luxuries plane? There were grins all around as the boy run for his ride. The boss smiled as he asked under his breath, “can I go too?” James Jr. got two airplane rides as a helicopter dropped him off on the pad at the Ski lodge where he was escorted by Peter to his father”s room in the hospital. “Listen close buddy your father is going to be okay, but hear me good, he needs to rest, lots of rest, and no crying in the room. A sob or two is needed to know you have feelings then happy, happy till I run you out of there.” “Thanks Peter I saw you working on dad, and I could see you know what your doing so you just have to ask, and you get anything we own.” “Hell no buddy I can”t charge without a license. They might charge me for pretending I”m a doctor.”

…..The meeting went well, and Peter was talked into James Sr. doing one damn show. You know that bit Johnson started with showing all his stitches on the television. James said his boss was just like Peter, and told him he was off the air till his wee doctor, Peter said he can come back to work.

…..Peter let Junior know it was get out of the room time. They walked out of the room with Peter holding Junior around the shoulder to help with his feelings. He took him to his home, and pointed out a room he can use. Sam is off doing God knows what. I”ll have to call him someday to ask what he is doing.” Later he spoke about having to go to work, and was asked if he wanted some company? The two boys walked down to the bar coffee house where he often worked as bartender. Peter shook his head as he saw how few were in the place, and it was like a morgue. “Jesus it is always lively I guess there must be a lot of people in need of the nut crew or we would be having twins out the kazoo.” Gees guys I had to use the spell check for KAZOO I had no idea how to spell it. “Nut crew what”s that?” “Okay buddy first of all you never heard anything you hear or see while your here. Jon has noticed that quite a few twins, or triplets seemed to read each others minds. He had some of our scientists do a batch of research on it, and has run a breeding program for mind readers. It freaking works.” “Your telling me that they read our minds?” “Yes, and no. they can, but most of the time don”t want to. It is not nice to use for fun, or profit it can also be like swimming in a sewer. Jon can order them to dig out shit like he did on that crew that attacked us. He won”t mind if they could wipe their mind clean, which they can”t do anyway.” (OOPS) maybe, yes, maybe no.

…..About that time an invasion of mostly redheads like Peter hits the room. A word with this boy or that one it soon has the room talking, singing, playing music, eating, and a few drinking. Peter started shaking as he was opening a beer for one of the boys. He started to fall, but James had been watching him so he pulled his limp body onto the bar as he called out, “one nut needs some of your help.” He held the boy as three of the redheads rushed to their side. One of them ordered Peter to open up now, your holding too much inside. Let us in now. The three of them mumbled as they worked to help Peter. It took almost twenty minutes of hard work before they had Peter grounded. One of them handed him a pair of pills as he ordered him to bed right now. One of his brothers came out of the storeroom about then to see the group, “oh shit I told him to get this taken care of.” “Is there anyone to baby-set him while he sleeps?” “Not tonight most of them are on duty, and some are out hunting for the boss of this batch of nuts. Hell I well be up all night working in the control room.” “Okay one of us well have to stay with him.” James asked if he can help? “Only if you can read minds youngster. The boy looked hard at James II as he said, “you can help, he needs a bunk mate to sleep with him, do you think you could do that?” After Peter took the two pills he was soon out of it, and James was sipping off some of his clothes undressing for bed when the older boy spoke up to order, “all of the clothes he needs to have skin to skin tonight, this is no time to be bashful.”

…..Late into the night James woke to see Peter getting up. He followed him to the bathroom, and led him back to their bed to see him fall back into a slumber at once. He held the boy tight as he fell asleep himself. The nut doctor as James still thought of him watched the two boys, oh shit they have bonded he thought as he watched them. When they woke in the morning Ted Shoemaker asked Peter to let him read him deep. “Okay nephew you are okay for now, but you need to go on a trip. James needs a doctor in house for awhile, and then he was invited to see the Pope at home. Jon took that as an okay to let them all three into the enter workings of our homes. Show them the world, and let them film batches of it.”

…..Peter was off center for a few days, he didn”t catch on to what was happing till Junior pushed him up against a wall to kiss him hard, “okay Peter I have fell for you big time. Get your slow mind in gear, and read my little mind.” “No I can”t do that, it is just not done. “I saw your uncle order you to open up. and heard them all working on your mind so don”t tell me it can”t be done.”

…..Peter swore as he finally looked at the boy to see his mind bloom into another mind reader. “What the fuck is going on it does not work like this.” “It does if your twin dies in birth I guess. I always thought I could read my dad. We are kind of close.”

…..Jon had learned that the boys grandfather was house bound so he sent one of the older boys that was a doctor to care for him. He called Jon fanatically as he told him, “help I saw his mind was clear, but was blocked from any outside use, like talking or motor skills. I was just looking to see if I could help him when he started to demand his son, and grandson be brought home now. It is like the only thing wrong with him is his legs are weak from disuse, the same with his arms, we have to help him gain back as much as we can.” He went on to say “he well chew off my ear if they don”t come home now. Help,” Jon giggled as he was typing a question on the computer. “Okay Jessie they will be home in about three hours as James” boss has first dibs on him for a quick show, and tell. Damn Johnson for his show the stitches bit.”

…..Peter flew his own Piper cub to return the two family members home. He was going to be staying with them till the senor James was well enough to travel. Jessie met him at the door, and made a sign with his fingers that said a lot, “we got trouble, get your mind into mine, and go on alert with some of what it finds.” Peter read fast, and rushed to a window to check on what he can see. He soon saw a motorcycle pass down the street slowly, too slow. He saw young men leaning against a wall. He saw many passerby that rang bells in his head. “You say the grandfather saw it first?” “He is a law dog from the old days.” `Okay we need to replace this glass, get this place set up for a fight.” “No way too many people in an apartment building.” “Right, we need to lure them away from here. First we need some knowledge about them.” It didn”t take long to find out they were hanging out at a slimy bar downtown called The Old Plantation. “Okay who is going into that bar to find out what we need?” The butler spoke up to say, “I well go, I just need some wheels and a shave.” He went into the bathroom without another word. When he came out he was bald with a do-rag wrapped around his bare head, “now for a bike.” James dropped some keys in his hand as he told him to go to the parking area. Peter saw the bike he had given Nil”s as he drove it down the street, it was a mint condition Indian motorcycle.

…..He walked into the bar like he owned it telling the young hoods to clear away from the seat he wanted as his own. “Who left you wee snots out without your nursemaids?” Just then one of the young hoods run into the bar to yell that someone had an Indian outside. “Yes it is mine, and the first flea-ridden jackass that touches it dies in his tracks.” “You don”t even have a gun.” A move that they didn”t even see as Nil”s placed a large gun at the temple of the loudmouths head. “You really think I won”t pull the trigger. Get out of my sight you damn fool before I have to clean the gun again, brains make a bloody mess, even small brains like yours.” One of the hoods begged him to not kill him as they need him to help rub out a newsman that got some of their friends, and relatives put into jail. Then we have some queers to take out too. “You fools can”t wipe your own asses how do you think you can kill a real man?”

…..The whole crew babbled all they know, and Nil”s laughed out loud as he mounted the bike as he thought of it. He was soon back in the apartment. “Them poor stupid hoods should have a keeper. Hell one of them will trip, and kill the rest of them if they get the shipment of arms next week like they blabbed about.” James grabbed his phone to call his boss, “hey boss how would you like to get rid of that white elephant of a house your wife bought?” “How, and what are you doing?” “I”m being hunted by some hoods, and need a place they can shoot up.” “Do you think we can get film at nine o”clock?” “Sure have Mike set up a blind at the farm, and we will have some heavy hitters welcome them to hell.” “You guys stay safe.” James clamed “you know I”m a coward.” “Bite me. Bonus time!” James hung up giggling as he spoke of one ugly house that was going on the market to sell as lead. A group of sharpshooters moved onto a farm outside the large city. They were real busy placing force fields into place to protect the people, and still let the young hoods cut down the house around them. Hidding spots were built around the farm for the heavy hitters to settle into. They would be doing most of the shooting as Peter just helped the rest of the crew run some bullets thru the rifles they clamed to defend themselves with. A convoy was arranged for Sunday so they can move into the farm, It was a really loose group of cars, and trucks with even a cop car or two in among the group pulling over a car once in awhile. “The hoods were stymied as to how to continue with the hit till they parked near the farm house. Grandpa was wheeled inside in his wheelchair, the rest of them carried in the rest of the junk. It was seen that the hoods had passed by slowly. Peter said, “they will be back probably tonight.” Jessie pointed at the gun room as he said, “lets get set up for them.” They were soon cleaning, and loading rifles, piles of ammo was soon placed around the room for all to use. One of the men from the outside team showed them where all the force-fields were so they all would know where it was safe to stand.

…..Later that night the teem had placed some false calls to the police to get them mad, and in the area so they would be nearby when the hoods showed up. They were a batch of loud mouthed fools that can be heard for miles, well almost. The remote cameras were tested, and ready to go. James”s boss was primed to go with one call. It would just be to report that some hoods had attacked them. Another phone was calling for the cops. It had been decided by Jon that no head shots would be done, just winging them. He had some plains for them. The war was loud with few injuries. It was soon seen that the score was hoods 0 good guys 1 with many 0s after the 1. The hoods dragged the wounded with them to their cars to find the cops standing there with their guns pointing at them with spotlights on them as well. It was give up, or die. They were too afraid to die. The cops as always had to approach the farm house with guns out. Peter handled letting them know they were well armed, and leaving the weapons in the house. “What the hell is going on here?” “We don”t have any idea what is going on. We came out here to do some shooting on the bosses range, and were getting the weapons out to clean them when someone started a war with us in the middle of it. We yelled at them, but they kept on firing till we shot back. Then they run like little babes.”

…..The whole group had to leave the house as the head cop told them it would fall down if the wind blow. James laughed out loud as he saw the scared little boys standing there with all their tattoos on display. “Read their tats sir, and it will tell the whole story,” he said with a grin. The cops did just that, and started asking where they came from? The wallets were turned out, and home addresses were found with out of state on everything they saw it was easy to see their stay in jail was going to be long with no bail either.

~~Warning ~ Notice ~ Interruption ~ Okay just to say well read below ~~~

…..A fine day in May sun on the waters of the that damn oblong pond in Washington DC. Jon is being driven to the White House, well maybe gray as there is so much dirt in that area. He has pulled some very large strings, and some wires as well. The car was waved into the drive. As Jon was getting out of the car the marines on the door saluted him as they held the door open for him. As Jon walked to the stairs to the mount them to the family rooms he was met by some of the secret service people, (we can”t call them men any more PC) a handshake all around as they told Jon it was coffee time for the whole crew of them. Jon smiled an evil smile as he walked into the Presidents home office. He set down without waiting to be invited. “Who the hell are you, and how the hell did you get in here?” “Well Mr. innocent I wanted to see what a killer of kids might look like. The pope had to pay some slimy fat bastard a ton of gold to find out your name. I”m here instead of him as I pulled rank on him. You will be putting in the paperwork to save the country the shame of having to convict a setting President of attempted murder. If you can slip by without going to jail someone will likely burn down this house again. I suggest you, and your whole family find a small island outside the USA if you stay there you might live to a fine old age.


{OK the above is not a threat It is just a joke please don”t kick down my door. I will leave the lock off.}

…….~~Okay back to the young hoods~~~~~

…..Jon pulled some strings for the boys, and as soon as they walked out of the jail they were picked up by some of Jon”s rougher boys. They were soon on a small island that Jon owned, there was a large house with a school in one large room, and some small empty rooms for the boy to live in with just a pad, on the floor to sleep on. Jon met them as they stumbled into the school room he pointed out they were stupid, and needed an education. He also showed them their rooms. He led them to his boys rooms, big different they were living good. “Okay guys there are other rooms like these for you when you show you have learned some shit. We will tell you when you can move. Classes were held the next day hour after hour till one boy said, “I”m hungry.” “Dig in and learn your lessons, and we will feed you.” This went on for months. Some of the young hoods decided to just walk away from the house. No one stopped them. With no one feeding them they decided to rob the cook shack. Wrong they had it well protected. “Go to class and we will feed you,” they were told. After being forced for many months the boys were asked if they had learned anything? Some said yes, others shook their head no. Jon pointed at the sea plane as he said, “”if your stupid get aboard, your going home. Some more decided to stay, and the few left were escorted on the plane. Jon told them to get off when they reached their home town. He just set in the plane waiting. He never said a word till almost dark, when he saw the boys coming down the dock to the plane. A knock on the side of the plane was soon a call to ask if they can come aboard. “You flat fucked us up. We don”t fit in there any more. You made us think.” “You boys ready to come home with us?” “To the island?” “Nope that is for enemies not friends.” Jon had saved some more boys.

…..Jon told James he no longer was safe he had to have guards, Peter was assigned as the head guard with his pick of the boys to come with him. His partner demanded training to help him as well as relieve him of the need to guard him. They were living in Cleveland Ohio where some of the Shoemaker family lived , and Peter spoke to some of the family about building a house in a secure area of the family grounds. Oh James Jr. decided that three James were two too many in one household so he was using his middle name Billy from now on. Peter asked to have a broadcasting studio built in the new home as well as an indoor swimming pool for grandpa. The butler Nil”s was installed with the gun room/panic room control in hand.

…..An armored car was on site, a Chopper as well that Peter flow often. James always could work from home if he wanted to. On one of the few off site jobs Billy slipped a wink at Peter that they had a problem. He was on the camera shooting his father as he pointed his chin at a car across the street. Peter pointed at two of his men, and nodded at the car. A pair of revolvers sticking in a car window can make a man piss specially if there is a cop standing behind them using a knife to trim his nails. The man was searched and was found to be armed as well as having a bomb in a delivery box with James name typed on it.

…..Jon asked James” boss if he would like a film tour of the world with James, and Mike doing it for him? He excepted after he heard a partial list that included a visit with the Pope.

…..James already had a passport so his son was told to get his picture taken for one. He spoke about the time to get it. “It takes months!” “Jon has them trained now he had a wee fuss with a bitch on the Mexico boarder one time. (Yes she was a real bitch, Not just a female) He had her jailed, and was going to try to jail the Ambassador for not supporting him for not knowing enough Spanish to make the bitch happy. Oh boy they might even hand deliver your passport if Jon asks them to do it. Heck we get invited to eat with the Ambassador as often as not. It opens doors that never open for people like us. We really like to just travel with no one noticing us.”

…..The first stop was with the Pope. He personally led them thro the place pointing out how he had demanded that it be cleared of all the little rooms that had crept in over the years to cut out their own turf. He showed the room full of spy gear that was removed from his rooms. There is none in use now but mine. It buzzes me at the first sign of a bug. He showed them the tombs below the church naming them all. Billy notices the amount of redheads around, and raised an eyebrow at his lover. Peter said, “later lover.” He did tell him most of them are Jeremy”s son”s, the rest of them are cousins, or uncles. Jon has his finger in lots of stuff. Thou Jeremy has a mind of his own. He likes to do it softly and not bring a sludge hammer to the table. Oh he can swing a mean club if he gets upset.” The tour ended in the library, the Pope giggled as he pointed out some of the racier parts. Some of the Popes had a good eye for porn. You can”t show any of that junk, but look at it if you want to. The priest on duty will note what kind you want to see, just so he can guide you to the best of the lot. Each of them looked over a few of all kinds of porn just to say they were there. One of the priests told them Jon has copies of the whole place. It was a few weeks of filming, and covering most of the fine place. It was spoken about for years as the film to see if you wanted to see the Vatican up close and as much as anyone has ever seen before.

…..The next stop sounds like a snooze but it is needed to be seen. It is one of Jon”s many homes for kids. That is all underground as almost always. The cover for the home is a monastery of great age. They had fall on hard times. Some of Jon”s boys had over time donned the brown robes for many reasons, some really believed in the life others needed a place to hide. No one ever sees anything but the cover like a robe. Even the worst behaving of the boys respected the monks. The gardens not only fed the monks, but there were rose bushes, climbing roses, carpets of roses. Some old types not seen in years, and many new types that the monks breed. The whole tour could take days to see it all. It was a good advertisement for the monks as they made a pile of money selling rose plants. Yes Jon gave them support, but they helped the boys out as well. Many of the boys can be seen in their fields stripped to as little as can pass inspection. It gets hot out there, and most of the boys would be naked if they could get away with it.

…..This was one of the more open homes as there were more doors open to wonder outside from. The main entrance was a hidden side tunnel in a long tunnel under a mountain. It was one of the longest in the world. Jon had set it up that a group of cars would form up so the only car going to the home was blocked from sight as it turned off into the home. The rest of them had a long trip. A fireplace was used in the monastery. (H. Potter does not use it) The boys were many that had no home or bad homes. There was really nowhere for street kids to shelter in the harsh winters on the mountain”s around the country. Jon was interested in having a place that they can live, coming, and going as needed. Schooling was pushed as Jon thought stupid was stupid. Gee that sounds just stupid. Anyhow the film was not a snooze it was repeated many times on the best markets.

…..Switzerland was toured with much film being used by Mike. Okay it had been done by that tour guide Rick on public TV. Oh boy saw his son on one of his tours the other day. He is one fine hunk. WOW. Rick does it well, but there is room for others as well. This one was more for the pretty views. Lakes, mountains, people, crafts, and yes Jon got in a plea for caring for the kids with some of the shots. Some of the boys from the home were the stars in some of the shots. It really was not faked, just a history of where they came from. A quick tour of Germany. Jon does not like it too much. Sure he knows there are boys on the streets, but the country is too well ran, like a fucking watch he often said. There is really no way he can slide by unseen. Oh there are ways, but it is too much hard work to be invisible. Not to say that there are not recruiting trips done often. Jon always seems to see that hungry look, and puts food in the mouth, food for the mind as well . He seems to have boys from everywhere. It is fun to see as the boys grow up to become leaders in the world, and with what they learn they will be fine leaders.

….. Vietnam was the next stop. Jon himself took the lead of the tour here. He had spent three years in the place early in his life. He had contacts all over the country. There were not so many children of American parentage as there once were. Jon had done his best to get them out of the country. Some were with their parent, most were raised by Jon. He had made it his goal to give them a good life. It was found that the cross breeding improved the breed on both sides. The natives were always known for their work ethic”s, and the American size was an improvement as well as skin tone, hair, and eye color. Okay color does not really matter, but if they are in the states it does help. He had learned about their brains early on in his first tour in their country. Any how back to the tour. Jon led them to many places he had seen while fighting there. There was Way-fue-by Hell I don”t know if that is how it is spelled but it is how it sounds. This was one of the ancient cities. It has many fine building, those that survived the fighting. A shame damn it. Saigon was not filmed it was ugly. The rivers, forests, and sea shore were seen, they were really nice, were real nice to see. Jon as always saw some kids of both sexes that needed help. A tap on the shoulder of his personnel guide, heck say it as it is, he was one of Jon”s men working in place. He nodded as he noted the child. The man disappeared for awhile, and another child is soon on his, or her way to a better life. Jon sadly wondered some battle fields while they were there. He very seldom goes back to that place even thou he did have some soldierly lust there. Maybe even love.


A flying trip to Japan as in just the high lights to show the world. It is just too crowded. It is nice, fine people, BUT.

…..Then south to Australia. Jon led all of them to a nice looking house on a buff overlooking the sea outside Sidney. It had been built over a large cave with an easy place to start building one of Jon”s homes. It even had an opening under the buff that can be enlarged to make a place that one of his subs can enter underwater. James looked around to wonder if Jon is trying to take over the world. He thought about it for awhile then said under his breath, shit he can do it better then most of the people are doing now.

…..The filming started with that fine big bridge in Sidney. Jon insisted that they climb the bridge. it was well worth it. Then after a rest the opera house. They were lucky enough to film a rehearsal with Jon”s help of course, no P.P.P.P. Piss Poor Prior Planning with him around. Tours of the past areas of Australia as it was when it was a prison. Then and now was filmed. A side trip to show the mining with all of the miners living underground. Another side trip. Jon led them to a tribe of natives. They were some of his friends, he had adopted them after he found out how they were being used, and abused. They could leave some of the children to be schooled, and cared for at his home. His boys can join the tribe to wonder the wilds. Jon had built a large cavern with a holograph sky above the sandy floor, it was like they were at home as the heat was raised inside to simulate their normal living conditions. While they were visiting with the elders Jon looked around at something that only he can see, he whispered into his small microphone to MAX the computer. Jon shook hands with the elders, and waved all of his people back into the caravan that they came in. He didn”t say a word till they were miles away from the tribe then he sadly told them, the old head man is passing away. I could feel it coming. There is no way we could be there while he passed the leadership to his son Lot. MAX spoke up to say he left a transmitter behind. “Shut it down right now. They can feel it somehow. Lot can always point at any of your junk MAX. Yes I know, and am still trying to find out how he does it. One of the mind reader/guards spoke up to say, “he is dead, and Lot is having a hell of a job absorbing all his ancestors. Ok it is happening faster now.” A blow by blow call is made as the young man became the leader. “He is walking toward us now, alone, he said to wait for him here.” Hours go slowly by as they wait. James does not know what to make of all he heard. Billy believed it all as he was seeing it in the mind of the guard as he spoke of what was happening.

…..The grieving young man walked up to Jon as he waited for him a few hundred feet from the caravan. He placed his hand on Jon”s shoulders and leaned his head against Jon”s head. A whisper said, “take me home, your home.” It was a long silent trip till Lot waved his hand at the crew as he headed for the cavern of his people. He was alone there but for one lone camera MAX had managed to place high in the false sky. His people had arrived but he had locked all people out of his refugee. The people stayed in the entrance area to the cavern while they waited for Lot to appear again. Jon watched as the boy set by a small fire waving a bird wing into the smoke. He saw this day after day. At last he throw a fit, and said, “enough.” He rushed to the place the people waited for Lot, and pointed at the lock on the door, The elders broke it for him. Jon started into the doorway. They held him back as one said, “no clothes.”

…..Jon stripped without a thought. He walked for a long way in what looked like a desert till he smelled smoke. Jon walked up to set by the fire. He watched the boy, now a man as he waved the bird wing in the smoke. Jon could now see it was an eagle wing. At last Lot made a sign that Jon know meant, read me. He shook his head as he was mind blind, or so he thought. Lot touched Jon”s head with one finger as he chanted. Jon started to see things in the air around them. There were people many people, uncounted people. Jon heard voices, wind, crying, laughing, rain, gongs, many sound that he did not even think he had heard before. He did hear that strange wind interment that the natives played often, he forgot the name of it. (Digit-ye-do maybe?) Then everything fall silent. Lot touched Jon”s lips with a sign to not speak. At a nod from Jon Lot started to speak in his mind. It was like he had always been able to hear the voice in his head. Lot trained him in how to use this gift. They were slowly joined by the voices out of the past. As each voice went silent after greeting both of them one by one the ghostly bodies around them floated into the smoke from the fire. It started slowly, but sped up with each of the greetings. Soon it was like a hum in the air as the bodies around them streamed into the smoke. Till the last body was left hovering over their heads. It spoke to Jon, “thank you my friend for helping my son except his place in our world. Jon was never sure if he heard the voice with his ears, or his mind. The elder whispered to his son for what seemed to be hours, but afterwards was really a few seconds. MAX had called the men that run the home here when Jon went into the cavern. None of them dared to follow him in. One whispered, “this shit is way beyond my pay grade.” At long last Jon with Lot”s mental ok called for MAX to send the people in with a feast for all. Jon for the first time spoke into MAX”s mind with a command. MAX almost had a breakdown hearing Jon in his mind.

…..There was one big party as the natives celebrated with their friends. Lot was now the leader, and wanted to learn much, and with his mind full of the past wanted to add all that would bring his people into control of their own land. He wanted to be the leader that would lead his people to living as a human being, not just a black native in a picture. Jon asked, “what can I do? Do you want to run all the other people off your lands?” “No we are not that stupid. We as a people just want our place in the world.” Jon nodded and held his friends hands as he spoke about some of his people as well as his computer are already working on this shit. Jon changed the subject, “can you help some of my mind-readers? This stuff you did to my little mind could really help them with their minds.” Lot was soon busy teaching the boys how to handle being in another mind. “You learn too much sometimes, and have to clear it out before it turns your mind to mud.” He taught them how to handle being different. It took days with practice all the time. He emphasized what not to do, like rape a mind by accident. MAX had every instrument in the place trained on them as they were working. MAX finally had someone he can learn from. Oh boy did he learn.

…..Jon planned a expedition to the coral fields. Well that is how I think about them. They do look like a field with plants flowers, and trees. One of the homes planes was used to take the group plus a batch of the boys that were all trained with scuba gear. It was not off the rack scuba gear, Jon”s people had placed a microphone inside the glass face mask, a set of ear buds for the ears so all could hear, and speak to each other. A camera was mounted above their forehead that could send a picture of anything they can see back to MAX. A pair of spot lights were mounted near the side of the head. MAX had ordered a surprise for Jon as well was added to the gear.

…..The group almost filled the boat that was used to get to the coral reef. There were some tourists mixed in as well. Jon told the boys to be nice, no high jinks. He didn”t think he had to tell MAX the same thing. Mike had a camera in a glass case to keep it free of water, but with all the crew having their own cameras it was really not needed.


Okay a warning,


Thou will not anchor on coral. A dragging anchor can destroy hundreds of years of growth.

…..Okay the rangers don”t do the above. Jon”s crew was soon swimming around enjoying the sights of the coral, and all the fish that live on it, or above it, and hunting other fish too. The filming was going well until Jon started yelling at MAX. It had learned a new trick while watching Lot. MAX had found out how Lot always know one of his little cameras was on near him. It was simple once he learned how it was done. He had learned how with a small twitch to a microphone MAX can use it to ONE push a button, TWO throw a switch, and best of all as far as he thought THREE use it to place a holograph in place, and make it move around. A small fish was seen being weird. It was chasing the boys, kissing their face masks. It started pushing thro the glass to kiss them on the mouth as well. Then the wee fish attacked a larger fish. The large fish did what it learned on it”s parents knees. It ate the annoying fish. A moment later the wee fish popped out of the larger fish”s backend to go back to playing with the boys. Jon only had to think for a short time before he called for MAX to cut it out. “Okay tell me how you did that, and can we do it all the time?” “You will have to get with some of your eggheads to understand all we can do. I can make a holograph that feels like it is there to Lot, it does the something to other people as well.”

…..Okay there was some of the best film ever shot on the reef. It was cut and pasted into one fine show. There were snapshots stills, Close-ups. Shots of the whole reef from above as the boys swam over it. Even the rangers thought it was a fine job.

…..A stop on a group of islands was next on the list. Jon led James to a hospital. He pointed out that one of the younger doctors was one of his boys. He wanted to learn how to care for his people. I sent him to the Pope, and he spent a few years learning the job in Rome. He does not take money. He likes fresh food from a garden, or maybe a fish. He led the group to a closet with a false back in it. A trip downstairs was made to show all the children that were being cared for, and schooled into being leaders for the islands. “There will be no more of that prostitution here. We have almost cut it to zero.”

…..A boat trip with the little doctor was an eye opener for all as there was a bad fire on one of the islands. Jon had given Sin a batch of radios to scatter around the islands. He got a call for many burned people. He lowered the sails, and slammed the boat into a change of direction. Jon told him to lay too we have some other ways to get there faster. Jon emptied out a duffel bag to show the crew how they work. A rush soon had everyone but Jon suited up in a Suit of Lights, Jon called for MAX to make like a compass. He pointed out the island they wanted to go to. MAX as always did it his way. One huge duck glowing like a light bulb led the flight of indivisible people straight to the auditorium that was now a hospital. Sin looked around, and called on MAX get me a sea plane full of burn doctors, call the Pope he will know what to do.

…..Every boy that was in Jon”s group soon had a holograph doctor standing beside them using their hands to save lives. It was a bloody mess, with every chance that some would die in their hands. Hours later when Jon docked the boat he found a young guide waiting for him to take him to his boys. He walked in to swear as he saw what was going on in the room. “Who needs relief?” One of the holograph doctors waved a hand he had one of the younger boys acting as his hands. Jon swore again, “I hate blood.” It didn”t stop him from becoming hands on demand. He had ordered the boy as he was leaving the room to go for a swim, go with some natives don”t swim alone.

…..Fifteen minutes later what looked like an army of doctors ran into the room, and told the crew they were relived, get out of here. Jon called out for all to go to the shore, get clean, and camp out with the natives over night. He grabbed Sin to drag him out too. Jon know the boys would have nightmares. He also know the natives know how to calm down a boy, SEX with a willing helper. Some of the natives had family being saved back in the room the boys had been working on so hard. Jon was tending a small fire late in the night alone doing his own tending to his mind. He is disturbed by the sight of two of his young helpers, two boys wondering away from where they were sleeping with tear stained eyes. Jon motioned them to set with him. He held each of them in one of his arms as he spoke of much, he spoke of the fine job they did, he spoke of lives saved, of the pain they would have to live with, he even swore as he spoke of his own hate of the smell of blood, I hated it when I first smelled it in Nam. They had the morgue near our bunker line, we always know when they were working on a body as they burned all the clothes soaked in blood, it stays in your mind Hell I can still smell it to this day. One of them asked, “but you still took over for one of us?” “Hell son you learn that if there is a need you do it no matter how much it hurts. I well survive. Bones forced me to take enough to be a doctor if the need arises. I try to keep it down to just bandages if I can.” The two boys as young as they were looked at each other, one said, “we want to live with the Pope while we work on being doctors. One of the holograph doctors said he will monitor, and help us.” “Did he try to get you to come with him?” “No Jon we asked him what we needed to do to become doctors.” One of Sin”s helpers had been doing nurse duty, and wanted to upgrade to being a doctor so he went with the two younger boys to room with them, and go to the classes with them.

OOPS A thought I should speak of Sin and some work on his ship.

…..Jon on one of his trips to the islands saw that Sin needed a faster ship. He had just finished imitating Jerry”s flying wheelchairs. He wanted a flying car, cheery apple red no less, as he told the man. Next he asked for them to make a plane for him. “Shit we will have to build it from scratch Jon we will have to replace most of the medal with the special junk we discovered.” The car was a success, it flow, it vanished, it can not be seen on radar. A holograph of many things can be seen if wanted. The Piper Cub was built later, and could do all that the car did beside something unexpected. Shepherd went along on Jon”s first flight, and kept pointing up each time Jon tried to level off. At last he handed him an oxygen mask. “Your kidding me, lets get out of here before NASA starts looking for us.” “They won”t find us there”s nothing here.” The talk after landing was about lots of stuff. The most important was never spoke of till Jon was ready to walk away. He just asked, “How long?” “We will let you know.”

…..Well to get back to the ship. Jon had a pile of his technicians, and a larger group of laborers at Sin”s father”s shipyard when Sin brought it in as Jon asked him to. The ship was blueprinted down to part of an inch, a small part. Every inch of the deck was removed, the hull was stripped bare. Every rib on the ship had a grove cut from end to end of it. A set of wires were placed in the grove then some of that plastic wood was placed over the wires. Groves were cut in every piece of wood that had been removed to hold a piece of medal .As each item was returned to the ship it was wired into the network of wires. The ship was lunched again, and Jon pointed out to sea. He gathered the whole crew together by the steering wheel. “Okay guys we are going flying.” Jon pushed a button to start a little two bang-r generator. He reached under the pilots seat to touch a contact there as soon as the engine had started. A panel fall open with a few displays on it, one looked like a target with a small ship in the center the out side ring was a compass, another lever was labeled stop, and fast, the third was labeled sea, and sky. There was also a computer keyboard, the small screen had a list of all the islands displayed, and other places can be added as needed. There was really no need to make it hard to use. Jon pushed up, how high, how fast, and selected an island. The ship did as ordered, with one added item. As fast as it was going it could risk lives by them falling off the ship so a force field sprang into being enclosing the whole ship. It also became a flock of birds, at least it looked like that.


Okay back to the tour of Jon”s homes

…..Well there are still a few in the states, The first will be Washington DC With the water level being swamp high he would need wadding boots so he built a large above ground building. It was labeled as a private club/gym. The first few floors were blank cement, colored cement with no windows at all. Then when the windows started the glass was all reflective, no seeing in. On the other end of the block that it was placed on backing up to the building a high class apartment building was built at the same time. When I speak of high think of Congress the House, and people that work in the White house maybe even a Supreme court member. Oh yes Jon had helped some of his young people get elected thou none of them really liked the job. They didn”t except any money for the job, and as one of their follow members spoke on the floor about some of them hiring some of their relations in a pious voice. He Started posting a complete listings of every House members cost to the government. He also posted his own including his salary going to charity, as he could not work for free according to the government. The relatives didn”t get paid as they were all doing this for Jon. At night most of his men just walked into a closet to open a secret door into their lovers bedroom next door, on the other side of the block. You don”t think they would leave them at home do you? Oh yes the roof pool caused Jon some worry at first as all the boys had never heard of swimming suits. Helicopters had a tendency to wonder off course often, and hover over the pool. Peter planted a pile of shade trees, and MAX planted many more holograms of trees. At last Jon had a glass cover build above the roof, it also acted as a safety screen as well as a weather control. It kept people from entering the building from the roof as will as being reflective.

…..The people on the damn hill did cause Jon some problems. They lived in his building just around the block, and wanted to use the handy gym. Full,it was full they were told one, and all. “Bull shit came back in some what nicer language. Peter was called to help when it was heard by some of Jon”s men in place among them that they were slipping a rider on a bill that would force them to let them into the place. Jon was soon flying his car to a landing on the circle highway surrounding Washington. A landing then awhile later he was welcomed in the parking garage Jerry with Peter met him as he got out of the car. “Gee they must be really building a fire under your asses guys.” “The whole pile of trash will be rolling thru our front door before the end of the week, and there is nothing we can do.” Jon wondered his kingdom enjoying the sight of some of the boys working out. He broke into a smile as he rushed to an art shop on one of the floors. He watched one of the boys finish a very nice poster. “I like that let me have one for my walls.” “You can have this one.” “No way put together less then one hundred copies, and sale them as numbered. You will make a pile of bucks that way.” Jon told him, “when the 99th is gone someone will want one so bad he is pissing silver dollars sell him the first one unnumbered after a long wait.” Jon told the boys in the shop, “I need a batch of signs made up. They should say no clothing above the first floor. No entry clothed. Something on that line, and they have to look like they have been there for about one hundred years, fly specks dust, and dirt, torn even.”

…..Jon walked back to the main office to find Peter, and Jerry still worrying. “Gee guys it be solved just look at a sample of some signs I had made up.” “Nudist?” “No, shit no then we would have someone else wanting in, just no clothes like it has been for years.”

…..At the end of the week the intruders made their way, there triumphant way to the gym with news people, and television cameras in tow. A spokesman spoke to the cameras, “now they have to let us join, we forced them to open the door to us. Jon pointed at the filthy signs posted plainly on the walls, “well if we must we will but you have to undress before we head off on the tour.” There was a good shot of a naked female as she throw her arms around one of the older Senators, “sir I voted for you every time you ran it well be so nice to see you here.” The man ran for his life as he screamed like a wee girl.

…..Jon spoke up to say, “gee I wanted to tell him I well be having lunch in their private dinning room as I spent some time reading that rider they snuck thru the house the other day, and signed into law with out reading a word of it.” One of the news ladies asked, “really your going to do that?” “Hell no I like a more congenial crowd.” Jon led a group of now naked people on the tour as he explained, “no we are not nudist, just happy in our own way.” He led them to many places where other naked people showed them what was going on in the spaces. Art shops, exercise areas, sleeping areas, common showers, the roof swimming pool with an eating place adjourning it. A couple of the male reporters were cut out of the crowd to be escorted by a handsome young man, They were soon in a room with mats spread out. A large group of boys were wearing gees, and fighting each other under the direction of a Koran gentleman. One of the news men wanted to know what kind of fighting this was as he had never seen more then just a few of the moves before. Mr. Moon waved their guide over to lead the group as they fight. He led the two men to the side to explain that it is just that his boys have been taught how to use any of more from dozens of ways of fighting. He farther told them if they are in a tournament they had to only use the moves that were part of that type of fighting. Your guide is a master of many ways to fight. “What are you guys doing, going to take over the government?” “Good lord why would we want to take over this broken piece of junk? We would rather just work around them, and ignore them.” “Jesus should you be telling us this?” “Yes master Jon said you would be joining us.” “Both of us, why, how?” Jon joined them as they were trying to think about what was going on.

…..Jon told him he had watched both of them, and liked the way they handled their stories. Sam asked you want us to slant our stories? “Hell no but if you get some hints, check it out, and write what you want to.” Jon spoke of a newsman in Texas that still had his show even after Jon helped him buy the station. “ask him if I ever lead him astray.” “Is he a tame reporter like you want us to be?” “Oh boy you have balls to even ask that about that man, he would have you hung if he ever heard about that.” Pewee as the other man is called by his friends said, “I know him, and Jon here is right he is one fine man, honest as hell.” Jon said, “I”ll tell you what, I well tell you three things that I know, and you check it out, use it if you want to. I well bet you a night in bed with your guide if I am right, and you admit it.” “Your going to pimp him out?” “Hell no just let him do what he wanted to do ever since he want to work for your outfit.” “Hun oh shit I”ve seen him working in the shop, I never saw him naked before.” Jon held out a hand to shake. He whispered for awhile and waved goodbye.

…..James had fun filming the capital. He was even invited into that private dinning hall before that rider was repelled. Jon was right he had ate in better places with better people, and he reported that as well.

…..A plane ride to Arizona soon had them filming a ghost town, well it had been before Jon bought it. It was now a home to many of his boys, and some older friends of Jon”s They stayed in an old hotel that Jon”s boys ran. Jon led the crew behind the false doors to deeply hid tunnels. They entered some more of his hidden homes for kids. Most of it was under, or in a huge mesa. A fast trip in an elevator left them out on top of the red stoned up thrust monument. Film was taken on it, around it, and a ranger showed them much that is never seen by the tourists.

…..Later inside the red stone James, and Mike have a fine meal looking out one of the concealed windows over the land below. Jon, mentioned that the glass was one-way, colored red to match the rocks around it, and MAX has a holograph in place to cover it.

…..The first home in the states was in El Paso Texas under a mountain right in the center of the town. It was Jon”s first place many years ago. The FBI came a knocking on his door one day. Yes knocking with hammers, crowbars, explosives, and so on. It was one fine door, steel about three feet thick with a stone cover glued over the face of it. It covered a tunnel that would let large trucks drive miles to a parking area under the mountain. Jon had what might pass for a doorbell, it was an early warning with cameras showing who rang it. Jon was not home that foul day. He was called, and told them to type into the computer JONJONJON777 all caps, and do what it says. MAX took over, and ordered an evacuation of everyone. He opened the doors told each person which exit to use. A deep tunnel under the Rio Grande was soon discharging people under one of Jon”s hotels in the city across the border. It housed a lot of his people as well as quite a few embassy personal, plus most of the off duty Marine guards. It was felt that the over flow of escaping people would be safe there till busses could carry them down into Central America to a safe place Jon had there. Another home under a hospital he ran there.

…..A door was opened into a basement under a downtown apartment building in El Paso Jon was housing people there free or for very little cash. His boys were welcomed into families till Jon could send them out of town someway. Others with backpacks full of false ID`s and cash wondered away on their own. Some of the boys waited till all the rest were out before they ordered MAX to start the final end of the home. He ordered them to leave, they have ten minutes before the flooding of quite a few of the floors would begin. While the water rushed in a song started playing over loudspeakers The Sorcerer”s Apprentice was also playing in the barn, no one could think of why it was playing. As the floodgates were being opened MAX opened a worm inside his computer even as he scrambled all that was on it. He had been copying all that was on it to other homes. There was nothing to be found that would make any sense the code would be scrambled for the FBI`s computer. Yes the worm was for the FBI, It would infect any of their computers. It would spread all over their system, and on command download every scrap of information to MAX. OH boy would that be fun. The worm would also be passed to any other that might be linked to them as well. Homeland, CIA many others as well.

…..Oh yes Jon was wanted for kidnapping, sex with underage boys un-paid taxes theft, murder, un-named victims all. Jon had to admit he hated paying taxes if it was to pay the fools in the capital to waste it. He believed in doing his own help your neighbor.

…..Any way the FBI opened the door at last to face a flood of water washing out to push them out of the building. They did see that the tunnel was full to the roof with water. About that time some flood lights came on (That is good, flood lights for a flood Giggle) and they saw people with Television cameras, and the news man from Huston demanding, “what”s going on here what”s the FBI doing here?” He never let up as he asked why the police had not been told about this raid. When the FBI saw it was going out live they tried to shut him down. No way the man demanded the orders in writing as he quoted the law to them. They had to let him cover the story, they just never had to explain why they were there. After the water stopped gushing out they got some local people to suit up in some diving gear with a pile of hoses. One of Jon”s boys was handling the camera, well really three of them. They were all giggling as they whispered that they will never get there with that small amount of hose. At last the local cops show up after the chief saw the shit on the TV. One of them had to demand the search order. He almost had to pull a gun on the FBI man to get it. He read it over the radio to a city lawyer. The cop was ordered to arrest them if they didn”t as he said, “cease and desist, get the fuck out of our county, that is the biggest piece of crap I have ever heard.” One of Jon”s boys had a shotgun mike trained on the cop as he read the warrant, and he got both sides of the talk. It went out live on the air. Any how it fell on the county cops to investigate the tunnel they found on county land. The hoses were scraped the first day, and scuba gear was hustled up, large piles of rope were piled up to lead them back out if needed. The divers radioed in that they found an exit on the other side of the mountain right under the Thunder Bird rock. “There has to be a cut off somewhere under the water.” It took a week to find the parking area. At last they just gave up, and posted guards on both ends of what they had found. Pumping the water out was a lost cause. It was running in faster then it could be pumped out.

…..Jon and the Pope got together to figure out how to get his home back. The Pope had some of his people start a biding war to buy the tunnel, and all that it might lead to. As it snowballed the Pope made a bid under his own name, All his people dropped out of the bidding, except some outsiders that had just joined in. The Pope”s bid won, and the county said sale it to him. Then the county clerk wanted to know if he can except his check. “Yes you fool sell that shit to him, we have to get out of this pile of fesses we fell into. Jeremy in his white robes walked to the entrance, he waved his hands around as he said something. He was on live TV so he was talking real low to Jon on a hidden mike. “Get this water out of the way now.” It was a picture that was soon to be seen world wide. The back of the holy man walking down the dripping wet tunnel behind the retreating water. He waved his hands, and if the water slowed down he made motions for it to go away. Jon, and MAX were busy shutting off water valves, and draining away the water as fast as the Pope can walk. Really they had been doing the draining for weeks except for the entrance tunnel. the Pope”s men stopped anyone else from entering after the Pope saying, “it was now his to decide what to do with it.”

…..Jeremy looked around the water damaged floors, he saw throw the damage that it was all just water damage that can, well not easily, but with a lot of work can be fixed. A call to Jon soon had plenty of ready bodies on the way to start on the highest floor that had damage. They deployed steam hoses, water hoses, shovels, and mops to sweep everything into some open elevator shafts. Floor by floor the place was cleaned. The Pope was busy planning for one of his largest orphanage. Jon was by his side as he laid out the plans. They were in an old reconditioned hotel in the downtown area of El Paso as Jon was not going to see his home trashed, he will wait till it is repaired, smelling fresh again.

…..One day there was a big opening of the orphanage, Jon and some of his people were invited by the Pope to celebrate with him. He drove up to the place where the old barn once stood. A new monastery like building now stood in it”s place. A snotty priest told him to move along there was no admittance to trash like him. Peter touched his arm to tell him to shut up as he touched his own forehead. “Okay Jon my brother is on his way.” Jeremy slammed the door against the wall as he rushed to the parking area. “You fool, you told Jon he was trash. Where is the guest list your supposed to check before you insult a guest?” “I don”t know sir I just ordered the young priest that was lingering here to go do something for me, and was waiting for him to return.” “Okay head for the Vatican, report to the liberty, Your job is to do what ever you are told to do. You are under a vow of silence starting now, in other words shut up.”

…..The Pope bowed to Jon, and his group as he led them into the new entrance to the home He showed off the cartoon paintings on the wall for the kids, the food places set up for them. Some of the rooms off the replanted hallways. Play areas scattered around for the children. Bright new schools, all the things that made this a nice place to live. “Okay it was still underground, but it was one of the safest homes for the kids that the Pope had. Jon looked around for his private elevator. The Pope saw him looking for something, and asked, “what?” “Where is my elevator?” “Oh we had to hide it from just everyone using it, come on we build some new walls to conceal it.” He led Jon to a coat closet, pushed some coats aside to point at a card reader on the wall. “use your fake credit card.” The wall opened to a small lobby with a single elevator. “Damn it you have me back in a closet at my age!” Jon broke out in laughter as he boarded it. His first stop was his living quarters. The walls looked bare. He tapped in a code on a computer, and a wall slid open to display a walk in safe. Jon was soon busy placing many pictures back on the wall, and many other treasures back where they belong. He didn”t believe his boys had taken the time that they could have been escaping to save his junk as he called it. Well he was back home. He called for MAX to find out who had taken some of the other stuff that was reported as being missing. I want it back in place if you guys have to sue them, or steal it. Hell they even took that huge Mayan stone calendar I used to have. “That is in a museum down-town. They had to remove a wall to get it in.” “Shit can we blow the wall out again?” “Nope!” Okay lets charge them with theft, and except payment instead of taking it back, We can have that guy down in Caste Rica make an another one for me.” MAX asked, “it isn”t real then?” “Well it was made by A Mayan, but he is still living so it should be okay to say it is real.” Jon went into business of suing people as the shit the FBI was trying to sale was all proved wrong, or at least can”t be proved. He even brought charges against the agents and the agency. He know it would never fly, but would cost them money, and reputation.

…..That was before Jon started selling the service of his boys to them. “No not that kind of service, gees do you think those straight laced tight assed suits would buy that from the boys?” No some of Jon”s boys had banded together to form a detective group. It was not always for cash. Sometimes it was seeing someone getting ripped off by either a government, or just some rich dude that thought money made him right. Anyway some of the boys were doing a drug deal one day in Florida. Okay they were not buying, or selling drugs. They were cleaning up some mob guys that had gone over the line drawled in the sand as some one was always saying. The FBI agents made the mistake of trying to take the boys into custody, the FBI guys ended up wearing some of those plastic ties the cops like so much. “Opps me bad.” was said by the three boys as they cut the agents loose. They handed the men some film they had taken of the mob guys. It was of them planning some junk. They told them the film was not for court use as it was not got legal. You guys can”t do what we do, and get away with it. “We just listen to the thugs so we can plan to take them down when they do it.” “Look we embarrassed you guys, here is a phone number, and our names, if you need some burglars to get some pictures or sound give us a call.”

…..Over the next few years the three boys wired a few places the agents could not do. They had cameras, and sound that the FBI could never find. They tried, but never saw the stuff. The boys went in twice, once to wire the place, and again to recover the bugs after the job was done. Director Free of course found out about the deal, and wanted in on it. He demanded that Jon give him some of the bugs. His men lost the line into Jon”s boys. Jon set down to look over Free”s life. He was clean, just a wee bit demanding. Jon got a hold of Director Free”s private cell phone number, not too many had ever had it. “How did you get this number, and who are you, how did you block your number and name from my cell?” “Oh shut up, you ask too many questions.” Jon went on to introduce himself as the person he was demanding stuff from. After speaking of a few things that were spoken of in the man”s office he said, “my boys are good at the job, and yours will have to get used to pointing out where you want bugged, and let us do it, and undo it as well.” “Clean out my office!” “A boy is delivering some stuff in your office, let him into your office, and go get some coffee.” The man after some arguments shrunk out of his own office after telling the boy to do a good job. He grinned as he admitted he had done the bugging in the first place. Jon called back later to set up a meeting with the man. Jon was standing on the corner of a block a couple of blocks from the headquarters. Free came walking down the street to meet him, as he came up to Jon he pulled that white handkerchief out of his breast pocket to wave at Jon. Jon bowed to him as he excepted the surrender. A handshake and they spoke of payment, and Jon spoke of some free jobs if they agreed it was needed, “and oh yes if some of your men that I dislike are involved we don”t do the job.” “Tell me who they are.” “Hell no that would make it too easy, and no fun, just keep taking no till you figure it out.” Free fooled Jon, he sent only his youngest, newest agents out on any of the jobs he was using the boys on. Jon was always happy to except tax free money.

…..He only had to speak to Free one more time. His manager at the ski lodge reported a dozen guns entering a gun free zone. A batch of them clamed to be FBI. Jon set up a teleconference at once. “Okay since when do you ignore a posted gun free area, and not tell the fucking sheriff you are in his backyard.?” Free stuttered as he clamed he didn”t have to do no such thing. “In my house you do it my way.” He spoke of them blowing the whole sting. “Do you want to watch them on TV in your rooms or stalk around watching them from the ferns?” Free told him to put one of his men on the conference call, Jon waved a hand, and the whole room full of agents sprung to their feet as they saw Free on the screen. Do what the manager tells you to.” “But boss.” Do it, or your fired, shut up, and do what your told.” John Wayne smiled as he ordered rooms for the agents, he also ordered MAX to help them. MAX had the television on when they were brought thro the servants area it was showing a group of thugs in small pictures clustered on the screen. More televisions were wheeled into the room as they watched them each showed one of the men they were interest in. Their undercover agent when he checked in was met as all gun owners were, and said they can”t have his gun. “Don”t be a fool, if you keep the gun your a cop. do you want to ask your boss he is in room 2003 watching them all?” “Cut that out they always sweep the room,” “MAX show this man the sweep, and let him see if they caught you.” A gun was pulled out placed butt first on the mans arm as he surrender it to John Wayne. “Get out of my office, and I think you should swear about me when you meet their greeter in the hall.”

…..The sting worked as Jon”s boys had them on tape, television, and in sight at all times. One of the bellhops changed a light bulb in the FBI”s room, and had them looking in it to see if they can find the bug. Heck all the rooms were bugged for MAX.

…..John ran after the thugs as they were being led out in handcuffs, sirs don”t forget your guns, and I hope you enjoyed your stay.”


Okay next a wee part of Jon”s life

…..Soon after Jon got back most of his first home. The Pope got a small part of the ground floors. Well it was small when you saw how much Jon had. Jon had a visitor storm into his rooms, demanding that he turn on his computer. Judy Sanders was not often on the boys side of the home. She usually stayed on the girls side which she was in charge of. “Okay Jon look at this shit.” The pictures she pulled up were of a young boy being molested by a young boy barely older then he was. He saw some fine looking pictures if it was not seen they were real, not some actors. “A cute boy, and the older boy is trying his best to not hurt him, I take it that you know who it is?” “You damn tooting right that is Rosie O”Donnell”s son, and she was forced to watch them film him.”

…..Jon called out to MAX, Get the C-5 Galaxy out of the hanger, and ready to go. Then he called for a group of boys, mind readers, security, medical, and anyone else MAX picks to go. Peter staffed double the security. He didn”t trust Jon to leave the guards do their job. Oh yes the C-5 Galaxy was a huge air-craft that some of the pilots bought for Jon. You have seen it flying for the air-force sometimes. Jon messed with it, he placed a new set of controls back in the passenger cabin, the luxuries cabin. He also had MAX install some holograph setup on the ship. It could with a push of a button, or just telling MAX to do it. The ships walls, ceiling, and floor as well will look like they have vanished. Jon enjoyed flying like that. There was a rush to the air-port. Judy led the rush as she said, “I know Rosie, and can get you in to see her without any problem.” Jon told her, “Judy your getting four guards just to keep you safe.” “The hell you say, line them up, and I will wipe the floor with all four of them.” Jon won the fight as he pointed out how many guards he had trailing around after him.

…..The plane was quite a sight when it was parked in New York. Jon had some cars off-loaded from the ship, including his cheery apple red sports car. Judy was pointing the way as Jon drove with the convoy behind him. The apartment house was reached, and invaded by all his boys. They showed some of their Cards from some of the THREE letter outfits. The one from the FBI seemed to work the best. The whole building soon was overran by boys.

…..Judy did her magic with Rosie and led Jon, and one of the younger mind readers into the apartment. Introductions all around, and the mind reader named Jim was soon seated talking to the young boy with the boys eyes on Rosie most of the time as she spoke to her other two guests on the other side of the room. Jon turned on his laptop, and showed the boy”s pictures. “Look at them close my dear lady, you need to see something. I well speak of what I see, and you must see.” She watched as the display was paged by, Jon explained that it was obvious the young perpetrator was trying to not hurt, or scare the boy. “He was being forced to do the sex acts with him.” Judy asked about how Jon could see what was being done. Jon asked, “Rosie will you be too upset if I told you he shows signs of becoming gay?” “How the hell can you see that all the way across the room?” “Sh calm down he heard a sharp word, and it scares him. My companion over there is a mind reader, he can talk to me with his fingers, he let me know the boy was okay with most of what was done to him. He sure didn”t like the nasty man yelling at the two boys, but he kind of liked what the kid did.”

…..Jim started to speak of a Shoos story about an elephant named Who, he had the boy laughing as he spoke of parts of the story. Jon spoke of fixing their apartments safety. Plus some of his boys are buying an apartment in the building. Your place will not even be approachable without at least two of them showing up with a pile of hidden weapons on them.

…..”How would you like to have a vacation from the studio? You could have your show in an orphanage with some of the cutest kids. We could do a modify on your place while your gone.” “Like what?” Trip wires, mike-a-phones, cameras and so on. You would never see any of them.” “Look young miss my boys won”t be spying on you, they really like boys more then the ladies.” “Oh! Okay where is this home?” “The Pope runs it for me, and I live up-stairs.” “Lets get packed, and get your crew ready to go.” Young Tim was rounded up, and Jim stayed with him on the trip home. The plane was ready to go as they boarded it.

…..They were in the air about ten minutes when MAX started to call for a change of destinations. Jon called out, “why, and where?” “I found the picture taker.” “Tell me about it, how, and where?” That town between Houston and Fort Worth where all the rich bitches live. He was easy to find, I looked at all the pictures on the darn net. He has published a pile of those coffee table books that sell for unreal costs. Most of them have naked people in them. He is one of those uncivil bible thumper from that unmannerly church you dislike so much. At least he claims to be, but he plays around with too many young kids to be a true believer in most of the holy Joe stuff.” “You have his address?” “Yes, and one of your cop buddies is hot to lead the way to his house too.” Okay alert the crew with the weapons to get ready, medical too, Judy, and me too, Yes we know that means guards too.” “Rosie yelled out, me too.” Jon looked at her, no killing unless I start it Rosie, and you get extra guards.” When the plane landed there was a convoy already to unload with piles of people armed to the teeth. The unnamed Cop met them with a squad car full of cops he had picked personally. He did that bit like a wagon train boss, you know waved an arm in the air, as he yelled move it out.

…..They pulled up to a guard shack where the guard was facing away from the convoy of vehicles looking at a wall as they passed into the area. The cop had done his job no-one saw them go in, and he would make sure no-one would see them leave either.

…..Jon”s boys took care of unlocking the house, not one alarm made a peep, and the place had a good alarm system too. Jon, and the two ladies were escorted into the place. The picture taker was sound asleep when he found himself snatched out of the bed, tied-up, and gagged without a sound being made.

…..The house was searched, the other bedrooms first, no luck till they reached the cold dark basement. A young boy was found there with a cheap thin holey blanket doing a poor job of keeping him warm. The three well guarded leaders were led to the boy, “that is the boy that mishandled my son.” “I tried not to hurt him lady, he forces me to do his dirty work.” “Damn you Jon your going to make me forgive him, okay I forgive him lets get him out of this funky hole,” Jon ordered the boy to get up, “we need to get out of here as soon as we check out the rest of the place.” “I well show you his lab, and the rest of the hidden stuff.” First Jon had to cut up the blanket to dress the boy. A hole in the middle for the head, and a strip off the bottom for a belt.

…..Jon followed the boy to a secret door to the lab, and the boys started searching the place. They found a large metal cabinet, locked of course. The boy that answered to Pete reached under a table to show them a key ring. The cabinet was full of CDs for a computer. Pete fired up the computer to let them see what was stored on the CDs. “Oh shit they have to be full of Porn, wild shit too.” Jon called for them to box them for travel, move it. Pete spoke of a safe behind a wall in the lab. It was attracted with a torch at once. He pointed at another door hidden behind some wall-board. They pried it open to find a set of bars making another door inside the first one. Okay bring that bundle of trash down from the bedroom. He pointed at one of the boys with a tool belt hanging on his waist, “anything in there that will get him to give us the keys?” “Shit yes lots of stuff.” He pulled out an elect drill, a hammer, and a pair of pliers to start with. A quick grab of the guys hand let him grab a fingernail with the pliers to yank it out by the root. “Jon giggled as he asked, “would it help if we asked him where the keys are, and maybe un-gag him?” “Oh yes it might, but I thought a few nails first might be the best way to get his attention.” The gag was removed to set him yelling they are in my pants pocket. “Oh well see it worked, and I only had to move it a wee bit.” Jon reached for the keys, and had one of his guards take them away from him.

…..The gate was opened up, and a light switch was found. It was a row of jail cells full of kids of both sexes, and everyone from preteens to maybe sixteen. years old, everyone of them was walking wounded. Whip marks, signs of rape on most of them. “Medics move in how! Get those fucking doors open!” Jon was in a rage, and Rosie was almost as bad. Judy had seen it before. She moved in with the medics. “Get them some more blankets to cut up so they can wear like we did for Pete.”

…..Pete pulled his sleeve, he has some clothes upstairs. He told one of the boys where they were, and moved in to help one of the boys who was tied to a bunk. He was crying as they cut him loose. Pete was the one that noticed he was wearing a tight cock ring that was hurting him badly. One of the medics said, “shit he has to cum before it goes, we will have to help him quick.” Pete waved the guy off, and pulled a blanket over them both as he helped the boy as he spoke softly as he helped him get it loose. One of the guys cut it off as soon as there was some room to reach it. “He caught me playing with my ……… .

…..Everyone that could soon had a young body hugged tightly as they rushed out to the vans, and cars. The delay might have cost them some exposure. The cop was looking around as he saw what was being carried out. The last bundle wrapped in a blanket was the owner of the house. Jon told the cop, “he just got a life sentence. I well show him where.” “Oh shit Jon your going to get in trouble someday doing that.” “I could just kill him, and let you clean it up.” “Nope go away.” He again led the caravan back to the airport. A cop was holding the guard to the wall as they passed by to be sure he didn”t peek.

…..Every vehicle was driven onto the air craft full, and unloaded after the clamshells doors were closed. The medics carried each of the young people to beds set up in the main living area. Holographs of doctors were everywhere. The boys washed up before they started checking the boys, and girls out. Swearing was heard by doctors, and their hands too as they checked on each of the youngsters. Rosie wondered how some of the quite young boys can help the other kids. “Hell Rosie outside not a thing, but at my place they are full doctors.” One youngster a young girl was bleeding front, and back. The doctor told the boy he had to pack gaze into both ends to stop the bleeding till they get her home. “No sir, I have to do the operation now, we will lose her if we wait. The boy gloved up, and started sewing. He made small fine stitches. He did both ends. One of the other boys told him they pulled a train on the poor thing. “They were going to just let her die. I”ve got two other almost as bad. Both boys, at least they couldn”t rip up a pussy on them. Thou they did use both ends anyway.” Miles of gaze was used on some of the less injured, lots of pain pills as well. Jon had the pilot pushing the plane as fast as they can. Rosie had the wee girl in her arms as soon as the young boy was done sewing her up. She made all the sounds a mother would make to a child. Judy was doing nurse duty. Heck she was a nurse anyway. She was spread thin, and was glad that all of the combat types also could act as nurses as well. Even Jon had a hand in softly caring for a hurting child.

…..El Paso air port had never heard the tone of voice Jon used as he told them he was at the front of the line, and get the rest of them out of my way. “Please.” When the stretchers were unloaded off the plane it was understood why he was in a hurry. Ambulance after ambulance, van after van, truck after truck, even MAX”s (doc-in-a-box) stretchers as they now called them were picking up kids. They convoyed to the home, and were soon in the hospital being cared for. Doc Bones led the way like a band-leader marshalling his troops. He led by example. The worst of the lot seemed to head for his table. Jon met every person as they entered his home, and when they woke up he was there to assure them they would be cared for. Rosie was almost as bad, or is that as good. Sally was hugged as soon as she woke up. Jon asked her ready for a new mother? Rosie looked hopeful, but shook her head, “they would never let me do that till she is an old lady.” “I don”t ask them, I just do it. Heck I have so many people in my pocket that I can”t carry change around.”

…..Rosie kidded Jon about taking in all the kids he rescued. “It is already being researched.” “What kind of research?” “Oh maybe a criminal background we have to clean up, sex, STDs, family, family is the big one.” “Why so big?” I have to get them back with a good family, or make them vanish if they are shitty. It is amazing what money can buy, makes people forget they have kids, or if they loose enough they leave, heck I can make them run for the hills, and I don”t mean Beverly hills.” “How long will that take?” “The first part is already done now I wonder around the country checking them out personally. By the way you pass, and that lovely young child is yours. Her parent didn”t pass. He is looking at some jail time. One of my boys spoke nasty to a cop buddy.”

…..The first show Rosie put on with all the kids was a hit, with the kids, and the public too. One of the young boys asked her why she didn”t pick some books for the kids? He spoke of some he had read,. He liked some of them, hated a few by name no less. A call after the show asked if Oprah could join her show with hers and double team helping get some kids adopted. She looked at Jon to see if she can do it. A wave of a hand inducted do it. The two shows joined, and were a hit as many people were soon calling in to ask about the children. Jon pointed MAX at the job of checking every caller out. He posted a score card on each caller, surprising most were expectable. Just a few bad apples. Bad apples ended up in jail.

…..Jon met with all the rescued children that were out of the hospital. He wanted to ask about their home life, most of them spoke ill of their home, with examples spoken of. A small group were defensive about their family, a few missed it. The last two groups home was going to have Jon visiting them. He swore out loud as he saw it was going to be all across the country, coast to coast. “Oh well a nice long trip.” The first stop was going to be in California. As Tommie pulled up in front of the nose in the air high priced mansion Jon told him to drive on. “Lets go buy a high priced car to impress the butler or we won”t get inside.” Jon wondered if the gold limousine with Tommie got up as a chauffer no less was going to be enough. Jon was afraid he would drown if it rained, he had his nose lifted at the butler, as he handed him a card that was made to impress. It did. He was left into a parlor anyway. The man of the house strolled in to see who was disturbing him uninvited. Jon shook the limp hand the man offered him, and asked if his son had been found yet? “No the police are handling that, after all it is their job. What do you want here?” “I heard of a boy of his description that might have been involved in a sexual problem in Texas a while back.” “No that was not my son he knows he would never be allowed in my house if he got mixed up with stuff like that.” Jon let the man convince him it was not his son. As he was bidding the man goodbye another son came running around the corner of the hall to speak to his father. He was spoken to shortly as the man told him he was busy.

…..Jon walked to the open door of his car as Tommie playing his part touching his hat as he held the door for him. He was driving away before Jon spoke up, “call in a team to bug that shit hole he calls a home. I want them to let me know if a roach farts in there.” I take it you don”t like him?” “Nope he should never have a kid, and I do believe we should remove any from the home. He might need to be circumcised kind of high, or is that low?” “You mean castrated?” “Yeah!”

…..A week later the younger brother was on his way to see his brother, and to stay with him happily.

…..Jon was making his way across country checking out homes. He found two that with some help from Jon they can handle having their kids back. He helped them, and had the houses bugged just in case.

…..At last Jon reached New York City. His Gold plated car attracted attention even if the apartment house was what might be called high end. It better be Jon”s crew had bought out blocks of the city, and tore down the whole neighborhood. He dug out the underground pipes, drains, and all. They replaced it all with new, plus wiring for power, wiring for up-to-date computers. The apartments were all comfortable, and at a fair price. Jon did have some built in bugs to catch anyone stealing, or destroying the building. Jon ran this renewal of New York for some years. He was after the underground crooks taking advantage of people. Also the crooks that got elected to office, He cleaned out a pile of them.

…..As to the family, Pat”s name got him into the home with a warm greeting. “Have you found him, we will pay you anything you want to get him back.” More of the same was expressed before Jon could say a word. They wanted their son back at any cost. Five boys rushed into the room as Jon was getting ready to speak. Every one of them was asking about Pat.

…..Jon got control by talking fast. “He spoke of their son being hurt bad, but was slowly recovering. Yes he was most foully raped, but will recover. His head was hurt inside, you know his mind has to recover. Look here you seem like a fine family, are you guys tied down to living here?” “If we get Pat back we can live anywhere.” “Good do you need to give notice at work?” “Yes sir a few weeks at least.” “Okay can the rest of the family do the move to where he is recovering. It is a ghost town in Arizona. at least on the surface any way. Tommie came knocking on the door just then. He said, “I got a kid watching the car for me. It should be okay for awhile.” One of the boys looked out to see who it was, and said, ” he is okay, but is yon car yours?” Jon nodded as he thought, “take them for a ride, and find someplace to let them try driving it.”

…..He did find a racetrack that for the use of a credit card left the boys into use it. It got some make that a lot of use. All of the boys got to drive with Tommie spending the time one: getting to know them. two:. Teaching them to drive. three: Maybe falling in love. four: Planning the next few weeks as he was sure Jon was going to leave him behind with the family.

…..Tommie is told he should keep the car, and stay with the family till they are packed with their carry on baggage, and drive them across country. “Ron needs the time to get somewhat recovered before they get there. If they get froggie tell them why. Okay get me to the airport we should have something there to fly me home.” Of course MAX had a fast jet setting waiting for Jon, he was drove right to the door, waved, called thinks, and was gone.

…..Tommie called for a guard for the car. It was a tempting target. He got two guards, a pair of new lovers. Oh well.

…..Two days later the long car trip was started with the mother in the co-pilot-seat, and the five boys in the many seats in the back. If they get too loud a push of a button rolls up a window. The first thing Mary wanted to know was if it would speed up the trip if she or the oldest boys drove as well? “Okay the truth is that it would be nice if we took a leisurely trip. The doctors don”t want a worried family hanging around for a few days. Pat will look a lot better in a few days. He is doped up, and needs sleep more then seeing worried faces looking at him. When we do get there he needs looks of love not worry, do that at night while you should be sleeping. “Can you guys do that, if not I can have the car break down for a few days.” “You wouldn”t do that?” “Nope slow and safe is what we need. The doctors promised he will be awake by the time we get there.” Sadly she nodded as she thought of her son being unwell. At last she looked out at the green hills of western Pennsylvania. “They are pretty.”

……~~~~Okay I was going to have a travel log here. How is your imagination?~~~~~

…..The tired group after the long trip drove into Jon”s ghost town. It was a shock at first. The place looked like something from the last century. Most of the modern stuff was hidden, or just looked like it belonged there. Things they had to have like water, electrify were there but just not in your face

…..”Where is Ron, I want to see him now!” Tommie grinned as he kidded Mary, “demands now?” He led the whole family along the brick sidewalk to the doctors office. Again the shock as it was a small office with a few small rooms set up for patients. “Okay people we know this looks like the eighteen hundreds. That is what we sale to any tourists that wonder by. let me show you our large closet. After the whole crowd was in the closet a push on a loose board lowered the elevator down to the hospital. Tommie pointed out labs, x-ray rooms in other words all that a large city hospital would require. He tapped on a door at last to hear Pat call out, “come in.” A rush past him to the easy chair Ron was setting in with seven people demanding to know how he is? “Gee, and after they got me out of bed, and put me in this fine soft chair you still want to know that medical junk!” Doctor McNeal wondered in to quote from the records hanging on the foot of the bed. It was a pile of shit just to hide that Pat had a stubborn infection that they were fighting hard to cure. On a scale of one to ten he was at four. He had been at fifteen once. Pat had screamed at them to lie to the family as he had to do this on his own. The mind reading nut doctors agreed with him. “It won”t hurt him, and will relax the family. We can keep him calm, and them too.” Mary was not really fooled after all she had been a nurse for years. She felt his head, and said, “Tommie take the kids home where ever home is, I want to talk with my sick son now.” Pete came into the room to help her as she was helping Pat back into the bed. He hooked up all the sensors that the doctors wanted him on. Mary was reading them like a trooper as they came on line. She saw the rest of the report that the doctor had not reported on. Pat started crying on his mothers bosom as he saw she know it all. “I should know that you can”t be fooled Quite baby, I love you and can see your sleepy, and need to get your rest. They have you doped up so you can heal. I well keep the monsters busy till your on your feet. A yawn as he thanked her, and he was softly snoring.

…..Pete spoke up to tell her Pat was much improved. “Look mama he is gay, and is worried, I love him, and…… He couldn”t finish as he was gently held in a hug as she spoke of now having seven boys., “and my name is Mary.” The two spent an hour talking as her other son slept.

…..At last Mary was at the hotel getting reunited with her other sons. “Pat is going to be okay, it well just take some time.” Jon walked in just then to ask, “dear lady do you think you, and your brood could run this hotel for me? We just let anyone that happens to be here do it how.” “Oh my! I guess we could how many people come in for rooms?” Jon spoke of some of his people staying there most of the time, and maybe some patents to see the doctor. Not too many really.”

…..Her next problem was the boys wanted to visit with some of Jon”s boys when they had free time. Okay it was not really a problem, but well she know Jon was gay.

…..Terry was the oldest son, and got interest in the crew that had rescued his brother. He wanted to know how they learned to do it. Training was started slowly as he was only nineteen. Most people on the outside never get trained in all the junk that Jon”s boys learn from almost their birth. He was trained by one of the doctors in what was called first-aid. “Bull-shit it was close to being a doctor by the time they get done force feeding him. He was trained in weapons of every kind. Also taught when to use them. More important when to not use them. Terry learned the doctor bit so well that he browsed thru Ron”s records laying on the table in his room. Anything he was not up on he researched himself.

…..One day Tommie was setting in the hotel with Terry when his cell phone rang. Tommie was told that he needed to take a car out to meet a boy that needed some help. “He might need to be brought back here. It”s up to you to decide.” “Okay, hey Terry is here with me, can I take him along?” He hung up, and asked if Terry wanted to go for a ride?

…..As the two boys turned into the road that the boy lived on Tommie swore under his breath, and ordered Terry to open the glove box, and to open the box inside. “Load the gun with the darts inside the box. I want you to mark those two people struggling by the car over there, and the car as well.” He ordered the boy to plug in the tracer in the cigarette lighter, and watch the signal. “If I loose sight of them we will be able to find them again. Call the control room, get a recovery teem on the way to us, and keep them on track to the boy.”

…..Terry had his first live action recovery action that evening. They followed the car without any problem, and soon had a group of boys close on their heels. Tommie saw them pulling into a rest stop. He pulled a plan out of the air. Orders were transmitted. Tommie pulled into park beside the car he had been tailing so long. As the man returned to the car with the boy being held tightly Tommie waved a map at him as he asked, “sir can you help me with finding…….. He was pushed away roughly as the man swore at him. Tommie used a come along hold on the man”s arm to take him down. Terry was ready as he had been ordered to put the boy in the car, and calm him down. He spoke to the boy, and saw he was ready to throw a fit, so he did the only thing he can think of to handle the boy. He pulled him in close, and locked him in a kiss. It was not a peck on the lips, it was a long hard kiss that felt like loads of time was passing. In the mean time a pair of motorcycle cops chases a car into the parking area.

…..They saw Tommie, and the man struggling. Tommie reported that the man was abducting a kid. One of them pulled the car door open to speak to the two kissing boys, “damn kids that”s a nice way to pass the evening, just keep on keeping on we will take care of your father, and get you out of here. The fake cops handcuffed the father to his own steering wheel,. Just then the car returned pulling donuts from one end to the other as it raced away. The fake cops headed out after the car they had chased into the area. Tommie got into his car, and drove off. They passed an eighteen wheeler loading the chase car, and the two motorcycle cops inside on the side of the road.

…..Erik was crying as Terry held him in his arms. By the time they reached the barn that was one of the main entrance to the mesa home he was setting up with just Terry”s hand holding his hand. Jon met them, and pointed out a room for Eric, Terry said he was staying with the boy as he was still unsteady with all the fuss his father caused. Jon looked hard at the boys but never said a word.

…..Later in the day he called his home in Scotland. He asked for three of Pat”s boys Richard, Ross, Brian, “boys I have a boy here that I think well need some healing soon, I would like you three to get on a fast plane, and come to the mesas. I don”t know how long it well take for him to go off.” “We”re on the way out the door as we speak.” The boys were soon on their way. Max had them on one of Jon”s fastest planes in ten minutes. They rushed into Jon”s room to find out what was going on. Jon giggled as he said, “We have a some-time-straight boy setting on the boy while we cram knowledge into his head. He is one fast learner. I think you guys need to tune into Terry”s head, and let him handle the hands on stuff.” “What are you teaching him?” “How to rescue kids, care for them. His brother was molested real bad. He wants to help out.” “Does he have any mind reading skills?” “Nope but he seems to react like he does.”

…..While Terry is in class a message was passed to him to leave the class early, and meet the three boys. They were all three in the hot tub relaxing konyaaltı sınırsız escort from the fast trip. A call to come in, and Terry found them naked in the tub. He wanted to know who they were, and why call on him? A wave of a hand invited him to join them in the tub. The oldest boy fourteen, and almost fifteen year old Richard spoke of them being backup for him. “Your the one that has to watch Erik, and call out for MAX to get us moving. We are the mind healers.” He introduced his brothers as Terry thought about what he had just said, “your all mind readers? They said they are all mind readers. “Most of the time we all are, but you seem to instinctively do the right thing without a thought. Your teachers have noted that.”

…..”Your reading my mind now?” “Nope just getting a feel for your mind, if you start getting upset, and yell out to move it now we will be there with a doc-in-a-box to pick up the pieces.” He”s really going to go to pieces then?” “Yep, and he would have done it before we got here without you doing your love you kid bit. keep it up, and maybe it will be a mild one.” A week later as the two friends are watching a rerun of leave it to Beaver no less Erik started to scream, shake, cry, in other words he lost it.” The three boys raced into the room to find Terry holding the boy tightly as he whispered to him softly. The Doc-in-a-box with a doctor, and a nurse was right behind them. The group of them lifted Erik, and Terry onto the stretcher as a unit. It was then a rush to a hospital room. The nurse on duty asked if he was needed as he was another mind reader. The answer was no. Terry never let go of the kid. He was attached to his side, like HERE IT IS a Siamese twin. The three boys saw he was handling the boy, and that they were upsetting Erik. They withdrew to the bathroom keeping a mind on the two boys. At last Erik woke up to ask, “when are they coming for me?” “What, and who do you mean?” “The nut doctors, They will rip my mind to peaces.” “I”m here Erik, I”ve been having my teachers pounding shit into me mind in hopes you would let me get it all before you lost it.” Erik started asking what was going to be done to me now? Terry paused as the three boys called on MAX to tell him what to say. Erik saw him stop, and then say something. He told him to tell him, not what someone was telling him to say. “Okay brother, the thing we need to do is lets go home, my brothers have been doing my jobs, and you can help me out.” He helped the boy dress, and led him to the hotel where he found his brother Samuel behind the desk handling the phone. “Where”s mom?” “With Pat he was feeling low today. The rest of the guys are doing the honey-do list!! .” “Okay this is Eric he is going to be one of our brothers, he needs a family. Get the honey-do list!! and we will see if we can cut it down to size. Why are you handling the desk?” “We had a rush, some of Jon, guys had to move downstairs. There were a dozen people in wheelchairs, and most of them had pushers, or parents. We finally found a note listing them all, and it was easier then.” “Why so many at once?” “The doctors set them up for operations.” Samuel jumped to attention as another chair rolled into the room. “Never mind,” Jerry told him, “I”m the doctor to meet with the guys let me see the list in the book to see if any are late.” He ran a finger down the register as he thought about the names, “good all here.” He rolled into the dinning room to greet the group. “Okay people I”m not going to promise you”ll walk out of here, but we will do our best to help you. I have this neat chair that is a big help. It has many features that can help you all out. First of all it can understand voice commands. chair turn in circles.” The chair did just that till Jerry told it to stop. “Okay folks reminder to say chair or simply stop if it is doing something wrong. If you smoke, and drop a cigarette on something flammable, you yell help, and the chair will help you. It will get you away from the fire, it well call the fire department, it will call a neighbor. It well tell you that it is stupid to smoke.” Giggles at the last statement.

…..”Enough about the chair, oh except it can speak to you any time you want to talk, just call out MAX any time you wish to speak to someone.” Jerry stood up to explain, “Okay I”m not kidding around using the chair, I can”t move the legs at all, we have, well let me show off my legs” as he dropped his pants to the floor to kick them off. “If you look close at my useless legs you will see something that we just call long-johns, they have small motors in them that with a computers help can make me look like I”m really walking, but I need to be in a place where it can reach me. You can join us here or in some other places all over the world. We can offer that to you. I operate in a rigged up chair that lets me fly around the operating table. It helps me help you guys.” He set back down, and demonstrated some of the things the chair can do. “I like to cook, and can almost fly in the kitchen. Yes we can let you have as much fun as I do.”

…..Later in the day some of the people saw Jerry flying in the operating room. He was doing his best to get them on their feet as he said often. Some made it. Most of the ones called to come to the ghost town would make it out of the chair. This time one of twelve had to be asked, “do you want to stand up like I showed you earlier, or go back to rolling along?” The young boy chose to stand, and his parents asked to stay as well. Jon welcomed them to his home.


~~~Okay back to the hotel~~~~~

…..Erik was led off by Samuel to do some of the list he introduced him to his brothers as he met them. Erik asked “what is that hand motion you make as you say my name?” “Gee it just says this is Terry”s friend, treat him like a brother.”

…..As they were folding sheets There was a yell, “dads here.” Gerry was greeted like a hero by all the boys as he asked “where is Pat?” Even as one of the boys was going to tell him, Pat rolled in the door in his wheelchair. He had heard his father was home, and wanted to see him at once. He was gently hugged and lifted into his fathers kind arms to receive a kiss as well. “Oh dad I”ve missed you so much.” “Sorry my child they wanted the full three weeks, and would have taken more if it was legal. You all know the government always wants your last drop of blood. ” Erik was pulled forward to be hugged as the man told him he was glad to have another son. “I understand I have another one named Pete as well. Where is he?” Pete was called to join them. A fine meal was served up in the dinning room. All were doing their thing being a family. One of the boys wanted to know why Erik had lost it? Terry was ready to tell his brother off when Erik spoke up to say,” that”s okay we were just watching that Beaver guy with that unbelievable fine family when it hit me mine was a mess. My dad is a homophobe, my cousin brought me out when I was just ten, he raped me just raped me with no warning, and no love. I spent the rest of my life till now looking for love. The closest I got was your brother. He will be leaving me now that I`m over my fit.” “Nope not leaving just on call if I”m needed. You need to start looking for Mr. one and only.” Terry was speaking about school, and other things the boy can do till he meets his……… when all the watches on the people that had them started beeping. “Oh shit,” Terry swore as he placed a hand over his ear as he started to get an up-date on his earphone. He pointed at one of his brothers as he ordered him to get to the printer to stack the papers that it was printing out. The Shoemaker brothers grinned as they wiped their mouths as they stood to answer the call. “I told you, and told you not to cover the ear like that, it just lets people know your wired.” The four boys only slowed down as they picked up the paperwork from Gerry II. Terry left Ross lead him as he read the paperwork. He left the three mind readers read his mind as he mumbled under his breathe. “Shit where did he get a gun?”

…..They raced down a deep tunnel to find a group of first responders guarding a doorway. “Pull back guys we are here Richard ordered.” Terry spoke up, “I have to go in alone. I have the best chance as he was with my brother.” The three brothers think hard, and read each other, A nod of their heads said yes. Terry started undressing as he swore again, “no weapons, I have to show I”m unarmed.” He stood there with his pants in a puddle over his boots. He was ready to swear again as the three boys held him up as they pulled off the pants, and boots as they giggled.

…..Terry walked into the room with his arms out to the side, and slowly turned in place as he spoke softly, “I”m unarmed Billy, I”m Ron”s brother he was in that hell hole with you.” Terry set down on the floor slowly far enough from the upset boy to let him see he was safe. He kept his voice low as he spoke to the upset boy. “Your not going to get into the cell to kill that trash bag. MAX won”t let you. He was told to let him rot in there till he dies. I for one think he deserves to die, but Jon does not do murder. Well not often anyway.”

…..The whole time he is talking one or the other of the three mind readers is whispering in his ear, “he does not want to hurt you, if he changes his mind I well tell you to run, or ….. Terry asked if he can come closer as he can”t really hear Billy too well as they talk. He finally got him to admit he does not want to kill him, but the boy was thinking of killing himself. “Don`t; think like that Billy, my brother got hurt bad trying to help you. It is not right to hurt him by losing your life. “What are they going to do to me if I give up?” “Not one thing, but love you as much as you want them to. Look at your life it can be anything that you want it to be.” “But I”m not gay!” “So what there are a batch of straight guys here as well as gays, they aren”t forced into anything.” “What about you I heard you were living with that Erik kid?” “Heck kid I was doing my job, he needed someone to hold his hand as he settled in here, I was there so I did my best.” “You might find yourself being asked to help out someday, and well just do your best to help. That does not mean have sex with them, just give them a hand.” “How will I get out of this spot I”m in?” “Well for a start you could give me the gun, it scares the crap out of me every time you wave it around.” Ross told him to back off he is getting scared. Terry changed directions to speak of what the boy can do with his live as he is in a safe place now. “What do you want to do with the rest of your life?” He spent some time drawing out the boy till he calmed down, then just held out his hand as he asked, “the gun, give it to me!” “Okay you have the gun, when do they come after me?” “They don”t come after you, “I”m already here, lets get out of here. Come on Billy lets go get something to eat. You interrupted my meal. He dropped the gun into one of the boys hands as he led Billy by them.”

…..There were gasps, and giggles as the two naked boys entered the dinning room. “Opps someone get us some clothes. We were well we just forgot gees.” His brothers ran to get some clothes. His father spoke about it being okay, just a wee bit of a shock. Later his brother Joe whispered a question to Brian, and got a whisper in return. “A gun he had a gun?” “Sh not so loud.” The meal had gone on without them, and the apple pie with a pile of ice cream was being served when they retuned. The boys just joined into the meal like they had been there all the time. Bill broke down at the end of the meal to cry out, “gees guys your all so fine, I don”t deserve to be in the same room with you, I”m just used goods, and I should never have got that gun….” Terry covered the gun with his words as he told the boy he was fine, and this was not the place to speak about that stuff. “Come on we need to get you settled.”

…..Terry led the boy back down into the home, and to the boy”s apartment. He looked around, and shook his head as he saw the boy was living alone. He walked to a phone to call MAX, “I want a meeting with any single straight or BI guys here in Billie”s apartment as soon as you can do it.”

…..”Okay boys why is this boy living alone, he needs some help here. Dropping him into a strange place without anyone to show him around is flat wrong. Where is the welcome wagon, someone dropping by with some pie, ice-cream? ” “Gee we never thought he wanted anyone around, he seemed to like being alone.” “Nope we need to get him a roommate at the least, and gather him into the fold with a group of friends, gay, and straight. Well?” A look around had the boys looking around in shame. Then talk broke out as all the boys were talking at once. “Good that is a start, may I leave now? I need to go yell at Jon.”

…..Terry walked into Jon”s pool area with a chip on his shoulder. He saw the three mind reading brothers setting around Jon. Jon held up his hands as he grinned at Terry, “okay Terry do you want to repeat what the boys here just got done saying or speak about how to handle it?” Terry though for a few seconds then grinned as well, “okay Jon I turned loose a group of shamed faced boys on Billy. You can suggest that the rest of them make an effort to get to know new people, see if they need help, and find it for them. MAX can be primed to point out some people to help them.” He went on talking off the top of his head for quite a while, and then ran down at last. “Sorry Jon I was just mad at the world, and you were just here.” “That is okay son, but your wrong, you have the right, hell all the kids have the right to tell me when I F…. well mess up. I was handling a pile of poop, and slipped up.” “Welcome to your new assignment. Your now part of one of the mind readers teams.” “But I can”t read minds?” “You did right good without doing a bit of mind reading.” “What teem would want me?” “Ours Ross wants to spend some time here with his boyfriend.”


Later in the day, at a soda fountain in the home under the mesa~~~~~

…..Gerry spoke to his son Terry, “what was that bit about a gun?” “It was just a wee bet hairy till I got him talking to me. He was just after the sleazy guy that raped him dad. He was really no danger to anyone but him.” “Do you do this all the time?” “No way dad, most of the time it well be the kid that is in danger, some of them like Erik are really self distractive. Heck I heard the nurse speak about how well we had done with him, some of them are a mess that take surgery to put back together.”

…..Terry was asked about his brother Pat, He called out for a data-pad from the bar. “Look here dad this is a bar graft of his illness from the first day he was here. The higher it is the worst it is. He was in the worst shape for the first four days, then the bar starts going down, here it stops moving that is an infection that was kind of rough to fight. They had it stopped, but it took till here to cure it. He is just building back his strength now, and the, as they call them here (nut doctors) are helping him too.” “Then way is he rolling around in that wheelchair?” “He is trying to look better then he is for all of us dad.” “Show me the way to his room he is going to be staying in bed till he is well.” “Thanks dad I tried to tell him that.” “How can you get into his records son?” “Dad I am working with the rescue group, we have to be almost medics, heck make that be medics, as well as all the other stuff you don”t want to know all the junk in my mind right now.” “Are you happy?” “Yes!”

…..Later in the evening the brothers minus Pat are eating out at a club in the mesa. Terry had just been served his food when the jazz band struck up their first number. He tilted his head to the side for a few notes then wondered to the front of the stage to set down on the floor with his legs crossed in front of him, and a silly grin on his face. He never moved as the band played their first set. The trombone player knelt on the floor beside him. Terry asked him, “you are really one of the Virgin jazz bands?” “Yes, and you are a fan?” “Yes I tried to play like you do.” “What do you play?” “Triangle. No most of the instruments.” The man grinned as he dragged the boy to the stage to place his trombone in his hands, “here you go start playing.” “Oh no I can”t do that.” He told him again, “play.” Terry started playing with a wild sound that turned into a tune. He led them places that they had not been that night. Vincent got out his second horn to join in with the rest of the band. Later on after a long evening the band joined the boys at their table. It was just getting to know each other, not a group of famous people just a group of young men getting to know each other. “Do you want to join the band Terry?” “Yes but I”m part of a rescue teem, I can”t just up, and leave.” “Okay, but if your ever in town join us on the stage.”

…..A month later. Ron was back on his feet recovering. The hotel was running fine, Gerry was working with Jon”s drafting outfit happy as all get out designing some things he had never thought of doing. Tommie was in love with one of Gerry”s sons, Samuel. One day one of the boys asked, “don”t you have a job?” “Sure I”m a spy for the FBI, and a half a dozen other outfits. I place bugs, and cameras for them.” “No way your kidding us.” Tommie grinned as he made a wager, “okay guys I well bug one of your rooms, and you will never find the bugs.” Samuel and Tommie wondered down the hall to stop by one of the doors. Tommie pulled out what looked like a credit card except it was made of metal with a hook like tear on one corner. He slipped it into the door frame to open the lock. It took an instant to open the door. He walked into the room unscrewed the light switch to slip a small power broadcaster into the box. He put the cover back on. He wondered around the room wearing white gloves to protect the stuff he is placing around the room. He pushes small glass tacks into surfaces where they hide it. A small magnet blends into the phone. A pen laying on the desk. Two minutes from when they entered the room he locks the door.

…..”Okay guys go find the wee bugs . The rest of the boys ran out of the room, Samuel and Tommie set down watching the TV as Joe looked for the bugs as it was his room. He got tired of looking since he thought it had to be one of the other rooms. Joe pulled down his pants, and throw himself on the bed to jack off.

…..When the boys returned to the room it was to see Tommie grinning, and Samuel laying on the floor laughing. Tommie pushed the play button as he giggled. Joe turned white as he saw himself searching the room. “Oh shit stop it now.” “Okay.” was said as Tommie led them to the room. He reversed his bug placement with his gloves on again. He showed the boys each item as he placed them back in the case. “Well you can”t fool us since you showed them to us.” “Nope that was just one layer of the bugs, we have many more.” The people we work for have never seen one bug we placed, and they are going nuts.”


~~~Gee I got lost again. I was bringing you up to date on the boys~~~~

…..Everyone was setting down to supper when Terry”s cell-phone went off. “Yes Terry here.” “Terry Vincent here, we need you on stage tonight one of the boys has gone bad on us he has gee I can”t pronounce it, he can”t blow up a condom let alone a horn.. Oh yes it is pneumonia that P in front of it always throws me.” Terry was ready to say no when Richard spoke up, “say yes we will go with you, Jon has been wanting to send some of us down there for awhile.” “Yes I would love to do that,” he said as his father, and mother were signaling him to go.


.~~~~Where else ~~ New Orleans ~~~~~~~

…..A hotel in the tourist area of New Orleans. “Gee two full rooms for the three of us lets use one for lounging around in, and just sleep in a puppy pile in the other. The two of us are most likely to be on the day shift most of the time anyway.” “I”m not a real part of the team then?” “Yes you are a full part of the team, but we are just looking at minds for Jon, this has been one of the steadiest places. He is going to be building some homes here. Some of the winter kids getting away from the cold up north are of interest to him.” “Okay but I can call in sick if we need to do some stuff.”

…..The first night Terry was introduced to the crowd he was recognized as being one of the best. He played every instrument on the stage and he did it well. His voice was fine as well. The next few nights every player in town wanted to hear him play. They always wanted to hear the best in hopes they can pick up something as well. Weeks go by with the brothers doing their thing in town, and wondering by to hear the last set before they all go to bed. PUPPY PILE.

…..Terry one day could not sleep so he wondered down the street to look around the Quarter where Jon has his homes going up. He had trouble with the city planers. Lots of trouble. Thou will not build above so high, not build a big modern building, must look like the rest of the Quarter no matter what is inside. “Okay, okay he bought four city blocks that meet on one corner. They cleared out everything behind the front walls poured cement in the center of the block. Jon had seen how some people in Texas built walls laying on the ground with doorways, and windows already in place. Pick it up, and hook the walls together. Pour a floor overtop of the walls, and do it again. He managed to talk them into three floors with a helipad on one of them, as well as four cross walks between the four buildings. Of course the walls had to have the fake balconies, iron rails. You know look old as shit. No tunnels as the water level could sometimes be nasty. Casinos, shops stage shows Jazz shows with a meal. on the first floor. A hospital on the second floor of one of the buildings. Living quarters in the above ground floors of all the rest of the buildings. MAX was well placed in the Casino, no cheating allowed. Jon did cheat as he sometimes throw a win to some needy person. One time only.

…..Terry was walking along sightseeing when he grabbed a young boy by the back of his neck. “Okay do you want to give my wallet back, or have a copper do it?” “What do you mean, I don”t have your stuff?” Terry set the boy down on a bench, and joined him. “Okay son I was trained to pick pockets, and the first rule was always keep going in the same direction after you bump into the mark. Never leave the same way you came from.” “Oh!” The boy pulled out the wallet, and dropped it on the ground between the mans feet, as he tried to escape. No go as he never let go of the boy”s neck. “Good try kid, lets go for a walk with my arm around your shoulder.” He led the boy to a pawnbroker shop. It was owned by one of Jon”s men. “Hey Mike do you have some clean clothes that will fit the kid here?” “Sure do, lets see blue jeans, and maybe a western shirt. You wear underwear or go commando?” “I did before it got to warn out to wear.” “Boxers, or briefs?” We have some nice colored ones here.”

…..As soon as the boy was outfitted with a pile of clothes Terry took him upstairs to the bath room, “Get in there and get clean before you get changed. Hey boy do you want anything out of the old clothes before I trash them?” “My harmonica that”s all I own.” “Gees you are traveling light.” When the clean boy was taken downstairs he looked much better. Terry looked close at the cross that was hanging around the boys neck on a shoe string. “Hey Mike do you have a chain to replace that dirty string.” “I sure do let me see the cross to size it.” He looked close at the cross, and even put a Jewelers-loop in his eye to look closely at it. “Did anyone ever think the setting was real diamonds?” “Yes but I told them it was just glass.” “Why the string son?” “Oh one trick wanted too much, and tried to force me, he grabbed at my neck, and broke the chain. I grabbed the cross and ran.” “Good lie kid they are a matching set of blue diamonds, with a mark on the back that I know. It is one that Jon always uses.” Terry looked at the back to see the mark, and saw the name as well. “Leroy Is that your name?” “Yes it is Leroy Brown dad gave them to us.” “Us?” “Sure, me and Tom. Gees Leroy, and Tom Brown, he has a real sense of ha, ha, where is Tom?” I don”t know he was in the car when dad wrecked it down in the Quarter, One of the ladies in the whore house told him not to clean the tar from the road off his shoes with gasoline. He dropped a match in the car, and it almost blow him out of the car. I woke up with a bag lady named Huron. She took care of me till a few months ago. I don”t know what happened but she is gone.” “What were you all doing in a whore house?” Dad was playing piano. He was always on about the government always being noisy, and wanting to know your business, and take your money.” Mike spoke up, “yep, and your name too. I bet he was hiding from his wife, that cross is too expensive for a piano player in a whore house.” “Call MAX,” Terry demanded. Mike hit a button and called out MAX. Terry called out, “MAX a pair of boys called Leroy Brown and Tom Brown about ten years old search our records.” “I well get back to you,” MAX stated. Terry wanted to know if the boy could play the harmonica? “Sure what do you want to hear?” With a smile he said,” Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. “Gee give me a hard one he said as he swing into the song. Terry frowned as he heard a sours note. “Mike let me have a small screwdriver set.” He asked Leroy for the harmonica and started opening it up. he pointed the screwdriver at one of the medal plates as he said, “it is rusty. I don”t thing we can fix it. You got a loaner Mike?” “For you it is his to keep,” as he handed over a fine one he had been diggings out even as they were looking at the rust. “Okay try it out son.” As the boy was playing it he was led back to the hotel room. “I hope you don”t mind a puppy pile, it”s me, and two of my partners.” At a fearful look he said, “sleep son we don”t shoot down wounded targets, and you seem to be afraid.” “Why are you calling me son all the time?” “I guess I”m feeling like a father, or mother around you.”

…..Terry woke the boy up to join him in the ball room, “I reserved you a table, and all you can eat or drink.” “You don”t trust me to not run?” “Yes I do but I don”t trust some of the chicken hawks that I”ve seen around here.” It was a good night, and Terry called Leroy to the stage when the rest of the band wanted a break. He asked him to play. He started to call out songs, and asked the folks on the floor to call some out too. Leroy handled it well, and played most of the ones called out. He was proud with the cheers he received. The two brothers came in to hear the last set, and found a boy setting at their table. “Oh Terry must have told you to set here?” “Yes I”m Leroy Brown you guys must be the Shoemaker brothers?” “Yep I”m Richard, and this is Brian, Glad to meet you.” Brian looked at Terry as he waited for him to fill him in with the story. He read what Terry sent him, and passed it on to his brother. Just then Terry”s phone vibrated in his pocket. He whispered into it, tell Richard, I”m busy. Richard looked at Elroy as he absorbed the call from Jon himself. “Wow was his only answer as he thanked Jon.

…..The four of them had a late lunch/breakfast/dinner, whatever. Jon”s message was passed to all, “Thank God he is alive, his father absconded THAT IS ab�scond (�b-sk�nd”) intr.v. ab�scond�ed, ab�scond�ing, ab�sconds. To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution. with two of the quads, and left the other two behind, we guess he thought that was fair. The lady that lost two of her loves has been looking for them high, and low. She even had a pair of twins to raise with the other two to help them with the loss. It was not to replace them. Do you have any idea where the other boy Tom is?” Thomas called for MAX to look for the bag-lady and he came back with an answer before dessert. “She is in the nut house just down the street from you guys Address 2344 on the same street your on. No name on her, but it has to be her.” The group stood as one, and left the payment on the table with a nice tip as they rushed out the door. Leroy nodded as he saw the lady, and the two mind readers searched the ladies mind to see her picking Leroy out of the car, and putting him in a shopping cart. She stood around watching as a police man pulled Tom out of the burning car, then left before anyone even thought of her being there. She often saw the boy as he was often around with what he called dad, a cop on the beat. The two boys helped her get her mind under control before they left her mind. It was the least they could do for her.

…..”I know that copper he is one of the good guys, and I”ve seen his son too. It has to be Tom.”

…..”Where does he patrol Elroy?” “Follow me.” He led them to the place the police man might be, and Richard spoke quietly as they stood in front of an alley mouth, Mr. Stevens I need to speak to you about your son Tom. I know your busy, but do you know that the tall darker guy has a gun in his back left pocket.” A quite thanks was heard, and where can we meet? “Hotel Rio room 400.”

…..The small group moved on to get out of the way. They stopped away from the 7/11 that was about to loose some cash, maybe. It almost did till the policeman ordered the three boys to assume the position that they often had done in the past. One of them was warned to reach for the gun, and die he would.

…..The paddy wagon was soon picking up the trash. The cop spoke to the group as he looked at Elroy, “Your looking good Elroy have you been doing okay.” “At ease sir they are good people.” “Okay if you say so, I well be about an hour, and a half before I get off with all the paper work will that be okay?”

…..”Sure sir.” A nod and he was gone in the squad car.

…..Later that night a knock on there door. The policeman and his son came in wondering what was going on. Leroy laid his cross in Tom”s hand, and held out his hand for him to put his cross in it. the boys looked close at the crosses then broke into tears as they hugged. Both of them said, “I always was missing something.” Elroy said “we”re still missing something brother, there are two more of us still to come, no make that four of us as she had twins too.” “Oh lord what is going on do I loose my son?” “We don”t know yet. It is one fine mess, father dead, wife with four kids in hand, Elroy here, and your son in all but being born.”

…..”Okay sir One more thing to do, this you may not believe, but it is easy to prove but two of us can read minds, “may we with your permission do a scan of all your minds?” “Prove it with me first.” That is what we expected from you sir, “okay lets make it easy think of three names or words list them as one two three.” “Oh good one sir, 2 three 1 two 3 zero in that order. Oh sir you don”t have to change your password we would never use it.” “Darn it cut out the Sir bit Carl is good among us we will be good friends or I might hunt you down if I lost my son.” A giggle as the three partners shake his hand. “We will do our best.” Jon was called at once, and was found on a fast aircraft with a happy mother with four boys looking forward to seeing the other two soon. He was told Tom was found.

…..The rejoining of the family was at the airport, and Jon called for a chopper to carry them all to a fine old house on a hill overlooking the city. It was built high above the river that often runs thro the city, or into the city if it gets wild. A large white house with the columns of granitite all across the front of it. Picket fences all around it as well. Jon had bought it from the estate of one big crook. He died with a gun in his hand, it was still smoking when the policeman turned him over to spit in his eyes. “Oh well we will forgive him.” The boys had the run of the grounds with some of Jon”s rough riders wondering around. He really doesn”t trust being without protection. Carl was taking some leave time to take care of some family matters as he said. Terry also had a claim in on Elroy. It never came to fighting just statements of interest.

…..To cause more problems the mind readers felt that tickle in the mind as they checked all of Babb”s children that said push, and they will be mind readers. It was decided to let them get ripe on their own, and just keep an eye on them. As Jon was setting on the lawn with Babb”s he swore under his breath as he yelled for MAX to get the mind readers they”re ripe. Jon always had that wee tickle in his head that said he is gay, or run for your life. He always listens to it. This time he had six boys in his head all at once, and he could not run. He had been filled in with all the information about going ripe. He ordered the boys to link with him, and read the junk I”m pushing at you. He had the six boys setting on the ground doing that OOOOM bit the people do when they are out of their bodies. “Okay guys I did as much as I could, get ready to handle seven mind readers before you bring them out of it.” “Seven?” “Yes they sideswiped me too. I got caught in it, and am just holding my mind together by a thread.” “Gee boss I always said you read our minds.” “Shut up, and fix my damn mind before it blows up.” A small giggle as the young man told Jon to open his mind so the man can fix him. “I”ll fix you so every time I snap my fingers you”ll cackle like a hen.” “You do that, and I well shoot like a gun.” There was one fine time of it as the boys had to be done in mass as they had locked their minds together. It was teach one, and they all learned it at once. The mother, and the two fathers could only watch from a distance, and worry. No need to worry the group of mind readers had done this with other groups that had joined up the same way.

…..When Jon finally settled down he was ready to kick a can down the stairs. He had a plan in his mind to use two of the boys in a sting, and he didn”t know if the mind stuff would mess it up. He spoke to Carl about his plan, and he of course said no with all his might. Elroy, and Tom shook their heads too as they said yes we are doing it. The rest of the boys backed them up as they can see in their minds that they can do it. Elroy has lived on the street on his own, and learned piles of stuff, Tom was a Policeman”s son and had been taught how to handle himself from that side of the law. The six boys were busy catching up with what each of them had learned over the years.

…..Jon had noticed a man that rang bells in his head trying to talk to Elroy at the ballroom. He saw the boy blow him off. (Not give him a blow job, I said blow him off) He pointed him out to one of his guards, “I want to know all about that man. Go after him.” He soon had a report, it read like a police report on a big crook, but he had never been busted. His brother was a high mucky muck in the city. He always hid anything away that even mentioned his name.

…..Jon pointed at the brother, “Look at him, and all his friends.” By the time they were thro looking at the whole city it looked like a set of books on how to rob the world. “Gee boss there will be no one left to run this city, and parts of the state as well.”

…..”First we but that bum away, and then his brother the fixer, then we haul in the state police, and use them to clean out most of the local crime.”

…..Jon had set up the sting to use the two boys as twins that will let the slime pick them up for sex. He will take them to his apartment near the downtown area. The boys well both be wired by Jon”s men that well never be found. Both of the boys know what to say on the wire that well convict the man. It goes off like planned. There were people watching them all the way to the apartment. Carl was on duty in uniform nearby. He had orders to slug the man, and use his falling body to bust open a hidden hidey hole near the bed. A group of news reporters had been lured to the parking lot with a couple of Jon”s men mixed in. The boys play their parts to a T Elroy is the loudmouth, Tom pretended to pass out at the first thing that happens. Elroy ended up hanging by his wrists as the man whipped his bare ass. Tom had the panic button, and hit it at the first cut of the whip. The man got three more in before Carl kicked down the door with some help from one of Jon”s men who was built like Arnold what”s his name. Carl hit the man two times before he remembered to break open the hidden door with his head.

…..Carl covered Elroy”s half naked body before the news people broke in on them. The boy smiled at him before he let the blanket slip enough to show off his nice whip marks for the pictures. One of Jon”s men yelled out for the rest of the news hounds to come look at this shit even as one of them was looking at some pictures that fell out of the wall onto the bed. He had found a whole room full of naked kids, all of them in bad shape. “Hey these are all of little kids naked being fucked. Look that is the priest from the church right down the street, and does anyone want a weather job on CBS it looks like it well be open soon, oh my look at one of our councilmen. This went on, and on till one of them decided to copy them so they would not vanish. Hey there are films too.” They copied them too till Carl started putting them all in evidence bags, sealed with his initials. “Okay guys have fun with your scoop but please let me have time to start the clean out of the scum. One day max, now get gone before the big wigs get here.” Carl had fun telling his boss he was hanging on to the bags, and they can try to get them away from him. By then the news men were back, and filming everything.

…..Each and every person in the pictures with the kids was arrested by the state police, with no bail for any of them, or so it was thought. It seemed that The fixer had more then one name, and he baled out under another name. Luckily one of Jon”s men had been busy placing little trackers under their skin with a needle that was used to give them a shot as part of going to jail. If any of them made bail they can be found no matter how far they run, and Jon never did care for non-extradition laws. They well fall asleep in one country, and wake up in jail again. Oh well there was one honest prosecutor, and heaven help us a honest judge too. He was not above putting another judge in jail with the rest of the trash. Jon demanded the kids be protected, and no pictures vanish from evidence. He stood up in court to call the defense lawyer on palming some pictures. Jon paid the fine with a smile but the lawyer was banned from the table area. All the kids were hidden from view with screens. Jon won their care as he had done such good care of them so far. The judge did demand checks on the kids as part of the deal.

…..He was planning to move them to another home, but one of the doctors changed his mind as he told him they were mostly from here, and should stay. The kids were moved into one of his new homes above the shops in the Quarters they thrived on the other kids helping them. Most of the people that paraded before the hanging judge pled out, this did no good as he throw the book at them all. The fixer tried to hide his dealings, but Jon”s men had fed the honest lawyers all they had on him. His brother had some fine pictures of him with a six year old boy that had a loud mouth on him, and was pleased to hang him out to dry. He went down swearing at his brother.

…..Elroy”s whole family was stuck in town the whole long time till the last person was jailed. This was good in a way As the mother, and Carl decided to get married, and Jon decided the boys needed his mind readers around to help them. The whole batch was hired to all live and work in the Red woods in California at one of Jon”s finest homes, it was hidden under a orphanage for kids. A dam at the top of the canyon was fast filling as beside the streams water Jon had them dig a deep well that was pumping subsurface water into the dam as fast as they can. The parking area was at the top of the cliff, and was in among the large trees without disturbing them. Strangely there were no trees in the canyon. Not yet, but it was planned to plant some. A native had told James they needed lots of moisture in the air so he was going to make it rain. Some tree huggers decided to picket the place as they were unaware of Jon”s plans for the place. James invited them inside without all their signs. The first thing they saw was the homes climbing the side of the walls. “Oh no you didn”t destroy an old cliff dwelling the natives built?” “Nope we built it from scratch.” “Did you cut that tree down to build a bridge.” “Nope we built that too. We did a good job didn”t we?” “What about the dam it is stopping up the stream?” “Yes that is what dams do. Oh yes we are breathing the air too, do you want to object to that too.”

…..James led them to the stables cut into a wall of the canyon, and some of the kids had saddled them all up a mount. James and some of the older boys led them out on the trail. It wound thro some majestic trees till they came to a place where a tree had been fallen. James explained it was a sick tree, and was threatening the whole area, “We decide to give it some purpose in it”s after life. The boys have been sanding the stump down for over a week, and recently put the last coat of varnish, and sealer on it. Tonight well be the first dance on the new platform. Light it up boys.” Lights came on to high light the platform, and then more to light the trees around them. Kids came out of every trail to join in the dance A band struck up, and food was passed out. The people saw happy kids, and the same for the older people as well. As they started back to the home some low lights were turned on as they were going down the trail to turn off behind them. “They are all controlled by a little sender on our belt. It well not disturb any wildlife. Heck the kids treat most of the wildlife as pets anyway. They will come up to most of them to see what they are doing.” James asked if they wanted to come with them tomorrow we”re cutting out a tree the first thing in the morning.” “A tree, your bragging about cutting down a tree?” “Yep come along, and bring your cameras if you want to.”

…..The next day the whole pile of protesters was shocked to see a dead tree leaning toward a batch of younger trees. A huge blimp was guided in to hook onto chains attached to the tree. As it was lifting up the tree had the last few feet of the trunk cut thru. The tree was slowly lifted into the sky, and dropped outside the wood working shop. Well it was not dropped just laid down gently

…..The woodworking shop was visited by all, and not one piece of a live tree was seen. “Look people we are farming here, we are thinning out dead trees, and sick ones too. The kids will use the wood to make furniture for the home. “Oh yes I don”t know if you noticed we have planted trees in the canyon outside, it does take a batch of water to make it feel like it is misty around here.” James invited them to come back any time, and if we are cutting a tree come the day before as we cut it early in the day. The blimp likes the cool mornings as it gets better lift. You will get a room in the hotel for an overnight stay.

…..James made his first adoption at the home. A boy was sent to them as he always seemed to be in trouble. The first day he was met by James wearing a janitor uniform. James was doing his hide the boss routine. He had a man whose job was to count paperclips as James always said. He was there to free James up to make sure the kid were getting the best care. If James called the man he jumped to it. He know something was wrong, real wrong. Anyhow Nasty Josh was the name of the trouble maker. He was there ten minutes and started a fight with a larger kid. James was breaking it up when one of the younger kids was distracted and fell over a chair in his way. He had a broken arm bone thro the skin no less. (What do they call it? Oh yes a compound fracture.) James called for a doc-in-a-box at once, and was setting the arm even as it drove up without the doctor aboard. “Damn you MAX you are supposed to wait for me. How is the kids arm James.” “Set, and ready for you to cast it. The darn bone was thro the skin, he will need some antibiotics.”

…..James pointed at Josh, and then at a spot a few feet behind him, “See that spot I want you in it every second of the day. If I look back I want to see your smiling face. Do you understand me?” “Yes sir.” James started off on his rounds with his mop, and broom. He forgot the boy often, but he was always there when he looked for him. They ate together, pissed together, and went to the bathroom side by side. James often was called on to care for a child with a splinter, a bruised knee, a cut finger. He seldom called the doctor. The adults all had a word with him as he made his rounds. Sometimes he changed his mind about where to go without reason. The boy was always in sight behind James, He noticed that the kid seemed to perk up while James was helping an injured child. It was like his fingers wanted to be into the care.

…..At last it was late in the day, and James headed to a closet near the front door of the home. He opened it to expose a card reader. James swiped his card over it to open an elevator doors. He led Josh aboard, and it fell quickly to stop at James home. James led the boy to his living room. He did a little work on his desk, and computer. Then watched some news on the TV. He murmured after a congressman spoke. “The damn fool we will have to do something about him. He made some calls about the man, and then said, “bed now.” He led Josh to his bed, and pointed to the spare pillow. He stripped down to his tightie whities and crawled under the covers. He saw the boy hesitate, “Look at the pictures on the wall son they are all mine, I miss them, and I would be ashamed to look them in the eye if I ever took advantage of a kid your age. Get in the bed.”

…..A fine night, a good sleep. A good breakfast as well. James had the boy help with the food. Josh looked him in the eyes as he told him, “your no damn janitor.” “Yes I do the job as part of my real job. I am the big boss around here but I leave most of the miasma {Okay what is that word? A noxious atmosphere or influence.} to my office, my real job is to care for the kids.” (Thank god for Microsoft Words I had no idea how to spell MIASMA.)

…..A few day of having a tail soon led to teaching Josh simple first-aid, how to care for those items that break down all the time. He was left with the doctor sometimes to learn his job. He was learning manners all the time wherever he was. Josh was farmed out to the kitchen to learn how to cook. He was taught how to use all the exercise machines safely. James went ridding often, and his tail was along as well. It led to the boy thinking on his own, and one day he ran across the room to hold a young boy in his arms. When James caught up to him he saw the boy was crying. “Okay guys let me show you our safety slide. Lets go.” He led them to a fancy picture on the wall that was in bright colors that they had seen in every public place. James reached down to push the bright yellow star on the figure. The wall swing open, and James called for the two boys to fellow him as he jumped on a slide in the opening. It was a long slide that made many wide circles as it went deep into the earth. To end in mid air over a pool of water. The three people were soon on the side of the pool stripping off the wet clothes. James held the two boys in his arms as they recovered from the wild ride. Josh told him, “it is a good thing that pool was there as I pissed my pants.” James grinned as he spoke of lots of the people did that on the first trip down the slide. “It is a good thing we keep the slide wet as it can burn your tail. By the way if your in the pool get out of the way if the horn blows, someone is going to fall on you if it blows.”

…..Over the months James saw the boy learning the job of the hidden boss, the first aide, (LAUGHTER from somewhere as they thought of the many kids that could be full doctors if they were just a little older, or taller.) Josh always seemed to be around if a kid was hurt, he jumped in to help them out. The stand in my shadow bit had ended, but the boy seemed to find the man often to just be with him. James at last made it official. He took the boy home one night to show him a new picture on his wall among his sons, it was a fine picture of Josh smiling. “Welcome to the family son. Do you want to change your name?” A lot of thought, and then a shake of Josh”s head as he said, no my folks were really fine people, I think I should keep their name if you don”t mind?” “Mind son, shit about five percent of the kid on the wall with your picture did just that. They are just as much my kids as you will be.”

…..A few weeks later James arranged a trip to a small town nearby the home. He took Josh with him. They bought the stuff James had used as an excuse to take the boy with him. It was in the way of a celebration of a new son, Josh”s birthday. A cake was waiting for them at a small eating place with a bus load of his friends to celebrate with them. After the party the father, and son stayed to eat a meal together.

…..Later in the early evening the two of them were driving home when Josh yelled to stop. What looked like a pile of rags had moved. It was a young Indian boy. He was seen to be inured, arm broke cuts all over his body. It was seen at once that he probably had internal inures as well. James was on the radio calling for MAX to have a full team with a doc-in-a-box followed by an ambulance with the doctor aboard stat! The two of them set the arm, and wrapped it. They were treating the surface injuries as they waited for MAX to get aid to the boy. The doc-in-a-box flew in at max speed. It started X-rays as soon as the boy was placed on top of it. SHIT was heard from MAX as he told the doctor to hurry. James, and Josh were both reading the X-rays off the screen as they were shown.

…..Well Josh was ready when the ambulance was ready to leave he was going with the boy. James drove back home alone as he though. Oh boy he has found that one, and only. He has it bad. I hope it is not just injured bird love.

…..A name was found for the young man. His grandfather was found, and told his grandson was being cared for in their hospital. He spoke of no car, and his horse would take forever to get there. A helicopter soon landed near his home. He was rushed into the boys room as soon as the ship landed in the canyon between the cliff dwellings. “How much are you going to be charging me for this care?” “Not a cent, thou your grandson forced a silver dollar into my sons hand while we were caring for him. It was said it was all he had. I made my son keep it as the boy was so fearful for his life.”

…..James suddenly started speaking in the natives language. (I will not be speaking of what language is being spoken again it is too hard to keep track of.) James spoke of a friend called Little Bear. “You know of one of the well know men of our tribes?” “Yes he is a friend of ours. We as gay people respect him for helping some of your people that are gay too.” “I fear some of my people have found out that my grandson is gay, and well you know.” “You don”t mind then?” “No I learned better then to worry about that junk when I was teaching a long time ago.” “What was your name then?” “Big Bird, that was before Sesame street even thought of naming the bird after me. One of my pupils thought it was funny using my name on it.” “Oh lord I have heard that name spoken in respect among many of my native friends. Hey your playing poor, you had to have earned a pile of money,.” “Yes I did, but I feared you guys were going to try to break the bank.”

…..It took some time for Young Deer to recover. He had a young nurse/doctor on hand every day till he could walk to the center of the canyon. “This is what I have been missing.” This was the start of an Indian village, a single tent was soon joined be many others as the children wanted to enjoy the outdoors. Josh was asked if he wanted to live with an Indian? He set down to say, “love as well,. I have loved you since the first day I looked into your brown eyes.” He was at home with his young lover. The grandfather spent his time teaching again, showing some white children how the natives live, and build their tepees, how to face them to the raising sun, and gather the things to color the tents with. How to control fire, and how to cook over it. Soon he even had a few natives to teach as they were without relatives to care for them. James spoke of a medicine man/shaman that was running the tribe his way, not like it should be done. I kind of think he should be poisoned with some of the junk he is using to control them. Bird as he was called now throw some powder into the fire as he spoke, “no it will be done in a week.”

…..He spoke the truth. At the end of the week a large black bear walked into the camp on his hind legs like a man does, and slapped the shaman on the side of his head. It removed the head with the one blow, and then it woofed once and turned to leave.

…..As Autumn fall, and cold weather came on the two boys started thinking about how to be warmer. James pointed out a large redwood nearby. “Look near the top we cut out some dead wood that was hurting the tree.” The two boys with the help of some friends leveled out the small room, cut out some windows, placed a small porch at the doorway, and soon had a small, but nice home. They had electric wiring running up the trunk of the tree. A water pipe as well. It was really too small for a bathroom, so they tried to do all that back at the home. The tree had many branches that concealed the tiny home. The two boys used the Suit of Lights to return to the tree each night. MAX had been told to always make it look like a pair of eagles were nesting in the tree.

…..Early in the next year as Bird was setting by the boys camp fire with the two of them a Black bear strolled into the camp without bothering anyone. The children stood back watching as it past by them. …..The bear set down by the fire like a guest might. Bird handed it some meat he cut off a slab beside him. The black bear ate it from his hand. Bird pointed to the meat, and the bear. Little Deer fed the bear, and then urged Josh to do the same. He was shaking, but did hand the bear some meat. Bird stood to enter the teepee, and closed the hide covering the doorway. He had said nothing as he set there with the visitor. Young Deer was sad as the Black Bear stood to leave the same way it entered the camp without ever making a sound. At last Young Deer spoke, “call Little Bear, and James my grandfather has passed, the spirit bear has taken his spirit away with him.”

…..There was a rush as the doctor had to see for himself, then the two called for took over. A batch of small trees were cut down, and a platform was built for the body to be laid on. It was wrapped in a bear skin that Bird had laid out for them to find. The young man with another native, and two white men were the only people that attended the ceremony. Drums, and chanting were soon done, and they left Bird”s shell to return to the earth. Young Deer left them to burn the teepee to the ground that Bird had died in. He walked away into the woods. It was almost a week later when the much older boy retuned with a single eagle father in his head band, “my name is Eagle in the air.”

…..The two lovers headed for the Aerie as they called their home in the tree. The two were not seen for days. Both had grown up when they returned.

…..Little Bare as he spelt his name most of the time as a joke led the two young men away for a hunt as he called it. It was really a training trip to teach them how to survive in the woods, and in white man”s world as well. They hunted for food, and watched the animals as well. Mouths later well trained warriors returned to the camp with a dozen boys, and two girls They were all street kids that needed a home. At first they lived in the tents as they slowly became a part of the home. At first it was like taming a wild animal. Okay they can talk to you, but they don”t trust you. James had done it often over the years, and know when to push, and when to wait. Food, and cold, or wet weather are a big help.

…..Some of them made good scouts for Jon as they had all lived on the street, and could blend in with almost anyone after some training in what Jon wanted to know that is. A well fed with good, some good defense can be dangerous to some less then friendly people.


~~ Well enough of the woods. Onward and up~~~

…..I spoke of briefly a little bit about Queers in space.

…..Jeez© people stop with the nasty-grams. That is just how people talk about us.

…..Okay Jon was at his El Paso Texas home one day, and Samuel a lab technician was showing him around the lab area showing him many things that were being done. He led him to a huge cavern near the top of the mountain. It contained a rather large canister like item setting on a set of rails leading to a set of large doors, very large doors, they were almost fifty feet across each of the two doors. “Shit what are you guys doing here?” “You did say you wanted a space ship didn”t you? Well there it is.” “I thought you would make it in the wilds where we could launch it.” “Launch it, heck it floats like bubble on a pond.” “When?” “Now!” Jon was led to the ship, and boarded it to find the controls were build like he loved to say, {Keep it simple stupid.} They had done that with just a few extra dials added to do with space, and air or as it was labeled oxygen. It drove like a truck. Turn on a key push a pedal to go forward, turn a wheel to steer it, push down or up on a lever to go up. The engine was a small two stroke engine that they had found was more the enough to handle the largest load. The ship was soon on it”s way into space with MAX doing his thing, making it vanish. Jon spent some time flying around, and checked out the moon for a landing spot. He decided on a spot on the far side that had a large mountain that could be tunneled into. He wanted a place that would never be seen even if someone flew around the moon with a rocket.

…..Back home he ordered MAX to start with some remote control rock eaters building a base. Ships were soon making trips to the moon dropping off stuff for MAX to use. It soon had the remote computer controlling many diggers. The first thing on the list was a hanger for the ships with room for dozens of ships to land in, with closable airlocks that can reach out to every ship. Then tunnels to large caverns that are soon planted in earth dirt that had been mixed with moon dirt. At first the plants were all the ones that were the best at building oxygen, then after these were mature, and doing their job food crops were started. Yes some meat animals were imported, thou freeze dry was still used for most of that stuff. A functioning home was ready for people soon with Jon visiting them often. At last it was self supporting.

…..Then Jon asked about a space station? There was a load of research, The word brandished around was cost, cost, lots of cost! At last one of the Shoemaker boys Mathew no less spoke up, “look here they have all those undersea houses all over the damn world. Lets look into modifying them for space.” Before the end of the week they had one of them in the hand, and were looking it over to see how much work it would take to fix it up as a space station. “First of all the windows had to be reinforced, make that replaced. Then, an airlock had to be placed on at least some of them that would work with any shuttle that wanted to use it. Oxygen producing plants had to be part of them. MAX had to be installed on the station. Connections airtight connections had to be easy to hook together. A spray on paint job was used to protect the metal, no it was not paint even if it was colored, it was a plastic, asphalt made for use in space. A space port was built near the equator on an island where the parts of the space station can be modified. No-one was on the island but Jon”s people, and they were all working hard getting the units on the way to the far side of the moon. Soon there was a whole large area of the moon with row after row of parts of the station just laying there waiting for the big build to start.


When the time was ready, Jon blew the whistle. Really he just told MAX “lets do it.”

…..Oh boy were people wondering out loud, “who the hell is building that, and where are they getting all those sections, and so on, and so on?” Jon was just giggling. He watched as MAX pushed each part into place with space suited men, and boys hooking them into place. The finale part was soon in place with the station loosely surrounding the whole earth around what some people call the J3 point which is where the moon, and the earth gravity evens out. Plants were already in place producing Oxygen in plenty. Jon”s men, and boys were moving in as each part was brought on line. The first group were soon joined by Jon”s well trained space lawyers. After all they owned space so to speak. Some of it was for sale too. Or rent as that was what Jon wanted, “Mess up, get grounded.” As they told the first shuttle that came calling, “welcome to those from the USA, leave your weapons behind on your ship.” …..The USA crew was soon aboard the station. “What country built this station, and how…. ?” “Never mind how, but lets say we are citizens of earth. We are from many places including the USA. We own this station, but we might be persuaded to rent some space on board or place one of your mobiles up to the side of one of ours. One thing you should think about if the rent is late we will send your junk on an orbit to the sun. Oh yes this is a gun free station, none well be brought aboard.” The crew was shown around the station as they spoke of what might be rented. They were shocked to see stores already set up with young men waiting to sell everything, bars full of a large stock of booze. There were hotels, condominiums homes for rent. Gravity free spaces, light gravity, heavy gravity to exercise in. Telescopes to study space, the moon, the earth. Labs set up for many types of study. It was one large city in space. “Okay bidding is going to start in three hours all over the earth. If you fine looking young men want a good spot for your country you can help the biding by putting your ship on autopilot, and coming back over here naked. bare ass naked, and having sex with the gays that control space. Oh you can call them to tell them what is for rent, and all the stuff we showed you guys first.”

…..When the naked men, the fine looking men came back aboard the captain held up a hand as the gays started circling them for the kill. “Hold on friends, I wonder if we could do a bargain for us, and our follow mates down below. We don”t make a real big paycheck. Now if there was something set up say a retirement fund.” A hand shake as the lawyer grinned as he spoke of no-one had to ever speak about it. “It well just be there for every person as they retire.”

…..The next big fuss was when Jon had a new ship constructed. It was a huge ship. Cargo space for ever, and almost enough space for a hundred passengers as well as fifty crew men. Jon had it built on the far side of the moon, and when it hove into sight coming out from behind the full moon there were people screaming about aliens. (Not from across the border. Jeez© )

…..Anyhow Jon calmed them down, and gave a batch of the world leaders a tour of the ship. NASA was pissed off at him for not inviting them. “Up there”s they had pissed Jon off again.” They did that too often.


~~~~Okay some background on NASA~~~~~

…..NASA was ran by one of those do it by the books, my books, my way or the highway. Jon had offered him a deal one time. MAX had some real small high powered cameras that could be placed on a rocket, fired of into space to send back pictures for centuries. Jon offered this to the man, and was told to bite me. Jon placed a small thumbtack on a bulletin board in the mans office as he was taking down a paper he had placed there earlier. It was one of MAX”s cameras. The man was called later by Jon to be told what color tie he was wearing, and was told his window blind was not pulled down straight. Jon asked the man to write something on a paper, and hold it up so he can read it to him. He did read it to him as well as telling him his finger was covering some of the print. The man was having fits about then. Jon visited him again to show him the camera that he wanted to have placed on a rocket. It was one of MAX”s just covered with a spacesuit for the camera. it weighted about two pounds in all. Jon left him try it out on a moon shot. Jon got what he wanted a camera in place for all his kids to enjoy seeing, this was before the spaceships were made for him.

…..Then after the space station was in place he was going to pick up a part for the space station that NASA wanted placed off their flank. The deal was they placed it on a barge, towed it to sea, and Jon”s boys picked it up there. Jon blow up yelling at the people in Washington about all the spies watching to see them pick it up, and grounded all pickups of NASA as of now. The next day the man was kicked downstairs as Jon thought of it. The man was a hater of gays, and was having a witch hunt in NASA for any gays, and Jon was on a homophobe hunt in return. He was replaced as being in overall charge with a much nicer guy in charge. He might be good with machines, but not people.

…..Jon had earlier visited with a man that was a crew member of the first crew to visit the space station. It was the radio man that had met, and fell in like with Samuel Shoemaker on the station. It would have went farther then like if Gerry could stay in space which he loved. Jon was there to offer him just that. Jon had Gerry set up a meeting with most of the crewmen, and a few ladies as well. He set down in Gerry”s room reading a book of poetry while he waited for the meeting. “Miles to go before I sleep.” Who was that Author again? When Gerry returned later that evening Jon was ready to speak to them all. “Okay people I”m the one your boss is swearing about so it would be best that he never find out you know me.” He explained what he was doing including the help he is offering them in the way or the retirement payment. At the end of his wee speech he asked which of you guys is the boss, the mother in charge? One of the butch looking guys held up his hand as he admitted he fit the bill the best as the rest of them were too pussy to take charge to jeers. Jon unpacked a stand with a cord to plug in hanging off it with a switch on it. He unwrapped a fair sized crystal ball to place on the stand. Jon spoke about it being a radio as well as being able to show any part of the space station. He waved his hand over the ball as he mumbled some nonsense over it. The crystal ball lighted up with the station floating in the middle of it. “Okay guys, and girls the nutty talk, and waving hands is just for the crowd. It does it”s thing when you say MAX. MAX say hi.” “How high sir?” “Oh Jeez© people he is drunk again. No folks he is a computer with a sense of He haw. The humor can get rough.” Hey mother come here, and tell MAX what you want to see.” “The name is Victor sir.” “Okay Victor my name is Jon spelled J..O..N.” Victor spoke to the ball, and was soon moving the view around looking over the station. Jon whispered, “look inside.” The man was shocked when he saw the view change to show the inside of the station, He swore when he saw one of his friends a pilot talking to a crew member. He realized at once this was a live shot.” Jon asked MAX to project the view in the room. At once there was a holograph displayed around the table the ball was setting on. “Okay people if you need to speak to me just tell the friendly computer to contact me. If you need some information ask MAX if he gets nasty, and protective of my secrets tell him to call me to the phone.”

…..Gerry had earlier told Jon he Was in love with Samuel and wanted to join his whatever they called it. Jon spoke of him having to quit his job. “Hell that will almost take an act of congress.” “Not really Meet me for lunch at that pancake house on the beach south of the launching pad. Jon was soon in the office of the big man as most of his people, or was that slaves as he run the cape like they were his to order around. Jon was there to get a contract signed, and the man was being his usual dictator. “Bull shit, I can”t let you have control of all this shit.” And so on for ever, and so on. Jon packed up his briefcase as the man was going on like he owned the world. He stood to leave as the man was ranting. “Where do you think your going?” “I”m hungry, and I heard there was a good place a few miles down the beach, I think I well go there for lunch.” “Wait a minute we have to get this contract taken care of.” I”ll be at lunch for about an hour, you can bring it there if you are done with trying to push me around, then I”m going home.” He walked out of the office without another word as the man continued to scream oaths after him.

…..Gerry was setting waiting for Jon when he got there. “What were you doing on the base Jon?” “Oh just stirring up the General, the fool will be tearing in here before too long demanding that I sign a damn contract as he calls it.” “Oh no he”ll see me!” “You will be okay just set there, and watch me handle the fool.” “Shit Jon he just fired one of our friends for being a damn fag as he called it.” Oh really, give me the facts all of them about that.” Jon was writing down the facts as Garry was talking. The food had came while he was telling Jon about Nick.

…..As Jon was getting ready to order desert they heard a siren in the distance. “Why did I know he would make an entrance with a lot of noise?” Jon wondered as he called over the waiter to order. The General came into the room with a pile of people trailing behind him. Security, ass wipers, and so on. “Here sign it.” Jon murmured under his breath as he read the whole thing. He was writing the whole time. He swore as he finished he called out. “No damn way.” as he called the waiter over to tell him, “send this to my law office at the address on the post it note, Oh yes add this note in too. and bring the answer when they send it back.” Jon ordered an apple pie ala-mode as he was still eating lunch.

…..He told the General, “way don”t you order some too, I hear it is fine.” The man was trying to speak, but was so blindsided by the way Jon was treating him like a fool, which by the way he was. As well as being a homophobe fool.

…..Jon looked up as the waiter returned with the contract in hand. Jon smiled as he read it again. It was shorter, more concise with all the government bull-shit removed. It also had a copy of Florida law attached that referenced the treatment of gays. There was also a short statement about Gerry leaving his job with no penalty”s against him.

…..The General also read it, but with a frown, as he got red in the face. “Bull-shit, I won”t sign this shit, you have no right to interfere with a government job.” “Oh but I do have the right to not deal with anyone that is not obeying the law.” “What about this Gerry guy being let out of his contract?” “That is just more of your trying to make him a slave with no use of his own mind. I am going to make it my business to read everything you do, and have a lawyer check how often you violate the law like you did with his contract.”

…..At last after Jon told the man, “I”m getting ready to leave sir, sign it or get out of my face,” the man signed on the dotted line. Jon drove Gerry to the gate to pick up his stuff, and had to argue with a batch of people about every item, and call the police before he was done. As Jon was driving away he was told by MAX, “your being tailed.” He did a u-turn, and told the guards in no uncertain language to tell the General to call off the tails, or he will be in jail for so many things it well take a team of lawyers a month to read them. By now the fool had a fear of Jon, and he just called the tail off as told to.

…..Gerry was looking at Jon with some fear as well, “don”t worry, that ass deserves to be treated like I”ve been doing. He needs to learn some manners that his mother never seemed to be able to teach him. Jon parked on the beach a few miles south of the launching-pads He touched a hidden button with a ring on his finger, and the touch-pad on the dashboard slid open to show the controls for flying. Gerry was told the simple controls, and ordered to take them home. He timidly used the controls to lift the car off the beach, and dialed in El Paso Texas, then pushed the speed, and height in. Jon touched his hand as he spoke of a need for air to breath if he was going too high. “Really?” “Yep we, well the car can get to the moon, with our bodies.”

…..The car was landed on a parking area on Trans-Mountain above El Paso an hour later, Jon took over to drive them into his home. Gerry was introduced to MAX for training in how Jon”s crew handle commuting. It really didn”t take long, just showing him all the devices that can be used to talk to each other, and how to use MAX to get in touch with each other. Oh yes he was told that there was very few times when Jon had ever ordered an all-call to speak to everyone at once. A Lap top was given to him that could reach MAX from anywhere, as well as letting MAX talk to him. (Oh there was lots more taught to him BORING.) At last Jon led the young man to a ship setting in the high cavern, (It was high in two ways, It was a large ship, and it was hidden near the top of Ranger peak.) A pair of large doors were soon opened as the ship was being readied for take off. Jon led the young crewman to the lounge chair like pilot seat, he pointed out how the controls worked. It was almost like the ones in his car, except there were some more dials that were added for space use. Yes Jon told him, “I ordered them to keep it simple stupid, and they did a good job of it.” Jon had some trouble getting it started as MAX had it locked down. His guards, and pilots rushed in to complain about Jon trying to leave them behind again.

…..The ship was soon on It”s way to the space station without Jon as he had other things to do. He did give Gerry a kiss that curled his toes to pass on to Samuel for him before he left the ship. The pilot giggled as he spoke of being Samuel”s brother, and Gerry should wipe the lip-stick off before his brother sees it. “Jon wears lip-stick?” Nope, just joking Gerry, but he must really like you to do what he did to that blowhard Gen.” “He did all that for me?” “Yep, he had some plans, but he moved it all to the front burner for you and that fool Nick.” “Why call him a fool?” “He was careless, and got caught. We have to be invisible unless we have the power to force them to respect us. Jon has the power, and got Nick a good job somewhere that does not have any visible connection to us. We really don`t need someone that careless knowing everything we do.” Gerry was shocked at how simple the ship was handled when Frank told him to dock the ship at the space station. “Wow!”

…..Oh yes the whole crew on the Cape were watching as the ship left for the station. It was filling half the room around the Crystal ball with MAX talking them thro what NASA could see, and then showing them what was really going on with his cameras. One showed a normal shuttle being docked to the station. The real shots were of a large bird taking off from El Paso, then an air craft getting higher, then well some where along the way it all vanishes, then one of Jon”s ships pulls up to the dock looking like a shuttle. They saw the real ship all the way to the space station. They even saw Gerry as he docked the ship till he melted into a greeting hug with a kiss that drew cheers from the room.

…..Jon did get to fly one mission as MAX almost deafened some people as one of the shuttles lost power, losing air, and heading for the moon at full blast. {In other words it was a complete loss} Jon happened to be the closest to a ship, and was in the saddle as some called it with the door closing as two other people tumbled aboard. He turned the key, and throw the ship into a emergency takeoff . The other two that had boarded after him luckily were pilots, and prepared the ship for the rescue as Jon drove the ship alongside the dead shuttle. The crew was suited up as always, Jon, and his crew were in shirtsleeves as always. An arm controlled by MAX plugged into a power outlet on the Shuttle to give them some time as the boys were getting them off the ship. A force field was brought into place between the airlocks on both ships. The crew could just walk across the space between the two of them.

…..When the crew was aboard the ship the captain ordered his crew to face away from the control area. They striped off the space suit as Jon stood up to greet them. “Nice to see you again boys.” He offered them tea and donuts. (None of that lack of gravity stuff for Jon and his crew.) A tea pot on a small burner, cups, and saucers. A fast run to the space station to let the crew relax before the big wigs sunk their clews into them.

…..Mean while back at the ranch, Opps! I meant to say Mean while back on earth James Shoemaker the controller for all Jon”s flying needs had some of what was referred to as tugs being rigged with metal nets between them to return the damaged Shuttle to earth. Jon really did dislike some of the people in NASA He ordered James to put together a batch of very large saw horses to set the Shuttle on as they could not lower the wheels, or shut the cargo doors. “Put it in the middle of his damn runway, lets see if he can explain that.” The General had a fine day torn to hell, first a ship lost in space, the crew on the space station, the ship turns up on his damn runway, no one see anything, and his crew swore they had tea, and donuts aboard a ship, they never saw anything that he can use.

…..Oh well he deserved it all. Oh yes the trip, the tour of eight and a half planets, and some moons as well as a few were too large to land on, but a rocket can be shot off to land on them. Jon invited many a leader to come along on the tour. He also had a batch of the crewmen and space pilots along. It”s funny how many of them were his men, or just eager to drive a space truck as Jon kidded some of them. The tour did not include the engines, or the control room for most of the men with the BIG wigs. Jon did have at least some people working on civilizing each place that some of the small landing craft landed at. He had a rather large establishment on Mars already. He spoke of bringing some of their people along with his if they played by his rules. To be spoke of later.

…..The crews, and pilots were learning how to handle the ship on the tour as their masters whined back on earth. He had a plan, an evil plan as always. His friends were all over the earth, and they had for years been infiltrating the space outfits. Nothing bad just that most of them might kiss someone in another space agency. Oh well kissing is so much fun, and can lead to so many other things.

…..Any how, Jon when he got back to earth had the core of a space command ready to be put to use. He called every group together that had a presence in space. The question was asked, “do you want to join a real space group?” Of course the answer was yes. The next item was a demand to get the ships handed to them. The answer was a loud,



…..First item on Jon”s list was he gets to pick the pilots, engineers, and so on. NASA yelled BULL-SHIT, Jon turned to the rest of the room, and spoke of more spaces for them as the USA was not going to join them. That brought on a lot of begging, back-pedaling, crawling. Jon asked if there was some way to kick the BULL-SHIT artist out of the chain of command as he was a road block to good sense He may be good at paper work, he does enough of it, hell too freaking much sometimes, but he can”t handle his mouth around people.” A phone call was answered, and a kindly white haired gentleman that had been handing papers to the general was but in charge of NASA. “Okay people lets get this started, send me your choices for the jobs, and I well pick my choice out of the crowd.” Jon had his choice already to send back, and if they were not listed he would send the list back till they were. After all space was run by the gays, or as the general might like to say queers/fags/those people, and on, and on. Yes the deck was stacked, oh they were not all gay, but they were at least friendly. The Mars village became a city then one of many, all of the items that were shipped there were approved of by MAX with Jon”s permission. A cop might have a gun, with one of those wee can”t shoot without the chip knowing the owners finger is on the trigger. NASA can go piss up a rope, no arms anywhere.

…..A plant was invented early on. Okay it was not invented, it was grown on earth. It starts out as ivy that over time grows into a bush, and then a tree with white flowers, and exploding seed pods. It can be grown in oxygen free areas. Yes it uses the gases found on Mars to produce oxygen. At first spacesuits were needed, and domes to live in, covers over crops, and farm animals. The towns spread as fast as the ivy could take hold, every dome was covered inside and out with ivy. It could take many years to revive the red planet, but we are there to stay.

…..”Oh yes another rule was about pure hate of other people, skin, color, gay, or straight, nationally, and so on. You got it you stay home.” NASA soon had many space stations that were scattered around any planet that could be used as a gravity well to hold them in place. Jon had ships that traveled on supply runs to all the stations. He also had some stations off Jupiter, and Saturn with tourist accommodations on them. There was one huge station that with a few families aboard grew food crops. Yes there were herds of animals as well. Oh yes all his ships had a doctor aboard. Well it may be a youngster to the eye, but as many learned he was a fully trained doctor. MAX could also contact anyone to act as hands if there was ever a need to do a remote operation. There was always at least one Doc-In-A-Box on hand to help them out.


.~~Danger Will Robertson~~~~~~~

…..Jon was wondering around in space with Four crones of himself one day when a faint signal was heard, Jon know the voice. It only got out a few words before it was cut off. Jon was yelling for MAX to trace it at once. The voice was one of the Shoemaker family, he know what ship he was on, and ordered MAX to find it stat. Jon was thinking hard as MAX was working hard. Jon called out, “Check the location of all our ships, and speak to every pilot, NOW. Look them in the eye as you speak to them too.” He was right seven ships were out of touch, unable to be raised. MAX was doing double duty as he searched space for any sign of them. A slow list was building on the screen as he worked. A list of last contact, where, when, who was aboard. Jon called out some things to check on as watched MAX work. A red color was soon flagging the item he called out. MAX started to use green to highlight some things himself, and then he used a whole screen of flashing print. “Got them!!!!” Jon called for a map even as MAX placed a flashing red over a planetary type rock located in a group of other rocks. He also used another screen to place a plan of the place. Another screen had a list of habitants on the rock as well as a list of the people on the missing ships. He spoke of our people mapped it when we got a call for help one time. “They are a group of people that want their own idea of living, and don”t like a lot of people much.”

…..A wild full speed run soon had them setting on the backside of a rock near the base. MAX was making the ship look like the rock they were setting on. Jon started suiting up as well as the rest of the crew. He looked them in the eyes as he told them, “I either go with you, or on my own, I”m going.” A look around, and a nod of most of the heads, and the plan is made on the fly. It came down to a few slipping in the airlock with some of the supplies being taken into the base. “They might have an alarm on the airlock use.” Jon pointed out there were only six of the seven ships here, and “we need to search every one of them as well as getting a crew on them to take them back.” Two of the boys were outside the ship with a camera. They were giving MAX real time pictures of the base, and the six pirated ships as people moved around on the surface of the rock. Three of the young men were sent ahead to get into the airlock with some of the pile of boxes they were unloading off the ships. Jon was watching closely, and called out, “They have someone in all the ships all the time.” “Okay that is where the crew has to go in then. They can be sure the ships are ready to move when we come out with the crews.”

…..The airlock was standing open for the attack crew when they reached it even as the crew members walked into their ships to take down the pirate as he was setting guard on a pilot chained to the controls of the ship. None of them were treated real nice as the chains changed bodies. from good to bad, ugly, stupid. There were hugs all around as they greeted friends, “It took you guys long enough to get here.” “Gee we just found out about this three hours ago. We were on the way ten minutes after we got the first hint that there was something stinking bad out here.” “Not bad then, but we need some changes on security.” Jon is already yelling about that matter. There well be lots of changes rolling down the pike.”

…..Jon led the crew that was going to free the crews. They found the guards either sleeping, or put them to sleep with some darts. Jon”s men passed out space suits to the man as the leader of the captives were telling them some of his crew was near the control room as a standby crew in case they get attacked. “How many guards, and the setup?” Jon and two others ran for the door as the rest got dressed. His guards were surprised to see him running by them, but they were on the way to secure some other areas. “Damn it he is doing it again. He always does the right thing, but he scares me.” Jon did the right thing again as the three of them burst in on the guards darting them asleep before they can make a move, or a sound. Spacesuits were passed out as fast as the men can get dressed.

…..One of the men in the control room placed some small bombs under the controls to but them out of operation. They were remote controlled so they can get out first. As the ships were loaded they took off to join Jon”s hidden ship. As the last ship rounded the rock one of the men blew the control panel. Everyone was shocked to see air blowing out the side of the large base, it was blood red as flames flooded into space to be snuffed out at once. The whole rock was blown into marble sized pebbles. “Jeez© that was a big one.” {Yes it was, it was thought the fools had placed the oxygen tanks right under the control room, and the small bombs blow it up.}

…..Well there was a race to fix any other people getting into the control rooms. A locked steel door was placed on the doorway at once. But, always but. Jon wanted more safety for his crews. One of the guards set thinking how can we do better. Jon swung around to yell, “remember the junk the snakes did with the doorways to the sun bit?” “We send them to the sun?” “No a jail cell on the moon, we can do that easy, and have them strip searched as they appear.” A look around to see nods, “Okay do it at once, and put an other doorway in a storeroom too that has no bell on it. If we lose a ship again we slip around them, and take it back. One in the control room, One on the outside of the entrance, and the third one in a storeroom. Is that all that is needed?” No all around again.


~~~~~~Mars again~~~~~~

…..The large ship was soon on the way to visit Mars. Jon bought it in for a soft landing on a dry plain outside the main city. He was met by one of the police men. The air was still low, but was each day improving. Jon led the boys, and the crew around the place pointing out places that he had seen in the early years of the city. NOTE (Okay for some that caught me this last part is a few years later in the story about Mars.) I just realized that I was speaking about another lost chapter, OOPS

Onward, and upward.


~~~I need to backtrack here, Sorry~~~

…..Jon got a call one day, “My son is gone he vanished with his team, and the damn rock crusher is gone too. A rush of people was made to the tunnel head that had been under construction. Jon saw the heavy-duty cables running into the rock wall that had been cut away at one time. It looked like the wall had been gone then returned in place. Some of the mind readers formed a circle holding hands even as more of them were rushing into the room. soon there were three circles one inside the other. A yell spoke of seeing the boys on a cliff looking out over a jungle that reached to the top of Ranger peak, and the damn river is in flood. One of the engineers spoke up, “Maybe if we shut off the power that is still going thru the cables they will come back?” “You touch that switch, and you die.”

…..MAX and the lab rats were the next step, he had the plans laid out of the rock eater. The engineers pointed out all that had been used for years, and all that was new as well. Max had a group of machines built with one each having the change in it. His lab-rats were subjected to experiments. At last a table vanished. Max slowly shut down power to the machine. The table, and the rats came back, alive, alive ho. A camera was next to set on top of the table. It went, and came back with pictures on the memory stick. It was as the mind readers had reported. Max called for them to tell the boys to return to the rock eater at once. The computer slowly cut the power off, and watched as the machine slowly returned with the boys aboard it. Jon had noticed something weird. The table with the rats had moved to a new spot when it returned. Max set up more tables scattered around the room, and sent them away. He had them mark the floor with spots of white. When it returned he had a red spot placed under it. Jon yelled out, use a compass mark it on the floor. The east west line run thru the white, and red spot. Okay MAX put the table at the east end of the line, and set a time there. Do it a few different times, and do some figuring. Max did it, and called out the planet is moving at a set speed, and it is off with us by three minutes.

…..It opened a doorway to another world. It could be just like the original. Or in the past. A bombed out world. People on it. No people in sight. Indians from our past. I could go on with guesses for pages. Just think how many ideas there are about what you would find. Maybe the snakes Jon spoke of earlier.

…..Max started to see something about the controls. Each doorway went to one place. He started to modify the controls. He discovered that it was a matter of matching the two ends to each other. He discovered how to change the exit to an entrance frequency. In other words a door on the moon could mach up to a hundred other doors all over the galaxy.

…..Experimenting went on twenty four hours a day. first they found how to open a door that stayed open as long as power was fed to it. Then how to enlarge it to a useful size, then sending the door to a spot chosen on earth, and then other places like Mars. Then a door was opened against an outside wall of a tunnel. It was opening on the meadow they visited earlier.

~~Okay people, or the single person reading now. BORING, but it is background lets tell a story now using the above.~~

….. Jon met the crew as they were exiting thru the doorway. He walked out as well. He stood looking around as his guards had warned him to not try any junk this time. Jon kept looking at what was a road, and a pass thro the mountain on his world. (Well he always thought of it as being his world.)

…..When he returned home he called his contractor, to ask if he is busy. At his answer he asked if he can drop by the El Paso home? When the man was what some people call Toot Sweet. He led him to the new world which no one had even thought of naming. He waved his hands as he pointed at the virgin walls of the canyon as he asked if he can build a whole city up the sides of the walls, all the way across the pass with a trail between them, not a road just a trail. Some farm land without destroying the place like they do often back home. Fruit trees intermingled with what is there. No smoke, no ugly shit, the home should be open, but not really seen. Not quite a tunnel, but still out of sight.

…..His contractor asked many questions to be sure he under should what was wanted. Vines growing, tree limbs placed around windows. “Okay can do, how long.” Jon told him yesterday as always. Some months later one side of the pass was ready for about three hundred people to move in. First in were farmers, intermingled with combat troops, well not really just people that were comfortable in the woods. Little Bare had already disappeared down a faint trail. He had MAX scouting ahead of him with all his little invisible cameras. He of course had an earphone on with a small mike to talk to the main base. Little Bear was dressed in a loincloth, a feather in his head band, carrying a knife, and a bow, Of course he had a quiver of arrows as well. MAX had seen some camp smoke once while they were working on the early doors.

…..Little Bare had went to an Indian tribe in the area of EL Paso to learn the language as well as sign language. He though it would be a small help if he met someone. He was tracking someone with few signs being seen. “They are good,” he mumbled to himself. He had found some fire pits, with signs of tents being used. Little Bear at last saw the smoke of a small fire. He melted into the forest, and passed them by. He rushed ahead to gain at least three travel days on them. They slowly gained on him. At last came the day that he had picked for the meeting. The braves that were scouting ahead saw the small fire he was tending on the side of the trail. One watched him as the other reported back. The witch doctor, (Okay what would you call him?) with the chief walked down the trail to meet this stranger. Little Bear used sign language to point at the fire, and the steak that was hanging over the fire. He also pointed at three deer hanging off a tree limb near the trail. He made them understand they were for his tribe. A call from the chief brought the womenfolk”s to build up the fire to start a feast. Little Bear pointed at some branches that were covering some potatoes, radishes, cherries, strawberries, and other eatables. Very soon there was a feast laid out for all in the tribe.

…..After the meal The two tribe members tried to speak with Little Bare. No luck so the hands had to do the talking. Max was hearing every word spoken, and learning what they meant. He was talking all the time in the Indian”s ear as he did the wave a hand around bit. The chief at last held up a hand as he had heard MAX speaking. “It is a good spirit that helps me learn to speak.” “Are you good, or evil?” (It is wonderful what a hand, and fingers can say!) The sorcerer, (Better then a witch doctor?.) throw some powder in the fire as he watched Little Bare. He nodded his head as he pointed at Little Bear”s head. He watched as the tribe gathered their stuff to move on. At last the chief used his hands to invite him to join the tribe. Little Bear encouraged the whole tribe to talk to him as MAX learned it all. He was teaching it as he learned it. Little Bear was soon able to understand the tribe, as well as his kids were doing back at the pass. One evening Little Bear built a large smoky fire, he waved a blanket thro the smoke as he chanted nonsense. He had asked his sons to join him as helpers. That night most of them were seen setting around the fire with Little Bear. He spoke of missing them, and sending the smoke to find them. His boys were a mixture of his sperm, and the shoemakers. All with red hair with a light tan from him. They took after Little Bare in their like of both male, and female. Of course Little Bear liked the male better.

…..Weeks go by, all have learned to speak with the Indians. They have been excepted as part of the tribe. One day Jeff Bear set talking to some of the tribe about how hard it is to find fire-wood. (It sound like another YAWN.) “How many logs do you burn in a day?” He smoothed some sand out, and using that old Greek math drew four lines, and drew another line across them. He asked about every day? “When hot yes, but with snow on ground maybe,” he showed him many fingers. “Okay,” as he drew twenty five lines on the sand. A rough count of the tribe was made. He multiplied the figures and showed the results to the friend, then asked how long it took to grow one tree? By now many people are gathered around them wondering what they are doing. Jeff spoke of the trees around them all being gone. You, and all your tribes need to think about your sons, and theirs as well. He dumped a bag he wore around his neck. It was seeds from many trees, and bushes that feed them. He said, take a tree, and then you place a handful of the seeds in it”s place as you walk away from where it grew. He spoke of nuts apples, cherries, plumbs, grapes, strawberries, other plants which grew underground as well. You plant a seed, and leave. When you pass by again there will be some growing where none were before. The wise men of the tribe nodded, as they thought of all he had said.

…..Another of his sons, Billy Bear had found a orphaned boy of maybe ten years old, almost starving. He took the boy with him hunting as he showed how to find food, kill, skin, and how to cook it, where to look for other types of food. He let the boy follow him around as he taught him how to grow up. He was asked why he was acting like a women? “If a boy has no father or mother I well take both their places to teach him how to live.” Billy had been looking at a fine young lady for many days, and thought as he had found a son he needed to find a wife as well. She had been looking at Billy as well. Billy went to see the chief about the young lady, “Sir I find myself with child, and find I need a wife. You need to know something about me. I well not leave a family if it is mine, if I have to go away one of my brothers will care for them till I return, and all the people that have the flaming hair will not have any girl babies almost never. Always born with red hair too.” (This was being taught as how to do things without preaching.) Billy was not the only one to marry into the tribe, or others they might meet in their travels. After nine months a red headed boy was born, with many being twins or more. A gathering of tribes as winter was brewing was attended by most of the tribes. The red headed Indians were soon part of every tribe as the tribes know enough to not inbreed, and often traded off with other tribes. Little Bear wanted to know about a boy he had seen that showed signs of being what some noisy old ladies used to call slow with a sniff of her own nose. He was shown a buffalo hide with all the tribes listed, (All in pictures) He run a finger over the listing, and shook his head as he spoke of at least two more winters between them before it was even close to being safe. He spoke of how long his own people used to really be safe. (More teaching) He was also copying the hide with MAX”s help. It was making his own job easier.


~~~Enough for now. Maybe later. Lets go home.~~~~

…..Jon in the meanwhile had pushed hard to get the home build up both sides of gap, and both sides of the mountain as well. Many trees were planted that would feed them for years to come. They scattered thro the forest many root crops as well as vines, and bushes. So some of the beasts, and birds will eat their share. So what they will only scatter the seeds in their waste.

…..Scouts were out in all directions mapping all they find. The first real shock was the green growing up both sides of the mountain, till they found out the forest had a lot to do with moisture being held by the earth. Census of animals was pushed, and they were being left undisturbed. Some of the most dangerous were darted with trackers.

…..Oh yes the construction crew needed a way to import a large pile of junk. Jon okayed two sets of doorways on both sides of the Trans Mountain highway. The doorways were set up far enough apart to park a truck load of parts between them on a level area. It was found it was needed to use that PSP (Prepared Steel Planking.) planking the army used forever. They emptied the trucks, and drove back onto the road sixty some feet from where they had vanished.

…..Little Bear had to call for a pick up of his witch doctor friend, the chief and a patient that needed way more then he can do. He had MAX use one of the Doc-In-A-Box”s to move them, and trailed along with it in one of the flying suits. Three doctors spent hours putting the man back together with the two Indians watching them work. “How?” “It is their job, they spent years learning to do it.” Jon led the two around his home showing them much to see, and some that they can use as well. They were told that some of it would make them lazy foolish, and stupid. You have to think what would happen if some of it was seen. A knife was given to each of them as he said, “it would take many moons to learn how to make it, but we can give you some without fear.” Pottery was shown as there was a need to see how to make some for food storage. Some of the boys were making some pots while they watched.


~~Danger Will Robinson~~~~

…..Opps, That slipped up on me. Jon was called back to earth by some of the Shoemaker family that were watching some things that Jon was interested in. He had quite a few years ago thought the whole damn world was heading for that big bang that would say, so sorry, it be over, GOOD-BY The call stated it is getting worst. He rushed back thru the doorway to find the war room as he thought of it in disarray. Jon was soon up to date with what had sparked the fear. “Have we got enough wires in place to save most of the world as well as all our people?” (WIRES? a side line of the doorways). Lay a wire around say the white house. Turn on the wee black box, and the house is on the new planet. Everyone gets out turn off the black box, (house be gone.) “We finally got Ft Bliss wire wrapped up last week. You would be surprised how much shit they threw in our way.” That was the last of the full sized bases we needed to save.” What about El Paso?” “Oh we got that years ago, it just took money, not a bureaucratic fight to let us do what was needed.” “Are all the wires on a tripwire? Are our homes ready to go too?” “Oh sure that was first on the list.” “Can we stop anyone that starts the shit from coming along?” “Yep, they end up on one of those airless earths. Oh MAX found out how to send our underground homes over there to stay, and send the ground back here in exchange.” After almost a week of hard work Jon throw up his hands as he said, “Okay we are ready as we can be I”m heading for the Vatican to talk with Jeremy.”

…..Jon was setting having tea with the Pope as they talked about his plans when Jon”s face went white, “oh damn not now I have too much to do.” Jeremy called out MAX, “get help here now Jon is having another heart attack.” One of the Doc-In-A-Box”s rolled into the room almost as he finished yelling. Max attached some wires to Jon”s head with the build in arms on the machine. MAX was speaking softly as he worked, “hold on till I have this last week in the can, hold on sir.” Jeremy was upset as he saw the computer not working to help Jon. As he got ready to yell he saw it was too late. He did the thing all priests do with death. A small box was pulled from a pocket, holly water, a cloth, a cross were used even thou Jon had never indicated he was a true believer in the church. Jeremy know he was a good man with lots of love for people. Okay he had hate for some people as well but he chose them well. There was an all call made by the Pope on Jon”s commuter, “Jon is dead.” His voice was known to all that heard it. A rash of calls were made with MAX handling most of them. James Shoemaker stepped into command at once. Arrangements were made for interment at once. Jon had made plans for cremation, and that Jeremy”s urn the first of that name and his true lover, to be opened one more time to receive his ashes, “shake it up so we will never be parted again.” This was done as ordered. But there was a rush to Rome to attend a huge Mass. Anyone that wanted to know who was a part of Jon”s empire would have been writing till his fingers fall off. No church was big enough to hold them all. The square in front of the Vatican was not even large enough. MAX was busy broadcasting to many remote places. Almost everything in Jon”s world stopped.

…..MAX was busy. Yes MAX was very busy he had decided years ago that Jon must not be allowed to die. He had plans to save him. His body was gone to ashes, but MAX had his brain in a bottle. Not really just the contents of his mind in a computer. What to do with it? It can”t really work there. No but over the years MAX had people getting sperm from his friend, and master. He had the lab working over time lots of time. “I want a body made that is a Jon to the last cell.” There were many failures, some worse then others. At last there were some that were ready for, well like the scarecrow in that move said, “I want a brain.” He was wrong he should have said, I have a brain, but it is empty, please fill it up. MAX had made a body with an empty mind. He started pouring the contents into the fourteen year old body at once. Whole parts of his mind were thinking for the first time. Over the years, fourteen years a team of mind readers had been controlling the body, exercising it, feeding it, everything but messing with the mind. The body never had a thought. Till that day when it”s older self had died. Some people know about this body without a mind, ready to replace their leader. It was not spoke about.

…..Oh I spoke of failures. Yes there were some that were, can I call them born? Nope not born in any sense. Well as I was saying there were four almost quads, that after a very few years were asked, “can you think, and answered yes.” OOPS failures. Not totally. The four were bright young men as they grow up they were taught much that can be used to help Jon II live his new life, or continue his old one. Any how the boys were placed with a group of families on Ft Bliss, the fathers were high ranking officers with the army. Yes they all know Jon. Their jobs were in a highly secret building on Ft Bliss. It was never entered by anyone not in the know. The people working there never were moved around like most people were. Once they were part of the team they stayed a part of the team. Oh they might have to travel, but they always returned to the base. They were in charge of laying the WIRES around chosen areas. Most of them had flown in a special plane that with MAX”s help can pass between worlds. The things they saw, “WOW.”

…..Back to the four unnamed boys. They were trained in that mixed up fighting style that Jon”s boys learned, All learned about Jon”s style of thinking. Guns, knifes, anything that can be used to defend Jon was taught to them. There school work was top of the line. They worked together like a team with no thought of fighting for top dog among them. One day soon after Jon died a limo drove up to the group of houses on Bliss. The four families were ready to separate. The boys had a job that they had been trained for. Baggage was loaded as goodbyes were said with sadness all around, and some joy as the boys were going to see Jon junior at last.

…..A drive to the El Paso home, rooms were given to them that were clustered around the one where the young boy was living as he absorbed the mind of his past Bob, Lee, Jim, and Cole wondered into his room to set speaking softly to each other till the boy noticed them. At last with tears in his eyes he said my head hurts. Bob took charge of the group at once to dim the lights, but the boy on the bed, start a soft conversation. This was a sign of things to came as he never was going to lose control of the leadership he had taken, not that the other boys could not act on their own, just that one had to lead.

…..Food was ordered. A game was started that would use lots of words, and thought. It was all the boys idea that the boy needed to exercise his mind to get used to thinking. It seemed to work. Later as the boy”s headache passed he was encouraged to get some sleep. The four boys made a puppy pile on the large bed. A scream woke them early in the morning as the headache retuned in full force. Bob swore at MAX. “damn you MAX stop with the rush to get Jon back, break it down to small drops more often. Your going to kill this boy.” The boys hugged him as they rubbed his brow.” Bob wondered out loud, “what did he drop in your mind this time?” “I”m in a gym and it looks like I”m fighting with some other boys.” “Okay I think I know what it is about. Lets get dressed, and we well go to the gym.” “the door won”t let me open it.” Bob pointed at the floor as he ordered Max to appear at once. “Where is his key?” MAX appeared as a projection to point at the top of a bookcase. He popped out as fast as he came. “Is that the person that is hurting me.” “Yes, and no. “It is a computer, and he is just trying to fix your head. As he is a computer he thinks he can just dump it all in big piles” Bob climbed the front of the bookcase to retrieve a leather bag from it”s hiding place. He handed it to the boy. He opened it to dump it out on the table. A group of six egg like bejeweled items rolled out on the table. He looked at them as he thought they were pretty. “What are they, they look nice?” Cole reached over to hold the boys nuts in his hand as he asked, “does this make you thing where they came from?” The boy thought hard then that light bulb lit up above his head. Bob refilled the bag with the fancy nuts. He led the boy to the mats as he hung the bag on his waist. The boy started slowly to move in a form that he know, but his body did not know it. The four boys worked slowly guiding the young boy into the form. Jon II made a move he really was not ready for. He did a quick spin, and threw his leg out to deliver a kick. Half way thro it the old leather bag broke, and spread the fancy nuts around. A boy passing by picked some of them up for the boy. As he handed them to him, he counted them, “one, two, three four, five, oh no there is one missing. The boy looked at the eggs as he thought hard. “Oh shit these have to be Jon”s eggs he was always rolling them around when he was thinking. Who are you guys, why……The boy was stopped by a raised hand in that talk to the hand look. Shut up not another word, you come with us, and not another word. The unknown boy looked at Jon II, and that look in his eyes said, I”m going to read his mind. “Don”t even thing about reading him, it could kill you.” Just then a boy ran up with the other egg to ask who dropped it? He was greeted by his brother, “oh no not my fucked up brother.” Bob did his shut up bit again, and led the larger group back to their rooms. One of his brothers??? Lee got some leather to make a new bag for a new Jon. He set to work as they ate a snack. Being boys they always were hungry.

…..They relaxed around the table speaking of much, and saying little. Max was busy speaking in the four brothers earpieces. A history of the two new boys was given, and comments from James as he was their father, “Dean is a fully trained mind reader, a guard smart as a whip, Tony on the other hand has to have a hard hand around his neck at all times. He goes off in too many directions at once. I hate to see him involved with this. At last Bob with a look around his crew took a small nod from each of them to say they agreed with him. He was ready to speak when Dean grabbed his brother around the neck to drag him into the hallway. He was shaking the shit out of him yelling in his ear, cussing at him, for being a fool when Bob touched him on the shoulder, “Mine, he is my problem. Let me handle this.” Bob looked hard at the young man, “who were you going to read?” The answer disturbed him, “Okay what part of dieing didn”t you understand when I told you to not read him? Okay read me deep, I”m dropping all my safeguards.” “That”s really Jon?” “Damn you I told you to read me down to the bottom of my mind, not ask questions get back to work, and when you get done with me read my other three brothers as well. I want you to tell us why we think of ourselves as failures.

…..At last the small voice spoke of them being, maybe being Jon the II if they had not had a mind of there own. “You see why your a damn fool for not doing what your told?” “Yes sir.” “Good now report to your brother he is in charge of your life from now on, he tells you what to do, and you yell yes sir, and do it.”

…..Bob told Dean what he needed to do, and left him to do it. He did hear him mumble, “my fool of a brother is, oh God I have to, oh hell.” as he walked away.

…..The small group over the next few weeks watched as Jon II had small parts of his memory placed in his mind. It always slowed him down (SLOW TALKING, SLOW THINKING) in what he was thinking, talking about, till he absorbed it all. One day he looked around the group to say, “Jon is dead, leave him stay dead, call my Johnny. I have six eggs, I am giving them to you guys to speak for me when you pull them out to dangle in front of someone. you have to only speak my wishes that way.” “There are six eggs and only four of us?” “Yes, Dean is my guard, and in charge of a lot of stuff, he gets one, and Tony gets the last one as I see something in him.” “Welcome back Johnny.” This was the first time that the boy was leading, and not being led. He was in command from then on.

…..The next day he led them to the command room where James was holding it all together. He looked at the boy, and saw his leader being in charge one more time. At once he bowed his head as he prayed a prayer of thanks.

…..Johnny almost demanded a printout of all that had been done since he died. It was just that wee bit less then a demand. “It well be in your room as soon as we get it printed out.” A look around, and the boy told him he was in charge not to do all this paper work on your desk. “Let the rest of them do that shit. You just tell them to do it. Shit all rolls downhill anyway.”

…..The boys with some guards went out for lunch then to the mats to work out. Jon showed them he was almost up to speed with the way he fought. Then home to a pile of reports. Johnny read quickly, and had a box of colored pens to mark them up with colored orders. One color was do it yesterday. another to do it now, and another to do it when ever, but do it. Oh there was one for good job, and a bright one to say fucked up fix it. Johnny worked as he ate supper, he was handed another stack as he ran out of the one he was working on, the boys took turns supporting him, as the rest napped. Late in the morning Johnny went to bed to sleep thru the day. when he woke he found his brothers had sent off the orders using the eggs for the first time. They were waiting to see what to do with the pile of paper. “There is a shredder in the master bath, I don”t need it laying around.”

…..Meanwhile Dean was calling in some of his relatives, The oldest was an uncle who was an Ancient twenty year old man. Dean wanted to know if he would mind if he was only second in command? “Jeez© why would I want all that indeterminate amount of crap to handle, good luck cousin. Why don`t you but your brother in charge of all that, he will either fuck it up, or grow up.” Dean frowned then grinned as he thought it might work. “Good idea my second in command keep an eye on him so he does not go too far a field.”

…..Tony did settle down, and rounded up some fine guards that started training to guard what was rumored to be a wild card to guard as he always seemed to lead from the front. “Oh well some of the best Generals ever to live did it that way.” (Patten for one)

…..The best, and latest equipment was soon on site. Training was going on everyday. Johnny was soon joining in with the mat work. At first he was a five on a ten scale. As each day passed he moved up till he was a fifteen on a ten scale. He was going to limit his going on the mat to one day a week from now on. He also attended the small arms classes. He did have a dead eye when it came to shooting. It was not just the killing shots, but knowing when to just wound, or not shoot that was a wonder to see.

…..The newest of the large space ships was set aside for Johnny”s crew. It was fully stocked with everything he might need. A stack of space maps all marked up with facts he needed. A computer that might be called MAX II as it was always connected to MAX. The ship could use a doorway to slip between worlds, fly in that space, and pop back to our space.

…..Enough technical stuff lets get back to the story. One fine day (Hell they were in a freaking cave) Johnny walked into the guard area to ask them if they were ready for anything? At the answer he told them it was time to head for the new world, “how long will it take you to be ready to move?” He giggled as they were all trying to say Tomorrow, next week, three days, a month, not one of them said an hour which was what Johnny wanted to hear. Tony laughed out loud as he said, sir I have all we will need outside the doorway waiting for us, we might want to eat first.”

…..After they ate a meal, a walk to the doorway and the team saw a large flying sled standing beside a pile of supplies. Johnny did not do as most people do just pile it all aboard. He opened every item, checked if it worked, and pointed out where it went. He only found three shortages. One could have killed them, the other two might have made them uncomfortable but no pain. After a re-supply was received they loaded it aboard as Johnny pointed out the way they should fly.

…..He checked out some homesteads that had been built. A few words with the kids while the older people spoke with the parents soon had Johnny giving them an antenna that drew power from the air, and a computer to educate the kids.It also was of use to the adults. “Look folks Jon”s people would be happy to set you up with some power tools that well help you here. No charge just farm the way we want this world to be done. The small farm yard is okay, but clear cutting large spaces to farm, fencing off the trail over there is a no, no, the Indians have the right to use it. They plant food, plant lots of trees to be there when they pass thru, not for you to cut down, or tell them not to pick as they pass thru. If you need apples, pick some. Save the seeds, maybe start the trees in a a hot box in your cabin over by the windows. As it gets a start plant three or four in a clearing. Potatoes, slice off the eyes like the Indians do, and plant them around in new spots. There will be new places for both of you to get food. Oh there well be birds, and animals that eat some of the items. So what, they eat the seeds too. In one end out the other in a nice brown container that fertilizes the seed, and plants a new field. If you think about that other world. A lack of rain, buildings everywhere. No trees, no life in the trees that are there. Live with what is here not destroy it.

…..This went on for weeks with many stops with many people that only need some help to learn how this world can be lived in. A car was soon setting in the farmyard. It was flew in by MAX to the people that needed it. The antenna on the roof supplied all that was needed to fuel it. The kids, and some of the adults could not believe it can fly even if they saw it landing. “Why not let the other earth people have this?” “I ask you what would they do with it? They would use it to kill, steal, spy on others, and so on till it was shot down on sight.”

…..Johnny stopped the driver of the sled as he was heading for a landing one day. “Vanish, don”t land there.” The sled at once vanished from sight, and hovered in place. “What”s wrong Johnny?” “Don”t ask me, you tell me!” All the guards looked hard at the building below them, and had guns in their hands at once as they saw what Johnny had seen. “It is a trash heap, no farming at all, it looks like a fort.” Johnny spoke up, “No kids, no women in sight, locked up if there are any.”

…..A nod of the head as they all thought some trash slipped thru. “We have to look them over close, and take care of them.” Johnny was looking for something in a pile of crates. He found a control box, and a large roll of wire at last. “I think we need to be ready to destroy that fort if they get froggie.” Johnny had a large loop of wire laid out, and set the control box into the wire where the ends met. He also had MAX in control of the switch. “Okay lets get a car over here. We will send it into the yard without a driver. I want to see how they greet a visitor.” They had lowered the wire around the house in the dark of the night just to be ready before the car flew into sight. As the car settled on the trashy clearing. The sound of gunshots were heard as the windows were blown out of the car by the bullets. MAX throw the switch to send the house to another world. He said OPPS even as the house was vanishing from sight, as it was rapidly sinking into the earth even as it vanished. “Sorry boss, we should have checked on that other world it seems there is one deep canyon over there. It looks a lot like the Grand Canyon,. Oh well if there were people over there they wouldn”t have liked them anyway.”

…..As the boys were getting ready to leave the area a young man of maybe sixteen walked into camp. “What did you guys do to my father?” Johnny spoke up to say, “we sent them to another world, as there is no place here for people like him.” “Yeah he has been getting wild since those Indians got in his face about something last year.” “Well if you lived here, and someone trashed your land you might get in there face too. Climb aboard we well take you with us.” The guards were not too happy, but had to go along with what the boss wanted.

…..A year later Jon retuned to the home in the Pass. A few days later his ship landed on the roof behind a wall of rocks. He may be more in the open, but always thought about hiding his doings from others. They moved into the large ship with a crew to handle it. They were all young as well as Johnny needed to have people his age around him till he matured. He had the mind of the older Jon, but needed to grow in body as well. His guards had matured into a good group well trained in protecting the bosses as well as each other. Yes there were five bosses with the guards being part of the second layer of bosses, they as always could order the bosses around if shit hit the fan. With Jon or Johnny around shit was always flying somewhere.

…..A week later the tour of worlds begin one more time. The ship slipped back to home space. As was said many pages ago Johnny was traveling with some crones, well I was almost telling the truth. (I did forget to mention the name change. Jon or Johnny. it is all the same.) After rescuing some of their men they headed off to Mars with a stop off at one of the largest farms in space. Johnny wanted the group to see what farming can be like in space. As Johnny was talking to the man in charge a noisy lad rushed into the room to demand that his dad tell him who was off that huge ship? One of his brothers was startled, and swing around at the loud entrance. The egg/nut around his neck swing out of his shirt to be seen by the boy, “that is one of Jon”s eggs. How did you get it?” The other five eggs were pulled out to be displayed as Johnny spoke of them being displayed to prove they speak for Jon. Victor looked back, and forth at the eggs as he thought hard. “Wait a second here, five to speak for Jon, and one for him, what”s going on here?” Johnny giggled as he told the father, “that kid is too damn smart.” He asked how are you related to the family? “We are out of Cleveland Ohio, part of the Shoemaker family.” “Okay it is time some people found out I”m back. Yes that smart assed computer would not leave me die, so he has been recordings my mind for the last few years. He had a body on standby for me. Oh don”t spread it around to much yet.” Victor was star struck with Johnny, and begged to join the tour. Johnny thought about doing it, but would not break up a family. “Does your family need a vacation, and can your replacement handle the farm?” “Yes, and yes, we need to go for Victor and my brother does most of the work anyway.” A rush to tell his wife, and they were soon on board. Johnny was soon calling out, “Move it out, Mars ho.” As with all the Shoemaker family Victor was trained in self-defense, at the least, but the mats, and the firing range got a workout as the guards brought him up to their standards.. Heck the crew was getting the same training as well. You never know what might come up with Johnny around. The landing on Mars was fine, but the sheriff meeting them was startling at the least. “What”s going on sir expecting pirates?” A simple, “yes,” was all that was needed to explain what was going on. He explained farther that one of Jon”s mind readers read a crew of a ship and had them tied up before they could let loose the poison gas that would destroy the whole population of Mars overnight. “We shot them as soon as we got done getting the rest of the shit out of their minds. The mind readers have to clear you guys before you get off the ship, and I stay here till your cleared.” “Was that the last ship, the Rose-Bud that they took from us. Was the crew okay?” “Yes, and yes, not in the best shape, but are recovering.” “Good, if they need a ride home we can help out.” “They might.” The mind reader looked startled as he read Johnny but did not say a word. He went on to read everyone else as well. He greeted the other mind readers mind to mind as he thought about Johnny being alive for the second time. “Wow I don”t know if I would ever want that. It sounds hard on the mind.” “They are clear sir, but treat the head crew as well better then most just tourists.” as he pointed out the five he meant. He would not say way, just shook his head. The sheriff had to just take his word, and wondered why the guys following them around were armed to the teeth. “Okay people we like to know why guns, and knifes are wondering around here?” “Bodyguards papers on us.” “Oh shit, watch out we don”t like dead bodies unless we do the deed.” “We will try to save anyone alive if we can. We do have some very high friends that will speak for us.” “How high?” “Higher then our pay grade sir, much higher then anyone around here too.” The man shook his head till it rattled as he left the ship, “oh shit, why me.”

…..Victor was given a packet of papers to deliver to the main control room of Jon”s home on Mars. He wondered into a large hotel to see the main desk. He showed the man the card Johnny had given him, and was directed to a small stairway down into the basement. An open window opened into a large open room, with a long counter barring passage. He stood in line waiting his turn. The young men in front of him were harassing the clerk something about his skirt. He looked close to see the boy was a Scots man, and in fill dress. He spoke softly to the four thugs, “It be a good thing he is not wearing his sword or he would be teaching you fools respect for a good Scott”s man.” “Oh your another one of those ladies then?” “Yes, and right proud to be one. We put many an English thief into an early grave too.”

…..As the boys were going to try him on, the clerk called out their papers were ready for them. He looked at Victor as he asked what he can do for him. The card was shown again. A buzzer was pressed as he was pointed at a doorway nearby. He pushed it open to be met by a guide to lead him to the master of the room. He looked around as walked to the man. “Wow at least two hundred, and seventy five computer stations all in operation too.” he murmured under his breath as he handed the packet of papers to the boss. The man looked hard at the boy, “how the heck did you do that? You hit it on the dot in just the time you had in the room.” “I work on a farm, and we have to count by the row, and do some estimating, it is just something I”ve learned to do. We have to look at things, not just see them. Like those hoodlums harassing your clerk.” “My son, again. He will never tell me. I bet he will not even go to the ball tonight.” “Can I ask him to let me go with him? I”m sure I can find a skirt in my colors for the ball.” “What colors son?” “The Shoemaker colors sir.” “There will be a package at his desk for you when you leave kind sir, and I well tell him to except your invite. Also a pair of swords to scare the animals with. Side of the blade only son!” The two of them spent the afternoon translating the papers to orders on a computer. At last the father said, damn that was rough, it was like something Jon would send out before he blow into town, God rest his soul.” Victor wanted to say, he lives on, but held his tongue. He had a pile of paper to take back with him, as well as a batch of computer disks. He walked to the long desk to make his try to invite the boy out. Oh boy you must have impressed dad he flat told me to offer my hand in marriage to you.” “Well can we live in sin for awhile as I never go that far on a first date.” The two boys grinned as they spoke their names. Tyler English, Victor Shoemaker. “Isn”t that a hell of a last name for one fine Scott”s man Yes but it sounds like you.” The two picked up the swords, and the package of clothing as they walked out together. They delivered the paper, and disks before wondering around the rest of the day Victor did worn Johnny about the swords, and their use. Jon had every Scotsman, and woman as well get out their skirt as he said it, and arms as well, we will put on a sword dance demonstration for the heathens to enjoy, and have a excuse for being armed as well. Johnny also warned Mr. English as well as kidding him about being a poor Scot with a name like English yet. The man said goodbye as he thought about Jon always kidding him about his name. The voice, the words, the tone of voice all added up to a rumor he had heard, about Jon not really being all gone even if he had died.

…..When Mr. English met the slim young boy with violet eyes, black shiny hair with a cowlick falling over his eye he know it was Jon resurrected in a much younger body. “No more heart attacks my friend.” The man was ready to cry, yell, He stetted for a strong hug as he whispered, “welcome back sir.” “Sh I”m still having to do the boss in the background till I get a wee older.”

…..The ball was a fun time. Well till Tyler English walked in with the long blade on his side with Victor beside him also armed. The group of boys were getting ready to start talking nasty when one of them saw the swords, and the blade on their leg as well. “Opps, wrong time, wrong day, wrong people, just fucking wrong all around.” Johnny was already to start the sword dance in front of the stage, and waved the two youngsters to join the group. There were dozens of them. Them being the ones with the full Scots dress. (Not a skirt, as in dressed in…..) If there was not room to do the dance. There was room on the stage, and around the room to watch. Every one of them was armed. Oh my there kind had been insulted. Skirt indeed. Bagpipes wailed, hands clapped, cheers were heard as the group did the dance for them. Afterward The two youngsters were asked to show off some sword fighting on stage. They went at it like they wanted to kill each other. The sound of fine blades clinking against each other as they stopped a strike that would have beheaded a lesser person. These were not tin blades, they were the real thing.

…..The two boys were among the first to take the floor with the blade swinging at their side as they danced. One of the hoods saw they were still armed as their leader was heading over to bother the boys about being queer as he saw it. “Stop fool he will kill you.” This defused the place for the rest of the night.

…..Well that was not okay with Johnny. He went to a town meeting the next day. He stood to ask if he may speak? This was not like a town meeting on earth. It was every person in the town, man women, and child. Yes to the last person, if you had to work you had remote viewing to watch it. “No your just a visitor not a citizen,” one of the board members spit out with a scowl. “When did Jon change the rule that this meeting can stop a polite request to speak?” “That old fool is dead he can not control us like slaves anymore.” “Oh so the laws of Mars are null and void?” I want to speak as is my right or I call for an election as is my right.” “What the fuck do you think gives you that right.” Johnny drew out the egg from his shirt front, and held it in the air by the chain. the other five boys did the same till there was a shout, his nuts, they are his nuts. “I”ve seen them before. let him speak.” A mummer in the crowd as parents spoke of some unholy men that lost their nuts to Jon. He stood waiting as some of the board argued, “he has the right, fuck no I”m not going to be replaced on a trick.” At last Johnny spoke over the noise, “How many of you voted for that foul mouthed fool? Stand up if you voted for him.” less then a dozen stood. Johnny spoke about their being mind readers watching for any lairs. Half of the people set down at once. “Okay lets vote who wants him to get off the stage?” It was almost all standing up this time. “Okay how about the rest of the board. Yes or no?” A yell from an old mother with kids around her as she set there. “Lets stop with those paper votes, and stand for our pick konyaaltı türbanlı escort from now on. To the hell with being afraid to let everyone else see how you vote. Vote on that first then stand for your man, or women if we ever have one with the balls to run.”

…..A vote was made, and passed by the board afterwards as well as they see the wind blowing them out of office. The lady called for a vote on the board members one by one. Two more were found to have little backing. The rest stayed in their seats. Some one called for lady Jane to be voted in as she had a lot of good sense. The women that had led the whole room was elected at once with only one no vote, her own. She took her seat with two babies in arm. “Okay I need a baby setter, and a guy with a whip for the rest of my kids.” This brought laughter as she was known as a kind hearted lady that run a fine restaurant in the town. One of Johnny”s guards had stopped the foul mouthed former board member as he tried to leave the room. “Just set down, Johnny needs you to sign a paper before you leave.

…..After the business of electing new members to the board Johnny stood up again. “Okay people I have some film you all need to see, play it again Sam©. This got a giggle before the film started with five boys beating up some children. Harassing many others. stealing things from shops, cheating in school, some of it brought yells of fury from the crowd. The law man wanted the film so he can prosecute the kids. Johnny held up a hand to stop the noise. No one even though of not shutting up. “I have some papers in hand that give me the nasty five to do with as I want. Sign them over, and step away from your problem. Bring them up here to me now, sign the papers please.”

…..The parents knowing there kids might go to jail, or be deported back to earth signed on the dotted line. Dean ordered a couple of guards to remove the five hoods to the ship to safeguard them on the way as he feared for there well-being.

…..Johnny”s group had one more thing to do. “Okay folks one more thing to do, and I well leave you carry on the night. You might have heard that some of our ships were stolen by some less then nice people. One of them was trying to kill all of you. It was stopped by some mind readers. Okay not to be noisy just to safeguard everyone of you, please let one of my mind readers check out your minds. Don”t worry about sex, cheating at cards, little shit like that. If you murdered someone worry, but he will be looking for traitors, people that want to kill us all, for God knows what. The board members lined up first as they were now clean of some less then honest men. Johnny had his eyes on a couple of people even before his mind readers stepped up to check on the whole room. The last four to be checked drew guns to try to, get away, kill some one, who knows what was in there mind? Oh Dean did. He called for the law dog to go with him to the air plant, (NO not a plant like it grows. Jeez© Thou they do have some plants that do grow.) Some of the young sons of Lady Jane the new board member saw the guns, and preceded to use the chairs they had been setting on to brain all four of them to cheers, HIP-HIP-HALLOO, HIP-HIP-HALLOO. HIP-HIP-HALLOO Oh the people that were working were not forgotten, one of the other mind readers made a trip to each of there jobs.


~~~~~Okay a jump to the future ~~~~~~

….. Mars again. Johnny was visiting Mars once again where the population was growing fast, both large families, and immigration. It need more land. One of his men spoke of the way MAX had found other earths like our world. Johnny looked up any research on Mars, and found a handful of alternate planets that could be started on the way to being lived on. First was exploring the planets, mapping looking for metals that can be utilized. Starting air plants, (Their I go again Yes they can plant oxygen producing plants) But first they have to build some faster plants to get a few domes filled with air so they can work on the new planet. A group of doors large enough to pass large airtight trucks thro are built. Teams of young men that need the work are recruited for work. They are soon at work, surveying the area.

…..Johnny had to see how they were doing, and was out walking around in his skin suit, when he heard a scream on the radio. He looked around to see one of the boys falling off a cliff. It was not too high, but with him wearing a space suit it could kill him. His buddy raced to break his fall. He did partly. The boy more then likely fainted. His buddy was babbling about his love for him, and how sorry he was he had never told him about his love. Johnny did his job checking for air leaks, signs of inures, broken bones, “Bingo his arm is broken just above the wrist.” Johnny wrapped the arm to the boys side, as he called for a pick up. Dean was already on his way with the large camper like truck they used to live in while on Mars IV as this one was called. Johnny set the arm as soon as they got him stripped out of the suit. He spoke to his buddy as he worked on the arm. “You know he heard you before he passed out, you need to repeat it when he wakes up with feelings. From the look in his eyes he likes you the same way.” The boy did talk to his buddy about love, and was kissed in return for trying to catch him as he fall. “Gee I never thought about sex with a boy. Hell I never thought about having sex with a girl either. Lets just let what happens happen buddy.” He spent time talking with Johnny about sex wanting to know how boys do sex. “Hell tell me about any sex, I am about as dumb as a doorknob. “Your nor dumb lad just a late bloomer as we often said back in the dark ages.” “Your not that much older then me when did you learn about sex?” “Oh shit kid your about to get a shock that will spoil your sleep. About lets see 1948 I think it was.” Johnny told the boy about a pushy computer that would not let him die in peace. He stored my mind till my body was ready for it, and forced my mind into him. Oh don”t worry I was brainless. The other four boys my age spoke up, and admitted they can think when they asked them. There was much to talk about among all the boys after Johnny took off his mask, so to speak. He spoke often of things that happened on Mars when he was there in the past.

…..When the boys rotated back to Mars, (Maybe call it Mars I, or prime) they moved into Charles farm, he was working part time to get more money to buy some better stock for the farm. Steve was a boy next door type he had grew up their all his life. His parents had went back to earth, and he refused to go with them. He called them quitters. His farm was really next door as the two farms butted up against each other. Steve tried to give his farm to Charles, and he excepted it, but signed off half the combined farm to his young lover in return. They worked part time with the developing company on the other Mars look-a-likes Charles hired a farmer that needed some money to care for his stock while the two boys were off planet. It was easy work as most of the time it was just open gates to move the cows to fresh grass, and watch out for sickness. A simple call to a cow doctor was easy enough to do. (Okay I know cows can”t be doctors It is a veterinarian. so their)

…..One day Steve was bedridden, (Jeez© it just means he was stuck in bed with a bad sprain.) He was dozing off when he heard someone in the house. He was setting up to see who it was when his bed sheet was thrown over his head, and some one was laying on him as he spoke of getting some ass at last. I heard you guys were gay, and I want some ass. It was a very young voice as it had not even broke yet. Steve made a fast grab at the boys balls, and held on tight as he pulled down the sheet with his other hand. “okay child get comfortable we might as well get acquainted. I hope you don”t think I”m lazy being in bed, and all. My ankle is sprained to bad to walk. What”s your name son?” The boy was crying as he said he was sorry as he spoke his name, “Rich, well really Richard Evens.” The two talked most of the morning as Charles had to take some papers to the bank, and it was just minutia that had to be done. It took time just to stand in line, wait for the person to notice him, wait till he, or she ate a snack, or drank a coke. Gee if they only could send an E-mail, and be done with it. Charles wondered if it would be worth sending a note to the board to ask them to let a business use the computer net to cut down on time wasted. “Heck we could even use a camera to speak in person.”

…..When he finally got back to the farm he walked into their bedroom to see his lover holding a child by the nuts. He joked, “Gee Steve I”m a little bit late, and you trade me in for a younger model!” “No way lover he just dropped in to get a piece of ass.” “Oh well then I think we have some of that in the freezer, I”ll get it started on the stove, you want the food in bed or at the table?” “The table I think I”m getting bed sores.” “Okay can you spare your hand warmer to help me get the food ready?” “Sure he is a nice kid, he just has to work on his introducing skills.” There were giggles all around at some of the silly jokes.

…..After Charles got the food started he left Rich finish the food as he clamed he had to do all the cooking for his drunken father as he always called him his little queer women. Charles carried his lover to the bathroom to take care of at least two of the three SSS Shit-shave with no shower, he had to use the tub. They spoke softly about the young boy. “I think we need a son, how about you?” “Yep lets call the law dog, and our lawyer, we can get something started today.”

…..The law dog reported that the young man was not going to school as his father needed him at home he clamed. The lawyer drew up the papers that freed the boy from his father, and more paper to name the two boys as his caregiver. It only took about three hours. Charles said, “damn it is a shame it took me five hours to hand a paper to a banker, and less then three hours to get a kid. There has to be something wrong with the world.” He was so upset he fired up the computer to fire off a complaint about the bank. He compared his morning with his afternoon as he spoke of the wasted morning. It got a chuckle out of the board, but also some cuts in all the paperwork requirements. They even came thru with the use of computers to send in paperwork.

…..The three boys got along well. Well there was a few problems. One was Rich had nightmares, he ended up in the older boys arms in their bed. (You might ask what”s wrong with that? SEX no SEX OOPS) It was handled by having their sex early in the evening. The boy was behind in school, handled by setting him down with their computer, it had a fine school program on it. Charles had used it when he was growing up. Steve”s ankle it was still hurting. Rich turned into a good housekeeper. He also was eager to learn about the farm. Charles taught him the paperwork side first. It was BORING, it had to be done. He pulled up the pie charts on the computer. Showed him the cost, loses, profit. By the end the kid was able to tell Charles some shortcuts to cut down some of the duplication that was built in by the government. You know type it once, and let the computer do the rest. Rich learned about love, the types, and the words, no sex, hell no fucking way without love. He was loved, loved in the good way as a son, friend, a boy growing into a man. Oh he did ask about sex, and was told how, and why. Like all kids he learned the WHY game. You know the question, and no matter what the answer you get WHY, Why one, or a hundred Why”s. The best answer was, “it”s bed time. No mater what time of day, It”s bed time.

…..Charles showed the boy the rest of the farming, the growing of pasture land, the rotation of where the cows were fed, the sick cared for, selling, buying, the bulls, the claves, the nut”s and how to remove them, why remove them, cost, profit one more time. They used glorified go-carts to herd the cattle. It was cheaper then horses.

…..The three boys were woke up early on a Sunday morning by a loud banging on the door. It was so loud that Charles answered the door with a shotgun in hand. Yes it was loaded with salt, rock salt. It was Mr. Evans looking for his cook, housekeeper, slave, punching bag, and oh yes his son. Charles told the drunk that he no longer owned the boy they had him as their son by the law. Just as the drunk was getting in his face the lawman showed up behind him. Steve had been busy on the radio. “Sir you have to leave this farm, they have papers that bar you from being here.” Nope the man preceded to attack the lawman, and only stopped when Charles placed a load of salt in his ass cheeks. The officer topped that with his Taser. That many volts at least 50,000 volts well get a persons attention, and flat lay him out on the ground shaking up a fit, plenty of time for the officer to place handcuffs on the fool drunk. An assault charge on a law dog along with a trespassing charge brings many years without a drink, and hard labor to make being sober even harder. Mars does not cuddle prisoners, they work for their food, and cot. One thing about the sentence of the boys sperm donor, he slept alone with no more nightmares. Steve was on his feet more by now, and it was time for the two older boys to do some more work for pay, good pay. The first thing Rich wanted to know was “who are you going to heir to care for the cows?” “No one we thought you could handle the farm while we are gone. Heck with our communicators we can help you out with any advice you might need.” “But, but I”m only a kid.” “nope your part of our family, and a bright kid as well. Look on the wall over there, there is a list of people that we call for fire, lawyers, law, doctors. and so on. Look on the computer there is a red button it can call us at a touch of the button. Johnny had heard about the three boys, and decided to send the youngest some young friends to help out. He was in charge, and they helped out with the chores. One day he hit the button on his com unit to yell his dad was attacking him, before it was cut off. The two dads did much at once, a call to the law had help on the way at once, they reported back that his father had stolen one of the live in vans from a work camp on Mars III and drove it thru a barrier at the doorway back to Mars I. Some how he had acquired weapons. Charley and Steve had been working on Mars IV using some suit”s of lights that Johnny had given them. They yelled at their boss to tell him they had to rescue their son, and needed clearance to pass thru the doorway with no red tape. He told them he was okaying it as he was speaking to them.

…..The two passed thro the doorway the fastest anyone had ever done before. They went up high, and raced to the farm, saw a police vehicle parked outside the open door to their home. A quick look found the dead body inside. A call to the law office to report the death. Steve turned off the lights, and the car. A search of the house turned up nothing. The two worried fathers rushed to the widows walk on the roof of the home to see if they can find Rich, and the other boys. There was a hint of smoke from the lower fields. The two sprung into the air to fly to the area. They saw the live in van parked on the far side of the field, and saw the boy”s sperm donor watching the fire as it was moving to burn all the boys that were tied up on the ground. Charlie pointed at the van and called out, “disable the battery so he can”t get away.” He in turn had the suit vanish from sight and went to the boys to cut them loose. “Stay down on the ground till the smoke covers you, then get up to the house. Don”t come back without suits, and weapons.” Johnny”s boys wanted to attack the man with their bare hands, and were told no, go.

…..About then a space tug hovered above the van, and dropped down some chains to Steve to hook to four lift points on the van. It was raised into the air, and headed to a police parking lot. A force field was raised around the van. It was dark without any way to drive without power, he can”t leave without being locked up, or shot. Meanwhile back at the ranch all the boys are trying to move the herd of cows into another pasture where it will be safer. There is not any luck on their side. Charlie was counting bodies when Johnny flew in to land beside him, “Never mind that nutty fool has a nice farm down the road that we will confiscate for you to help pay for the fire, and cows. I well give you the rest, and see if the farms between the two parts of your farm might want to sale out.”

……Johnny looked around at the farm house, “your father or grandfather did a fine job building this above ground part of the old control site, You still using the below surface area?” “Sure all five levels are still in use. I use the freezers, and some of the labs as well as the workshops. It sure helps keep the cost of repairs down.” “Wait a minute you said five levels? Come on boys we is going a hunting below.” Johnny looked around on each floor, and really looked at every foot of the bottom floor. He picked up a steel bar at last to attack a brick wall. As the wall was falling down a call from the other side welcomed Johnny to one of his old homes. A large train car was seen still unloading people as the first group was helping break down the wall. “We found where they cut off the elevators to the last five levels.” All the people were led to the lift, and dropped many floors to the bottom. Johnny led them to a set of rooms that he in an other body used to stay in. Johnny showed them some interesting things on almost every floor. Power was on, water was hooked up, the air was fresh, and not a speck of dust to be found. A dinning room was opened, as Johnny and some of his boys opened a freezer to get some food out to get ready. A perfect meal was soon on the table. Johnny grinned as he clamed, “I put that stuff in that freezer, and here is the proof as he passed around the wrapping with Jon”s name, and date on it.” Steve asked, “hey what did you do to those bully boys you took with you that time you cleaned up the council?” “Oh I asked them nicely about some things, and they spoke of their fathers, hate, whipping, and I hired them as security men. They are fine now.” Their fathers were sent to one of the less then nice worlds. Some of the animals there are almost as nasty as they are.”


~~~The real story~~ Gee he lies so nice~~~

….. Oh boy Johnny tells the truth, he makes it sound kind of good. Really the five boys were stripped naked, told they were slaves. Passed out to him, and his four brothers. They were put to work naked, and ordered around for a week. One of the mind readers reported they liked being slaves, he is worried about their minds. A ball was planed on the ship, and Jon was getting ready for it when he passed out in his cabin. The only one with him was his slave when he slipped to the floor in a dead faint. The slave broke his orders to not speak unless he was ordered to. “MAX Johnny is on the floor out cold get a doctor here now.” The doc was there so fast it looked like he was transported. “Damn fool I ordered him to cut back the working all hours, now I”m going to appoint someone with the power to stop him before he dies again.” Johnny woke up in time to hear him, and pointed at his slave, “get him dressed in a captains clothes, and he is my boss for now. He is not a good slave.” The rest of the boys were ordered to let the mind readers look deep into their minds. They found the fathers had brain washed their sons to cause problems that would destroy the colony. A cure was hard to do as they had to learn that hate was wrong, and that the people on this huge ship tried to never hate, just stop the people that used it for harm to others. Yes Johnny did take them all on as guards. His guards, and as they learned the job gave them their own teams to run. Often when Johnny was going into some rough spot he asked for them to come along with him. OKAY did he lie, or tell half truths?

~~Okay one pissed off writer. The above few words from ~~The real story~~ are a summary of over a hundred pages that some fool destroyed with his joke of a virus. May he burn in hell. There has to be a hell for all of his IKE. ~~~~


~~Back to the dinner party~~~~

…..Johnny was tipped off by one of the mind readers, “I feel three boys are going to get ripe soon.” Mind readers? Who?” “The two fathers, and their son.” “How the ….. they aren”t even related. Check where it came from, there had to be some relative it came from, it does not just pop up like this.” “Gee your telling me about mind reading wow.” “Jeez© smart ass use MAX, and check their history, there has to be something in their background. Later that evening Johnny heard some real swearing from some of the guards. He tried to interrupt them, and just got more swearing from them. At last after about five trips around every word they had ever heard, every mind they had ever read that happened to know a new swear word, they went silent. “I take it something has upset you guys?” “Yes a son of a SHOEMAKER thought it was okay to have some sons of his own thou he had been warned to not do it. He changed his name, much good that did. Anyway he had six sons, the Shoemakers seem to like large families.” “Go on your scaring me now.” “Yep he came to MARS, Rich is one of his grand kids.” “Damn his father is a throwback to that never to be named child killer!” “Yes, and we need to look for his kids, and theirs as well. Lady Jane even was married to one that we already found.” “Now, find them all we need to stop this if we have to castrate them. Damn Rich has some brothers too.” A call was made to all Shoemakers about the un-named Shoemaker having kids on Mars. “What the blazes was the kid thinking? “That he wanted kids, “We have at least one throwback holed up in a van under guard right now.” James as the senior Shoemaker alive learned there were mind readers ripening on the vine. He called out in the middle of Johnny”s talking, “I”m coming. I”m gone, and left empty air behind him. He made one stop at a lab spelled LAB, one of Johnnys. When he left with a Suit-of-light, he had an extra part hanging off his shoulders. It was something like a super kick in the pants for a Suit-of-light. As James left the first doorway behind him he kicked it into overdrive. MAX had control now, and James never even opened his eyes as he went thro doorways so fast he almost got there before he left. He staggered a little dizzy as he looked for a chair to set in, “Let me set here till my stomach catches up with me. Wow never tell MAX to get you there yesterday, he will try.” Later in the day a small space ship hovered over the lower field while five older men flew off it (More SUITS) they landed near a rocky cliff face.. One of them thought hard for awhile then grasped two small knobs of stone, and turned one of them left, and the other right. A large door swung. open for them to enter the underground home. As they entered it swung shut behind them. Over night six more of the Shoemaker clan knocked on the door of the home setting on top of the command center. A few of Johnny”s group of security men joined their relatives. A large room with a table large enough for all to gather around was found for them. Food, and drink were supplied to all. James knocked on the table with his fist to call order after all the greetings among the family were over. He asked Johnny to tell them what was going on?

…..”Okay we found out that one of our own, whose father”s name may never be spoke, decided to breed in the mistaken hope that there was no problem with him doing so. He had been told it was not a good idea. He wanted kids like most of us do, but………. “Never mind we know the rest, just give us a count, names, and lets get them here for us to care for,” James demanded. Johnny pointed at Tony one of James many sons, “He has it all on the computer, I well let him tell you.” Tony spoke for almost thirty minutes listing the family tree with the names they used now. No females born as it always was in there family, some strange deaths listed. Five clans living on Mars with forty three boys of an age where some help was needed if they can be taught to use their minds. James demanded that Tony speak of any hint that their minds might be mad like the nameless one? A sad nod of his head as he spoke of seven maybes. “Okay invite them here now.” Everyone understood that was a nice way to say bring them here wither they want to or not. Some people left the room to do as ordered. Calls were made, computers sent out orders. Slowly, but surely a round up of the family was made. It was not at gun point, but few were given any choice. One surprise was when the doorbell was rang late in the evening to admit the three brothers of Rich to the house. “Can we stay here sir, as our dad has gone nuts, and we have no where else to live.” Rich, and his new fathers met them with hugs as they welcomed them to their home.

…..Early the next day even as the group of men, and boys were being served breakfast one of them yelled, “Oh shit one of the boys is going ripe and he is dragging the whole batch of them into a merge. We will have to do one of those all at once training jobs.” The whole room full of mind readers gathered the boys into a larger room, and started teaching them how to not only read minds, but how to not do harm as it is the first command. (Hours later, hard, long training was done.) The group reformed around the table. Eyes blackened by lack of sleep, slumped over a drink of tea with shaking hands, rasping voices. In other words they were flat worn out. There was need for an after report. James with a raspy voice pointed out the computer keyboards by each person. Everyone nodded as they started to list who, how, what, and so on for all the boys, and fathers they had helped with their heads. Most spoke of locking away junk that never should be let loose on the world again. Some of the fathers need triple locks on their heads as they had been slipping into the fear of their sons, an almost hate, heading for destroying all they loved. They were spoke of as being sane now, but needed a watch on their minds for the rest of their lives. A new mind reader spoke for the others from outside the room as he demanded the right to watch, his own father, and saying the others want to help as well. We love them, and want the locks to keep them safe. James sent an okay as he added, some of you need watching as well, I hate to tell you, but you must never have kids of your own.” A sad boy asked if they needed to get fixed. “No not fixed, but you should adopt not have kids of your own blood.”

Love bloomed around the home over the next few days as being a mind reader like can turn to love at the drop of a thought. It can also help with a need to not conceive. Some of the fathers being in the right mind for the first time in years wanted to be killed. Their kids told them for the first time safely shut up dad we love you, and need you.


~~~~ Time to destroy the earth.~~~~~~


Gee that sounds like hell.

….. Yes it is hell but it can happen with all the nuts on this green world. Johnny was setting eating steak and eggs for a late breakfast when a loud siren sounded over all the speakers. He touched his wrist watch to turn on his ear buds to hear MAX reporting the world is being destroyed, we have pushed the button to evacuate. Johnny turned down the ear bud as he ran to his guards assembly area. The place was in motion. Flying cars were lined up across the back of the room, and people were heading for their assigned cars. Johnny joined with one of his brothers to head for the school on Atlas in North-East El Paso, No that is wrong. The school with the play area attached is now setting on the new world surrounded by a forest. It was wired up to fall thro a doorway as the first bomb fall. Johnny parked outside the front door of the school to enter the office. He jumped up on the counter to swing his legs as he watched the principle, and some of the teachers do the dead chicken dance. At last Johnny spoke up loudly, “I don”t think we are in Kansas any more, Toto.” “Get off that counter, and go back to your class at once.” “Hun I”m too old for your classes, and if looking out the window does not tell you your not where you think you are you should hear out the wee kid that does know. Turn on your radio sir, and you might hear as we left a wire dangling. A quick search of bands on the radio located one station still on the air, no advertisement just one man gasping out over tears, “I”ve seen three explosions, they have to be huge the Mushroom clouds go out of sight, oh shit there is another one…………………………………………..”

…..That was the end of the transmission. “Okay get your teachers back in the classes order them to get ready to move out, we can only hold the school here for so long, and when it goes back about a hundred feet of those trees out there go with it. I think you might want to be away from here when it leaves. The man looked at his teachers to order them to “move it.” Johnny spoke of two boys in wheelchairs being put in the car outside the door, leave the chair behind as we have new ones where it is going to. He spoke of an older teacher, and a handful of the younger kids being put in also. “We will be marching to the middle school north of here. My brother will lead the way. I have to go to that small school on Railroad we will meet you at the middle school. Move it out as that trail boss always was saying.”

…..The move was pushed hard by boys all over town. Johnny had no trouble with the three schools he was assigned. They were all far enough away from the schools when with a sound of air rushing in they vanished from this world. A call from a pair of boys at Irwin High school had Johnny rushing off in answer to it. He slammed the car down on the grounds to jump out of the car to run to a group arguing with one of the smaller boys, “WHO.” he called out, and a finger pointed at the coach. Johnny walked up to the red faced man, punched him in the slightly fat stomach. The man shut up, bent in the middle, and fell to his knees. A group of football players started to move on Johnny, when he patted the pistol on his hip. “Do you like the loud mouthed fool enough to save his life, if not leave him here to burn up when this place heads back home. Gather him up, and help him walk. the rest of you form up, and head for the search light over Trans Mountain, or where it should be if we were on earth any more. Three lines of people with the weakest in the center being helped to keep up was led away from the school. They were still in sight when it left with a big intake of air from around it, After the coach saw the school vanish he said he was sorry, and said he was scared of doing the wrong thing. A handshake, and he was in line helping the kids. Johnny called for a car to pick up some less then able kids or teachers. He was going to Ft Bliss to offer some help to the commander. The man over the years was always in on the save the post bit Jon had planned. Johnny had finally got it competed after fighting the city for years to let them lay the wire around the whole post to include some outlaying housing. It took some bribery in the end to get it done.

…..The General had the whole post, man women, and even the children from that school in the middle of the route 54 highway gathered on the parade field around the speakers stand when a flying car, really three cars landed as Pat, and Johnny”s guards too joined him. The guards fall in around the stand with their guns in full view on their hips, and backs. The General shook Johnny”s hand as he spoke about his rebirth.

…..Johnny set down on the banister around the stand as he looked over his troops as he know the command line was broken. He started to speak, and found not everyone can hear him. Pat run to his car, and fooled with some wires, and spoke softly, “can you hear me?” He handed a mike to Johnny. “Okay you can see your not in Texas anymore. This is an other earth a batch of Mushrooms clouds were blooming on your earth. Anyone want to go back?

…..At a loud no he went on to say, “okay people your paycheck is now Nell-and-void. Do any of you want a job? First job offer is I run a good part of this world, I am gay, queer, a fag whatever you want to call it, but I answer to boss. Anyone that can work for me stand fast.” an interruption stopped him. An old sergeant rushed at Johnny to try to club him on the head with his fist. Johnny waved off his guards as he used the mans arm to throw the man to the ground, step on his neck with his boot, “okay he just asked for the next job. We have a not as nice planet that needs hotheads. Get him in line first.” He waved one of his well armed guards to help the man to his feet. He looked around at the rest of the guards to shake his head, “gee they get jumpy people, they have been known to kill people if I don”t get to them first. The former sergeant has a right to his ideas right up to where it violates mine. I have to ask him to leave. Okay I sent some other towns, cities, small countries, the Vacation, my homes all over the former world, and so forth to as many worlds as I could, some in better shape, some in worse. There are jobs to be had, you don”t need to be gay, just a good troop learning a new way to don”t ask, don”t tell. Lets say don”t give a shit about you being gay, stay out of my bed. Okay I have a place that needs a railroad built fast. The north has cattle, sheep, the west has trees, and farms, the south has manufacturing. They all need each other. They need some of you. Raise a hand, and head for number two station over there. A dam, and power plant at Elephant Butte engineers needed. Door number three” He went on recruiting an army It was not go, and stay, it was more like building an army of volunteers to do a job. As the day went by he found some out right homophobes who were sent to number one with out a choice. Okay some can work without bringing there hate into it, they got a job, not the best jobs, but so what. It was a matter of the years when a gay man was fired, and a pig was not, as I said so what.

…..By the end of the day there was what might be ten percent left to work with. Closer to fifteen really. Johnny returned to setting as he waved this batch to gather in front of him where he can see them all. Okay I can guess why you waited to the last, but I think I should let some of you speak up. One of the men a lieutenant no less spoke up to ask out loud, “anyone want to point out someone that needs to leave.” A yell of, “hell no we know most people here and thought the rest were too.” “Okay sir we are that twelve percent they always talk about.” The lieutenant never even thought about calling a lad of maybe seventeen sir, but it fitted with what he had seen today. Johnny did a quick count in his mind as he spoke of a better guess being fifteen or better. I know some left with the others to do some work. That”s okay we have a real count anyway. It comes to almost thirty percent. “Look guys, and girls They are going to stay undercover for now to see how the new army is going to work. You see most of them are my men, with a limp wrist off duty. The general is going to be helping me build up this new army into a helper for growth of the peoples that have been displaced. Okay any questions?”

…..Johnny spoke of a place in his home as well as all over the new world. He answered each person, at last one of his guards pointed at a sad faced young man with tears in his eyes. Johnny jumped down off the wall, and headed for the boy as he was only maybe twenty years old, he whispered in Johnny”s ear and Johnny waved over a guard to go with him to old Mexico, his lover was home when the town was flipped over to another world. Johnny spoke of his whole family coming back as they were friendly.


…..At last a call was made for truck drivers to pick up some of the kids in schools that were farther away from the pass. We need some guns as there are some wild game around, just leave it alone if it does not attack you or the kids. We live with not on it. The longest trip was the UTEP collage campuses. Most of them were already in the Sun-Bowl waiting for pick up. The rest of the schools were on a map given to the shotgun rider so they could find them.

…..By nightfall all the students were standing in lines to eat, get there names into MAX be given a what could be called a cell phone if it was larger, needed to be charged, needed to be paid for, needed to be turned on, and MAX can be spoke to just like that, All were warned that there was a need to not over use them right now as others had bigger needs right now. Most of them left them hang on the necklace without much use. Some were cut off as they don”t understand, Some need first aid, and got it as soon as MAX was told about it. Rooms were assigned as quick as the groups were formed up to be taken to them. Many rooms had groups of people in them, Even Johnny”s people had doubled up or more. Johnny was surprised when he found most of his home in El Paso was brought over to marry up with the home on the pass. It opened up much more room for placing the kids.

…..Some of his homes only had time to escape thru doorways that were destroyed behind them. A call for pickup when it settled. down, as they had enough to survive on for at least two weeks. Some had it worse as they had nothing but the clothes on their backs. (Why do they only have clothes on their backs where did the rest go?) These were on the top of the list as cars were dispatched into the air at once with some of the youngest kids driving them balls to the wall (that sounds nasty.) to save their families, and friends.

…..MAX had many probes on the old earth to report on what had been done. The reports were not good till he called up some in the an-artic sea. He found no radiation at all. On his own he dispatched a large doorway with detectors an it to drain the sea life onto this, and other worlds. Yes the water came too. it didn”t raise the sea level more then a few inches, but saved schools of fish, and herds of whales that were feeding on the fish as he swept them out of the sea. MAX found other parts of the sea as well that were clean and drained them of as much water, and sea life as he can safety do. He was working hard at the same time looking for any life on land that can be saved. He did find some, but did not help them as it was them that pulled the trigger that killed the world. MAX did what he know needed to be done. Guess what he did? I won”t tell on him. Good computer!!!!


~~~Jon is back, Back in time~~~


Well it is a day in the past…..

……Some of the boys were using a gym in a small town while they were doing a sting for Jon. It was in New York state. The town had a high percentage of nose in the air rich estates. The rich don”t always have good homes for kids, happy wife”s, nice husbands. Oh the houses setting on large plots of land lakes, trees, grass for ever being cut by servants. It looks good to the eye, but under it all can be a cesspool that stink to heaven, and beyond.

…..The boys were almost done with the sting, and were relaxing before heading home. Some people are weird, they relax by working out. Sweat, lifting weights, swimming, and so on. They saw. What they saw were five boys maybe fourteen years old. The boys were not the run of the mill group. What set them apart was they were all red heads, fine looking boys, each a duplicate of the other, and worse, or is it better yet they look like Jon”s lover Jeremy. The boys spent some time getting to know the quintuplets. Over the week they saw something strange about them, They were happy while in the gym, but always turned sad as the time to go home drew near. Of course they started digging to find out why. One of the boys noticed that the five boys seemed to all have an abundance of bruises, old, and new when he joined them in the showers. All of them could be hidden by clothes. That old light bulb over the head was seen at once. He spoke out loud what he was thinking, “Who the hell has been beating on you guys? Tell me, and it will stop at once.” Oops, open mouth step in shit. One of the boys broke into tears as he murmured, fFather. “Oh shit.” The rest of the group of boys were called into the shower to be brought into the gig. “The trouble is he has always shot blanks, and mother had some one set her up to have us. She always wanted a large family and got it all at once. He hates us, and is always hitting us.” The above was said with each of the boys saying a few words in turn with Jon”s boys looking at whom ever was talking in turn. “Gee can you guys read minds?” “among us, but not other people.” “Okay come home with us, leave him to explain to his wife why you ran away.” It took a pile of talk to get them to be safe as they love their mother. At last they agree. The boys have a van with them, and the extra five boys make it a wee bit tight, but gets everyone a seat by squeezing in. A drive to an airport lets them drive into the back of a cargo aircraft, and a quick flight home to Texas was made. “Why use the plane was asked?” “A week on the road with five red headed runaways, is not something I want to try.” As they walk the new boys around the home they run into Jeremy. He looked shocked as looked at the five boys. “Why are you here, are you sick, or did something happen to your mother?” “You know our mother?” Yes she persuaded us to let her have you five all at once, what was it, fifteen years ago now?” Jon”s boys spoke of the father, and one spit on the floor. A finger soon had him cleaning the floor, “sorry but you need to look at them naked, and see if you don”t spit on the floor or on him.”

…..Their father does get a look at the five boys at Jon”s swimming pool, and has a fit. He might not of spit, but some moisture did leak out of his eyes. “Your mother does not know?” “God no she would castrate him if she saw us.

…..Some of the mind readers felt something with the five boys as they seemed to have some sort of private channel to talk with each other. It was like some kids have a language that no one else can understand, but it was mental not out loud. Their father had driven them to find a way to talk without him hearing them. Well it only took a few seconds to get them into the main stream talking to the rest of the mind readers.

…..After a week, Jon had decided that He would go see Maude as the mother liked to be addressed by her first name rather then her married name. Even the kids were told to call her Maude. Jon waited till the husband was at work at the factory. (No, in the luxuries main office looking out over the slaves below him.) Maude opened her own door to meet Jon again after quite a few years. He had met her when she was ordering her quintuplets. He was worried about her carrying that many babes to term. Jon bowed as he spoke of her boys, “they are okay, but we need to talk.” He laid out the facts, and a set of pictures as well. “What are we going to do Maude?” “Get me a butcher knife?” “Nope jail is not fun.” “Okay, but I want my boys back.” “Not going to happen. First of all they inherited more then red hair from my lover, they are gay, then there is the matter of being full blown mind readers. Any of the above could make being outside one of my homes dangers to their lives.” Jon went on to tell her, we can do something that well let you be part of their lives. Let me show you something.” Jon placed some small objects around the room on tables. They were miniature, cameras/projectors. At his command there was a set of lines projected in the room that moved around till they were all aligned. then a view of the five boys was seen in the room with them. “You see dear lady, we can wire the whole place, and other then touching they can be with you anytime when you are alone.” Maude may be a lady, but she was a hard women to cross. “Okay for my boys I want replacements.” “Five more, I don”t think so. Your not that young now. It was a risk the first time.” Jon pushed for less kids, she for more. A settlement on three was made with a handshake. “Okay what about your husband?” “I own the house, the factory, the money is in my control. My father never liked Jerald. He made sure the only thing he had was running the factory for me, a big name on the door is all he has. I can fire him, or let him think he is still in control. He can go to his club and get a room to live in.” Jon suggested that a policeman he know be asked to be in the room when she throw the (hum can”t call him a father, a man, gentleman?) OKAY bum out, maybe. She is too nice to make a statement about his lack of a parent.

…..It was lucky she did just that as he stepped in to stop the man before he hit her. “Overnight in jail sir till I get anything that might belong to him out on the curb for him to pick up. I don”t think it well be too much as the moocher has been living on me for years.” The pile was mostly clothes that were really paid for by her, but it wouldn”t fit her anyway, as he had put on a good bit of weight over the years. Jon sent by a young butler for her to, (Not to hire, more like a live in guard, and nanny.) have around. Jon”s boys were busy wiring the house till she can have five ghosts around most of the time. till she can have three real babies to nurse. The three boys had some strange nannies. They were able to do everything but touch the kids. A cry was checked on, wet, or smelly. A need for talking to, or later talking with. reading to, tutoring. Home schooling was fun with five brothers helping. Many people wondered who the boys were always talking about. “Oh that is just imaginary playmates.” SURE IT IS wink. Maude could leave the kids without fear to wash up the dishes, cook, or visit the rest room. A small bell ringing said a change, restless, needed hands.” Later on as the boys grew the wiring was extended to the swimming pool, and parts of the lawn that the boys favored. Often the pool was filled to the brim with friends from the homes led by their five brothers. Diving into the pool sometimes meant diving into a ghost to hit the water.

…..When the boys got old enough to learn not to speak of their brothers they started to go out to a real school. They were ahead of most in learning. Soon they had friends that slept over, or they went to other homes around the neighborhood. (Okay it did take a car, and driver to get around BIG trip.) A few years later the three boys had followed their brothers in learning to talk with their minds They also started to learn about sex. No the older boys did nothing but teach them safe sex. About rubbers, and so on. No pushing to either sex. Yes over the years they learned much about sex from some of Jon”s boys, but never were pushed. One day one of the five boys popped in to tell his younger brothers about a concert that he had ordered tickets for. The Virgin tour was having a ten hour battle of the bands with a batch of outside bands joining them on stage. It was a big charity do. He got wide eyed when he saw his three teenaged brothers naked on the floor with three other boys also naked, and sucking up a storm. He noted that it seemed to not be the first time, too good at it before he left to buy three more tickets for them.

…..Checks were started on the other three boys at once, you know, sex history, gay, or playing around, honest, good enough for his brothers. They even checked on the families. Not so good there, no not money, it was their hate of gays, blacks, other then WASPs You know we is better then everyone else. Something like FIGJAM© {Fuck, I am Good. Just Ask Me} The three fathers belonged to an all white club that even didn”t take in some whites that were less then them. THEY THOUGHT

…..”Oh boy we got a problem right here in River city. Get a team in there right now one on each home, bug the hell out of them, the cars, and that white only club too. Record every word said there we might want some of it to go public.” Jon got his two cents in, “bug the kids all six of them with an open mike.”

…..Luck? Not with Jon around, he never depended on luck as it often was bad. Two days after the bugging party one of the triplets was over at the Jones house. He thought the door was shut so he kissed his young lover, the scream could be heard outside the house as well as on the bugs as the father run into the room attacking both of the boys. Luckily, oops luck had nothing to do with Bobby throwing the man over his shoulder as he ordered his lover to run. Before the man even hit the floor both of them were out the door slamming it behind them to slow him down. They might have hit as many as three steps getting down them, and out the door. They almost run down the team heading in the door. One of them yelled “Jan” as he ran past them to stop the man chasing them. The boys stopped to watch as one of the team used a baton to hit the man in the kneecap. He really screamed as the bone broke, oh well he was not really a nice person.

…..The team rushed the two boys to their cars, and left the area. Bobby was told that their friends need to leave town, “he will be blabbing about all three of you guys. You will be safe here but the others need to vanish quick. Well first he needs a knee replacement.” The three young lovers disappeared from their homes without a trace. Jeremy met them at the tunnel entrance as they were disembarking from one of the fast cars. Greetings lovers of some of my family. “Gee why is most everyone naked?” “Well it is like this son, at one time it was a rule that made everyone strip, but now it is what most want to do, they just like to get conformable now.” It took a few days for them to get at ease living with all Jon”s people. One day the three boys were roller-bladeing with Jeremy in a room with built in jumps, and a track around the circular wall, yes if you got up to a good speed you could use part of the wall as part of the track. Jon joined them, and challenged them to a race. He made a good showing for an older man. The race ended with Jeremy in the lead, Jon next, and the three young men close behind them. The group set down on some pads as they got back their breath. Jeff spoke up with some questions, “What is this place? Can we ever see our loves again? Are you an old leachier?” Well he didn”t use these words, but it was in his mind. The two older men answered them honestly. Jon spoke of his love of sex, and how this refuge was started for him to enjoy sex with many young men, yes boys too. Then it grew into a place for like minded people to feel safe from the world. Then farther into a cash cow to support, and save the young of the world from hate which was where they came in. The world to a great extent does not understand our love, and what they don”t understand they try to control. I well not be controlled, or told I am not doing it right. Oh I don”t hate the females just have no intention to mate with them. Some of them live here, yes they are somewhat like us, but without what they call that ugly part hanging out of our crouch. They seem to like to wear more clothes then we do all the time. We can get along, but never really understand them. “As far as seeing the triplets you can use the same way their brothers stay in touch with their mother, and the boys. It is only a few weeks till school is done for the year we well see if they can join you here.”

…..Maude called Jon one evening and asked him to come by to see her. Jon had no idea what she wanted, thought it might be about the triplets being gay, having lovers at such a young age. As he shook her hand he had a shock, and know she was dieing. “I”m so sorry dear lady, I don”t have enough friends to want to loose one like you are.” They set talking about much for a few days. Jon was told much that surprised him. She called in her lawyers to settle her affairs. Jon had his lawyers come by to help them do it right.(Yes Jon has a whole law office that fights for gay rights as a side line.) She sold him the factory that was earning quite a lot of money, for the lady. A hundred dollar bill was exchanged for the title. She handed it to the triplets to spend. She threw in the title to her home as well. A deal was made off the books Jon would care for her boys, All of her boys, none by name, just ALL of them. Jeremy was named as their father in fact. Her former husband was cut out of her will with a settlement, of a hundred dollars a month for ten years to be paid as long as he was working for the factory. It was all drawn up with pages of legal words that could tie it up in court for almost as long as the man might live, and the lady winked at Jon as she hinted she would not mind if he died young. He nodded as they both smiled.

…..Well the triplets, and the other five sons had been making some plans of their own. A doctor from the home Jeff Homes by name was dispatched from the home to her doctors office to consult with him on her care. They both know she had no hope to live, but could live without pain till almost the end. Jeff was given clearance to care for her, with Doctor Hanks prescribing, and okaying all the meds as Doc Jeff was not licensed in New York. YET. The lady was tended by all her sons, with the youngest being the hands that the other five could not pervade. They were on call all the time. The eight boys were with her to the last as she slipped away. The funeral was well attended as she was well loved. The five boys were there to see her laid to rest, thou no one could see them. The triplets could feel them in their minds at least. The man that thought it was his property now turned up to take over the place. Lawyers, and police met him at the door to turn him away. He screamed that the kids were his, and the house too. “You had been divorced for almost a year before they were born out of wedlock. She sold this home, she sold the factory as well. You get a pittances ( pit�tance (p�t”ns) n. 1. A meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration. 2. A very small amount.) from your former wife. Now you are trespassing get off the porch, and stay off it.” The mad man was escorted to the curb. “I”ll be back.” {How where did I hear that before?}

…..A lawyer served him with a pile of papers that measured in at a full foot in height. The papers were single spaced, and the pages were full. He was ordered, told to, served, and charged with, in almost every other word. Oh yes he was notified that a new board was to assist him in running the factory as it was in new hands now. There well be new ways to do business. The worm was crying when he called the company lawyers to read it to him. “Sorry sir we can”t do that as it is your personal papers, you will have to get an outside lawyer to do that.” “The lawyer he hired looked thru the pile for almost ten minutes before he shook his head, sir someone does not like you one little bit. This shit well take over ten years to just digest. It well take a team of lawyers to handle it all, and you well be broke before the court cases are decided. “I know the law firm that did it, and few honest lawyers want to go up against them. They are noted for doing a brief clear case. “This is so not like them at all I would guess they want you to spend a long time fighting them, and you well loose in the end.” “Can you help me?” “Yes, throw in the white flag, call them, and surrender. That is their phone number at the top of the first page.” It took a week before he raised the white flag. In answer he was told to ONE stay off his former wife”s land, stay away from her sons, all of them. TWO work with, and for the new board. Three stop taking cash from the factory illegally. Four Don”t even think of fighting Maud”s wishes, or the will.

…..Jon left his lawyers do all the fighting as he took over the large home. He already had it wired for sound, and cameras everywhere so it was easy to install a group of caretakers to take care of the place. At first it was thought of as a white elephant, then Jon realized it could be a place that the Virgin tour could stay when working in the area. He always had some teams out spying, looking for stuff, working as detectives, it was a good place to train them. Maud”s sons often were there with each of their lovers as well. Few people ever know any of them were home, and all that know kept their mouths shut. Jon pointed out some places on the land where people can see what is going on seeing people that don”t want to be seen. Tree farms were almost out of stock when they got thro planting around the outskirts of the place. A high stone wall was built to discourage visitors from entering the land other then coming to the gate. The wall had many cameras, electric eyes, plates that warned if stepped on. The boys made it tough on MAX as they were soon importing animals of all kind to leave loose on the land. It really was like a petting zoo. The pool was always the place the kids had their parties, and every kind of wild life turned up to be fed petted, and loved. Oh yes I almost forgot the triplets adopted a cat, a black cat, a large black cat. some people called it a panther, most just screamed oh shit. It was being mistreated in a small cage at a gas station as an attraction. Oh boy the three boys had learned many a fine words being mind readers. Their large cat was soon lounging around with the other pets. A few deer, {Most of the deer were soon doing multiplication, you know one plus one =s two or more.} a raccoon, potbellied pigs, even an owl that the triplets had saved from a snake. An animal doctor was soon living there as well as doctor Jeff who had fall in love with the butler so he got his license to work in New York state. As always Jon wanted his underground hideout, He found the water level kind of high so he could not really go too deep. they did find a ridge of ground near the edge of his land that gave them some room to expand. He was looking at the land next door as it was higher, but he kind of liked the kids, and their mother was a nice women too. The father was not evil per-say just an absent hard working father. Oh well leave them alone.

~~~~~Oops here I go again. An Embassy in Rome~~~~~~

…..Jon had built a large orphanage for the Pope in Rome he was visiting the Pope with some of his boys one day when they wanted to visit a naked beach on the large inland sea. Jon was enjoying the sights when one of the mind readers pointed his chin at the boys as he told Jon, “they are hunting shit again.” “Oh no who, what, and how much will this cost me?” “You won”t mind much, these guys are truly evil.” “Well okay then. Get a team or two over here to cover their cute asses.” Just then one of his boys wondered over to hold out his hand for ice-cream money. “Hey pop we is going to be going with giggle our friends for some fun, “I know, and delay till the guard team gets here.”

…..After a delay the team let Jon know they were there. “We are right near what we think is their red fuck mobile machine.” “I”m going with you so lets see where they are going.” A loose group of vehicles were soon parked outside a high class apartment. The boys were led to what the older boys thought was there doom. Kissing, naked bodies, playing with dicks, patting asses. Out, and out real fucking was avoided. STDs were worried about as none of the older boys looked too clean. At last the leader got Elroy separated from his buddies in a back bedroom. “Now you little tease I”m getting some ass off you.” “Well why didn”t you ask me? You just played around like you don”t know what to do.” the boy said as he laid back smiling a wicked smile at him. He was warning the rest of the boys with his mind as he reached for the boys nuts to twist them as he ordered him to stay still, and not fight him, or he will have lost them. Jon as always led the guards in the open door as one of his boys had opened it for them after the older boys had discovered they were hosts to lions, and tigers oh my. The mind readers raped the minds on Jon”s orders. “The basement move out now.” was ordered. A team ran down the stairs at flank speed. One of the mind readers pointed at a electric box, “Top left, and bottom right fuses remove them.” A hidden door swung open to let them see lines of beds with boys of all ages chained on them, naked boys some in bad shape. Whip marks, bleeding sores, raped for sure some vomiting. Jon was on his phone calling for doctors, nurses, help. Don”t show up with a big hoop-to-do, we don”t want to disturb the animals. His team invaded the hell-hole with help, cutting the chains off the kids, cleaning them up, swabbing off the blood as they poured out the contents of many brown bottles. Soon there were many health care people mixed in doing their best to help the kids. There were many delivery trucks in, and out of the parking area. Picking up the kids in batches as they were judged ready to be moved. Not a peep from around the place as no one saw anything. A whole section of the hospital was turned over to Jon”s doctors. A wing was full of recovering boys. None of them had said a word out loud. One of the mind readers whispered that they were beat if they made a sound. Jon and the boys with him spent every day coming into the ward to talk to the boys, telling them what was going on, and just being there for them. Jon spoke one day about where their captors were in prison, and mentioned how he had heard the lot of them had been raped like they did to the boys. One of the boys grabbed his mouth as he tried to stifle the sound of laughter. It was too late it was catching. The whole room was laughing out loud, and no one was getting beat. A very young boy was soon telling who, where, and the whole story about a long white car, the address that they were taken to, and the man that used the whip on them and raped them. Jon had brought a newspaper with him, and one of the boys screamed as he saw the lead story with a picture of the American Ambassador, “that is the bastard that hurt me so bad. The other boys gathered around to look with hate at the picture. Some clamed he had bought them from a home for kids outside Rome.

…..Jon was soon on a phone to an Ambassador friend he know from Costa Rica. He spoke of a need for the good old USA to move fast on getting rid of the man before he was forced to do it for them. A week went by, before he got an answer, “The damn home office, the State Department is playing the good old boy routine. We in the field are idiots that can”t think out of their damn box, have fun Jon.”

…..Jon returned to the ward to ask for help, “How does he pick you up, every move he makes, every word he says, the car, the house, drew a map of the house, the time of day.” He wanted everything about the man that they know. He had them let the mind readers into there heads.

…..Soon the man was known down to the type of tooth paste he used. Jon had a group of marines transferred into the Embassy to replace the ones there. “They were honest men with a lot of knowledge about Jon as he had trained them in some of his fighting form. He had also taught them about gays, and they respected him. He wanted to know about the mans movements, and when he left the embassy grounds. One of the marines placed a tracker on his large white car as it was the one he used when hunting boys to torture. Jon had everything in place including some of his boys who looked a lot like some of the boys that had met him before. They were all over the spots he visited before.

…..The monster picked up three of the planted boys to drive to his rented house. He had them naked, and strung up by the arms in front of a hot fireplace in a very short time as one of the boys berated him as a coward, a sexless women. He was just getting his first leash with the whip. As the whip hit his back the doors around the room burst open to let the police in to see him ready to strike the boy again. He was claming loudly they can”t do this to him, I am……… One of them hit him hard enough that he passed out. Pictures were leaked to the press, but he was retuned to his post. No recall was in the offing, but Jon was going to do his own recall. Jon”s mind readers had been busy little bees. They started with the big man himself, and worked down the ranks of his monsters incorporated. The whole group was rounded up one night, and the marines took a break from their job. The man was hounded out of the embassy to get away in his white car. It was stopped by an car crash that blocked the road. or so he thought. A police officers tapped on his car window. As he rolled it down a gun was pointed at him as he was ordered out of the car. The officer was the same one that had slugged him awhile ago, and still didn”t think he should get away with it. He turned away as the (Shit I can”t call him a man.) fool was dragged away. He was soon as naked as all his other partners. Handcuffed, feet tied up. He looked around to see all his henchmen locked up with him. Even the older boys from their prison cell. Worse yet a ship from Iran was docking that very night to take on a cargo. Part of the cargo was missing in a hospital. Oh well Jon had collected a replacement for the human cargo. They were in somewhat better shape then the boys had been. A little older in some cases but a newspaper with one of those pictures on the front page was given to the captain of the ship. The man was laughing as the ship returned home. I”m sure they had a shipment of new whips aboard.

…..Oh well Jon thought his troubles were over. Bull shit. It was just starting. There was a home for kids mentioned. Yes his kids do listen to Jon. The whole group of kids with minders/guards along toured everyone of the homes run by the authorities. Cow patties were spoke of often as they were gladly shown around. “okay we need to get control of most if not all of these trash heaps.” “Lets get uncle Jeremy involved. They would roll over to have there nuts scratched by him.” “Oh lord don”t let him hear you saying that.” A month later Jeremy was speaking in front of a large group of lets say freed prisoners. He spoke of some boys like them that had asked him to make life better for them. He even pointed them out. “First of all I bought all of those decrepit warehouses in the blocks around here. They will be knocked down, cleared away, and we will build a-new in their place. I think you will like the place a lot better then this rat infested hole. Give us time, It won”t take us long to get you out of here. We will replace this trash heap once we get you settled in a new home.”

…..Schools, play areas, places to learn a trade, chefs trained on the job from among the boys, and girls. Older inmates were moved into offices to learn how to run the place instead of being dumped on the street. The boys that started all this found they were the big bosses of the place. They jumped in with both feet, and ran the place from day one. Okay they made mistakes a plenty, but were fast learners, who had seen Jon operating often. A need for teachers had them bring in a few teams of young mind readers as teachers. Double the fun. One of them was a native that spoke of a need he had seen in the area. “Look at that fine beach with not a eating place in miles lets build a place against that wall around this place. “We can teach some of the older kids to cook, waiters, handle the money. Heck run the place.” This was soon done, and was a money cow for the kids. A passage was built so the workers can go to work, and even eat there. Tables with a large shade over them from the sun were soon added to the beach to be served by young fast waiters. A kid from a grape growing family pointed out that some grounds up side another wall was just right for growing grapes. The Pope bought the large fields, and gave it to the kids. It was soon planted with some of the best vines. Other places around the home were rented or bought for the kids to run.

…..BUREAUCRATS spit on the floor, kids have to be counted. Not cared for just counted. Yes a team from the government came by unexpectedly to count the kids. A lot of them were outside working, Larry called on some of the teachers, helpers, and even himself to let them count them as well as changing shirts, glasses head bands to pad the count. They almost had an over count till one of the guys clamed they had already counted him. Gee thank God BUREAUCRATS are not too bright. The Pope wondered into the government office to ask why his places had to put up with people that instead of counting the kids were drooling over them? Okay so he was just putting it on a bit, but two of them were heard by the mind readers. The Pope named them. Oops!

…..Lets see a party was held at the opening of the field-house/gym/sauna/hobby-shop/art-shop. and a dozen other things in one large building. Oh yes a dance hall. It was a mixed batch of kids. Snack food in plenty, food served on demand. Dancing for all that know how, with teachers to help some learn. Booths with something for everyone Armed service if interest was shown. First aid taught if they liked. One booth was just a last moment thing. Some of the Virgins were singing at the opening. One of the boys wanted to know how to apply the face paint? A couple of the artistic boys set the boys down to show them as they watched each other be changed into something different. A line was soon formed to be painted. Cats, devils, dogs, apes, lord you name it was soon wondering around the party. Some of the mind readers hunted down Larry to tell him the kids were changing to match the damn face paint we have to get some of those evil ones out of the paint now. A painter was dispatched to change some paint at once. Larry reported what they had found out at once. “Be aware!”

~~~~~~Back to the Embassy, New boss with kids.~~~~~~

…..Jon got a call from a marine to tell him thanks for removing that piss ant we had in our bosom. “Gee guy are you growing some of them now?” “No fool, but the new boss man is almost having kittens as his twins should have been born with some.” “They came out to him then?” “Yep you might want to do some magic with him.” “Is he a good Joe then?” “Yep one of the best, a fire horse to clean up behind that ass hole.”

…..Jon hung up after talking for awhile longer. He called some of his other friends in the State Department, to get some of them to call ahead to tell the boss man about him. A half dozen calls were received in the next hour, and when Jon sent in his card he was admitted at once. “Okay just who are you, and how did you get so many of our people to call me?” “Really my name could just be Jack Sprat it is what I do that matters. Has anyone let you know what the person you replaced was doing?” “Not really, everyone just looks away, and feeds me shit.” “Okay let me show you some film that really should be destroyed before it gets in the wrong hands.” He softly asked MAX to hack the computer on the mans desk. MAX ran the whole sad film without comment. The man looked sick as he watched the ship sail away with the predator ( pred�a�tor (pr�d”…-t…r, -tôr”) n. 1. An organism that lives by preying on other organisms. 2. One that victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one”s own gain.) aboard. “Good God I would have shot him if ……..” “Yes I thought of doing that, but was persuaded to let other enjoy that.” “Does the State Depar…….?” “Forget even asking about that sir. You don”t really want to know. Enough people know, and things are being done to fix what is wrong. It might take some time, but if you are ever asked to speak with some of the people that called you today, be honest with them.”

…..”Enough about taking out the trash, lets talk about your sons, Jack, and Bobby right?” “Yes but what do you know about them?” “Quite a bit, I understand you were shocked. Do you hate them, fear for them, love them?” “No hate, never I love them.” “Did you tell them that?” “Well no not with the shock, and all.” “You better get them in here now, and hug the shit out of them, They have to be in fear.” The two boys were shaking, crying in fear as they came into the room. A hug, and “I love you both. was the only cure. One of the twins looked at Jon to ask, “who are you, and why is dad afraid of you?” Jon spoke the truth, “well my name is Jon, I think he is afraid I came to take you away from him. It well not be that way, I”m going to send some boys to your school here, and let them become friends with you three boys, yes your younger brother too. He has to understand you, and all you need to learn about this sex thing.” “Dad told you about us?” “Nope I told him I know about you guys.”

…..Over the next few weeks the well trained bodyguards taught the three new boys how to become small fighting machines, and about how sex was done among boys. Not by doing just telling them all what was safe to do. After they were well along in learning how to defend themselves they were taken out on the streets to be shown how to act among many types of people. Bobby felt his watch fall off his wrist. He left it fall as he grabbed a hold of the boys wrist to hold it tight as he asked him “why did you cut my wrist watch band?” The small knife was shaken out of his hand as the group of boys stood around watching to see how Bobby was going to handle the thief. He looked at the boy, dropped the wrist, put his arm around his shoulders, “lets feed him, he looks hungry.” A raised eyebrow was the only answer he got as they followed the two to a dinner The little thief was soon sporting a potbelly. “Your name is what?” was asked at last. “It is Andy Kirk,” he admitted as he hung his head. “That sounds like a first, and middle name.” Yes my dad told me if he ever found out I used his freaking name he would cut off my balls, and prick off with a dull knife.” “Ouch,” was heard from most of the boys as they grabbed their balls.. Bobby said “my name is Harris how would you like that as a last name instead of shithead?” “What about your father?” “He is already named Harris.” The boy giggled as he just shrugged his shoulders. Well the father was not amused. He hemmed and hawed then thought hard. After looking at his boys, and the boy he finally nodded yes. To cheers, and shock on the new son”s face.

…..School was spoken. of, “and getting one of the marines to take him shopping, I don”t see any baggage, Take him to the kitchen, and have someone show him how to eat at a formal dinner. There is one tomorrow.” A call for one of the flunkies had him doing a batch of paper work to make the boy his. He whispered his fathers name, and where he lived with tears in his eyes. Jon was called by the head marine, “That boy is really thinking his dad will try to kill him.” Jon pointed at some of his less then nice combat type boys. “I think if he looks like he is thinking about his kid he should have a nice fall. A fatal one maybe, or just crippled if there are too many people around.” The boys decided he needed to get a nice wheelchair. Jon sent him one as a gift.

…..Jon had been told about the boy being adopted by the Harris family. He had been shaking his head even as he heard how Bobby acted. He rushed to the embassy to demand the whole family come with him to the Vatican I want you to meet the Pope. “We canted just barge in there.” “Barge hell he is family, we just show up, and set down to lunch.” A limo was driven to the front door, and the Swiss Guards held the door open for them all to dismount. A bow for Jon, a nod for the rest as he was shown in. He on his own led the rest to Jeremy”s quarters. He did introduce them with proper respect. Then with a grin told one of the red headed priests to show the four boys around.

…..Okay it is not my place to say the Pope can be misleading. But he is. Jon had been told about some things that had been done by the three boys, and he told the Pope about his suppositions. They are showing all the signs of becoming mind readers. The Pope has some of the best trainers of budding mind readers. A batch of his sons were gathered around the three boys in a subterranean room as they set cross-legged on the floor. The boys were being told to not talk, and to pass a massage around the circle. The Pope and Jon led their father to a balcony overlooking the room where he can hear, and see his sons learning how to speak without saying a word out loud. A look was in his eyes as he thought about never having a private thought again. Jon giggled as he spoke of that being the first thing most people think about. Which my hand as I make the sign that says read my mind please. Okay they should read only what you want to send to them. They are going to learn when to read, and also when not too. A mind reader is open to all the rest, and if they are doing the I spy shit they well, be well I don”t really know, but will never do it again. While learning the job they might slip, but when trained will never do it again.

…..Harry wanted to know what job he was speaking about,? “Well my guards are readers, doctors like to have them around to speak for a patent, truth seekers, nut doctors, they have saved many a mind. Heck two of them untrained brought you a new son.” Jon went on to speak of jobs that were done for him by some of them. “Hell I had to order them to strip out of some killers mind who ordered them to kill some of my boys after we brought them down with guns. Did you ever wonder why the leader of our country cut and run for an island retreat? I walked into his office one day unannounced to tell him he was in danger of dieing. I had spoke to his guards military and others. They had all asked if I was going to do it, and stepped aside when I showed them the resignation papers I was going to give him to sign.” “You did that to him, I always wondered way he quit the job.”

~~~A wee warning. This next part might need to be dug deeply from my weak mind as I am not too sure that I remember it all. It was quite a large story, Mind reading, Flying, Police work, Wife.~~~


…..A boy was born. He was straight. All his brothers, cousins, uncles were gay, or some were bisexual. He felt sort of out of place, and as soon as he was old enough left home. He was a brilliant young man. He got a job as a police officer in Rome. In his spare time he recruited street kids of all ages, as well as a batch of other people that disliked seeing crooks, thieves, and the like getting away with doing dirty jobs, and getting away with it. It helped that Jon had placed a quite large bank deposit in his account. He never needs to spend any of it on himself, so he slipped support to some of the needy helpers that he had. Some loans without interest no less. He often said pass it on to someone that needs it rather then repay him.

…..Often over the years he would receive a note, a call of even a whisper to look close at someone. He was a master of disguise, a new milkman, postman, dishwasher, waiter, short-order cook, bum per-smelly as all get out. He never broke cover after he called in a team of uniformed police to pick them up. He stayed in place at least a week after the person was arrested, and taken away. He might have six more collars before he left the area. His Irregulars as he called his helpers after Sherlock Homes in one of his books were a big help to him. A call to his cell phone one day spoke of a bank robbery that very day, “they have killed before.” “Oh shit there is no time to get it covered.” He called for Jon to let him have some help. Jon arranged for a group of his helpers to be sent to the bank to replace the tellers with the banks permission. He had a pile of his money in there, and even owned part of the bank. He likes to keep his eyes on his money. Jon had a batch of his men posing as customers letting people go ahead of them to get them out of the way. Some of his American boys were in the bank changing dollars for local cash when the guns were fired into the air as the five crooks yelled for them to hit the fucking floor. The boys screamed, run around, and at a command called out by their commandeer had the men disarmed, and spread out on the floor each with one of the boys holding their arms in a come-along hold. crying like babies, and cussing up a blue streak©. A couple of ladies had been pushed to the ground, and had a boy crouched over them to keep them safe. When the police came to rescue the five crooks the boys were telling them they had all studied some king-fue junk, and never thought they would get a chance to use it. Gee being scouts pays off.

…..Peter was quizzed about how he was the first on the scene. “I just stopped in to write a check for cash sir. It was just dumb luck sir.” “Bull shit Peter, you seem to stumble onto too much shit.” Paul told him, he know about his Irregulars. “I bet one of them told you something.” A smile as he almost admitted being there on a tip. “It was too late to go thru all the red tape we have to do sir. I had to use what I could grab off the street.”

…..A few days later Peter was called into the office to be asked what he know by some unidentified men. “Sir I don”t think you are even in my chain of command, and you should be polite enough to show some IDs.” “You smart ass, we don”t have to show you shit.” “You show it to me, or I leave, or you arrest me. You will have to show it to arrest me.” It got kind of loud in the office with three people yelling at each other. Peter was quoting law page, and paragraph at the top of his lungs. Paul wondered into his office to add his voice demanding to know who left them into his office, and who do you think you are? “Interpol you damn hicks. Now I want this liar in cuffs.” “You idiot you have never heard a lie as I have not told you anything yet.” “He has to be a crook, we checked his bank account, no one that”s honest has that much money on his pay.” “Get your headman here now. No one orders me around in my house.”

…..It took hours of jawing before the headman walked into the room. Peter stood up to hug the man as he asked, “did you send these fools to arrest me Uncle Sam.” “But he has too much money in the bank.” “Did you think to ask him where it came from? I heard one of his relatives gave it to him as he was leaving home. A sort of going away payment as a family share.” “I don”t believe you.” “Give me your gun, badge, and ID you just resigned. Oh yes we will send you anything personal from your desk.”

….”Okay Peter you cost me a man, come with me we will see if you fit in at our house.” “What?” “Your hired, come on lets get you cleared out of here.” The two walked to Peter”s cubby hole. Peter grabbed a couple of boxes to fill with his junk. He was mumbling as he filled them up. He called one of the men he had trained to come get the pile of costumes he had collected over the years. As he was waiting for him to come get them he popped a cork on a wine bottle. “Here Uncle Sam, you might as well have some of this it is a gift from a friend in a monastery. None of these people would enjoy it.” “Aren”t you going to have some it is worth, almost 100 dollars.” “Not for me uncle it would make me sick as a dog with one sip. Something I was born with.”

…..A few days later, a sale of his house, a trip across two countries, a new apartment found, reporting to work. A desk, weapons, paperwork, IDs, handshakes as his name is passed around. “How do you guys work, just take pot luck on the jobs, or grab one that interests you.” “All of the above, but first I want to show you our pile of never solved cases. Dig into them and lets see how you work.” Peter cheated. Well he did have an in with MAX. he had him read over his shoulder. Really he was hooked up on the internet.

…..A few days later Peter called Jeff back to his desk. He had seen something that smelled bad. “Look at this name here, here, and here. They are all unsolved, but his name is in all of them. Lets run a check on him.” “Go ahead it”s your case, I”ll come along as second to you.”

…..Swaziland. Oh boy a large city with a larger lake right out the door. Oops I”m getting ahead of the story. Anyway Peter, and Jeff spent hours, days looking for the little man that was not there as the old song said. They were looking at pictures of the man when Peter started mumbling under his breath, GLASSES, MAX check his glasses they look like binoculars. There were sounds a computer makes on a phone line. Aha got him, he put in a rush order to the one place in Swaziland you can get them. Get going guys I well have one of Jon”s planes standing by to fly you out when you get there. The plane flow over the large lake I spoke of as it came in to land. A quick ride in a police car led them to one of Swaziland”s largest banks. The two men were stopped at the door by a guard with the thickest glasses they had ever seen. He checked out their IDs closely even having to hold them close to his eyes to see the print on them. They managed to keep their guns thou the man seemed to think it was not kosher. The Bank employs led them to the main office area. They were shown all the records on the man they were interested in. His reassume was interesting as it did not mention any place that had been robbed with so many deaths. Twenty robberies with his prints (Not fingerprints, just the way he works all over them) and he is working at another bank, one of the only people with a gun. “Lets go get him.” Jeff spoke with the guard as Peter was looking over the television screens covering the rest of the bank. As Jeff was speaking to the guard Peter moved behind him to lift the gun out of his holster. “The man know he was done, and pulled out a hideaway gun to try shooting his way out. Peter hit his arm with the gun butt braking his wrist. The gun went off. Jeff screamed, “my ass he shot me in the fucking ass.” Peter grinned as he looked over Jeff”s ass, “I didn”t know you were into showing off your ass like this. It might hurt, but it is just a glaze.”

…..When they got back to the office Uncle Sam handed Jeff a donut, (Not that kind A rubber one to set on) “Okay you get the unsolved desk till you get over this wee wound. Look over how Peter did the job first, he seems to have the knack for it.” He went on to tell them, “another of throes freaking bank robberies was pulled off with no sign of the cash, or the robbers. They vanish with out a trace.”

…..Peter pulled up every item on the bank robberies to study them. At last after three days of close study he pointed out one of the tellers spoke of hearing a bloody Yank speaking. “Do you think they might be just coming over here to rob us, and heading home afterwards?” Two words (bloody Yank) the hunt is on. MAX is called on to sift thro all transatlantic trips air, and ship. Charge slips, hotel reservations. Two months for a man. Twenty minutes for MAX, and another minute to print out the list of names. Peter was speed reading as it printed out. Got them on paper They fly in three days before the theft, and go back by ship afterwards. Someone else is scouting out the banks we have to do some spying on them in the colonies before they go on their next trip over here.” Uncle Sam asked, “You up for a trip to work with the FBI?” “Duh, do we have to?” “Yes play nice Peter.” “Okay, as long as they play nice.”

…..A few days later a tired Peter is met at the airport by an official car. Black large no marking to say it is from the FBI. Okay it smells like what it is. Peter sniffed as he thought a taxi would have been better, nicer company at least. Three damn words from the driver at the most. As Peter was signing in he overheard one of the agents speak of who was being assigned to baby-sat the Interpol new-be. “Think she will get him in bed, Susan has been hot to trot?” Oh Jeez© just what I need, I”ll try to cut that off at the pass. Oops too late, Susan was a young knockout. “Oh shit she might be the one. Oh well.” Peter shook her hand when they met. “Oh some of your comrades are making bets on how long it well take you to get me in bed. I don”t do the hit, and run bit so fair warning watch out.” “What do you mean.” “Just that you look a lot like I think my wife should look like so fair warning.” “I don”t go to bed with strange men.” “Another point for you.” “You British men are kind of forward.” “Sure but we are the stay at home kind most of the time.” The playing around ended in a tie at last.

…..Peter made some calls to Jon about some of his young detectives. “I need some good bugs placed, and maybe some of the kids can watch my highwayman. Susan was looking over the paperwork MAX had pervaded. “Gee this is good stuff, almost enough to hang them on.” “Yep, but we want to take them down doing the job as well as the inside man. I think you had to see the signs of him being there?” “Yes once they are seen he had to be there.” “Okay lets go see some of my friends, they are going to set up a watch on them. Luckily they seem to always meet in one of their homes. We are going to bug them all, and hope they speak a few names, the bank, how they get the money out, and Mr. inside man.” “I hope you have good bugs. The crooks are all sweeping for them now-a-days.” “Only the best, you guys in the FBI use them when your being nice to the boss man.” “You got an in with HIM?”

…..Later in the week the two agents met with the boys in their nest over the family garage. It had a dozen monitors set up on desks on one side of the room. Each of them with a boy watching them closely with earphones on their heads. One boy was setting in the cat bird seat behind them watching as they switched his monitor to anything of interest. “Can the kids handle all of this was asked by Susan?” A boy standing near them spoke up clamed we placed the bugs, and in over three years have never been caught, and we always seem to get the scum off the street.

…..Time passed, lots of time. Months even. Lots of chatter was recorded, with pictures as well. MAX was busy calibrating it all. He high lighted what the boys reported on. They were good. Peter in order to help with the boredom had the unsolved cases placed on his computer. He was pointing people back at the office at places to check out. Some of the off duty boys watched how he worked on the cases, and asked if they can try to help? At first they were jumping the gun with guess work. Later they started to find the clues that would salve the cases. Peter started posting their names as solving the cases. Just initials on each case file. One day he had gone for a bathroom call, and saw one of the boys rush to send off a file. He checked on the file, and called him over to show him what he had seen. He shook his head as he spoke of him rushing the sending as he had not thought it to the end. Now set down and look at it slowly again. The boy swore under his breath, as he amended the file to name the person to arrest. “Sorry sir I was just in a rush, and should have seen that.” “Live and learn, you boys have been doing a good job.”

…..One day, late in the fall one of the boys called out to Peter, “it is going down now.” They gathered around the main monitor to hear for themselves. They heard the bank by name, and date. Also the way they get rid of the money in packages dropped in the mailboxes near the banks. They even brag about getting across the channel on the channel train under the water. The only thing they don”t mention is the inside man. The two agents tell the boys to shut it down as the men head out to pack for the trip. The boys want to see it thru to the end. Peter nodded yes, and bought tickets all over the aircraft for them. He got some of Jon”s bugs that well track the men anywhere they go, and asked the boys to place them on the men for him. The boys for the first time looked like kids having fun, as they wondered all over the airplane disturbing many people. Peter giggled as saw them doing the kids act. He had seen them working like hell for months with them working like much older people.

…..The men left there hotel for lunch. It was burglarized even as they were in the elevator. Every last item was bugged, including the packing material for the money.

…..The boys were busy little bees. Jon”s crews joined with the police, and Interpol to be sure none of the public would get hurt in the robbery. Jon had his men in all the tellers cages, and in line to get waited on. Force fields, vests to protect everyone. Cops on alert to pretend to chase them, and fail. The money was being tracked closely. It passed over borders, thro post offices, and at last to an address in Germany. The name was checked out to see who was handling the money, and his connections. The first surprise was he was a high mucked muck in Marcel”s government, who had been skimming money off the government, and needed to get it back before the investigation finds him out. He was using the bank money to cover his posture. It was a big one too. Oh well to bad, By, By. Auf Wiedersehen

…..No I”m not going away yet, just saying good by to the German. They shoot people over there.

…..A ship was met at sea to remove some people in handcuffs, and leg irons. Some very unhappy men were soon on their way to whatever country that had the first bite out of their hide. The rest can stand in line to see who might execute them.

…..Next…… Peter took Susan to Jon”s first home in El Paso Texas, where they tripped over Shoemakers all over the place. He told her about all his relatives. “I”m one in a million or more. I love a female. You! We need to visit your folks so I can beg for your hand, and I hope the rest of your body as well,” Her mother loved the idea, her father wanted to know if she was with child as he praised it? “Good God no dad we haven”t even, I”m a virgin.”

…..Peter spoke of one of his cousins performing the wedding rites. “The Pope will be happy to finally get to marry one of my family in a peaceful setting. He had to beat some people to death the last time.” Her mother asked when, where, and we have to get dresses?” (Never a thought about what a male might wear.) Peter grinned as he spoke of both the females striping to just the underwear so our computer can do the measurements. Call out what you want the duds to look like, wave your hands around as you speak.

…..A short week later there was an invasion of Rome. Shoemakers of all ages were there, and friends as well. A batch of street kids were ran thro a bath house, haircuts, clothes by some of the best shops in town. They were dressed to the nines. Jon as a present to peter was going to take them off the street, and put them to work. Back on the streets as his eyes, and ears. Schooling in being spies was the first step in joining Uncle Sam”s gang of detectives. They can help clean up the streets of kids in need as they are trained.

…..The dresses were glorious, both the ladies loved them. A hand full of diamonds blue of course from Jon”s mine in the deepest dark Africa. A necklace for each. Pins, bracelets and rings for both ladies. Peter had to tell them about his bank account. “Don”t worry my family just fills it up if I ever start to use too much.”

…..The wedding party invaded St Paul”s church. MAX had set up view screens in churches all over Rome, meeting places, yes even bars. It was surprising how many people Peter know, had helped, loved. The street kids he had helped live all tried to touch Peter as he walked the aisle to marry his love, a hand touched his arm as he passed, a flower thrown to him in passing. Yes he was unknown by the news hounds, the politicians, but the people that counted were invited to join in his happiness.

…..After Jeremy did the blessing, joined their hands, spoke the words he kissed both of them as he spoke softly for their ears alone. Peter grinned at his uncle as he whispered back, “you know your the first man to kiss me since about age ten when I learned about girls.”

…..Later, much later at the party for family at one of the largest meeting place in Rome the party was still going on brothers of all ages were meeting the lady for the first time, kidding him about his weird sex life, and finding out Susan can hold her own kidding them back, as well as loving every one of them. Peter wanted to be alone with his wife just to talk so they slipped away on their own to walk holding hands, kissing often as they wondered along. Peter looked up to see who had been thinking about his wife. He let his mind wonder on it”s own as he started to receive the thoughts of five young men, “IF THOSE ARE REAL SHE HAS A king”s ransom on her body. not a bad body either, I think I”ll take her home for the night after we Kill that top hat wearing dude. “Love are you armed, we have five thugs that like your rings, and things, and they might like to take you home as well. I don”t have my gun as this monkey suit has no place to hide it.” He was sending a call for some of his brothers to come running.

…..It took awhile for the five duds to get their nerve wound up. It takes some nerve to attack a single man and a mere woman. Susan smiled an evil smile as she wondered over to a fountain to throw in a coin. She dug into her small purse to find a coin among the pile of cash which she held in one hand as she throw in the coin. That was all it took to set their minds into the go get the money mood. She throw a small dagger to her husband as she raised his skirt high enough to drew her gun out of its holster on her fine looking leg. As the hoods rushed to get their hands on the loot Peter cut one of the men”s wrist to make him drop the knife he was waving around, he kicked him in the balls as he turned to take on another man. To late as his bride had placed a bullet in an arm, or leg of each of the clumsy thief”s. She was telling them they had no rights at all, except to die if they moved at all. A yell as his brothers rushed to the rescue, too slow, too late. At least they can all act like doctors, and work on the trash. Peter grinned as he kidded them about being too slow. “Hell Peter the only arms we could find in that crowd were these damn swords from the wedding. It is a shame no one thought to bring at least a shotgun.” “Yeah the father of the bride maybe.” A sound of the police arriving was heard. The first words out of their mouths was, “damn Peter can”t you take a night off to get married without shooting up the town?” “Don”t blame me sir, the little woman got it into her head to just fire her gun in celebration. It”s too bad some fine young men happened to get hurt.” “At least your cleaning off the blood so the squad car won”t get messed up again.” “Hey she shot us without any…… ” “Oh shut up you have the right to go to jail, and I have the right to kick the shit out of you for disturbing our friend on his wedding day.

…..Peter pointed out that a small eating place had lost money because of all the fuss. The brothers led the way to buy a pile of food for the wedding group. Susan pointed her chin at a group of boys looking at their food like they were starved. One of the younger brothers wondered over to ask them, “you guys hungry? We are having a party for my brothers wedding. Join us.” “Your shiting us your all gay.” “Sure we are, but our brother got weird on us and loves her. We think she is one fine lady.” The boys talked to some of the brothers about how hard it was to be homeless. They didn”t trust do-gooders. One of the brothers spoke of school, and told them living on their own was no way to learn. “Look guys we spend most of our days learning how to live. You on the other hand have nothing at the end of the day but hunger.” One of the boys asked how can we get help without losing our freedom? “Shit I well get you a place to live, a job, and some money, but you have to spend some time in school learning how to live later in your life. Your not always going to be young, and pretty.” Some of it got thro to them, and they asked many questions.

…..A apartment was rented for the kids, school was started, and for part of the day they were being instructed in how to get kids off the street. Oh the school was not how to write a story, history of Rome. It was more on the line of math for use in a job, how to write a report, in other words it was pointed at a job, later after they learned how to study the rest of the junk can be taught. It was needed to know, but not the first thing needed.

…..Over the next few months many a kid was taken in by the boys. They had a good record. Well until Jon saw more kids on the street. He blow up asking the boys why they were not getting them safe. “We tried they don”t want to go with us.” “Find out what they want, and get it for them.” He spoke of much he had done himself up to kidnapping a kid. “Look at their clothes, the stick pin, the watch, they like baubles use that on them.” The boys ran with the hint, three more kids on the team.

…..Peter took his wife on a tour to meet more of the family. In some of the little countries that make up Europe they stopped of at a small hotel, about five rooms. The two lovers spent the time wondering around the countryside. One day they saw a child that looked like he had been beat badly. They took him to a hospital to get care for him. One of the doctors was talking about seeing too many kids being hurt, “I wish someone could do something to stop this.” Susan smiled as she saw her husband thinking hard. He asked one of the nurses to get him the records of all the hurt kids. He had to use his IDs to get them, but he was soon loading them on his laptop. MAX was asked to sort them out, and see what he can get out of it. Peter himself was reading the reports as well.

…..Peter, and MAX both saw the something at almost the same time. MAX cheered as he told Peter he is getting faster. “Okay it is a part of the country that seems to be running under it”s own law, no one is welcome to just come in. Peter called for a batch of boys he had trained in investigation. They took over the whole hotel. A batch of kids in each of the other four rooms. Soon there were kids wondering around playing all over the outskirts of the lawless area. They saw many rough looking people wondering around with no visible means of support. Guns, and clubs were spotted at once. A delivery van was found that made deliveries to a small store inside the place. A new helper was soon hired to assist the drivers. He was just a young man but strong enough to help out. He soon had an idea about a single large home, almost a castle in size, and looks. It seemed to be the center of everything in the neighborhood.

…..Peter had all the boys unpack their suit-of-lights one evening, “We”re going on a look see boys.” A flock of black birds was seen that seemed to be wondering around aimlessly, but always toward the building. Peter swore under his breath as he ordered the boys to the ground. He had seen a radar on the roof, it might pick up too many people in the air. He pointed at one of the smallest boys, “You disable the radar, and we will have a whole flock of fake birds around you to account for your size. A snip of wire cutters made the radar useless. No alarm was raised. The flock of black birds settled onto the roof of the building around the courtyard in the center of it. A low gasp as they saw thro the netting concealing the ground below. kids, naked kids, naked abused children, girls, young girls with signs of rape, walking wounded. Peter spoke to the boys softly, “Lets take them out softly, quietly.” He pointed at each of the boys, and indicated which guard they should disable. He might of said softly, but none of them was treated softly. Wow the boys were pissed off. Peter was in the lead, and he was not too gentle either. A search of the building turned up the madam, or masturbator as the kids called him. His minions as well were soon all tied up. His computers were packed up for transport, his records as well. A bunch of pictures of men using the girls was found and packed up as well. The girls were all placed in a few cars found in the garage with the packages the boys had collected. As they drove away, someone dropped a match into a pile of paper setting in a gas can. It made a nice blaze as the can exploded. So many people dieing by mischance. Gee they were so careless. Jon had his hospitals, doctors, and mind readers busy for along time caring for the little girls. Oh yes Peter personally searched the stuff carried away to learn all the names of the patrons of the whorehouse. He visited each of them, and did his best to castrate them all, and some of the worst of them fall down the steps, more then once if he had to. Some of his young helpers wanted to help him, but he told them they were too young for being like he was. One of the boys called Boo, short for Booth, had fell in what could be called love with some of the girls. He was counseled to understand it is pity not love. He has to let them recover with people that know how to do it right, “Pity will never help them, go home, and study something”s that might let you understand their needs. Someday you can help others.” Peter, and Susan spent some time at the detention area for orphan”s as the government still thought of it. The Pope now had complete control of the training, schooling, and kind care of his children. Cooks were being taught from young kids to almost adults. Chefs from cooks were much sought after. Waiters were learning how to run a eating place. They had the backing to set up their own place. Bookkeeping was learned in places he had opened for them. School teachers learned the job helping out in a classroom. A small field of grapes had grown into a plantation of a large size. A winery was soon needed to use the grapes. All needed trained people to do the job. Train from within is always done.

…..Peter, and Susan started a school to train agents who could join the police, Interpol, or a dozen other agencies all over the world. They will get fully trained agents with well trained habits. Before too long the place was well known as the place to look for honest cops. After awhile they had well trained teachers to take over the job, and Uncle Sam called for them to come home. Really he needed a supply of wine as he had used all that Peter gave him. “Why don”t you just go to the monastery to see if they will give you some?” “I don”t think they like me son, they just frown at me.”


~~~Gee I remembered more about this part then I thought I would. ~~~~


~~~Did anyone notice when I spoke of Jon lusting for some next door land? ~~~~ but first

…..Some of Jon”s boys were in wheelchairs, not able to walk at all. He was always after his doctors to fix them. One had came to the states from the home in Rome. He was somewhat of an expert in design of homes. Jon wanted him to work with some of his boys. He was met in Washington at the Home there by a young clerk for the House of Representatives. They hit it off, and when Marcus was asked to move to Arizona the pair decided to go together. Ford decided to use the suit-of-light, and camp out all the way across the country. His lover might not be able to walk, but he can fly. His wheelchair, and the baggage can be towed in a raft. Some of the younger boys think this might be an adventure so they begged to join them on the trip. Tent living is fun, but no shower, bathtubs food over a fire can wear on you. Marcus asked for a motel at least every few days to clean up, after a dip in ice cold water on the first day. A whore bath was almost as bad. Not being in a chair was heaven for him. About the third day Marcus started crying, and shaking like hell. Yes withdrawal from alcohol, or drugs can be hell. He confessed to being a drunk. Ford wondered how he hid it from everyone? “Who the hell can see a cripple stagger, or fall down? I had my source buying it for me. I hid it all.” “You need to kick it lover, it can kill you.”

…..A doctor was called to treat the boy, and check him out. He gave him some pills to treat the shakes, and ordered the boy to get treated for the main problem when they got home. Ford told him not to worry he will get clean. The rest of the trip was done much faster as the boy needed to be cared for fast. The pills work, but only for so long. The boys landed on top of the Mesa one night, and took the elevator to the hospital. Doc Bones met them as they entered the room. “Let me check you over son.” “Good this trip was the best thing for you, You are almost dried out already. Now we have to work on why you did it, and change your mindset. Will you let some of the mind readers check you out?” “Can they force my mind to change?” Not likely, they have to talk to you to persuade your mind to work.”

…..Ford watched over his lover like WELL a lover. He was doing fairly well on the drink but had fell in love with the flying bit. One day he was in the air for almost eight hours. Ford told him flying everywhere had to stop lets go down to the lab. I need to talk to them about something. He cornered one of the technicians, and asked, “can you monkey with a Suit of Lights to let a man stand above the ground in it?” “how high, and why?” “A silly millimeter, and he can”t walk.” “Oh!” he wondered away thinking about all it would take. When he wondered back in he started talking a mile a minute. No one understood a word he said. Ford looked at Marcus as he wondered if he understood any of it. The boy called out some suggestions to the technician. it slowed him down at last. “Do you think you can do it?” “Sure, but.” “Never mind buts, call us when you get it fixed.”

…..A week later in the lab a pair of long-johns was tried on. It held the boy just a tiny bit above the floor, and the legs slid like an ice skater on ice. Ford frowned, “somewhat better, but no way can it be the best you can do.” The legs need to look like they are taking a step.” “I thought about that but it well need some muscle control. We need to work with the medics.” “Go ahead they will help you.” Okay Marcus lets try this out for awhile till he gets the bugs out of it. Steps, or a curb were impossible to work over. A hand held control was made to handle that at first. Hard to use. Electric eyes were next. Better, but the legs still did not move like real legs.

…..Ford tied a blanket around the waist, and it at least looked like he was really walking. “I can”t walk around wearing a blanket.” “On but a robe would work. Want to become a monk with a brown robe lover?” “Duh I don”t know how they act.” “I was a monk once it is fun no one ever sees our face, we are just a monk among other monks. I could teach you as we are helping others.” “Really you would do that for me?” “Sure why not? It is a good life.” Just then Jerry rolled into the room in his wheelchair, “What”s this shit about you getting some of us cripples on our feet, and off our asses?” “Not too good yet just a first step. He shook out the blanket and tied it around Marcus” waist. “Okay get Jerry a cup of coffee lover.” “Gees it looks good lets see without the cover.” “Okay we need the robe it looks spooky that way.” “Any of the guys want a job as a monk?” A look from Jerry said no, and then changed to maybe. He thought for awhile and then told them to report to him in the morning, “your mine from now on, your too good for what your working on.”

…..Jerry but them to work on helping his kids get off their asses. The first item to come out was a set of what they called kickers, for the monk robes it looked like a knee was moving the robe as the boys walked. It was not to any set motion, just random movement.

…..The next item was by the kids themselves. With the long-johns on some of the kids used some straps to cross there legs in a setting position, and with a small bounce they started a game of basketball. Some padding was needed on the bottom, and better straps, but it was fun. At last some movement was found in some muscles in the leg that could control movement of the long-johns, A silver contact was planted in the skin on say a thigh that moved the foot and knee as it was flexed. An other one half way down the other leg moved it as well. They just had to be trained to move as needed. Fun was not had as they worked hard to learn how to walk. Some never found a muscle that can be used. Gliding was better then setting, and brown robes looked okay after all, they were standing tall. Many a new monk was soon being a waiter in a dinning room. A table number tapped into a computer will guide them close to the table to let them handle the last few feet on their own. Whose crippled now?

…..Marcus was getting around fairly well on his own now. He got tired often , and had to rest his legs, but his chair was not used often, it just had to be around for a real need once in awhile. Drinking was a thing of the past. His head was now used to help others, not think about the next drink. Ford was called up for a trip to France to handle some trouble that came up. Marcus went along on the plane with his lover. His legs gave him some pain as the air-pressure change was too much for him. Ford massaged the legs for him using a blanket to hide the legs as he did not want to disturb the other people. A loud mouthed man did that for him, “They shouldn”t sell seats to queers if their going to act out in view of other normal people. Ford called the server to his seat with the call button. He pulled out his ID card which had some names on the back, Jon”s was there as well as an owner of the plane they were on. He underlined the name with a finger, and pointed out the loud mouthed man, as being entitled to fly first class, move him now. A male attendant was called forward to escort the man to his new seat, with a warning that he will be charged the full cost if they have to land to remove him from the plane. He whispered in his ear, “in other words shut up.”

…..His wife spoke an apology to both the young men. “Thank you but you had nothing to do with his actions, he might be right that we are lovers, but my lover has bad legs he has to have help sometimes with them. It was not sex that was being done, just a massaged. ” The three boys wanted to know what was going on, and after the two loves nodded at her Ford knelt in the aisle to speak with the two boys. After speaking about Marcus” legs, and speaking about the metal insert they spoke of the control of the legs being good but the air-pressure change messing up the legs. We”ll have to use his chair when we get off the aircraft. One of the boys looked at his mother before he asked about gays, and whispered it. “Oh no son we are not going there without her telling us it is okay.” Grace was called over to be asked if they can talk to the three about their sex life, not sex per say, just speaking about it. A nod was enough for a long talk (Later after much being spoke of ) Ford asked “one of you, or all three?” A soft all was heard. “Oh Lord with your father that can be real rough.” “Tell us, we have been thinking of making a run for it.”

…..”Don”t you dare think about that on your own, you would all be dead in a month, or wishing you were.” Ford went on to speak of needs to eat, sleep, and sex is the only thing you have to sale. It is not fun to be used, and abused. “Look boys your mother seems to be a fine lady, do you trust her to help you/us keep you safe?” A glance by the three boys and a nod. “Okay go set down, and let her speak to us. We will have to tell her everything.” It was a shock but Grace recovered fast. “Okay what can I do my husband will kill them if he finds out.” “Okay here is my com-unit. push the green button, and ask for Marcus, or Ford after I replace it. You only have to call us for a pick up if he goes off the rails again. Let the boys pack a back pack with their passports, and their other IDs, some money not too much as we will take care of that. Keep the com-unit, and we will speak to you often they will have their own unit before long so you can call them when it is safe.” “It”s strange but I trust you guys.” “Call the lady over that we had remove your husband and ask her why she did it so fast.” At a nod from the boys she spoke of only the owners of this airline can pass out that card. They can order this ship to fly in circles and we do it. “You own this aircraft?” “Not us but our boss does. We didn”t have to buy a ticket just show the card.” “Oh my husband is in deep do, do.” “Yep, he walks back or takes a ship. I recommend a ship.”

…..The small group spent the rest of the flight talking about everything under the sun. They all become quite friendly. When they landed the unloading was held up till Marcus” chair was offloaded, and brought aboard for him to use to use to leave the ship. He was escorted off the ship by the Captain himself. As Mr. Hartland was leaving first class he was returned his ticket, and told he was bared from all the air-lines in Europe. “Have a nice visit sir.” “@$%^ a sycophant. 2. A subordinate official. 3. One who is highly esteemed or favored; a darling.

…..The boys sobbed as they saw what he had said, and done. Some of the others were sent away for their crimes in the word of God. Sure God will damn them. In the meanwhile they can go to jail with others like them. Jon placed a message on the head lawyers notepad A few saw a shocked look on his face before he got a poker-face on. He had a puzzled look on his face as he looked at a camera he know was in place on the wall. Jon saw all. A slight nod was seen by few. The whole case against their father went to hell, and there was not even a hand-basket to put it in. Oh he did not come out completely clean. There was enough to hurt him. As time came to sentence him one of Jon”s lawyers asked the opposing lawyer to speak with him, and his client.

…..He placed a few pages on the desk for the lawyer to read. He said not a word. The man was shocked as he read it, “Mein Gott your crazy. There is enough to put him away for at least ten years, and your offering this?” He handed the paper to his client. “Fuck no I will not work in that den of queers.” “Page two covers your big mouth, read it.” His lawyer explained keeping a civil tongue in his mouth. “A HIV clinic?” “Yes as a nurses aid and janitor.” “All my money?” “Yes except for food, and utilities.” His lawyer lost it at last, and told the man to sign it. “It is better then you deserve, and here is my bill write a check. I might be able to get paid before you go broke.” The broken man signed every X on the papers. He was handed his copy, and told to memorize them. “There is a high cost if you slip.” As he was getting ready to go back to the court room he screamed at both lawyers about them being in cahoots. The two lawyers shook hands as they stood to follow him out. “You had to be throwing the case at the end, I wish you would tell me why?” “Orders from the boss he knows his kids, they love him with all the warts.” “I hope he pays you well.” Laughed as he spoke of this case being free. “Your kidding me, I get almost two thousand dollars for my company, and we lost, you get nothing and won.” He looked at the check, and then crossed out the amounts and printed out PAID IN FULL with his signing it on the bottom. “You quitting?” “I won”t have to, but I”m getting tired of all these looser cases. I want to be able to say no.” “Want a job?” “With your outfit? I hear they have to invite you in, and don”t except resumes.” “As soon as you are out of work come by.” “How high up are you?” “One of the three founders.”

…..The three brothers asked is it legal for us to see, and hear all this? “No but who should we tell?” Look at it this way he was looking at forty years, maybe twenty-five if he was good, What is the chances of that happening? He got off with a light slap on his wrist, and ass. We are going to be on his tail all the time trying to cure his head. “Good luck Jon.” “I don”t do luck, just hard work.”

….. Roy was posted to a church in Washington State in the same area his father was ranting in, you can”t call it working. A new fighter was being put into the ring. Jon had the cure, but try to give it to the government.

PLACE CUSS WORDS HERE. While in the South Seas with Sin on his boat he was asked why he didn”t just start a curbside place to cure it all? PLACE CUSS WORDS HERE.

…..A call to his lawyers he asked the same question. “We can”t do that.” “Fine do it.” Oh I love a man of a few words.

…..When he landed back in the states he was met by a dozen young lawyers. “Oh man are you all quitting on me?” No way we won the job of getting you set up in the whole of the USA. We should have enough Gold framed citations to wall paper the office.” One of the lawyers bragged that he plumed the four aces. “Oh joy a dishonest lawyer your in charge of this crew.” “I”m already in charge.” “Good whoever did that is in line for a promotion.” “You can”t do that he is the boss.” “Hey that is what got me into this, someone told me You can”t do that.”

…..Anyhow a double wide trailer was pulling into the parking lot at the HIV clinic. A fancy sign stated that the Doctor Is In. Shots, and check-ups done on site, lots more was listed inside. The list had low prices, and free was all over the place. Some of Jon”s better scam artists were mixed in the crowd, speaking of Aids tests HIV too, and someone said there might even be a cure. No names spoke but…. I have to go. There was never a word spoken about STDs but it was at the top of the list that was never printed out. A shot for some ailment was given to anyone that was HOT as was said too often. A plastic bracelet was placed on a wrist, or ankle was sealed in place on all tested clean. It over time faded to black. It was saying YOU ALL COME BACK. A hidden well hid roster was kept on MAX where better. Jon”s burglars had been busy looking at records naming everyone who was positive in the country. MAX had a better count then anyone else. As many as can be found had a visit from someone that was showing off a new spray of nice smelling perfume. A single spray, and the container was given to the patient. “Enjoy.”

…..The walk-ins were checked, and cured without saying a thing about it. It is illegal to cure people like that. HORSE DROPPINGS Cows too.

Place a list of all that make droppings here.

…..Roy was working hard at the clinic the first day when a large ugly man charged at him with a sludge hammer in hand, and swinging it at his head. A few moves later the doctor had to set two arms, a leg, and oh yes wire shut a nasty sounding mouth. The man had to wait for a ride in a police car he could not walk. With a CD of the attack, and the priests defense in hand. They even sent along a bill for his repairs. Not cut-rate, full price. Jon had calls from all over calling for backup.

…..It was an all out attack on the Doctors, and the clinic. Guns, bombs, clubs fists, you name it, and it was there. A Hunting We Will Go again. A prize for the first ringleader goes to MAX. He went right to a doctors union. Nation wide no less. Their first instinct was to destroy the clinics. When they started meeting with people that fight back, and turn the wounded over to the law that stood by watching the thugs being disarmed, and some were even de-armed well you can”t use a broken arm. The next step was a claim that Jon was under pricing his service, and starving out poor doctors.

…..His lawyers were having a good time in court.

ONE charging the hoods that failed their masters. TWO Charging the masters, the union as most of the hoods pointed a finger their way. MAX had the money trail on paper. THREE The doctors decided to take them on themselves. Jon”s lawyers asked to read into the record some facts. FOUR The facts were cost of care + what they charged for it. Five Payment to the doctor from Pill producers to prescribe the highest costing pills. SIX Over charges to the government for med-care. Double and triple payment too. SEVEN Throwing people out on the street, for complaints, not their type of color, gay, poor, American, and so on it is too long a list. EIGHT Tax fraud here is their real earnings, here is what they clamed, here is what they owe for the last ten years. NINE this is a list of hidding places for the money WITH passwords. Ten This is a list of houses, and businesses owned by them but listed as belonging to other people in the family, one is a six month old baby no less. Eleven They demanded that the union get rid of us. Here are recordings of them talking to the union This went on for days. The doctors looked like they needed a doctor themselves.

…..The judge wore out his hammer. There was a lose of doctors around the country. Some of Jon”s doctors had to step in in the worst places. The judge fined the remaining doctors a portion of their fair profit to pay for running the clinics for as long as they were running. The government, and tax office had a field day getting their pound of flush, and gallons of blood too. One of the big newspapers had a full front page statement from an unknown person. It listed by name, address every person that was going to be next in court after the doctors were done, it also had a full list on page two of what had been done, Not with any name attached to a crime. THE LAST STATEMENT WAS IN LARGE BOLD PRINT



…..There was a run on tickets for overseas till the countries checked on the names. That was the day when swimming the Rio Grande south became a sport. Mexico didn”t like the idea, and started shooting the new type of wetbacks. Hum? No we don”t swing that way. Canada was nicer, they just handed them over to the law on the border in handcuffs. “Keep the cuffs and your trash too.” Most of the named people confessed to find a safe place to live out their life”s. Someone had started calling the list in the paper a death list. The papers started running the list everyday with a star beside each name that was off the street. Some red stars beside any that had passed away, by suicide, or car wreck which might be a red star too. The list was slowly getting smaller, Jon asked some to visit his wee prison. He saw these listed as missing, and the list was soon empty at last. People decided it was not nice to be nasty. A lot of nasty people were not really missed, and Jon only had to put three of the worst away himself. As a present Jon gave any that got out of jail a ticket to South America, with a nice note attached, “Have a nice trip.” For throes that don”t know down there it is love your neighbor or you go away, some times you can”t even find the body.

…………….Okay back to Roy.

…..As the people that hated disappeared from their lives Roy was free to help the sick as they came in. He also had time off. A special place had been opened in the two basements of the buildings. It had a quite area for those that needed it, soft music. soft seats for the sick. The other side was where the Virgin Tour came to give a show. The boys danced with the patents. Dressed like they were it was a hit with the gay men, and the straight ladies too. The songs as always run the whole gauntlet from end to end. Pop, to Jazz to The Barber of Salve. and anyplace in between. Even the people in the quiet room liked it. The cafe served up all kinds of food, and a lot of the crew around the place eat there as well. Roy, and some of his friends from back in the home are setting around a table having a beer. A man dressed as a janitor rushed over to the table to start demanding……….. A hand spoke that command kids do so well, TALK TO THE HAND. “I”m not yours to order around any more, just do your job, and stay away from me.” One of his buddies started to berate him and was stopped by Roy, he would love it if you were angry at him, it proves he is right. Just ignore him he will get tired and leave.

…..Roy headed back to work. The doctor saw his face, and called him into the office. “What happened?” Dad is working here. “Go home. Not Jon”s yours. Your mother, take her home to Jon”s place.” “That might be what is needed.” He stood to bow to his boss as he headed home. One of the young men guarding the place was called in to take over the desk. Roy was driven to his first home, and his mother was just starting a meal. “Hi mom want to go out to eat?” “But the kids are back from grandma they need to eat too.” “I”m sorry we left in such a rush, but dad was going off the rails.” The three younger brothers had Roy on the floor laughing as they tickled him. “Lets go out to supper boys.” “We don”t get much since father was convicted.” “Well lets pack, and you guys all can come back with me.” “All of us, and mother too?” “Yes all of you, leave him a note, and just go. I saw him eating good at lunch. while the kids don`t have much.” His mother waved a hand that said pack, and me too. The car was a hit with the boys. “Whose that driving, he looks to young, where did the car come from, where are we going?” “At ease boys, that means shut your mouth, your talking too much.” “That is army talk son, where did you learn that?” “It is also used by guards, and other security outfits. I did some work on the mat learning some defensive moves. A good thing too one of those toughs went wild on me with a hammer.”

…..The large car pulled under a portico out of the rain the posts holding it up were of redwood the door, the eight foot high doors were also of redwood. They were met at the door by the chef led to a private dinning room, He told them what was available tonight. The three younger boys wanted the lobster, and steak. Mom was satisfied with just the steak. Roy as a joke asked for a hamburger.” The chef nodded and left before he can tell him it was a joke. The waiters were a joy to watch as they served the meal. Roy saw something else. His three brothers were drooling over the young waiters. After eating the hamburger Roy led the boys to the fireplace to speak about how money was saved by using real boards where it can be felt, and cheap plywood up above. By the way your older brothers are all gay, we”ll be telling mom soon, do you want to do it at the same time?” “How!” Roy grinned as he spoke of Gaydar, it is spoken like radar, some people think a gay person can feel it in their head. “Really it is just knowing what to see with your own eyes.

…..After the fine meal, another ride in that fine car ended at the airport. The same plane the brothers had left the town in happened to be the one that was carrying most of the rest of Roy”s family away. This time Roy was showing the boys how the plane can be made to look like it is invisible. His mother had what looked like a fine rug around her feet. A flying rug for all that saw it. The boys were okay with the sight. Some faint views could be seen of moving parts of the plane so the pilot can see them as he flies the plane. The boys wanted to see the cockpit, and were escorted up to watch how it was done.

…..The view of El Paso, the mountain, and the river was wonderful as they flew into the airport. Roy pointed with a magical beam of light, MAX supplied, parts of the area, and places Jon owned, or controlled. It was surprising how many places his finger print was on. After Roy was done MAX took over as he spoke of cameras they all lit up to show where he has one. It looked like Christmas with all the town lit up. The airport was well lit where he had planes, and hangers. He was running views on one of the walls of what can be seen with them as he spoke. Talk about a travel-log he can be long winded, Oops he does not breath. The plane was landed to cheers as the cabin was like it still was not there. A quick trip by car, and they were met by the other two brother with all their kids in tow. Again with the HOW? “Well mother you have a male, and he,

Place laughter here as his mother blushes.

…..”No mother Jon has a lab, we donate, and some time later we find a boy under the cabbage leafs. Really that is the way most of the boys here do the deed, but we did it down at the orphanage. There are just too many kids in need. Also we are not too sure we could handle a baby yet.” A short tour then home to where the now much larger family. May was wide eyed at what was seen, and fell in love with every one of the grandkids. Roy started the evening meal, and some of the kids helped out. It was a group project, and May wondered if it was always like this. Roy spoke of days they went to the dinning hall, or called for take-out, but most meals were done here. The boys can handle most of it if we are delayed. “Mom I do need some help, we had MAX copy all your recipes, but your apple pie has never came out right. Could you show some of the boys how to do it?” “All of my recipes how?” “We had to bug the house because of dad, and he just got them after he heard me complain too much about not being able to do them like you do.”

…..Yes all the brothers told mother they were gay, Hugs all around were given at once. Love almost blow the walls down. “How can all of you be gay, why are none of you normal?” “We asked, MAX, and the lab did some digging, They found out that dad”s side of the family had at least one gay in every generation. Dad carries the gene, and it seems like it cannot drop any other way in him.” One of the other brothers said with an evil smirk, “I can”t wait till he finds out.” It was dropped there.

…..May spent her time helping with the kids, taking classes, cooking, helping out in the orphanage and so on. Lots of so on. One day the whole orphanage was invited to Jon”s pool for a party. May came along to help out. Shock one was how many of the people swam naked. The next shock was how warm the pool was. “Mom the pool is cooled down to this temp for the “Hell I hate the word, crippled,” anyway the warm water helps them with the pain, and relaxes the muscles. “Where are they?” “Not here there are to many strange people here today.” May made it a point to find out not only when they used the pool, but how to help them. She had seen the lifts around the pool, but not seen them, seen the floats, but not seen there use, seen ramps, and not seen them. She learned that people don”t see the people either. Oh my she looked like a crusader being born. Roy pulled her in, “at ease mom you can”t jump on them, or Jon either check out what he has had done for them,” She called on MAX for help, and found out what was being done in this strange home. Her first meeting with the kids was just her setting on the side of the pool knitting. Her heart was breaking, but not a sign in her eyes. Not one word konyaaltı ucuz escort for a whole week. One of the girls was watching her knit, and rolled over to ask, “how do you do that, and can you teach me how?” “Sure I”m May what”s your name?” “Sue.” May found out what color, and what the girl might like to make. She had to order it, and some knitting-needles as well. The next day it was there when the girl came over. May helped her roll it into a ball, then she continued the class on how to knit. Over the weeks Sue only had to rip out stitches a few times as she was learning fast. They talked as they worked. She was shocked when she learned how Sue”s name was spelled, Sue as that was how her patents got a enough money from a hospital to leave her alone in the house while they run around the world having fun. Yes a noisy neighbor called the police when she heard the baby screaming, in hunger, and smelling, well you know. Jon heard about the case, and called his lawyers office. To late as they already were involved. The hospital was paid in full, and as soon as the child could be moved was cared for by many people as the court case against the mother, and father was being handled, abandonment, attempted murder, the fraud charge against them by the hospital was thrown out, but it was changed to name Sue as the one that gets the money. The rest were proved and the two world travelers were both given a nice cell looking out on a breech world instead. (YES i wanted that word breech (br�ch) n. 1. The lower rear portion of the human trunk; the buttocks )

…..Poor Sue would never walk, no legs, no nerves to help, a wheelchair was it forever. With help from the lab she can fly. Not for the world to see but around the home it was fun. She was making a scarf of many colors. It grew like Jack Sprat was said to do. When Sue finished it off with tassels on both ends it was handed to May as a thank you for teaching her how to knit. The kind lady draped it around her neck to wear proudly. She had been busy knitting winter ski caps for all the sons, and grandsons. She had heard about the ski lodge, and the plans to go skiing. The rest of the crew (handicapped crew) had a new mother.

…..Oh Roy had started to have a dream. A red rose bud was starting to open then it exploded leaving red petals scattered around like blood. It always ended there with Roy screaming out loud as he woke up. Time after time, night after night. Tyler had over time became a good friend of all the boys, often at a meal, playing with the kids helping them with any problems. He was called to ask if he can help with the nightmares? Tyler slept with Roy to see if he can see what is going on. It went past without Roy waking up, but he could not see past the end of it. Tyler felt something that was not clear, but it felt like it was good, not bad. He called on some of the leading mind readers to read his own mind. He was told that if Roy was hypnotized he might be led past the end to see what was going on. Tyler would not do it as he thought he was too close to Roy. Luther grinned as he nodded his head, “I well do it but we need a covenant of the mind readers there just in case of need. A dozen leaders formed a ring around them as Roy was talked into what looked like a normal sleep. As he closed his eyes he was told to look for the rose bud, he nodded in his sleep. He looked everywhere in his mind to at last see a blue glow in the distance. He floated into a large room with a bud vase on a marble round white table. He thought it was a nice looking rose. Even as he looked at it one pedal opened a little, slowly so slowly the others opened as well. At last it was a fully open rose. The color changed from red to blue. The light in the room was now a light blue as well. the whole room slowly grew larger till it felt like he was standing in the center of a world. He could see stars glowing around him Roy reached out to touch the brightest star. He gasped as he touched Tyler”s mind. “What, how, oh you love me, I love you too.”

…..Roy woke up in his lovers arms crying. “Why are you crying? Never mind love I know already.” The rest of the mind readers spoke in his mind as each helped him understand how to use this gift. A full blown mind reader born with it, hid it because of his father, and born again because of love.

…..Worse, or better (Who knows?) the other brothers went along for the ride. They were all reading along with Roy. Oh boy new ways to change your mind. GIGGLE Daddy dearest had done some more harm. BOO HOO


~~~~~A rail fence~~~~~


Some of you well remember a rail fence, a boy hanging on it beat to death.


Shame on them.

…..A judge calls Jon, I need help. “Go on judge.” “We have boys vanishing here it looks like some of the police might be involved as they don”t seem to be looking for them.” Jon looked at the computer screen to see information running down the screen as MAX is working on it. “We will be there as fast as we can get there, look judge we won”t be playing nice if what I see on my screen here is proved true. We might need some get out of jail free cards.” “Done, thanks.”

…..Early the next day a cargo plane landed, a fleet of cars, trucks, and some loading crates were offloaded before it flew away. Jon”s cheery apple red car led the way. Jerry on a combat rigged wheelchair was driving his own car, no seat just clamps to hold the chair, his car had a half dozen of his sons crowded aboard, “Your not going alone dad.” Jon was frowning as he was in the same pickle. He had to tell the guards, “I stay out of most of it, you join the hunt.” Three guards shook their heads as they said a flat no. Everyone know Jon led from the front when it got hot. Most of the boys looked like hustlers, some the boy next door, school boys, or just kids. They really didn”t have any idea what was going on yet. A visit to the judge made it clear it was a gay thing. Some of the boys had been placed in jail falsely as the judge found out. He freed them and they vanished soon after.

…..Jon nodded as he turned to leave. A wave of his hand spoke of much.

…..Jerry with two of his boys headed out for a tour of the gay bars, and streets known as the place to pick up boys. The chair he was using looked like a piece of junk, wobbly wheels, the ragged looks lied. It had a motor hid under it, treads that can be deployed, Armed at the push of a button. Oh yes it can fly.

…..His boys wore some loose clothing that hid a whole lot, Yes some of those movie heroes would like what they had on them. Well they would like what was under the clothes as well. His boys acted like they were lifting the chair over the steps as Jerry made the chair light as a feather. He was speaking mean about damn steps as he rolled into the bar. He told the bartender about the damn law too. Said something about a fine as well. One of the men at the bar hugged him as he greeted him as an old friend. “Back in the chair again, sorry.” A wink, and a flinger to the lips said it all, “lets get a table in the back room, it is quite in there. A group of Jerry”s friends gathered around. Jerry made sure they all were okay as he asked them to watch out for the door. I need to have a private talk. Boys going missing was spoke of, and he learned it had been noticed. Okay guys here are some radios, you could say it be a bug. Slip them in your ear, and just whisper. These others plant on the kids, it will stick to the clothes like a leach. Get as many marked as you can. Call for more if needed. Watch out for strange Johns, mark them too, but with this one with the small white dot. It will mark them as suspects.

…..This went on all over town, His boys were back slapping boys all over town as Jerry watched them do the job. New boys were in bars, on the stroll, everywhere. A pair of young men were setting in an eatery getting a meal when three cops set down behind them at a table. One of them tapped on the table as he tilted his head, his brother stopped talking as they started hearing what was being said in the nest booth. He reached in his pocket to grab a small bug out of a box. He pushed a button on it, and slipped it onto the top of the petition. he tapped his watch a few times. He heard MAX answer, and tapped in a code. “The bug!” “Tap! Tap.” “Got you.” The brothers now could hear every word as MAX was sending it to them. They went on with the meal as they heard many nasty things being spoke of. As the cops stood to leave the brothers clumsily bumped into all three of them. “Sorry we”re bad.” MAX reported you got them all, bugs are clear as a ding dong. “A bell fool.” :Yes sir, but I”m your fool.”

…..Jon was wearing an ear bud now and called for every cop car, and there personnel vehicles as well be bugged NOW.” Bump into every cop in town. MAX interprets that to mean bug the whole system. a few DA”s and lawyers got bugged as well. The computer screens were filled with verbatim conversations color coded. Was Jon happy, hell no. He was in a rage. Jerry rolled into the house they had rented to order Jon out of the room, “Your blood is about to blow out your veins, get out of here now.” Jon”s face was red as red pepper, and almost as hot. He looked like he was going to say no, and Jerry just pulled the ear bud out of his ear, and pointed. One of the doctors, a kid of fifteen took a reading, and fed him three pills, one of them was a sleeping pill. He hung a gage around his arm, and hooked it up to MAX. He called out for MAX to watch him. Another screen opened up to show Jon”s readings in a graph form. It was often glanced at by everyone in the room.

…..A plan was hatched, “lets drag some of our boys by them. ” Done, it was already in the plan, and was in motion at once. Some of the boys on the street started putting on a show of being on sale for a price. Three brothers of twelve to fifteen were almost snapped up before Jerry finished speaking. The cops involved were off duty, but called in the find of some queers in the car. There was talk about having a party. Cars marked, and private were on the way at once to have a party. Most of them seemed to be pickup trucks with the required rifle in the rear window.

…..Jerry called the chase cars out, and pointed them at the road they were on. Jon was woke up as they all know he would be upset if he slept thro this. He didn”t get to drive his car. One of his boys happily got that honor. The chase crew were posted on the road ahead of the cops, and dropped off a few boys in flying suits anyplace that might be used by the cops. Extra boys were dropped anywhere Jon picked out. His head always seemed able to see what was going to happen. His second pick was it. The chase cars started picking up the unneeded boys on the way back. A call was heard that the Chief was on the way, with lights, and noise both. Jon waved his hand down at his young driver. The boy slowed down to the posted speed till the noise making car had passed him. He was getting ready to speed up when Jon told him, “lets go flying son.” The boys in the car already had on the suit-of-lights and Jon slipped one on as well. A fight of birds raced across the sky to land behind the rail fence that was infamous as the place a boy was beat to death on. God rest his soul. Jon touched the naked boys one at a time. He cut the ropes loose, and held the wrists in place to tell them not to move. As more, and more boys landed around the field the Chief drove up to call out his compatriots for starting without him. “Hell we just stripped them so they well be ready to enjoy a mans dick a real mans dick before they die crying.” Jerry dropped down beside Jon, a whisper spoke of having enough men, lets collect the trash. A single command from MAX had each person”s suit flash a single flash of light like a synchronous batch of fireflies. Jon pulled the cut rope off the three brothers wrist, and gave them a small push.

…..The boys stepped away from the fence, and did an imitation of Peter Pan, you have all seen the hands on the hips legs spread proudly, head high proudly disdain on their faces. SPEECH “Lay down your arms, and surrender, this time you don”t get to kill some helpless child.” Guns knifes fists, whips even were reached for. SO SAD TOO BAD out cold. Clubs, sleepy darts a fist, and so on. No one saw it coming, they just went from in charge to wearing handcuffs, gags too. sleeping gently to the sounds of the night.

…..A night court in a town that does not have a night court. A line of sleeping cops two DA”s, and a lawyer resting peacefully. Jon is ready to cut some throats. Here comes the Judge. “I”m a judge.” “So what, I”m mad.” It went on for awhile, and then the judge told him, they have to have a day in court. “It”s night, lets do it.” “A lawyer?” “There are four right there.” “Wake them up, and let them choose.”

…..Lucky fools they picked Jon”s best lawyer. They mentioned a kangaroo court, and were told to set down till the prosecutor had his turn. Recordings were played, witness spoke. film was played. Some of the men fall on that sword that always seems to be laying around the court rooms. They were called as witness as well. Damming really damming. A few others spoke up to point fingers. It came down to six leaders. Jon was calling for death. It was close, but Jon”s lawyer pleaded for their lives. As it looked like he might win, Jon said “you want life so be it, give them life.” Judge Gorge slammed that small hammer down on his desk so hard it broke, “So be it live it is.” Jon”s men started carting out the trash. Gags were needed as the noise level had raised. Jon had pointed his finger up at the end so the boys know he meant home. Jon was escorted by his young doctor as he was ordering him to bed. Jerry stayed behind to wind up the exit. Leaving the place with three policemen, and no one knowing where the rest had went was not thought of. Jerry called out for help from other stations around the country, and even mixed in some of Jon”s well trained combat types. Lots of good police owed Jon for turning in crooked people with enough on them to put them under the jail. The answers came in with a rush by daybreak a fully operating police force was in place. It was just a HIC part of a hic-cup.

…..Opps let me introduce Judge Peters. The judge asked why Jon left so fast? “He was so upset about all of this, your lucky you had live bodies to look at I was a-feared we would have a mass killing to cover up. It was just lucky his blood pressure settled down some.” “Well I do have another problem that I wondered if he could help out with.” “Jerry was pushed into the judges chambers as he was a little tired as well. His three sons set down on a couch to wait for dad. “Well I”m in charge of our junior construction camp.” “Your kidding?” “It”s not what they call, it but it is what it is. I”ve tried everything to fix it, but our town counselors are cheap skates. Not a penny for the place as it is a waste. It is ran by fools, and well…………” Jerry was trying to think what to say, when one of his sons spoke up, “Dad we have been bad boys.” Jerry grinned at the three boys smiling at him, “yes that is a good idea put them in jail sir.” “What the hell?” “Well they well be safe if we send in some backup for them, Give me a few days to get some people up here, and put them in. We need to check on the boys in there, and the crew in charge too. We need to understand how many worms are in the can.” “Hun?” “Let the worms out of the can. I guess you don”t fish.” “Not for years Jerry. They keep us too busy around here.” “Maybe it will eases up with some of the new cops you have, Jon had a hand in training some of them, and his idea is teach a kid the right way, and trust him to do it.”

…..A few days later Jerry”s boys are new fish to be corrected. Bull piss it is yell at push around, bully, call names. Jeez© there are some very lucky people in there, guards, and inmates the boys were told to not hurt any of them. YET. Oh Joy the day is coming.. Jerry is assembling a new company. Guards for hire We run it for you at a fair cost. Sure Jon runs it just like it is one of his homes. School first, good food, fair treatment, good actions is rewarded, cash in a bank is earned, jobs learned and placement when they get out. “He does put a tracer under their skin. You run one of his people brings you back no law involved. You know that old saw, I”m not guilty I should not be here. Some of his mind readers check it out, and place proof on the judges desk. Many of them were framed by the crocked police. Sloppy police work or paid off to put them away, some by their own parents. Low hum?

…..The first day one of the sons pointed out a guard that loved a nice ass, and would rip it open dry. “Let me at him, I”ll teach him what a whip is for.” “Not crippled boy, just get his attention.” One of the other pointed out the nice asses that needed attention from the new nurse/doctor too young to be either. The place had a construction crew show up the first week, and it rebuilt the place to Jon” standards.. High standards too. The three boys stayed around for a few weeks, One day they stopped one of the boys to tell him, It”s time for you to stop the act, your a kind good hearted boy not Mr. hard ass, we know you needed to act that way when Mr. stuff your ass was around. I saw you caring for the kid with his ass torn up. “Your acting too.” “Sure we are, go see the nurse and tell him your his helper.” “He”ll kick my ass.” “Not if you speak my name It”s Shoemaker.” Leroy was good at first aid, he seemed to always be ready to jump into the fray. With the nurse training him he was soon up to nurse standards, then the real training started. The boy was taught all that our nurses do. “But that is what doctors do.” “Yes and that is the next class.” “I”m really a doctor, your going for that too. Your good, get better.”

…..An other boy had a yen to work on stage handling all the backstage equipment. Training was started on the stage Jon had built as part of the entertaining package. Commutation, yes a boy was trained for that. A few singers were found, instrument players. Okay you get the idea. Roll with it.

…..Almost a year later on one of his trips to one of the camps as they were now called, Jon had drove his cherry red car to the camp. As he returned to the car he found four boys looking it over. “We didn”t” touch it or take anything sir.” “I know you didn”t, I was looking for you four anyway. Lets go for a ride.” “We can”t leave the place.” “Sure you can with me. First tell me about my car?” One raved about it”s color, another about what he can see inside it, the last spoke about it looking like it was built many years ago, but wasn”t it is close but is really modern. Jon clapped the boy on the back, “Here is the key drive it for me.” “I don”t have a license on me, they would never let me renew it.” I never asked about that, just drive it.” The boys were sacred but it was nice to be in the car. Jon waved at the gate guard, and he saluted him in return as he lifted the gate. “See you Jon.”

…..A few miles down the road Jon had the boy stop, “tell me more about my car?” “well it has less of an engine then it needs, it is too heavy, in good shape, must not be on the road much. Jon laughed out loud at the last statement. “Oh your good, lets get off the road. Jon had his hand hovering near the sensor that told the car the driver was ok to drive it. He slid it over another sensor which opened the flying controls. The young man was told to slide up one control, the engine shut down, as a low hum was heard from the trunk area. the car raised off the ground as the control was pushed up. “Easy son I can”t breath if you get too high.” “It can go to the station?” “It can, but not with us alive that is.”

…..Jon pointed out forward and the car started moving, “the speed is that leaver.” “Oh boy speed.” not so fast, “no don”t stop, just a cruising speed. That”s okay. now touch the screen scroll down to Ski lodge, and touch it on the screen.” Okay relax it well beep when we get there. “Wow this is cool.” Yes it came before the first plane, and then the first flight to the moon. We really didn”t know much back then.” “But what if someone sees it?” “You all know what a holograph is, well we vanished as soon as the controls opened.” A beep was heard, and Jon guided the car to a road near the lake. He told him to reach under the dashboard where a knot hole was painted on it, “push the doorbell there. It tells them It is me.” A short drive to a small parking lot near a cliff at one end, “Drive inside when I open the door.” Jon touched another Knot hole that opened up to a larger parking area. The door slid shut as soon as they cleared it. A small people carrier was next that was parked near an elevator. This went down, and down till they reached Jon”s floor. He led them to a kitchen. He didn”t feel like making anything so he tapped a unit to speak an order for them all. A dumbwaiter rang almost as he was done talking. Drinks, and fine food was soon on the table. Soon it was in them. “When do we have to go back?” “Never I have some jobs for you.” “How can you do that?” “I run the place, and have complete control, haven”t you seen boys walk out the gate before?” A nod from each was given, well you flew not walked. I guess that means your going further. Lets see you are going to be flying something larger, and visiting the space station. You need to get acquainted with my computer now, oh you have already worked with him, he has been talking with you for years. The other boy was shown the view of the forest around them, and was told about needing a new ranger to run the place, the forth boy was asked, can you run the main office of the Hire a Guard company? Jon clapped his hands together, and spoke of a concert at the Ski Lodge tonight, Formal wear is needed. Strip to the skives, and stand on the white circle on the floor move around in the circle. Okay the suit well be in that closet soon. The other three soon were dressed as well. Jon had been dressing as they got there duds as he called them. He led them to one good looking theater. Surprise it was the Virgin Tour in full suits doing classical, yes faces painted as always. Oh I mean tours as it was some of the best of all fourteen of the groups. I would have hated to be the one picking out the best, as there never seemed to be any worse among them.


~~~~~Whips in Virginia~~~~~

…..Jon seems to answer the phone often. “Hello.” “Judge Larry here again.” “Lord not more nasty people again?” “No it has been quite around here, but I have a problem. I have to resign as a judge.” “I was afraid that night court might do this to you, your not like me, just too damn honest.” Jon went on to speak about teaching him how to look at how a man deserved death, life, or any amount he can give him. “I can do that, but he was right it was a kangaroo court.” “Sure it was Larry, but you wanted to be honest. You do know my honest lawyer almost got some of them off, as guilty as they were too?” A simple yes was all he can say. “Okay resign, when you get all the paper work done head down here to Old El Paso on the beautiful Rio Grande. I might have a job for you. You know if I resign it will just be an empty chair I left behind not one piece of paper with your name on it left behind. Laughter from both of them as they hang up.

…..Almost a month later Jon looked up to see his old friend. A hug, a pat on the back, “Free at last, I forgot you were coming it has been too long.” “Your always right Jon I should have just made a run for it.” “No if you did that the wife, and kids would still be looking for you. Where are they Larry?” That hotel downtown. “Not that slum distract, that”s not the place for my personnel lawyers family.” “What happened to Rich?” “I fired him he was too honest, no I had a need for him to open a new law firm. A lady friend was fired for being a female, and needed a new place to work. I stole a batch of other ladies, and started a new law firm, You know how the good old boys work. Well Rich opened an all male firm with her in the same office building. It is sort of a scam. Rich is charging high, and she under bids him. Her hot ladies are making a name for themselves, If they want to move on someday they will put us out of business. Larry told him, “your crooked as a snake, and do good in hidding all the time. Wait a minute your pulling another scam. I almost missed it.” “Oh see your already reading my mind.” “Where is the house Jon?” Oh your sharp, lets take a ride, I well show you.” Jon drove down Trans Mountain to a batch of new homes in a gated area. “I can”t afford this.” “I already own it, Well really I had it built along with all the others inside the gate. It is where some of my people live that have outside jobs. They need an address, you know how the government hates someone to tell them to send my check to the cave off highway whatever.” Jon changed the conversation, “has your oldest son gave you any problems?” “Damn you know already, I don”t know how, but yes he told me he is gay.” To be honest I bugged you when we first had a case in front of you. No we did not use anything we heard just that you were honest. Well do you remember that day he got in trouble at school, and you had to bring him to court with you?” “Yes so what?” “Well we, GAYS can read faces, eye movement, expressions, and so much more. We don”t know what, but we look at someone, and nod as we think he is one of US.” He went on to ask, “is he still your son?” “Sure he is out to the whole family. We had a group talk, his sister said, I”ve known for a year, so what, just stay out of my dresses. A cat fight almost started right there as he told her she had poor taste in clothing. His younger brother claimed more tail for me. I almost broke bad on him for the tail crack. Luckily I saw it was a joke to let everyone recover.” “Good for you, tell him he can come with you to work.” The two look over the house. “Is it already bugged Jon?” “Sure it is MAX gets his rocks watching little girls undress. No most of is to watch any entrance by unwanted people. Oh yell help, scream, and see how fast someone appears out of the wall.” “The wall?” “Yes, come into the livening room.” He was led to the fireplace, unused most of the year. A push on two stones, nether moved, but a door swung open to some stairs as a light came on. If it is raining, or heaven help us snowing come to work thro here.

…..Any problem if the rest find out about this? Yes, and no. It is up to you about how much they know, the younger lady might get a shock as we don”t hold to any dress code, other what you want is what you do. Yes naked often. Okay I understand. Oh yes there are escape holes in all the bedrooms. Is all of this needed? “No but if it is ever needed it is nice to have.” A nod was answer enough.

…..As with all ladies June”s first words were, rugs, furniture, wall hanging. Jon grinned as he pointed at the fireplace. lets go for a walk. He led the whole family along a sidewalk lined with vines, flowers, small well shaped trees. “Pretty.” A concealed door is pushed open to let them enter a sales-room. It was mostly hand carved, turned, hand made all. Chairs of all kinds, tables, beds, bedroom accessory, bathrooms as well. another room was rugs, Jeez© calling them rugs, lets call the Mont Lisa a sketch. June was setting cross legged on the rug feeling each color with a finger as she almost prayed over it. She looked up at last to see a boy looking at her. “Sorry I saw this and just had to touch it.” No problem most ladies do that too. Do you want to view some others we have on stock?” A silent nod as she stood up. The boy waved a arm at the rug as he called out Ababa-MAX, The rug changed as they all looked at it, The boy told them “it is just MAX he displays the rugs as we have too many to pile up here. “It looks real.” MAX copied one the lady made in his mind one day, She was flying on the C5 Galaxy, and one of the boys asked MAX to make the cabin vanish, She was not happy walking on air so Jon told her to make a rug. The one you saw was concocted by her, and MAX right their. What size room, and what kind of room? Measurements were called out for each size room. Max started showing rugs as a finger was waved it changed, Colors, size, pattern, all was spoke out loud as he discarded many out of hand. it was soon down to three rugs in one of the rooms. The whole family spoke no on one of them, and the last two were shown side by side. Two thumbs down lost to the rest. The rest of the rooms went faster as MAX only showed them the kind he had heard from them. MAX asked if they wanted him to show them some other items she had done. A projection was used to display many coffee table items, glass, pots, metal, a pot made of clay with mirrors cut into odd shapes glued on it. Wow was heard often. A glass vase of a soft gray with shapes of blue, red, and a light white swirling around in the gray was liked by all. “Oh it is too much.” Not really that is the cost for the rich. This one is not signed. I could give it too you as a part of whatever you are buying. The children”s rooms had not been addressed. “Leave it for later mom, we have all we need for now.

…..A walk down the hall led to an ice-ream shop. The clerk was Johnny on the spot, asked what they wanted with a smile, and even pointed out some they might like. After they set down to eat they all noticed he was busy with a laptop. Marc with a c went back to get some more napkins. “What”s so interesting on the laptop.?” “Just trying to get ahead in my classes, some of us want to go skiing next weekend.” “You can do that here? Dad wants us to go here too.” “It depends on which school you pick, ask before you jump.” “Thanks sir.” “Jason, never sir. Jon always says he works for a living, no one really knows what he does.”


~~~~~Back to Washington for a minute~~~~~~

Take a Vice away from a President and what do you have?

…..A very surprised new President was running in place, really he was reeling as he was trying to find out why his boss had quit, and moved out of the country so fast. He had asked all that should know. Lets see I saw nothing, I heard nothing. An honest answer was I can”t tell you. There are lots of people there, lets jump to a senior security agent. I never saw anyone that day that does not work here. The President had seen a lot of thought going into the answer, and he thought hard about the way it was said. “The man was not lying to me, but he had to not be saying anything that was a lie

…..The next day the agent was slated for a security meeting. After the meeting he was asked to set down for a talk. The President said, “I”m worried I need to know how to act to be the best President I can be. Do you have any ideas how I can do that? The agent thought hard as he saw the man was being smart not asking about the former President in a direct way. Hum might work, “well the first item should be all this hate in the newspapers. Prejudice is the first thing you need to think about, there are hate words we all know, don”t use them ever. You are the President of the whole United States. “If you have a friend who is a motorbike rider, a hater which a lot of them are just don”t have him. Look your glad handing a crowd Shake a hand, a white hand 1 2 3 4 go on to the next a black man 1 2 3 4 5, move on same thing with others that are perceived as losers. Do the two hand shake you know one hand shaking the other hand holding both your hands. It”s a vote getter not all the time mix it up. Pictures, none with some of the public haters, we all know them. Lets say a bill is passed full of hate for a say gays some of the haters are in office, veto it at once not just let it pass Send it back with a note Prejudice should be right above your signature, and if it passes hang them in the news. It is one of the hottest buttons right now. “Your not saying to do everything for just that?” “No not to excluded other items, just plan how to survive. “Then it”s true someone was there with HIM?” “Your on swampy ground don”t go there. Okay let me list some things, a man who was not there, something about a list in the papers, a treat maybe, Does that all add up?” “Yes some does add up, but that man is never there. If you ever meet him run. Someone told me a story once about a cop in New Orleans, he ran down a slob Mr. big in the crime families, A gun fight, a slug to the heart, one in the forehead, one in the mouth, he wanted to be sure he was dead. I heard the cop turned the body on its back, spit in his eyes, and pissed in his mouth too. The man that was not there walked up to the cop one day shook his hand said, “good job, and handed him a hundred dollar bill. Did he spend it, hell no it has a hand made frame and hangs on his living room wall. That damn frame is worth almost as much as what it holds. The man that made it asked what it was for, and marked paid in full on the bill.

…..”Lets see the man is well liked, hated by some, rich, never seen, or known everywhere what the hell is he a saint or sinner?” “Lets see, Don”t piss him off or he”ll piss on you.” “Like the cop did,” “Yep, goodbye sir.”


~~~~Back to wherever I was~~~~~~

…..Oh yes school, Marc with a c was tested to the fillings in his teeth, he claimed. His siblings as well. It took MAX a while to look it over. No on the computer learning for the main classes. First of all they had been in some antique schooling, NEED TO FIX THEM. Throw them into a fast catch up lane. They all test as smart, but behind. It won”t take long at all. A collage/training school for school teachers at least that is what is stated. Jon at first had a woman”s collage for some ladies from his home. Lets not ask any questions about that. Then he started one beside it for boys and others next-door to it. A whole book can be wrote about the fight with the city about how high it can be. Jon as always won. He wanted over eighty stories. NO “Okay He dug two large holes in the ground twice as wide as the footprint of the building, as long also. Well he built his eighty stories, half above ground, and the rest underground, and three times the space when it was done as he had wanted in the first place. It had to be used so. an off the books grade school/high school called a teacher”s collage. “It has to practice teaching so……….” Jon wanted a place where he can hide boys that need schooling. He built a batch of schools staffed them with some of the boys/men that had learned in his school underground. No certificate to hang on his wall so they are student teaching. The place was doing so well that parents were moving so they can enter the school. Good luck, a test from hell is first, not just a test, a look at how there mind works, hate, some dislikes of other people. BY, By, so sad goodbye have a nice day.

…..As Marc was standing around a handsome boy walked by him, and knocked his book out of his hand. Marc. Expecting a fight as often happened at his old school he was surprised to see the boy reach down to pick the book up as he said he was sorry. The boy saw the fists as he stood up, “it was that bad where you came from?” “Hun.” “Good answer Leroy.” “Marc with a c, Leroy went in that door.” “The girls restroom?” “Well maybe he is strange.” “Enough He-he my name is Steven.” “Where are you going in such a hurry?” “Mat training, want to come along, learn to fight without fists?” “Could be fun to try.” A fast walk, and a large room with mats everywhere. A finger pointed at some bleachers, as he slipped into a gee. The book was soon beside him as he watched this or that boy flying thro the air. “Gee that guy looks like he made to all the way across the darn mat with out touching the floor once, Ow that had to hurt. Oh gee he is bleeding. A rush to a box with a red cross on it he had a handful of equipment in hand as he got to the mat. He already had some gauze in his hand wiping off the blood as he looked for where it was coming from. He had just poured some peroxide over the wound when a doctor walked up, with a-doc-in-a-box right beside him. “Thanks, let me get that stitched up, and he can get back to killing someone else.” “I”m sorry I didn”t know a doctor was around.” “Don”t worry Jon has been pushing having one of us around where violence is being done. I”m really off duty, but I take a rest while waiting for one of them to take a fall like this. By the way you were doing one good job there. I would have liked to see the rest of the job.” “Well it would have had to be bandages as there was no thread in the kit.” “You looked for thread?” “Sure where I went to school I had to do it at least once a month. Our school was famous for fights, and not hiring a nurse that know the job. I was head fixer up around the place. It saved me from having to fight some rough guys that I fixed up.”

…..”Tell Jon about that, he likes to nose into shit like that.” “I”ll tell dad he works with him.” “Oh is that the new lawyer. I heard about him, he is one good guy.” A pat on the back as he wrapped the arm, “okay head back try to use the other arm for awhile.” “Is that a good idea.” “Nope but they train to work around injuries. The rest of them will watch out for him.” “Come on with me.” “Why?” “We need people like you around, your going to add nurse training to your schooling.” “I wish MAX would look beyond the usual questions.” MAX spoke up from somewhere nearby, “Your wish is my command.” Marc giggled as he asked “does he do that all the time?” “Nope he must like you, or I would have gotten an E-MALE saying the same thing.” Doctor Bones was grumpy today. “Some fool was working in the lab, and dropped two tubes that should never be in the same room. He will get better someday. We had to run so much water over him we will be lucky to get a bath for a week.”

…..”Forget the fool, we have a new nurse in training who learned how to stitch up a wound on his own.” His school can”t pay a real nurse so the kids have to do it on their own.” Oh boy look out hell a whole school district well be there soon if Bones orders are taken. He took Marc to his office, and did another test from hell. handed him a orange, give it a shot of water 20 CCs Handed him his other tools to see if he can use them. The new thermometer was looked at like it might explode, “What is this for?” “Turn it on, and wipe it across the forehead.” “Well I”ll be damned.” That is fast, and you don”t have to shake it down.” MAX are you keeping track, send them some new stuff, they are cheap ass-holes dumb as a board, ask them to pour water out of a boot and put the directions on the bottom side. The above is part of a thirty minute tirade from Bones. Marc was busy writing it down. MAX was also keeping track for new words. “Wow your good, where did you learn some of those words?” “Oh your too young to hear some of those words.” “Too late, and I can”t wait to try some of them out.” “Oh Lordy.”

…..Marc hurried back to meet Steven. He wanted to try out this way of fighting. Steven led him over to the master, He bowed as he spoke their names, Marc with a C this is Son, Yes he is Mr. Moons son, so he called him Son it is a Japanese thing. He could have used a U in it as it would sound the same.” He was soon being given his costume, and had some time set up to get started. A rush to get back to the hall where he is too meet his father. Oh man how will he handle all this when he finds out?” As he walked in to the hall he heard a large boy calling a smaller boy names. Marc walked up to tap him on the shoulder, “I don”t think this is allowed around here.” A fist is thrown at his face. He has been watching experts doing this all afternoon. He does it. oh my it works, the bully was face down on the floor with his useless fist up in the air held there by a strong hand, a knee in the back was something he had learned at home. “I”ll have your ass for this.” Gee I didn”t think you swung that way, but make a date. “You damn fairy get your cum covered hands off me.” “Gee, first you want a date, and now you don”t like my cum what kind of a prick tease are you.” A guard the principle, and even his dad came in together. “Oh boy this is going to be bad, very bad.” As they were all demanding, the bully was screaming, a picture was projected on the wall, it showed the whole bad acts of the boy, the small kid was telling them it was true. Marc turned over the arm to the guard with a smile, “Sorry dad, gee I”m glad MAX likes me.” The principle said “charge him with it all, and get him out of my building. now.” She turned to shake Marc”s hand as she said welcome, and it looks like you will fit in with Jon”s young warriors.” “A lover, I”m a lover, I was just lucky I was watching a batch of boys working out on the mats, and must have learned something.” “Your not trained? well you will be, join them today.” “I already did, it looks like fun. Oh yes dad I was drafted I be a nurse now. I need some help, Doctor Bones used some words that I want to find out what they mean.” The lady turned white, “if he was mad forget everything he said. Oh Lord save us. Here is your assignments the rooms are all marked on the map.” “Thanks Miss.?” “Miss Archer.” The group broke up with the young lad walking with them as they walked to a cafeteria. “Join us,” both of the father, and son said together.

…..”Oh I can”t,” a strong arm was placed around the two boys shoulders. “Yes you can.” “Yes sir.” Marc lost it when he heard some boys singing around a piano. “That has to be some of the Virgins, no one ever sees them without their paint. What are they doing here?” “Most likely going to school.” Young Buddy spoke up to say, “someone is always singing for their supper, as they call it.. You don”t have to be a Virgin. I even sing once in awhile.”


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next day,

© ” School days, school days

Dear old Golden Rule days

“Reading and “riting and “rithmetic

Taught to the tune of the hick”ry stick

You were my queen in calico

I was your bashful, barefoot beau

And you wrote on my slate, “I Love You, Joe”

When we were a couple o” kids .

…..Yes vacation is over Room 224 (I think I”ve been here before.) I never had a Mr. Shoemaker as a teacher before. Oh that is Marc”s teacher. He teaches Math IV Oops some one has a brain if he is in that level of math. The teacher does not ask what Marc knows, MAX has been busy. He also knows from his father that if bored. he is a joker. No problem, an assignment is ready for the boy. “Wow you sure like to get me busy.” “I sure do, so start on it while I get the rest on there way.” Marc had his head down working on the problem when a spit ball lands on his paper. He looks around to see Steven grinning at him. A finger says thanks a lot or maybe something else. KIDS! Mr. Shoemaker is upset. He looks at Marc often with a frown. He texted a couple of massages while everyone is working. One was answered at once. “Don”t do this to me, Miss Archer,” Answer: “It well be okay I texted my brother, he has not answered yet, I think I can hang on till he gets here.” Send

…..At lunch break The teacher is eating on his desk when a knock on the door interrupted him. Marc put his head, his fine red head into the room, “Excuse me I wanted to know why you don”t like me all the frowns make me nervous.” “You make me nervous, I always swore that kids were off limits. You walk in the door, and it hit the fan. (FIND hit the fan with search) You are gay right?” `sure I”ve been out for almost a year. Are you too?” “Yes I”ve been having fun, no live in lovers, just drop in drop out, do it again then you walk in with a smile that puts that arrow in my heart, I didn”t even see the bow.” He went on to tell the young man he already told Miss Archer he had to resign “How does that help?” “I told you I can”t teach you, and be in love with you, so I am not going to teach you.” `Oh boy I fell too as soon as I looked at you.” The eyes are speaking volumes. Oh good I have it bad. Both move to kiss the other. “No back it down, we have to tell your father first.” Marc spoke a few words he had learned from Bones.” “Hey when did you meet Doctor Bones?”

…..The teacher led Marc to an elevator, it dropped to the lowest floor of the school then kept going down, and down. When the door opened Marc know they were in Jon”s land of fantasy. A batch of electric purple people movers set beside the door. A two man one was soon carrying them to Marc”s home. A few steps led them to the back of the fire place, a polite knock on the entrance before opening the door was made by the older man, well not that old, he was nineteen after all. Larry stood as the door swung open. “Mr. Shoemaker is there a problem?” “Call me Andy sir, this is not a school problem, it”s mine. I have came here to ask for your sons hand?” “What?” With a smile Andy added “well if the rest of him was included it would be swell.” “You do mean sex?” “Oh indubitable sir. Just not right away, I will be courting, and getting to know him first. I already have resigned my job, as it would be unseemly to be teaching him and courting him.” Larry set thinking Yes, No what can I say, do, Call Jon, tell my wife, the kids.

….”How does this work around here?” “If love grows it sometimes takes a long relationship before family is told we are one. When a sludge hammer is used like your son swings it is no use waiting to speak, I needed to let you know he had won my heart at first smile.”

…..Larry called his wife, “June can you come here. Dear your son is in heat.” “What do you mean?” “He stole a heart, and brought Andy here home to tell us they are mated for life.” She held her sons shoulders as she read his eyes like one of the mind readers. A nod and a hug for Andy, “welcome to the family, will we need a larger bed?” “No dear lady, there will be no need till we get beyond getting to know each other then I do have my own rooms down below. We might stay over someday, but it is not just sex, it is true love.” Jimmie and his sister Nancy came into the room to see what was going on. As soon as he heard about Andy he got an evil grin on his face, “can I have his room then, he won”t need that good sound system he got for Christmas last year.” The fight almost got started before everyone was laughing. Nancy wanted to know at once, “can I have a boyfriend stay over too?” No came from both parents at once, “no baby making in this house please.” Snacks were made for all as they talked, Nancy at last decided to say, “I like him, I think you should keep him.” “Gee thanks sis.” The first kiss as Andy spoke of having to get some sleep as he had an early class. “I hope my brother gets here soon. This bachelor live is getting old fast.” “Wow move fast brother,” Marc said as he was abandoned by his love. “Bed now all three of you.” Jimmie went with his brother to ask, “Does he have any younger brothers, maybe my age?” “Oh shit, your coming out brother?” “Yes I saw what you have, and sure would like to meet Mr. right.” “Go tell dad now he will understand and tell you no playing around till your older, just nod, and shut up. I”ll ask Andy, Opps Mr. Shoemaker to help you out.” Shock in the family as Nancy spoke of having to practice that baby making as she was the only hope now. It did lighten the mood some.

…..The next day AGAIN as Andy was stacking folders on the top of the file cabinet he was wondering about his brother. Wondering why he had not called him back, a knock on the door, the old saw, A shave, and a hair cut. He called out, “come in brother welcome back to the world.” “Hey brother Anchorage Alaska is not that bad, if you have long underwear that is.” “What were you doing up there anyway?” “If I tell you that, I”ll have to kill you.” “Oh the BEAR is making noise again?” A silent nod was all that was said. Andy moved the pile of folders to the desk. He started with the students, Victor flipped one open, and quickly paged thro it, pointed at a line raised an eyebrow. Andy spoke, and he was onto the next folder. This went on for a short time. The next pile was handed to him, “Oh LAWS of the school, any of it new since I was last here. Andy pulled out one folder to find a single paper. Here this is important. A glance at the paper, and he handed it back, “that is over due., next?” “Not now lets eat. “The food still good here?” “Sure.” I feel love in the air!” Hey stay out of my mind brother.” “I”m not in it, you have a glow about you, married yet, and with child?” “Lord no, the student Marc with a C, he ambushed me the first day, he smiled, and I was in love.” “Hum he has an out of sight IQ, picture is fine, the look in your eye says a lot, I well check him out to see if he is good enough to join our old, and wonderful family. Oh he has a younger brother called Jimmie, watch out for him, He is sex on legs, I read him as gay, I don”t think he is out yet. They had been walking to the cafeteria, and joined the line, They slipped into each others minds to get caught up with family news. Many a grin as they ate was seen. A nod of Andy”s head had Victor checking out the two boys, and their sister as well. “Nice family. Your right the younger boy does ooze sex, and he is gay, no doubt about that.” “Oh joy that girl is almost a mother, she wants sex with a boy, heaven help who ever she trips.” “She sleeps around then?” “No she could join one of our bands, she is not interested in sex without love first.” “You know you still scare me with reading feelings like I can read a mind. I don”t think I could walk around without going nuts.” Victor was busy for most of the meal nodding at people who were happy to see him again and were dropping greetings in his head. Some of the mind blind stopped to greet him in person. Andy grinned as he passed on that his brother had a new pupil transferring in. I just got a warning in my mind, Jimmie got kicked up a grade after running thro all the tests he was given on the first day. He don”t miss a blame one of the answers. Your going to have your hands full with him. A frown, and, “thanks loads brother dear. I”ll have to sharpen my pen.” “Pencil brother.”

…..After lunch they returned to the folders, Victor paged thro them at a speed that would have most people looking cross eyed. He shuffled the folders like a deck of cards, and piled them on top of the cabinet. “Next.” “Classroom 224. “I”ve heard that before somewhere.”

…..Later Marc was meeting Steven to enjoy getting thrown around on the mats. He did enjoy the exercise, and learning the ropes. As Steven was stepping on the mats he stopped like he had run into a wall, his eyes unfocused. One of his friends grabbed his arm, and led him to a seat. Marc wondered out loud, “what”s wrong?” It looks like shit. He is getting a pile of shit fed into his fucking mind, and it has to be shit, big shit to not even let him set down first. “Oh shit tell the master I”m not here, I”ll tell him later why.” as he turned to get dressed. “Come along Marc we are going on a trip, Andy just told me to let you know. “What, how, what the hell is going on, I have classes?” “Oh you didn”t know about the mind reading stuff yet! Just come with me we have a meeting of the team. I guess you are going to learn on the job,” a wondering boy was soon in a room. It was not a classroom, that was for sure, There were medical personnel he had met, People from the classes on the mats.. He know they were high in knowing how to fight, Dangerous for sure. Andy was at the podium passing out orders, he pointed at a seat when Marc caught his eyes. A nod of welcome. Marc”s father was talking with some of the leaders. He looked mad. Most of the people in the room were not showing any emotion. Marc had seen them often, happy, busy just being human. A few low cuss words were heard. Never really loud, or at anyone around them. MAX displayed some pictures on a large screen Marc looked sick as he saw two boys, you might of seen them in concentration camp pictures, whips were involved for sure, starved almost to death. They were almost beyond crying, just almost there. Marc ran for a waste basket, he set on the floor hugging it after he went dry. His tears were rolling down his face as he hugged it. Andy stepped to his side to say softly, “I did it too, till I got too mad, Now I”m going to stop it dead if we need to.” “Can I help?” Yes but not too much your not trained that well yet.” Jerry”s triplets are going in according to the plan that has been purposed. We have a whole backup crew here, and some local people as well. It is going to be some days before we can pull the plug on them. I hope we have some nice police there or we will have to dispose of them.” “You would kill a cop?” Don”t like to but sometimes it is needed. We heard some are involved with all of this.” “Oh no not cops,.”

…..It was hours later when the cargo plane was fired up, clothes, food, and weapons, and boxes, or crates of unnamed items were loaded first before the combat teem filed aboard, lists were everywhere as people checked off names, lists of what was loaded. The ship was given preference as the airport people know if this ship was moving out it was needed fast. Jon never used it for anything but what the airport know were close to a full combat moves. It might be gone a day, a month or all year, but needed lots of tender lovingly care when it retuned. It had only returned twice with bullet holes in the skin, and even some blood on the floor. An unhappy crew both times.

…..Marc never know where they were going till he saw the warships tied up to docks, and a ship heading out to sea, “Norfolk Virginia?” “Yes beaches, and bitches in one state.” Two buses, four trucks, 2 1/2 ton army trucks no less with army drivers. The crew offloaded the ship, and some rode with it. The rest in the buses Olive drab in color, looking like baby shit as some called it. A hotel near the beach was empty of guests, so they were the only people living there, The local people had emptied the place so only the crew were there. No new guests till it was done. A ball room soon had blackboards, post it boards. phones galore, computers, screens showing shots of some buildings Even as they were getting settled in new pictures of people of interest as the cops liked to say were posted, Video of some of them were running within a few minutes. An orphanage was posted on the of interest board. All of the attendants, bosses or lawn care were listed with facts below each picture. Research was being updated fast. One board called customers, was slowly being filled with pictures as well as home addresses, a few businesses as well. facts as well were soon being placed on this board as well. It was busy as the people got used to the job. Marc, and his father needed fingers pointed where to go, and what to do at first. The lawyer was there to yell don”t do that. If any of the subjects ever got to court there would be no slack because someone violated his God given rights, no they are government given rights. BOO HOO. A few days later some were told they were off duty, three shifts were set up, Beaches were invaded. One day Andy started training on a section of beach. It was not a mat, but you didn”t have a mat when it was needed. Each shift set up there own training on the beach. It was soon gathering a crowd of onlookers. They soon wanted to do some of the moves they saw. Andy called them for not doing it right. He started a class, boys, and some young ladies as well. It was only ten minutes later when a beach officer turned up to ask questions. Andy smiled as he answered him, “Good job sir, I”m glad to see a copper doing his job.” He hunted thro his wallet to hand the man a few of his cards. The one from the FBI was looked at carefully, “Gee we don”t get many of these around here.” Andy smiled as he waved a hand around the crew, “do you want see some from a batch of other outfits?” “A group deal here?” “We will be around for awhile, but we are not here. Even the rest of the people that might want to know should not be told, some of them might get loose lips. What was that bit from the war? Oh yes loose lips sink ships?” Do you get the drift?” “Yep I”ve seen some hanky stuff going down around here.” A handshake as the officer walked away. “MAX check him out.” “Got him. By the way all the hanger-on”s but three check out.” Point out the three, and tell us why.”

…..Later on back at the hotel Andy looked over the reports, “Good job MAX we well talk to the three to see if they need something. That is one fine officer.” The three needed help two were gay, and had to fight because of that, the other was a straight brother who hated haters. Marc self volunteered to speak to the three boys. It went something like I did it too, but had a friend film it, and cleared me at once, I had just been told to get fucked, and told him to make date. “Gee he was mad. And I never did get fucked.” “Did you want him to do it?” “No way he was dirty, ugly, and a fool into the bargain. Now I have my own lover.” “Your gay and don”t care who knows?” Yes, and no, yes to friends, no to all the people I don”t know or like.” “Forget all that shit, lets get some training, I was lucky the fool took a swing at me, and I had been watching some of these guys beating each other up all afternoon I almost broke off his arm. Dumb luck, now I know how to do so much more.” The training went on every day, and some of the other boys had an evening go at it. Andy made sure to explain, If I ever find out one of you is bully, or take advantage of a less trained fool just for fun you might live to regret it. Save a kid male, or female, if some fool breaks bad because you hurt the fool give me a call one of our lawyers will take the case for free. “Your not just a beach bum are you?” Oops I thought I had passed the test, and here you go telling on me.” “I saw that cop looking at your ID I thought he was going to kiss your shoes or higher.” “Gee that might of been nice, but I”m in love already.” “Yeah with Marc with a C.” “Oh damn, do you want a job?” “Only if it is honest work.” Andy held out a hand and did the wiggle side to side as he grinned at he boy. “Let me see some of what you do, and I well answer later.” Marc asked him later I”m not good enough for you, looking for a new boy?” “Never, but we are always looking for smart kids that need a hand up.” “That might be a good job for you to work on with MAX.” “Yes, but your the mind reader in this family.” “I might be, but that is not how I work, I”ve never looked at you mind, Oh I know some things that leak out. Look we need to set down sometime to talk about minds. You have what we call feelings, and read them. None of them can fool you, it is a gift too.”

…..A slow month goes by, watching the three boys being berated, slapped around, eating slop. Protecting others, getting some away from them. Oh do the scum hate to lose a cash cow just as they are getting ready to cash him in, and cash him out. Talk about cussing up a blue streak© The day has came when the three boys were going to be sold to some real nasty whip carrying lovers of boys, but hide it well as they use the whips to get off on the pain. The money exchanges hands on film as the boys just mess with the headman by hidding from him. They let him find them after telling MAX it is going down with 1 on the big board. About eight o”clock after we let the mad man find us, he is so mad he has lost any sense of looking at what is going on. “We just need to get him mad enough to say what he has in his wee evil mind.” “Be safe, we can pull the rest of them in at the same time, we have enough to but them away till they are tripping on the long white beard.” “What beard?” “The one it takes twenty years to grow. We also have a guard in the prison that will let slip what they have been doing. Beards don”t grow in a coffin, at least not too long.”

…..Plans go array often, the three brothers were found early, it was only twenty minutes early, they were striped naked tied up in the back of a delivery van. Sure it delivered the boys to a garage attached to a mansion in the best part of the town. Fancy cars, fantasy houses, and grounds. The boys were sold as the man selling them told the crowd they can kill them like they did to the other four they cut up last year, these duds are too much trouble to me, get rid of them.” A small grin as they heard the man admit to murder. He is just as guilty as them, and will burn for it. The grin vanished as ropes were put on their wrists, and they were soon hanging off the floor. One of the men got his kicks spinning them around. he slapped there asses ,and balls each turn as they passed in view, laughing his head off as he was hurting them. Vince called him a queer pussy as he spit on him in passing. Oh no he had whip, and had practice using it too. Vince had distracted the man from his brothers. He know he can take more then they can. Screams of hate were heard as Vince egged him on. “Pussy can”t even hurt a poor little boy all tied up, I wonder what he could do if I was loose.”. He was ready to cut the boy down when the head whatever ordered him away to tell him how they are going to kill them, and where they can dump the leavings. Vince had a glimpse of the watch he was wearing, ten minutes more. He was wired, a hidden mike, he could call in a rescue team right now, but he was a team player. He moved his finger to say ten. his brothers now had a time check. Andy was going nuts wanting to go in but the time was important, there were still two men to round up. Larry yelled at him to go in now we have tracers on the two, let them run. One of the doctors heard the order to go in on the radio, and they went in. The men were darted, and clubbed down. Cameras were running the whole time, but for some reason none of the film, and none of the men were ever seen again, including the boss man seller of boys. His confession was broadcasts all over the states. One of the talking head spoke in a whispering voice, Run fools, it will just make you tired before you die. Oh my God that snipped of sound was used over, and over. The orphanage was emptied, the Pope himself led the kids away to a happier home. New laws were spoke off, but as Jon said, “not enough, not good enough, too damn late, adopt a kid and treat them right.


~~~~~farm kids ~~~~

…..Yes farm kids, go to school work long hours, no parks, few friends too far to go, funny clothes, lack of money. That”s Enough. To little, not happy. One of the boys had enough he know about Jon, had heard some whispers. He met him one day, “sir we have nothing, help us like you do for your kids.” A nod, and they were separated by a batch of people. A hand waved at him as Jon nodded yes. MAX was called at once, research at once go.” When MAX got his nonexistent teeth in a problem, he chewed it over, or gummed it to death. Jon got a call to tell him the boys name place he lives, and spoke of others in the same fix, on chewed it over They can”t come to us, we can”t go to them, Hey Mickey Rooney, lets have a show in the barn! A call asked about the music they as in all the kids like, Any of you sing act, cook, In other words can you put on a play, sing alone cook a meal put on a show in the barn? Enough said, “Dad can I use that old burn over there that you don”t use since we put that new one up last fall.” “Sure but what for?” “Well we need someplace like that bandstand Jon donated to the town square, A theater, a move house, band, something to do beside work.” “Good idea son.” A plow, a gang mower, rakes shovels, paint applied. It was clean looked nice, was far enough from the house there was no need to yell, “turn down that loud noise.” Some of the neighbors gave what they could even if it was just a hand. Many hands working together work wonders. The front of the barn was cut open glass windows from many a remodel that had been done were dug out. Framed in as a patch work of glass, and wood it looked good, and better as some fresh paint made it all match. Cost lots of work, and five gallons of paint.

…..At first a bale of hey fitted out with a cover by some mother, or a handy daughter. One bale or two dozen, the bales were all different. Each person used leavings from the home. No cost except for thread. Talk about how far a dime will go. There was even talk about a swimming pool, that was expensive. Sure it was for one person. What if a dozen, two dozen Farms have some heavy equipment, a hole was dug, some thing called Crete was sprayed on the bottom, and sides I guess it is a form of cement many more gave ten dollars, some a hundred, all the pennies together make a pool. An arbor was moved from a field of grape vines which were transplanted to the arbor area. A covered walk way to the pool shaded it from the hot sun. Wood was all stained. Flat stones from an old wall, made a nice walkway, with moss that was started from the old wall area it was soon a very nice walkway. Opening night had music from a CD player donated be someone. A list was posted of all that had helped out hands on, to the cost of the pool. A meeting hall for eight hundred dollars was amazing. The boys and girls put a bowl on a counter and started a pool of their money. Another hundred off the price. One of the girls spoke up to point out that a small kitchen could be placed in the hey loft, me and a few others have done the classes to get a license to serve food, we can put a bowl out to pay for the fixings, and cut down the cost of the pool too. Cheers voted yes. The next week Ham burgers, hotdogs potato salad, and many bagged snacks were there, no one cared if one of the poorer teens did not donate any money, others but in more without a thought. A vote again that was though over real well by Tim with input by his father. Jon was called, and spoke to his lawyer. Private pool, no payment except donations to eat, none forced to pay.

A signed statement from the family IE My son/daughter may swim without a bating suit if he/she wants to her name is____________/his name is _____________ My name is _____________

…..A very popular pool, most said yes others were told no F____ way. Not a word was spoken either way other then Parents!!!! About a month later, a official looking car drove up to the barn, A suited man wearing a badge demanded entrance. “Why sure all parents are welcome.” “I don”t have any kids.” “To bad no-one to love.” “I need to inspect this joint.” “This is my home not a joint SIR.” “Well I heard you were selling food here.” “Someone has made a mistake. We make some food for our buddies, but their is no charge. We do have a bowl where people may put some money if they wish to help pay for more food, none of the people get paid.” The odious man made a fuss about everything, and asked about sanitation. Well we wanted to keep our friends alive so all that help out here have the health certificate. They paid for it themselves.

…..At long last he left after a threat to charge them with violating the law. Jon had another call, Another call for the lawyers. A cease and desist order was soon in hand. A full dozen lawyers set at the defendants table. Right the man thought his threat would make them stop in fear. No, a full jury trial was demanded. Tape of his visit was played, what he said, did, and his lies as well were put on the record. The cost of the building was brought up, Free worked on by all in the community. Food being sold was next, Every teenager in the court room stood to say in one voice, I have never paid a cent for food, but if I have some money on me I might give it to the person cooking to get more food.

…..The jury asked if they can convict the officer? “No you can”t it is not allowed by law. After the teenagers had won the officer was called in front of the judge. Sir you are retained for food service in the city and certain other areas adjacent to it. This farm is not in any way one of the above, I want to know the name of the person that reported them to you, now. There is no way you can claim ONE you don”t know the name TWO that it must be crept a secret, THREE that you have any right to enter the farm, Start talking before I start with your Miranda rights.

…..Lets see it starts with you have the right to shut up, if you cant pay a lawyer we will try to find the cheapest looser that we can force to try to defend you. We will not pay him a cent as we can clam we are broke, Sir that is not the way it goes. “It well in my court. now speak up. A whisper was almost heard, “Louder!” A name was heard, Tim stood up to say, we had to ask his son to leave as he tried to rape a lady in my bed, and hit me when I was stopping him. It was not charged as she was afraid of him. I”m not afraid of him is it too late to change him for at least hitting me? “Yes son it is too late, but you can get rich in civil court. everything spoken in this court can be used there.” A scream was heard as the boy in question ran from the room with his father chasing him with raised fists, I”ll kill you, YOUR a lying bustard I always thought my wife was fucking around on me. “

….”That was all in my court son, have fun, he can be served in the hospital.”

…..The same twelve lawyers were in civil court. Again a judge was surprised. “Twelve lawyers I`ve never seen this many in my court room.” Well sir it seems simple, but if you would read the transcript from the higher court it should simplify the case.

…..Court is closed till tomorrow at nine.

…..Next day same judge, same court,

…..”Did he really do all of this?” “Son do you admit you attempted to do rape?” “Yes Sir.” “You hit the gentleman here?” “Yes sir.” “You lied to an official?” “Yes sir.” “Your lucky son most of this can not be charged against you for a dozen reasons.” “Why are you admitting all of this?” “My father threatened to cut off my balls with a dull knife if I did not do it to save his ill-gotten gains, He has robbed from most of the old peoples trust funds he is supposed to be watching out for. He brags all the time at home about how smart he is. He is nothing but a bully, and a thief. Put me in jail to keep me safe from him.

…..Tim looked at his father got a nod. Sir I, rather we have a spare bedroom, and we would like to ask Bert to move into it to stay with us. “Rape, hitting you, lying, all of the above, and you well take him in?” “Yes sir I think there are many reasons that might explain the above, as none can be proved, he has a clean slate. We will do our best to keep it that why..”

…..Done, next question what about the case? “It is not charging him, but his father is charged, Can you have the old people”s accounts, audited and I well settle for the grand total. We have some grounds that are unfit to farm, If we take some of that money we can build a large home with some smaller individual houses, for those that like a small house, for the people he has what is the word I am thinking about? “We can”t say that word here, but it has something to do with sex.” “Yes that well do. guard lock this man up till the audit is competed. He will have to go to the adult court to see what they want to do with him, oh yes there is the matter of threats on his son”s life uttered in a setting court as well. Remind me to forward that to the DA.

…..A few months later Jon and some of his boys visited the barn to see how it was doing. He was greeted warmly. It was a talent show night, that evening. One pair did that old bit WHOSE ON FIRST_______ it”s still a hoot. A group of boys did some Back Street Boys songs. to cheering. They had the dance steps down. A girl did some passable tap dancing. Late in the event one of the boys chickened out. It was a dual act, The girl was left alone to sing some love songs by herself. Not going to happen, she dragged Tim on stage to sing with her. Jon”s boys looked at him as they happily nodded. Jon nodded back as he heard one sweet baritone. Oh the girl did it well, but Tim was a find.

…..Tim”s father was looked up, “Can Tim be spared on the farm?” “Why?” “Well for two reasons. The first was I like the way he took charge of DOING the Mickey Rooney, lets have a show in the barn Bit. It needs Tim to be pushed. There are kids that need help out there.” “How can he help?” “Well some of the Virgin Tour boys want to take off the painted face bit, spend some time putting on small shows, trying to push kids to help do the same thing your son did. With some help he can show what the lot of them did with an unused barn. A picture show of the steps they did to bring it off will be shown. Speaking about how to do it on the cheap, to build a nice place. KIDS for kids with very little outside interference from adults. He had some help, but it was thought of by the young. Okay the second thing is he has one very good voice. I can see him on the road making a pile of money. He could handle an opening act for the Virgins now till he learns the ins, and outs of singing on the road.” “But he”s well……….” “Straight? No problem there we know how to handle a straight man, or is that not handle them? I can never remember which it is. We have had others, The Lawrence brothers, Billy Gilman, giggle to name a few. They are taught how to say NO, and even a few Fuck no”s. My crew are taught to never force anything. They may joke around with invitations. As for seeing sex, a slap on a bum is not sex, a hug is a hug not sex. He can see more in your house with your wife, and you then on the road with my crew.

…..”Well it”s a slow time on the farm, if you can work around our needs I can see if he wants to do this.” “Good for you, your my kind of father, you ask, not tell him what to do.” Bert had heard some of this, and spoke up, “you guys helped me. Let me help you out, teach me his jobs, and I can help cover if he has a gig.” A manly hug was given by the man as he thanked the young man. Jon had to kid around, “oh my a hug is that okay around here?” “Yes it is, and I might give you one too, if you don”t kiss me.” “Damn no love for me today.” “Lots of like though.”


~~~~Play land ~~~~~

…..Tim handled the opening act job well. As with most of the people that open for them they are dragged into performing with the rest of them in the main show. He learned stagecraft as he had gags played on him, and he was soon giving them back in spades. One of the regular gags was leaving a boy singing alone, no backup instruments or voices. He was applauded a standing audience telling him he was good the only way they could.

…..In one show he was not needed on stage for awhile, he wondered out to the lobby to interrupt a man trying to drag a young boy out of the lobby to his car parked right outside the door. Tim never hesitated. He placed one arm around the mans neck as he told the boy to run inside to get the guard stationed there. The crying boy did as ordered, and soon had the guard on hand. The man had not been able to escape Tim”s strong arm. The guard soon had the man in handcuffs. An other guard one of the band that removed the makeup to act as guards Checked with MAX about the mug Yes they had a mug shot of him. He was on the list for no entrance at the shows as well as papers banning being any closer then a hundred yards of the theater. The first guard showed his badge as he spoke about some guy named Miranda. Oops he was crying, LAWYER as loud as he can. The kid was in Tim”s arms crying about the rough man hurting his arm. A quick check had the cop adding breaking an arm to the charges even as the other guard was setting the arm, calling for a wrap as the ambulance was called for.

…..The songsters on stage heard about what Tim had done before his next set was called for, they were ready for the next, not a gag, a gig. A throne like chair was set up on a platform at the center stage draped in a royal purple throw. A crown in fake gold was found, and a large badge marked HERO was quickly made. When Tim was called on stage he was shocked speechless. Every person stagehands lighting crew every one in the show was lined up in two lines from the place he was to enter, to the chair. The rest of the people were gathered around the chair, As he was led to his throne each person he passed made a sweeping bow, to the sound of trumpets. As he reached the chair one of the boys unrolled a paper to declare him HERO of the day as the large badge was pined on his chest. A statement about the injured boy was made as he was escorted on stage to set in Tim”s lap. Talk about cheers for a red faced young man. A kiss on his cheek got more cheers. The young man hugged him as well as he can with one arm. Hip-hip-hurrah, Hip-hip-hurrah, Hip-hip-hurrah, If you can do it for a queen go for it.

…..The boy sang from the throne with the small angel in his lap. He switched some of them for the very young boy, for just him. For the next few shows the boys made him wear the badge on his bum, and spent the show trying to get him to turn his back on the audience. It always brought a roar from them when they saw it. He was now ready for his own road show.

Notice,,,,,,,,,, Buddy as the young boy was called had no one, nothing, and Jon gave him a home at his first, and main home.

…..Tim was all over the states pushing his help us to include your neighbors in helping kids do good. The film showed how to maybe do it. Many more ideas were floated, Kids stood to speak about their own area. How do we……… Many an answer was given. MAX was let loose to point out where, and how. Jon gave away sound systems, MAX was hidden among them, A young guide was assigned to help them. No not in charge just around to help. Many a leader was found, teaching lots of stuff was a big help too. Painting, arts of all kinds were first, self defense was high on the list, safety was encouraged, some areas were really not too safe. Many colored scarves were discouraged many gangs used them to say I BE THE BEST. Some of the gang members become the best protection for the clubs.

…..One of Jon”s boys had seen a ran-down park with roller-coasters, and all the other paraphernalia still there, not in the best condition. It was bought not for a song, maybe a few notes sang to them.

…..Jon had some of his construction crews busy for quite awhile. It was now in good repair, safe clean, and almost ready to run. A couple of large buildings were repaired, fixed up with all that was needed to be ran as a club. Okay why more then one building?” Think about the area. It has large groups that will clash with other people. One club was for a cross section it had the big stage, the most shows, the best food. Be nice or I was going to say GET the f___ out, but Just go away will work. Well I”m trying. The rest of the buildings were set aside for groups that can get along with each other. It”s no use trying, but the one club was making waves being a start on learning other people are just like you in lots of ways. Some of the gangs set up a table near the entrance, with a large lock box that was for guns, knifes, and all the other things that might be used at that hat”s-a-dropping. Scarves of all colors were put away there.

…..Jon had done the training on defense right away. MAX also did his thing, a tagged item was given to every member, a watch, a necklace , a pin. Something they had to wear to get in the park, and each club. Nice, but one day a boy heard a scream, cut off at just a small sound. He hit a button on the wall, as he spoke into a mike near it. A rush of the largest boys to him as he pointed at a room. The door was kicked down as they had all been shown how to do it. One of the girls was seen mostly naked with a man raping her. He was soon laying on the floor, no pain, just sleeping, well I”m not speaking about how he will feel when he wakes up from the nap. “How the ____ did he get in here?” Good question but she needs some help now. A fairly young boy rushed into the room, “clear out, I”m a doctor,” even as he was pulling stuff out of his backpack with a small medical sign sewed into it. He flipped the back of his hands at some of the slower moving boys. “He called out to order MAX check out the fool to see how he got in while I help this little lady. He did the swab test first, marked it as evidence. even as he was checking for blood, none thank God, “Lets get the sperm washed out now.” He also looked for how she became knocked out. A lump on the side of the head was bleeding. “Shit get 911 on the line MAX.” “The boy reported the rape, head injures. X-rays needed as she is not awake yet, SCAT. MAX found a wrist watch on the man that was tagged. He called out for a team to be ready to go as soon as the doctor was ready as they might need him. A ambulance drew up to the door, and the girl was loaded as the young doctor had them sign for the evidence tube. The out cold man was also been loaded aboard with a police escort. Stan started running to the team that were going to check on the family of the man. He fall down as he had been skating on one of the skate parks clear across the park. Oh boy were their some upset people, including some slow moving guards, as he made a speed run that left many a person gasping as he passed by. “I need some shoes now.” With many a giggle shoes were looked for. A fancy pair of jeweled slippers were found that fitted his small feet.

…..A police escort led the van to the home they wanted, and the young Burglars showed them how to open a door with out kicking it down. The cop said, ” that takes all the fun out of it.” A raped girl was found tied up in one room, an older lady was unconscious in the hall, a boy also had been raped shorts stuffed in his mouth tied up as well. The young boy was ordering police to cut the ropes, off in evidence bags label them He dumped his aid bag on a clean sheet, and attacked the worst injured first, handing evidence to the policeman by dropping it into bags as he called out what to write on the bags. He had checked all three, and repaired the two rape patents before the 911 call was responded to. “Lord the doctor did a good job, why didn”t he stay till we got here?” “I did stay, why does everyone think you have to be six feet tall to care for someone with first aid.” “First fucking aid, I can”t even do such fine stitches as you did on his ass.” “It helps having such small hands.” he said as he was pouring some peroxide over his hands, and arms. I can”t be too careful, you never know what his father has been up to. “What do you mean, his father.” “I can”t say but he is at the hospital under guard.” Oh boy was their radio gear over worked.

…..When the boy got back to the club to pick up his skates he had to walk back to the skate park with them over his shoulder. He got some looks from some park employers with the skates, and the fancy slippers as well. A guard almost stopped him, a look, and a frown told him don”t even think about it. The Lawrence brothers he had been skating with said, “what the fuck why did you just vanish and now you come back wearing cute slippers. I looked away, and you were just gone.” “You all know I”m a doctor, well when MAX screams move I move. He had a rape for me. I found two others, and an out cold mother as well.” “Damn.”

…..The stars had decided to adopt the park. People were told to act nice or leave, and the stars would mix in with them as people not stars. Signing a paper when they were asked with no screaming, no pushing. The picture hound were restricted from the park. …..Guards were always around to enforce good behavior. The clubs often were visited as stars, and humans, on stage, and mingling with them. Shows were often put on.

…..Oh yes the watch was replaced by Jon”s shot in the arm, a tracker under the skin is so much harder to take from the owner. The above was just one of many places that sprang up around the states, and even some imitations over seas.


~~~~~~Lawyers ~~~~~

…..Good lawyers, bad lawyers. Well Jon had started an office to defend his misdeeds if he was ever found with his grubby hands in a cookie jar. Oh boy did he shake the bushes to find people that can work for or with him. Honest. Yes and no, what was that old statement about a politician, “oh yes how can you tell he is lying? his mouth is moving.” A lawyer is on your side if he is paid. true, but a crook can hire one too. As Jon often said, I”m not a crook, (Now where did I hear that before?)I”ve never been convicted, been in court, never lost a case. RIGHT. His mouth never moves, well his mouth is under tight control, it might lie but try to catch him.

…..His law office changes a fee by wither you are really guilty or not. A guilty person will PAY for it high. Some of these that need a lawyer because of injustice might be done free, let the crook pay high, it pays for others. A lawyer that does a job or one that draws no pay will be paid by the office, and be handed a gold framed citation for his office wall. The ones with lots of frames is one proud man, or woman. Make that person, GEES PC must be done.

…..I though I should cover some of the cases, no luck my head is missing today, maybe later.


~~~Home at last~~~~~~~~

…..Jon was visiting a group of friends, not the run of the mill friends. He had a case that had been won in front of the nine of them, one of them spoke to Jon in an aside about being picked as one of the ones to vote against him. We try to always have at least a few that speak for the other side. A quite friendship was formed when one of them asked Jon about how he had found out some of the junk he used against that scumbag. He grinned as he spoke about some of his ways. Not all, or even most. A deal was reached, “I can look some interesting things up for you, give me a call.

…..A case was being reported on by Jon. He answered his cell phone, to speak to MAX, “I”m with THEM now. Okay lets see if we can get him flying, fix his ship. “Was that MAX? “Yes.” Boy your close lipped, I bet you wanted us to know about MAX or we would never have heard that slip.” Another question from one of the ladies was about a flying ship. “Oh they can fly, maybe an airship.” Gee Jon is slippery he did not lie just asked a question that was misleading.

…..”Lets get back to the Poker game I think I was bidding twenty.” “Forget it, I”m out your too slick, I bet MAX is helping you. One of the ladies called out, Can you see our cards MAX?” “Yes.” “Ask him if he has helped me cheat. Okay, but we will have to say in this card game or he will be talking all night.” “Oh you wound me.” The large black man spoke up to say, you fed us a batch of shit the other day. There was so much we had all our clerks digging for four days looking for the decision you really wanted. “There was not one lie.” “No but you feed us too much if you have a personnel horses in the race.” “Okay deal if my horse is around I don”t run in the race.” “Deal.” The other lady handed Jon a batch of folders, “Here Jon we need some information on all of these some of them are pulling teeth their mouths are too full of lies.” Jon pulled the pile of folders to his place on the table. He pushed one of them aside, “not that one.” The lady smiled as she asked, “what do I get if I can tell you watch one it is?” “A day at the beauty shop as if you need it.” “Lying again,” she kidded him. The rest of the nine started writing on pads as they thought hard. The notes were slid to Jon. He looked at her to hear “the scouts Jon?” “You guys are getting too smart.” He pulled out another folder to ask, “do you like worms?” “I know that one too. yes we need to do some cleaning up around here.” “It is not even on you docket.” “Oh Jon that was a slip, you wanted us to know MAX is around here.” “Yes.” “You read, but do nothing with it, right?” “Right there are some bugs even here, I think you need to do some writing.” “Clumsy.” “Give me a week, and some of my boys will kill the bugs.” “Not yours?” “How do you think we found the others?” “Okay.” Jon punched up a call on his cell, “Ralph I have a job near your home, we need someone like you. Lets see that grand place over looking the white house. “High class Jon I”ll have to steal some glad rags.” “Go to one of the homes, and stock up for a dump, to the white house. “Lord bring the break in everywhere stuff?” “Only the best remember the FBI is here, and the White house as well. Maybe others as well. “Oh boy this well be fun.” Don”t get caught.” The nine wanted to know about get out of jail cards. “No I print my own.” I bet you do. I have a lawyer friend that would post your signatures in a gold frame on his office wall, please. One of the ladies called for a clerk to appear with a hand full of some of the best paper, mix it up we need to pick out what we need. A bond paper was looked at and then the parchment was looked at. Jon nodded as the clerk handed out real pens to the twelve. NOT one fountain in the lot. Ink containers were also beside them. Each of them in turn signed the parchment. In the order of seniority. A single one top center with the rest below it. Not a drop of ink misplaced. One spoke of what this paper might bring on Amazon. “Not till he is dead, and the rest of the lawyers kill each other over it.” “We will send you any replacements that come by for him. By the way I didn”t buy that airship bull you tried to sell us. Talk to us some day. Jon looked down, “nope can”t say a word on that most likely never can.” The clerk never looked at Jon he know the man was there often and not to see him. At least not to speak of him. Another time when the little man was not there.

…..The clerk even know his signature JCW if it was on a paper it was placed on the persons desk Post-Hast = quickly. Never spoke of just watched for.

…..Ralph was a another person who was never there Jon had been hearing about a gay boy who had been looking after the street kids of Washington, first aid, taking them to doctors, Jon was sure he paid with sex. teaching them safe sex, helping them find safe places to life. He was also known to cure some less then nice people of doing sick sex with kids. Some of them left town soon after he had talks with them. Even some elected people were asked nicely to get out of town. Guards were assigned to them, and they still left town.

…..At last Jon got a lead from one of his boys that was hunting a nasty number that was really hard to find. A boy set down with him at a lunch counter. “What do you want with Big Tom, he is not for little kids like you. he eats them alive, and they die soon after?” “Yes that is what I”m looking for him for, he needs to be stopped.” “Not for you to do, I”ve tried, he always knows, someone is looking for him. I almost had him once. He has protection. Someone on the police force is looking after the slime. “You have any idea who?” “Four names maybe, that is as close as I ever got. “Speak the names.” A whisper four names were spoke. “Be careful kid you better have a lot of help behind you.” A nod as the unknown boy was gone.

…..A week later MAX spoke a name. The same day Big Tom picked up the boy that had been hunting him. His snatch had told him where to find him, He had him hanging by the wrists in his living room stripped naked standing over him with a whip in hand when his front door blow across the room into the fireplace destroying it. Jon looked at the fireplace. “Oops a little to much that time. “Oh well you will not need it again. Take him away. Go thou and sin no more.” Three men it took three men to manhandle Pig Tom out the door to the truck, he was chained to the floor as they drove off It took five days to reach one of Jon”s homes with a nice, well really not that nice of a prison, deep under ground. Oops did I call him a Pig must be one of those fraud-Inns-slips

…..The young boy that had seen Jon”s ghost now had a lead on finding him, he know his face at least. He hung around the place they had met. “You got Tom?” Yep and we have an eye on his snitch as well he”s going down soon.” “Damn you guys have to be good to, get him.” A dart from no-where marked the older boy. MAX had him in sight, Washington has more cameras then bathrooms. Try to find one, cross the legs walk funny till it is too late. MAX has never had to do that. The kid was clever, the tag walked out of view then was blocked somehow. MAX had a group of boys searching the whole area that he had vanished in. It was almost wall to wall people. While they were walking around the tag started to broadcast again. He was seen by one of the boys standing by a stone wall. the boy moved off so he would not be seen by the quarry. Three other boys saw him at the same time. After he walked away they all moved to where he had been seen. A pine tree grow against the wall. One of the boys crawled under it to see a rag the same color as the wall around it. A push proved the wall had a hole behind the rag. Everyone backed away from the place. “I would have all sorts of safe guards, leave it for the experts.” Oh boy did he. It took a week to work all of them out, and some doubted they had them all. Jon watched as the boys were working hard. He know he needed to have this boy on his side. Sure he did. Jon was setting in his hidey hole when the unnamed boy crawled in to ask what took you so long your too slow. “Oh you know we were around then?” Yes the first day, I clean the yard, and it tells me everything that goes on. Why didn”t you run? I wanted to find out who could take down Big Tom. “Well your good at this we need you to teach some of us how.” “Not interested.” “Tell me what might interest you.” “Well if someone felt like caring for my boys it might be nice of them.” “Speak of numbers, how, and so on.” One hundred kids some don”t want help.” “Let them find it on their own?” Right tame them then help them. “Been there done it before.” “This place upstairs might be fixed up if you have some money laying around.” “A living place for the kids?” “Yes, don”t fuck with my home, I might need it again.” “That all?” “Yep.” “Do it MAX.” “What the hell.” “Should be artists here in the morning working out how to fix the old homestead.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~Lets build a home.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

…..First do no harm. City planning, sucks. Why because it always has a big plan that does not have a place in it for out of the box planning. Jon has never had a box he liked. Fuck them full speed ahead. The first box was the city wanted to force Jon to tear down the whole of the large stone, and brick building. It was a well built factory from a past century. He did an end run, and had it declared to be an antique. The outside was saved from the city. The inside was another story. It was a five story windowless problem. Jon looked around, Light we need light, He saved it but could not change the outside. He pointed up at the flat roof. The planner agreed with him. We do need a helicopter pad, but if we put skylights in we can have light galore. The top floor yes, the rest no. Cut out the center of the floors open a shaft all the way down. Place a plant area on the first floor, an open air dinning area. Trees, vines, flowers. Glassed in halls around the shaft. Elevators on two of the corners of the building, stairs in the other two. The rest is just planning the size, and placement of the rooms Light from the shaft with privacy in mind was a problem at first till the shaft was made into a slice of pie against one wall. Light but no sight line was now in place. The place was planned for a month while the city fought every plan made, Jon started dropping sue in every ear. Bureaucrats get upset when they might be personally on the block for paying for being stupid. I did say Jon has his own building full of lawyers right? Wrong. there were offices in most states. Laws were not the same just across a wee line in the grass.

…..It took almost a year before the homeless had their own home, Jon had multiplied the amount of people taken in. There were boys girls, young, and old. One rule for all, be nice, or be gone. Sounds simple, A community group of all ages decide who is not nice. Other accommodations around town might be found depending on how not so nice they are. Free-sex was spoke of, being paid for sex in the building was frowned on. A meeting place was on the ground floor. MAX had a photo booth set up, A john was shot before leaving with a date, and got it back when they returned. If the boy, or girl was returned in good health they might be welcomed back some day. If not they really might be shot as was said often. It was not a whore house, just protection of people living there. A date, is a date, is a date.

…..Ralph was a busy little man. He seemed to be able to look at a problem, and see the way to handle it at once. He almost could read minds as he can smell danger, people are looked at, and he leaves the room if they smell wrong. Jon was giving him help with taking care of curing the smell. He had a crew of boys that were around when his mind started finding wrong. Government offices were on his list to find where the money was going, who was honest, and who got paid. Not just the first layer, but who was the big man at the top of the pile. Bars were also checked to see where the drugs were coming from. Ralph can follow the first person thro many people. When he has been in an area for awhile a list of nice, and not so nice can be handed to a nice DA or policeman if the DA is on the list. The police hated it when a list appeared with just four letters on the bottom PISS It is a get off your ass, and get to work time. Jon had a lab that stayed ahead of most of the safe-guards that were always being thought of for peoples secrets. Jon said often if it is a secret don”t tell anyone, don”t store it anywhere. Most people stored it away somewhere. Jon”s boys were good little spies. If it was protected it needed to be seen. Ralph was one of the best. He always looked at the person, and just know what they would use as a password. Nine out of ten, it was one of three words. “Damn using words, mix numbers, letters, caps, and lower case. at least one symbol too. Change them often. Don”t ever use the same password in more then one place.

…..Everywhere Ralph went he seemed to find that one boy in need. The boy was always someone that operated like he does. Jon watched his chooses close. He was recruiting local help to lead him to whatever he is looking for. The bosses were never as hidden as they thought they were. It was like a spotlight over their heads. Watch the people walk around a block to not go by a house, look away from something. look where they don”t. A safe said, “look in here.” “He looked.” With Jon”s help he learned all about safes. Hidding places, how to open them all. Opening doors was simple.

…..The hotel was called simply The White House. It was water proof. it had to be. Too many of the people staying there walked around with their noses up in the air they might have drowned other wise. Ralph acted the part, even if it was not his bag. He over the years had learned to be a bum, a snob, a normal taped together glasses, pocket protector nerd. A walk down the street, pick up a cap, glasses, new shirt, change your walk, swing your arms different. Pick your nose, whistle hum. He can walk a block, change before your eyes three times, and never be noticed doing it. Mr. everyone as Jon spoke of him. Jon studied him close. He used it all himself. It was never as good as the boy did it, but he can vanish in a crowd.

…..Oh yes the assignment. The long list of former congressmen, house members too that have lost there posts in the last elections. There seems to be a good old boy group growing every day. They may have lost, but still had free use of the dinning hall, gym, offices were open to them at all times as they acted like they were still in office telling old friends what it would be nice to do. Slipping cash in their pockets. Getting breaks to earn more cash. Jon told the young man. “Follow the money.” A new clerk was seen on the floor, no one know who he worked for. He was one busy bee. He saw who was looking good, expansive clothes hot car, too many buddies. Money, money. Too much money. “Okay what is he doing on the floor that involves money?” “What is who earning because he voted on this bill?” He moved to a bank. It was easy to hack the computer system. People cant remember a simple password. I”ll use my dogs name, who will know that. The shadow knows. Ralph knows also. Giggle.

…..Then a check on car ownership. Easy-pleasy. Stock ownership. Even easer. Oh my it seems a batch of elected people are getting some gifts from many places, and are forgetting to list them on their I own list that should be the truth the whole truth, and so on. Oops some of there old comrades own more of the same. Gee this bill ended up with only one company being free of taxes for ever. “Even the owner is under the same protection. I wonder if that is even legal?” He asked Jon to look it over. Jon grinned as he asked his lawyers to see if they can buy the place, and start placing other companies under it”s cover to see how long it takes to be exposed as fraud. We can just tell them it has to be legal as the government did it. “You”re nasty, but it might be fun to stick them with their own bill.” “Do it.” Oh joy six million dollars off the tax rolls. A year later a slew of tax experts were trying to collect money. “Sirs this is done by your own law, Look at it, and tell me which of the laws is in force for me, and not others.”

…..The ball was bounced around for six more months before it was followed back to a Senator with a bag of cash, and an interest in the company. “Oh is that where our money is going. We could never see where it was going We want it back now.” Good luck, but the tax people got their cut just before the recall passed. Some much needed tax changes were made by the leaders as the public pointed fingers at them. Thief was one of the nicest thing printed. Names were being spoke, recalls were growing. “Get the bums out now.” Out of town too, There are too many of them staying there being un-elected and still sucking on the pigs tits. Pass a bill. “You loose you go away, give them six days to get out of town.” A broom was the symbol of the new peoples party. Term limits were being pushed hard. No grand-fathering in either. Times up go home.

…..Ralph did a good job putting that spotlight on many an unseen mover of bills. A law, well not really a law, but if you put up a bill it had to have two old laws listed on it to be removed before it can be voted on. “Lets see the one banning tying up a horse to the fence outside the white house. That sounds like it was way out of date. News papers started listing laws, printing them in full. Yes some of them were new ones just being put to the vote. Gee they were rejected as soon as people started reading it, and yelling at the law makers. The lists grew till they had a whole day voting them off the books. Some were jokes, some were bills against one type of color, or type of person, gay, sex female . The call was for PC=Political Correct. Even a bill to pay equal wages was placed on the floor, it never had a chance, too many men. Oh well there were more ladies running now.

…..The old, and smart tnine had many a fun day checking the lists to see if they agreed with it. They even had some of the clerks summit some of their own. A batch of roses were sent to Jon, not cut, a Bundle of mixed bushes. No signers just thanks.

…..Ralph at last found that mate that he had been looking for. He fall hard for a Shoemaker. Horse Shoemaker no less. It might not be the name he was born with, but (Put in your own guess) Right away they both wanted kids, Adoption, plus virgin birth. Jon”s way. Jon did it better then the Lord, A long list to choose from, and how many at once too. “Both were easy to do, “Jon had a habit of waving a hand over some heads as he blessed the joining, or son, and father. Even some girls now a days. Jacking off was fun, and led to kids some day. Some of Ralph”s helpers were the first on the list. Keep it in the family.

…..One day Jon pushed a button that had been festering. “Go home.” “Why? He throw me out.” Yes, and has spent too fucking much money trying to find you.” “Why?” I would think he loves you, and regrets his knee jerk reaction to your being gay.” Horse at last ordered him to get in the car. The two of them had been setting in a hotel lobby keeping track of a batch of Boy Scouts there for a visit to the Supreme Court. Not just a visit a case of being thrown out for being gay. For shame. Some of the boys had walked into the lobby wanting to get some food. We will escort you to a place that is open. The two set with the scouts as they ate. “Why do you guys have to babysat us?” Let me show you. Ralph stepped over to a boy he had been watching out of the corner of his eyes, “Do you want to earn some money?” “Why do you need me you have all these Boy Scouts already?” “That”s just it, they are good kids, but this is the first time in a big city. They need to learn what to watch out for. Your an example for them. I ask questions, and you answer them.” The two walked back to the table. The kid lit up a cigarette as he set down, Ralph asked, “do you really need that it is a bad example for the kids.” I”m kind of scared they will spit on me.” “Not with me here they will behave.” “Okay what do you do for a living? How much, and for what? Do you like it all? Why are you on the street?” Okay it was twenty questions. You all can think of the answers. A break as the boy was fed, Ralph touched his arm as he asked about bondage. “A few nasty words then he spoke a name as he told about a date going way bad. “Tell me where. Okay thanks, we try to let them know it is bad to stay around, and we tag them for the cops too.” One of them has been in sixteen jails since we ran him out of town. You would think he would learn.”

…..The scouts were in disbelief. Ralph said, come on with me for a walk about, you too Kim, nice name, you were named after one fine move, a cute kid was in it too. A walk as people were pointed out, male, and otherwise, “That is really a boy?” “Yep.” “Wow.” “Look for the Adams apple, if he is good at playing the part it will never be seen, a scarf, a high collar. Anything to hide it.” Girls for sale, boys as well. At last a nice large building was seen, “Okay guys I”m going to show you my life.” He led them to a pine tree, lifted a limb as he had them push aside a dirty rag, climb into the hole exposed. A candle was taken out of a hole in the wall, lit and held high. “Okay people this was my home. A single pot, a place for a fire. A set of one fork, and a spoon. No need for others. A bed on the floor, pine limbs still in place under the cover, a cover one only. A look around saw nothing much else. “Look here guys,” he said as he drew a wicked knife from a hiding place, “it has two uses. The first to guard what I had, and the other was to take my own life if I thought it was time to go.” As they were leaving Ralph used a branch to remove all the signs they had been there. He walked Kim to the entrance, Take this card inside, and get a room. They well tell you what”s going on. “I would tell you to get straight, but we all know it is useless to try. See if Jon is in town, and join his wee band of outlaws.” “Outlaws?” A Joke just give it a try.”

~~~Home at last Okay It was delayed a bit I had to lead up to it~~~~~~

…..Well this all led his lover to take him home. The car he had was a Limo, a big one. Ralph was shocked when they drew up to the locked gate, he tried the old password that had been there years ago, it worked on the first try, A butler like voice spoke out of the air, Well he was a butler. “Welcome home Master Ralph.” “Master! Uncultivated still calling a snot noised kid Master.” “Yes sir.” “Jeez©” “Really sir.” “Where”s the real master.” In the liberty. May I serve tea?” “Yes sir.” A grin at the sound of a sniff.

…..A look at the house and Horse spoke of waiting in the car, this is too rich for the likes of me. Look at all theses windows,” “We had to clean them, too damn often. No, come in to meet the governor.” “Really?” “No just a family joke as they all come to him to find out how to run the place.”

…..A soft knock on a highly polished oak door was answered by a single word, “Come.” Ralph led the way into the what can be seen as a well used room. “Horse this is my Father Mr. Joe Chase. Father this is my mate Horse Shoemaker.” “I”ve heard that name before. Not the first name.” “No that is a nick name. It has been so long I don”t think I would reply if anyone used the name I was born with.” “Yep it is long.” “Shut up love don”t be pulling his chain.” “Does that work, if it does I should have done it years ago.” “Well it works most of the time, but that is for me. It might for you if you say love often enough.” “Where did you go so fast? I was after you to bring you back almost as soon as you slammed the door.” “To the creek for a last swim, and to think what I can do now.” “What did you do. No don”t tell me it is not any of my, well shut up love.” “That almost was right, but it has to be said.” Horse held up that talk to the hand as he told his lover, “You just still want to hurt him, think, and go for a walk on that green grass that you don”t have to mow anymore,” “I hire a boy to do that now.”

…..Horse stayed to speak of recent history. “He cleaned out that nest of vipers?” “He has been helping clean up some people like them all over the states. This one might have made it be over time to retire lots of people looking for him, no not by name, just there had to be someone that pulled the plug out of the hog trough.” “Yes I”ve heard some rumbles around about that.” Is there anyone else that can do it if he stops?” “Sure some of our kids.” “KIDS, how?”. “Virgin birth.” as he made that movement that all boys know about. “Where are they?” “At the hotel being babysitters for the Boy Scouts in town for that case.” “A shame, I did some hard looking on the internet. It is not sick as I learned. Too late.” “It is never too late, just let him become a friend, it might be too late for a son.”. A tea cart was pushed into the room by the butler. Horse told him, “I”m not Master Horse either.” “Oh my!” “Would you step outside to tell my son the tea is here?” “Yes sir.” When Ralph entered his three younger brother trailed him in.”. “Look what I found in the hall dad.” “It must be the tea, and crumpets.” “Yes, and maybe seeing me out of their window when we got here.”

…..Tea was passed out by Jives. “Is that his name or job title?” It”s his name, his father had no sense of Ha Ha” “He sure didn”t.” Horse asked the three boys to join him at that fine table outside to finish the tea. Is Ralph going to stay, “no not stay, but we can hope he can become a member of the family. It sounds like he is behaving.” “I can”t hear a thing.” “Oh yes do you guys want to get a— well look here In my ear is a small bead that is an earphone, and the necklace is the mike. It can be left on, or call someone. You can talk to your brother anytime he is free. Here are the keys to the trunk get out the small black suit case.” A display was soon on the table for the boys to look over. They all liked one type of necklace. “Kool.” “Boys that means something, well it_______. “Yeah it says We is gay just like Ralph.” Oh Lord help us all. Are you out? “Just to Jives he helped us with our net search.” “Oh my will your father think we queered you?” “That is a nasty word!” “Not among us it is just a word. Now if the tone of voice is wrong it can lead to a fight.”

…..Classes on how to talk, finger slapped as always don”t cover the ear I can”t hear it. “Call your brother, use his full name.” As they watched in the widow he was saw to jump q bit, then a nod as he looked out at them. A small grin till he heard a small voice tell him they are gay too. He almost spoke out loud. His father had to repeat himself. I was just thinking I want to stay here for awhile dad, would that be okay?” “It”s your house, I signed it over to you four kids the day you left.” “I don”t do windows dad.” That”s why Junior from next door does them the other boys are not too good doing it.” “They suckered you dad.” “You think I don”t know that?”

…..That night Ralph had visitors to his bedroom. Three boys in skives, “”Looking good boys. Does dad know?” “Not after you left.” That was a mistake that dad made, he is okay now. I”m sure you know he has been looking for me. “Yes using all our inherence to find you. You sure know how to hide.” Sorry guys, I”ll see that you get it back. “No need Dad makes more cutting coupons.” “Yeah grand dad was hot in the gold fields. He put a lot in the bank.” He asked how did you find out you were gay? A finger pointed at his computer as the three grinned, Dad never thought about putting a nanny-guard on it. We kept your room clean till you came home. “You told Jives?” “Yes he played na nanny to us. You should hear him telling us off about being safe.” “Okay Nanny Ralph in the house. I want you to speak to dad, you need to learn a lot now, right now. I had to take classes in self-defense. “I even went farther attack is not the first thing thought about, but it is something that can be done.” “Wow.” “Yeah I”ve been there a few times, It is never easy, Thank God.” “You still believe in God?” “If you lived out there you either believe or die, lots of kids give up.” The boys asked, “can we sleep here tonight?” “Your going to tell dad in the morning?” “Yes.” “Okay.”

…..Jives knocked on their door with the wake up drinks, “Still do coffee Ralph.” “Yes Jives it is habit forming. Thank for the wake up call, oh I think some Irish coffee might be needed by some later.” “Oh thanks for the warning sir.” The breakfast was up to par as always. A bottle with a purple bag, and a gold rope, was setting on the side table. The triplets looked scared then burst out , “dad we are gay too.” Jives handed a half cup of coffee, and the bottle to the father. Ralph held out his cup for a shot as well. He looked at the triplets as they bravely held out there cups as well. Their father placed his fingers apart to say how much. Jives the bartender took a shot as well. Wow was heard three times. Joe wondered out loud how much his older son drank? “Never when I”m driving dad. Not that much any time, but I have found some that I like to sip.” “Any that I have in the bar?” “Sorry dad I looked, and Jon out does you. He gets it from the brewer.” “Jon, just who is that?” OOPS, you never heard that name he tries to keep a low profile.” “Oh dad I need to be at work today. We have to get the Scouts to court,. Can the boys go see the lawyers making their fuss in front of the old, and smart.” SON!” “Sorry I have a friend that knows them well, and speaks to them like that all the time, I heard him talking to them one time, and he was going off on them for being pussies with a decision he was not happy with.” “What did they say.” “Called him some names back, and laughed. You should have heard the two ladies.” Ralph went on to speak about speaking to them about his last job, and being told, “I did a good job.” “Boys if this or anything else you might see or hear was spoke of I might die, and it could be all of you too.”

…..His father told Ralph his old car was still in the barn, the boys run it weekly. Jives put it up on jacks to save the tires. Gee I spent all that time rebuilding it and never got it on the road. Just here on the property. Jives spoke of getting the car. He bowed as he left the room. The triplets had puppy-dog eyes. “Yes you can go to court. Behave.” About ten minutes later a bright red car was in front of the side door, Jives made no move to leave the driver seat. “I guess I still don”t get to drive it.” His father waved goodbye as the car rolled away. He went to talk to his wife, knocking on her door he announced himself. “What did I tell you about not intruding on me till my son is home?” “He came home last evening.” “And why did I not hear this last night?” A few reasons, dear, I had to fall on my sword, then we spoke for hours, the boys invaded the room, and Horse had some harsh words to him as well.” “Who is Horse?” His I guess partner, lover for sure. He was wiped out, and needed sleep.” “Where is he now?” He has a job dear, he is a nanny for the Boy Scouts in court.” Nanny?” “Yes that was a nice, well not to nice way of saying guard. Jives took all the boys down to meet the Scouts and set in court with them. They are gay too. It must be me.” “Not likely remembered my uncle, and two cousins were gay.”

…..The bus was loading when Ralph got there. He helped count heads, and arms divided by three to be sure they were all there. His brothers were loaded aboard as well. Names were called out. One of the Scouts said, “set with us, I bet they can”t count.” The boys had to run a gantlet. The impolite news hounds. (The heck with them I won”t mess up my clean finger with their trash) On with the show. A lady lawyer had volunteered to represent the Scouts, and was fired by the hypocrites she was working for. One of Jon”s lawyers was setting second chair with her. He looked at the twelve judges, and Jon as well, he told Sara, “shit you take the podium I just got a hunch that it will go better if you do it. Don”t ask me what, but go for it.”

…..The Scouts lawyer That”s the leaders of, He did the crying act about God and country. Un-holy molesters of children. He never got to any real charges against the boys. before the lights blinked out on the podium.

…..Sara walked to the stand to look hard at the lawyer, “sir could you have GOD speak for himself, you seem to know him well, I want his unsupported words thrown out. A hammer banged as the Judge said so be it. “I also want our country to speak for it”s self. An other bang, So be it. She had most of his testimony cut. Okay can I ask each of the boys to show by a raised hand, “have you ever had sex in camp? yes or no. One boy spoke up. I”m a virgin. Okay have you ever raped a boy? Heads shook Any sex with other Scouts? More head shakes. Lets see if I can find out why The leaders think you had sex in camp, as the lawyer said you did. You don”t lie so he must be lying. Who told you they had sex in camp, or with another Scout?” Answer me. The lights blinked out. Sara set down.

…..One of the judges asked, well speak up I well let you answer her question. They are queer, and liars. Prove it, or face a fine. They admitted being gay. Yes but you have not told us why they are liars. Well all of them are. Them is that how you speak of blacks, Spanish, ladies lets see do you have a license to practice law. “Yes,.” “Well will you hand it to the clerk?” “Let me see it.” A tearing sound, and his license was in pieces.

…..The judges retired to chambers. Out right laughter was heard by the clerks, tight lipped clerks . It soon ended. Much later in the day a paper was sent out to the news people. The first item was about the lawyer being banned for life from being a lawyer.

…..Second was that the Boy Scouts of America will be hence forth be called The Boy Scouts.

…..Third As they are not a government entry they may not use any government items, or meeting on the above.

…..Four They may choose who to take into the club or kick out.

…..Five As a non-government group are liable to being sued. HINT

…..One of the Scouts asked if he can speak to the judges. A call soon had the nine back in their seats. “Okay I lost it paper it”s short for statim, the Latin word for immediately. ]

For EX Virgins. No it does not really speak of losing that. When the boys demanded a chance to leave the nice safe home to sing, dance do comedy, and so on. Jon told them it had to be the best they can do, “go practice, come back here, and do a show.” They did and returned. Jon told them they had to be virgins, no outside sex just stay with the group, and as some of the boys need to hide their faces, wear some wild multicolored face paint. “Oh yes for me wear some fake tattoos, chains, and a real small flesh colored what the hell do they call it J-strap no G-strap, Shit you know the string up the ass crack, and a wee bit covering the dick, and balls . A nod of a head and the Virgins were born. There was soon no less then fourteen bands on the road at all times. Oh yes some of the bands shifted to back up for some fine drag shows. One of them played in Las Vegas most of the year.

Again I had almost a 1000 pages on them. SOB Opps I meant the crying but oh well

For EX Suit of Lights Jon had one of the labs working on something MAX thought up. He can move stuff in the air. Jon wanted to fly like a bird. It took some time, but he was called to the lab to see a young boy in one ugly jumpsuit. “Jeez© does it have to be so ugly?” “Nope we hooked MAX up to it with his holograph junk it can be nothing to anything. a bee, duck, a house.” “A house?” “Who would report a flying house?” Jon looked at the boy, and asked, “do something.” The boy grinned as he took a superman pose, and flew around the lab. “It is a wee bit restricted in here, and we have suits for everyone.” The fitting was fast, and the suits were soon tight where needed, and loose where demanded after one guy got some equipment under a strap. Ouch. In the large gym/swimming-pool area they had almost two hundred feet to play with. Jon was told MAX has control if he thinks your getting too wild. They started out with the boy showing them what to do, and they imitated him. Then it was a free for all till MAX started changing the camouflage. He had an air craft, birds kites balloons, a house no less. With most of the flying people trying to land of the roof, and then Jon heard everyone laughing, he was dressed in a pink tutu with a set of wings fluttering on his back.

©PS 1 Oh yes by the way Jeez© is by Neal from one fine group of stories at the ADDRESS below. It is called Haven. The author went by the name str8maybe RIP at


For EX A Piper Cub in space what next? Knowing Jon, it has to be a space ship to out do the hated governments.

Okay I know Jay is not on his show any more, When I first wrote this he was there. The same for the two ladies as well. Everything changes when I take a nap.

For EX Wheelchair, What can I say about wheelchairs? Lots, Jerry had been stuck in one for far too long. He started dreaming about getting out on the mountain. Okay a chair can be pushed on a good wide trail. COW PATTIES. Jerry started designing his own ideas of a chair. He thought of something like bicycle tires. NOPE, Tank tracks maybe, but had to have a motor, or an engine. Power, lots of stored power in batteries. He went thro many models over months. All had to be towed into the shop with a swearing Jerry in tow. He finally had an idea of what he wanted. It was designed along the lines of a go cart low, blow-out-free-tires, sun power to charge the batteries, a harpoon on a wire stored under the seat to be fired up a hill to tow the chair up the hill. Oh yes best of all he used Jon”s flying metal in the chair. With a tow bar for a trailer with a two stroke engine built into it which was all he needed to fly long distance, with MAX hiding it from sight. It had pockets to store anything he needed to take along.

For Ex flying go-carts? Jerry tried it out doing his best to destroy it. As soon as the boys saw it there were screams, WE WANT ONE too. They were all told, two rules boys, One MAX has control of hiding it at all times. Two if a handicapped person needs it you step aside. Jerry had already put the manufacturing line in motion as soon as he had failed to destroy the chair. Jon screamed some about the kids being careless. Jerry told him MAX has complete overall control. You set the rules he enforces them.

For Ex Labs, Jon as he acquired plenty of money started helping his boys, men acquire some children of there own. You know give me your sperm, and I well give you a child. It was not pot luck like it had been forever. There was a list starting with Eye color, hair, skin tone, size of everything, tits, or no tits, It was a long list. OKAY next, Jon had always thought some fool in a government lab had found a way to destroy queers, fags, people it feared, or hated. AIDs/HIV came from a lab at least he thought so. He ordered a cure. At first they clamed it was undoable. He told them do it. At last they came up with a shot that worked in almost 98 percent of cases tried on. Jon at first tried to give the formula to the government. No luck, distrust, hate, whatever. He used it himself, No he was not sick, he helped others, dosing as many as he could to cure, inoculate, save. Eventually the lab made a pill, then a spray. Jon over time started out with sending out groups of his young men to gay bars, clubs, baths, handing out a cure for free. Okay at first there was distrust. Then the gays saw cures, safety. Jon like the government had done when it was testing some of it”s war junk, started sending his men into hospitals to dispense small sprays among the patent”s. They were cured soon there after. Yes the government had sent people out to places like train stations to test out sprays of disabling gas on it”s own people. They had also instead of curing the blacks, called Negroes at the time of STDs just watched them die so they could see how it proceeded to kill them.

For Ex The Red woods. Jon bought a large part of some Red woods that was in danger of being cut down. He told James to find a place to build a home for a batch of kids from some of the Popes orphanages. We need a place they can be safe. James had a thought about how to build it. He visited those cliff homes in New Mexico all built under a cliff and above any person attacking them. “That”s what we want.” He had plans drew up, and called in one of his gay friends to do the job. They kicked around many items to decide that they wanted to use both sides of the canyon. Dam up the small stream at the top of the canyon. As they were using both sides of the canyon they needed a walkway between them. A steel, and cement tree was made to fit between the two sides. Opps I meant a half tree, you need a flat surface to walk on, and a glass cover over the top to make it safe to walk on, and shaded too. They placed railings any place that would keep the kids safe on the sides of the canyon. There were places that looked like someone could fall, but there was no exit onto that area.

A story that influenced Jon in building his underground homes. (kombat-kids by GhostRider) RIP on Nifty

Another influence was any of CSU (Clan Short Universe) story”s AAKD {Add A Kid Disease}

The above can be found in ACFAN they are all good reading.

For ex Jon was really not Mr. nice guy when he started his underground home/prison, his first residents were street kids he lured into his clutches. Then a group of a redheaded family he had seen while in the Army while on convoy duty near El Paso in a small town. He noted the whole group of them as they were working on a car near the road, they were wearing just some cut off shorts, working in full sunlight with a fine tan. A red head with a suntan, unheard of. He took them all home to start breeding for more of them, and set his lab to work out how it worked. They did it, and learned much more as well. Jon started his sperm for babies soon after with a list of many chooses. They also found how to do the cure of sunburn with a pill at first then a shot. Anyway Jon found out his prisoners were quite happy to be there, and over time many of them when offered freedom said hell no. Some did leave, but soon came home. The very few that decided to leave, and stayed gone became outside recruiters for Jon. He supported them for their help. An early story kidnapping of boys, Show people, Dance Party, Disney kids, Ice skaters he found out lots of skaters were gay, out or not, Had asses that were loved by all too. Yes he put some less then nice people in a less then nice cell under one of his homes. MAX was told to handle them. He never wanted to see them again.

©School Days (1907 song) – dia/wiki/School_Days_(1907_song)”School Days” is an American popular song written in 1907 by Will Cobb and Gus Edwards. Its subject is of a mature couple looking back sentimentally on their childhood together in primary school. The best known part of the song is its chorus: School days, school days: Dear old Golden Rule days: “Reading and ” riting … “School Days” has been recorded many times over the years.

Published 1907

Writer(s) Gus Edwards/Will D. Cobb

Language English

“School Days” is an American popular song written in 1907 by Will Cobb and Gus Edwards. Its subject is of a mature couple looking back sentimentally on their childhood together in primary school.

The best known part of the song is its chorus:

School days, school days

Dear old Golden Rule days

“Reading and “riting and “rithmetic

Taught to the tune of the hick”ry stick

You were my queen in calico

I was your bashful, barefoot beau

And you wrote on my slate, “I Love You, Joe”

When we were a couple o” kids

“Shots rang out, as shots are wont to do.”

An Indian walks into a bar with a shotgun in one hand and a bucket of buffalo manure in the other. He says to the waiter, “Me want coffee.””

The waiter said, `Sure chief, coming right up”

He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee, and the Indian drinks it down in one gulp, picks up the bucket of manure, throws it into the air, blasts it with the shotgun, then just walks out.

The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand and a bucket of manure in the other. He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter, `Me want coffee.”

The waiter says, “Whoa Tonto. We”re still cleaning up your mess from the last time you were here. What the heck was that all about, anyway?””

” `Me in training for government job. Come in, drink coffee, shoot the shit, then disappear for the rest of the day.””

AAKD (Add A Kid Disease)

(How about a new dog named Dramatic, we would then have 4 Dramatic Paws.)

…………….Ok I had a computer crash with a ton of (@$%^&*) stuff on it. I”m having flash backs all the time. One is below.


……………………JOKE ~~~~~ hit the fan

……A bartender was standing behind the bar passing out drinks to the crowd one evening. He looked over as the swinging doors were pushed open to leave a well dressed easterner into the bar. He made his way to the bartender. Sir might I inquiry where the fusillades are located. After thinking hard the man decided he meant the restroom. “Upstairs, then to the left, second door on the right he said quickly as he answered another call for a drink. It was a full house after all. The dude climbed the stairs without any trouble. Then wondered around lost for what felt like forever. He must have spent what felt like an hour. At last he said shit as that was what was on top of his mind anyway. He wondered into an empty room at last, and spied a knothole in the floor. He said under his breath shit one more time. I have to do it now. He slipped down his fancy pants then lined up above the hole in the floor. He cleaned up after he was done, and knowing that no one would ever know what he had done headed back downstairs with a smile on his face.

……He looked around in surprise as the bar was empty. Not one person was to be seen. Even the bartender was not to be seen. He know there was a crowd in the place when he first came into the place.

……Then as he stood there wondering what had happened the bartender rose up from behind the bar slowly with a frown on his face and a brown stained face as well. He looked over the clean looking man for awhile.

……”Where were you Mr. spick and span when the shit hit the fan?”

……I always wondered where that statement came from!

.déjà vu” means, literally, “already seen.

Room 224 A tv show is all I found not one clue about why it is in my mind.

O Lord buy me a Mercedes Bends My mind is wondering again. I think my blood count has hit a new low good by for now.

….The below is my note pad of actors in my story~~ If you see names you have read before it means you have been reading the same stories I do. I admit I use names from stories I like.~~~~~~

DuBois, pronounced DoBoy, Calvin, Dick, Rod, Hal, Freddy, Bix, Mack, Steven, Tyler, Dwayne, Victor, Vincent, Shawn, Porter-Stevens, Stevens, Pieter”s, Steve, Steven, , Joe, Mel, Rich, Rod, Roy, Steve, Harry, Charles, Eliot, Lawrence, Red, Page, Larry, Alex, Les, Kirk, Sammy, Mark, Lucy pre-teen, lady Terry, Brad Sterling. Stan Sterling, Paul Shoemaker, Peter Shoemaker, James Shoemaker, James Pierce newsman, James Billy Pierce son , Pope Jeremy, Mike cameraman, Ted Shoemaker uncle, Jessie doctor mind reader, grandfather Nil”s butler, Lot native, Sin doctor native, Josh troubled boy, Oprah Winfreg entertainer, Rosie O”Donnell entertainer, Judy Sanders friend C-5 Galaxy, Pete rape boy, Mother Mary, father Gerry, oldest 19 son S 15 Terry, son bisexual 12 Gerry II, son G Samuel, son bisexual Joe, son G Neal, raped son G Ron lover Pete, Erik rescued boy, Pat”s 3 sons Richard, Ross, Brian, Billy / GUN, Vincent trombone, Carl, father to Tom, Elroy brother of Tom, Gerry radio man, Nick fool, Frank Shoemaker Samuels brother, Jeff Bear, Billy Bear Jon”s companions. Bob, Lee, Jim, Cole, Guards for Jon Dean & Tony, Tyler English, Victor Shoemaker Pair, Eric Shoemaker father, Charles and Steve farmers Rich-Richard Maude mother of five boys One of my maiden aunts name she would shit, Jerald husband not a father, Evens son, Triplets Bobby, Larry boss home, Jack, Bobby, and Henry, Andy, Kirk, Susan, Boo Booth, Marcus Ford, Grace, Steph, Justin, Vincent sons, Hartland family, Kennard, Alan, Chase, Tanner and Robert, Katy mother, Jane Dot short for Dorothy, Jane, Joey Lawrence, Matthew Lawrence, Andrew Lawrence, Karl Beth, Thomas Skylar, Roger, Phil, Bruce, Randy, Roy, Steve, Harry Jones Tyler, May Jones, Tyler, Marc, with a c, Steven Buddy Andy, Victor, Gilbert, Curtis, Vince, Tim, Ralph, Marc with a C, Buddy, Steven, Larry, Joey Billy Gillman, June, Miss Archer Andy Jimmie Nancy Gilbert, Curtis, Vince, Jives, Guy, Karl, Steven, Thomas, Ralph Jives Sara Guy DR Karl Steven Thomas. Mike, Lady Iris, Judge Johan Elisabeth Harris, George Scotty, Duke, Charley Brown, Bobbie, Ollie,

………………………………………..By: JCW

………………………………………..Story: Jon & his boys


It takes forever to open the $%^&* e-male so I don”t look at it often.

Death in a Small Town

Five Boys Alone

Poor Boy

The Computer

Three Song Birds


OK the above are some stand alone stories I have wrote

NEW E-MALE add …… hoo

it comes on faster then the old one THEY do put a lot of Spam on the inbox.

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